Figure 4. Co-expression of MIR192/194 and hypo-methylation found in the promotor region of miRNA cluster MIR192-194-2.
(A) Heatmap showing the Pearson correlation coefficient (color key) between 15 consensus upregulated miRNA expressions based on validation data from this study (A i) and TCGA esophageal adenocarcinoma miRNA sequencing data (A ii). Dendrograms show the hierarchical clustering based on the complete linkage method and Euclidean pair-wise distance. Genomic region of cluster MIR192-194-2 shows DNA methylation probe peaks in the promoter region (<1 kb) in NE and BE samples (B i). Median methylation beta values were plotted for MIR192 and MIR194-2 (B ii). Significance was determined by Mann-Whitney test.