Figure 6. NGS analysis of HSV-specific HE off-target activity in vivo.
Graphical representation of the percent mutations detected at the enzyme target site (On) and off-target sites (Off) for the HSV-specific enzymes HSV1m8 (A) and HSV1m5 (B), as well as the nonviral enzyme NV1 (C). The numbers in each plot indicate the total percent reads with mutation. The analysis was performed using TG genomic DNA from mice of the experiment described in Figure 5 and Tables 3–4: mouse 1 (PBS), mouse 2 (NV1), mouse 5 (HSV1m5), and mouse 10 (HSV1m8). Statistical analysis was performed using χ2 test of proportions. *P ≤ 0.05 compared with PBS and ^P ≤ 0.05 compared with NV1.