Figure 7. Repeated dosing of Ang-(1-7) does not affect bone remodeling of mice with established CIBP.
(A) Representative day 14 radiographs of chronically treated animals. (B) Day 14 images were scored by three blinded observers with the following scale: 0 – healthy bone, 1 – 1–3 lesions, 2 – 4–6 lesions, 3 – unicortical fracture, 4 – bicortical fractures. Both saline and Ang-(1-7)-treated cancerous animals experienced unicortical fractures. (C) Levels of carboxy-terminal collagen crosslinks (CTX) in the serum were quantified as another measure of bone remodeling. While cancer-inoculation significantly increased (p < 0.05) CTX levels in the bone compared to both media controls. Ang-(1-7) repeated administration did not significantly alter CTX levels compared to the 66.1, saline treated group.