Viable recruitment and intervention approaches Recruitment: A familial experience
So to recruit them, I think going through the spouse like through the women ‘cause they tend to pay attention more to like flyers or any way that they’re trying to be contacted. The women will be more perceptive the guys are kind of like just on their own just doing their things so if the spouse shows them like hey this is something you could do to manage their weight I think they’re a good entry point.
You could do TV commercials; they listen to the radio like on their way to work and stuff if you play commercial then too. Like they’ll watch the “novelas” (soap operas) like at night and they’ll listen to the radio whenever they go places.
I think somebody would get more information from actually seeing you talking to you, you handing him something rather than someone just sitting there watching TV while they just can, you know, they’re just going to change the channel.
Tailoring the information “make it for us”
Maybe more accessible, easy to understand information; put it into a context that we would understand. Like I’ve seen that show, Dr. Oz, and he talks about eating vegetables and stuff but he’s talking about throwing it into blenders and juicers and stuff like that and no one I know owns a juicer so like what’s the point?
If you’re trying to introduce something new to someone I think that it would be helpful if you could find a way to incorporate their culture into what you’re trying to tell them because they can easily deny what you’re saying if they’re not familiar with it but if you can find parallels in what you want to teach you can tailor the information if you want the people to be more receptive.
Intervention approaches Use of technology
Probably text messages. Just like, “How are things going?” You know? “Are you improving? Are you not improving?” . . . I think text messaging would be good to serve as reminders like whatever the plan is just to remind them ‘cause it would be like that voice in the back of their heads.
Some people appreciate that you know the phone calls where you eventually start to walk through a rapport with . . . for some people a phone call is helpful but there’s people who respond better to e-mails you know just a reminder.
I think it would be good to learn how to stay hydrated I don’t think a lot of us pay attention to our hydration and we confuse our dehydration with our hunger. It takes time to accept that I don’t know how to eat or that I don’t know what’s healthy for me . . . So you don’t really think about how much you’re drinking in a day unless you stop and think and count how many glasses you had. So for people who aren’t paying attention to what they are drinking, it might help them.
Cost! [An] expensive price tag and knowledge of how to use technology, computer access and cell phone access . . . Not sure how much it would cost. You know people, some people, may not want to spend more than 20 bucks . . . I still know some guys that don’t even had smartphones, they still have flip phones from a [low cost wireless provider] so. If they are unable to use it, what’s the point of having it?
Social support, competition, and familial involvement
If I was sitting in this room with 5 other Hispanic males you know I’m going to understand him better because I know where he’s coming from and vice versa. Rather than hearing advice from someone who is thin and in shape so this can happen it will be more like this has happened and this is how we fix it. Cause let’s say I was sitting here with someone who is 10 years older than me and says well 15 years ago I was diagnosed, here are some pictures of me, this is what I’ve done.
Most males are competitive. If they see one guy doing it they want to be better the second part is the support group is always good to have a buddy that is going to help you.
I think that if the other half is participating or encouraging for that person to be healthy and do stuff, that persons going to do it. Rather than if you’re with somebody who really doesn’t care what you do, then you’re not going to do it. So I think the significant other has a lot to do with whether or not you go the right way.