Jurisdiction | No. Aged 0–9 Years in 2010 Census | No. Articles or Reports Included | No. Children Measured Aged 2–10 Years Since 2000 | No. With Proportional Weighting |
Alaska | 104 883 | 3 | 137 040.0 | 594.7 |
American Samoa | 13 146 | 5 | 11 429.3 | 73.8 |
Chuuk | 11 733 | 1a | 800 | 66.8 |
CNMI | 9440 | 2 | 753.0 | 53.0 |
Contiguous US | 40 223 509 | 3 | 7312.2 | 228 474.6 |
Guam | 28 273 | 2 | 15 037.0 | 161.4 |
Hawaii | 170 768 | 10 | 55 197.5 | 970.5 |
Kosrae | 1587 | 1a | 812.0 | 9.2 |
Pohnpei | 8298 | 1a | 580.0 | 46.1 |
Yap | 11 376 | 2a | 1553.6 | 64.5 |
Sum | 40 583 013 | 27 | 230 514.6 | 230 514.6 |
Note. CNMI = Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; US = United States. The sample sizes were adjusted to be proportional to the jurisdiction census counts of children aged 10 years and younger and so that the total sample size equals the number of children across publications included in the model. The jurisdiction adjusted counts were divided into ages proportionally based on the observed counts.
Yap had a total of 2 data sources, of which one is a shared data source with Chuuk, Kosrae, and Pohnpei.