Figure 6. Metabolic Responses to Adrenergic Stimulation in WT and ERRαγAd−/− Mice.
(A) Oxygen consumption (VO2) in WT and ERRαγAd−/− mice injected with PBS for 10 days, on the last day of injections.
(B) Core body temperature of WT and ERRαγAd−/− mice injected with PBS for 10 days, on the last day of injections.
(C) Average respiratory exchange ratio (RER) over 6 hr following a PBS or CL316,243 injection.
(D) VO2 in WT and ERRαγAd−/− mice injected with CL316,243 for 10 days, on the last day of injections.
(E) Core body temperature of WT and ERRαγAd−/− mice injected with CL316,243 for 10 days, on the last day of injections.
(F) Average VO2 over the day and night on the day after the last PBS or CL316,243 injection (day, 20–32 hr after last injection; night, 32–44 hr after the last injection).
(G) Acute VO2 response to norepinephrine (NE) in WT and ERRαγAd−/− mice that had been treated with PBS for 10 days.
(H) Acute VO2 response to NE in WT and ERRαγAd−/− mice that had been treated with CL316,243 for 10 days.
Male mice were born and raised at thermoneutrality (30°C), treated with PBS or CL316,243 for 10 days, and euthanized at 12–14 weeks of age. NE responses were tested 2 days after the last PBS or CL316,243 injection. Data are mean ± SEM (n = 5–10). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, WT vs. ERRαγAd−/− for each condition; #p < 0.05, ##p < 0.01 vs. WT PBS. ZT = zeitgeber time. Different mice were used for calorimetry and telemetry experiments. See also Figure S6.