microRNA-like small RNAs are present in Neurospora with at least four different biogenesis mechanisms: (a) Dicer, QDE-2 and QIP-dependent milRNA-1; (b) Dicer-dependent milR-3; (c) Partial Dicer-dependent milR-4; (d) Dicer-independent, Argonaute QDE-2-dependent milR-2. As in aminals and plants, miRNA mediated RNAi pathway may be present in Neurospora, which is here exemplified by milRNA-1. milRNA-1 is first processed from primary milRNA precursor by Dicers into pre-milRNAs, which are further processed into mature milRNA-1s by QDE-2 and QIP. MRPL3 may involve both the pre- and mature milRNA-1 production. milRNA-1 can regulate gene expression and silence the complementary targets, probably via the similar mi-RISC-like complex as that in aminals and plants, with the Argaunote QDE-2 as the core component. Another novel RNAi pathway present in Neurospora could be the (e) Dicer-independent disiRNA pathway. disiRNAs are a novel class of QDE-2 associated small RNAs probably produced from dsRNAs, but their biogenesis do not dependent any known RNAi components.