Observation of negative vs. neutral images elicited response in 32 voxels in PAG, 57 voxels in HYPO, 255 voxels in left AMYG, 251 voxels in right AMYG, 140 voxels in left HIPP, 126 voxels in right HIPP, 2015 voxels in left mPFC, 120 voxels in right mPFC, 111 voxels in left OFC, 184 voxels in right OFC (1A). These regions of interest are the outputs of intersection analysis (in MarsBaR) between (1) FWE-corrected BOLD response in all the 99 participants to negative > neutral contrast, and (2) anatomically-defined masks for the circuitry activated by negative affective stimuli (PAG, AMYG, HIPP, HYPO, ACC, mPFC, OFC, anterior insula). Observation of negative vs. neutral images increased AMYG – mPFC connectivity (1B).