In (A), SCC9 cells were maintained in the recording buffer at pH 7.15 for steady state extracellular pH and incubated with Lysosensor Yellow/Blue dextran +/− rLOX-PP-Atto647 and/or EIPA or bafilomycin A for 3 hours. Images were obtained by confocal microscopy with a 20x objective and Lysosensor Yellow/Blue dextran emission was collected in 470 +/− 20, 490 +/−10 and 525 +/− 25 nm band ranges. 470 +/− 20 and 525 +/− 25 nm were artificially colored as blue and red consecutively. 470 +/− 20 (blue) and 525 +/− 25 (red) emission ratios were compared with the calibration curve. 675 nm and higher rLOX-PP-Atto647N emission was collected and artificially colored as magenta. (Artificially magenta colored emission integral of rLOX-PP-Atto647N was collected to avoid overlap between Yellow/Blue dextran 10,000 and rLOX-PP-Atto647N emission in rLOX-PP-Atto647N treated samples). In rLOX-PP-Atto647N treated cells, the merged image on the right side shows that rLOX-PP-Atto647N and Lysosensor Yellow/Blue dextran 10,000 MW co-localize. Images show endosomal pH (pH endo) measurements which change as a function of either rLOX-PP-Atto647N bafilomycin A1, EIPA and combinations in SCC9 cells ((images were collected with EC-Plan Neofluar 40x/1.30 oil DIC M27 objective). The excitation wavelength was 740 nm (two photon), and emission was detected in 4 channels: 470/20, 490/10 and 525/25 nm for Lysosensor Yellow/Blue dextran 10,000 MW, and 669/25 nm for rLOX-PP-Atto647N.
In (B), SCC9 cells were treated with either both rLOX-PP-Atto647N and EIPA or bafilomycin A1 and EIPA to assess whether rLOX-PP-Atto647N or bafilomycin A1 can reverse the endosomal pH drop caused by EIPA treatment.