Figure. Risk Calibration and Receiver Operating Characteristics for Scoring System.
A, Each dot represents a point value from 0 to 6 points. Point values are only shown up to 6 because no patients in the database had 7 points. The x-axis is the probable seizure risk based on the SLIM 6-variable RiskSLIM model. The y-axis is the actual observed risk, estimated as the fraction of patients with a given score who had seizures. The black line has a slope of 1 and intercept at the origin. Proximity to this line indicates goodness of fit and is used as a marker to look for bias. The number associated with each dot is the number of patients in the Critical Care EEG Research Consortium database with the associated number of points. B, Receiver operating characteristics curve for the RiskSLIM model with 95% CIs developed from bootstrapping from the full training set is represented by the dashed lines. The solid black line represents the null classifier. Area under the curve = 0.819.