Table 4.
Estimates of Fixed Effects, Random Effects, and Goodness of Fit for Cubic Growth Models Using Group, SES, Parent Number Word Input, and Parent Other Word Input to Predict Intercept and Change in Children’s Point-to-X Performance (n = 91)
Unconditional model | Adding group, SES | Adding SES, number word input, other word input | |
Model 1 | Model 2 | Model 3 | |
Fixed Effects | |||
Intercept | 12.19*** (.27) | 12.71*** (.30) | 12.47*** (.31) |
Linear Change | .28*** (.03) | .32*** (.04) | .31*** (.04) |
Group | −1.00~ (.58) | −1.43** (.51) | |
Group × Age | −.13~ (.07) | −0.13~ (.07) | |
SES | .84*** (.25) | .52* (.23) | |
SES × Age | −.08** (.03) | −0.08** (.03) | |
Number word input | .01* (.01) | ||
Number word input × Age | .00005 (.001) | ||
Other word input | .0005** (.0002) | ||
Other word input × Age | .00001 (.00002) | ||
Random effects | |||
Level 2 | |||
Intercept | 5.78*** (2.40) | 4.82*** (2.20) | 3.95*** (1.99) |
Linear Change | 0.01 (.11) | .02 (.12) | .02 (.15) |
Goodness of fit −2 log likelihood | 1211.46 (4) | 1124.60 (4) | 1160.67 (4) |
Note. SES = socioeconomic status.
p < .10.
p < .05.
p < .01.
p < .001