Figure 3.
Associations of human milk iron, copper, and zinc with maternal biomarkers stratified by maternal hemoglobin status during pregnancy and lactation on (Coefficients and SEs obtained from regression procedure displayed as bar graphs with error bars. P-values for comparisons of moderately or mildly anemic to non-anemic group, and comparison of moderately to mildly anemic group, using linear regression analysis. Anemia, state of anemia - moderately, mildly, or non-anemic - based on maternal hemoglobin status at indicated week postpartum (World Health Organization 2003). AnemiaPreg, state of anemia during pregnancy (moderately, mildly, or non-anemic based on maternal Hb during pregnancy, World Health Organization, 2003). BM – breast milk, CRP - C-reactive protein, AGP - α-1-acid glycoprotein, TfR - soluble transferrin receptors; n - number of samples (moderatly anemic/mildly anemic/non-anemic): 2wk anemia: 41/49/276; 2wk anemiaPreg: 91/106/169; 6wk anemia: 13/25/131; 6wk anemiaPreg: 35/53/81; 24wk anemia: 16/45/476; 24wk anemiaPreg: 126/160/251; Separate models were used for each time point and FTP and anemia status).