Figure 3.
X-band (9.37 GHz) continuous-wave EPR of 2 in solution (top) and suspended powder (middle) with simulations (red) collected at 20 K with 100 kHz field modulation (4 G modulation amplitude). The solution exhibits an axial EPR and is simulated by the following parameters: g = [g1, g2, g3] = [2.35, 1.973, 1.965]; A(55Mn) = [A1, A2, A3] = [300, 74, 202] MHz; EPR lw = [250, 85, 85] MHz. The suspended powder (slurry) exhibits very anisotropic EPR linewidths of the three conical g-values. An EPR simulation with isotropic linewidths (25 MHz) is shown (bottom) as a visual aid to the reader to identify the A3 hyperfine features (dashed lines).