FIGURE 3. Cangrelor Reduces Human Platelet Thrombus Formation in Avatar Mice.
(A to D) Time course of fluorescent platelets accumulating on laser-injured arterioles contained with the cremaster muscle of von Willebrand factorHA1 mice. Cangrelor (30-µg/kg bolus; 4-µg/kg/min infusion) or abciximab (0.25-µg/kg bolus; 0.125-µg/kg/min infusion) were administered intravenously after establishing baseline thrombus formation in the absence of drug. n = 15 (age 0 to 28 days); n = 10 (age 1 to 10 years); n = 8 (age 11 to 18 years); n = 15 for adults. (E) Maximal thrombus size pre- and post-administration of cangrelor in the same animal. Each symbol represents the area of a thrombus in 1 arteriole of an avatar mouse. (F) Percent change in thrombus size in response to cangrelor treatment based on data shown in E. See Online Video 2. Data represent mean ± SEM. ***p < 0.001 for drug versus no treatment according to the Mann-Whitney U test.