Knockdown of three novel genes (Sgpl1, Pex14, and Tex9) augment the antitumor immune response in multiple models of TNBC in an immune competent setting. a) and b) In vivo analysis of C57Bl/6 and Balb/c mice, respectively, engrafted with 2*106 EO771 or 104 4T1 cells, with scrambled shRNA or Sgpl1 shRNA integration. N = 10 mice per group for a) and b). c) and d) In vivo analysis of C57Bl/6 mice, engrafted with 2*106 EO771 cells, with scrambled shRNA, Pex14 shRNA (c), or Tex9 shRNA integration (d). N = 10 mice per group. Each panel is a representative survival and growth kinetics analysis (panel insert) from one animal study and was repeated at least once with equivalent results (3 times for EO771 C57Bl/6 studies, 2 times for 4T1 Balb/c studies). The dotted lines and circle markers indicate mice engrafted with cells expressing the shScramble, solid lines and square markers represent those mice engrafted with cells with the targeted gene shRNA knockdown.