(A) Thbd-deficient neonates found dead. Arrows indicate hemorrhagic lesions. (B) Photomicrograph of a flash-frozen section prepared from a day 15.5 embryo expressing the Meox2Cre-gene and the mT/mG recombinase reporter gene: red (mT) fluorescence indicates the nonrecombined reporter gene expressed in the placenta, green fluorescence indicates Cre-mediated activation of the mG reporter in the embryo proper, chorionic plate, and fetal blood vessels in the placenta, but lack thereof in all extraembryonic fetal trophoblast cells. (C–D) Immunohistochemical detection of Thbd antigen (brown staining; hematoxylin counter-stain) in the day 12 embryo and placenta of ThbdloxP mice (in panel C, Thbd is detected in the embryo and placenta) and Meox2Cre-ThbdloxP mice (in panel D, Thbd is present in the placenta, but not the embryo). Scale bars, 1 mm.