Fig. 9.
Altered action potentials of Scn2a KO excitatory neurons. Responses of neocortical pyramidal excitatory neurons and fast-spiking inhibitory neurons from Vgat-Venus/Scn2a+/+ (WT) mice (n = 19 pyramidal and 8 fast-spiking neurons, P7–8; n = 22 pyramidal and 11 fast-spiking neurons, P15–22) and Vgat-Venus/Scn2aKO/+ (KO/ + ) mice (n = 16 pyramidal and 11 fast-spiking neurons, P7–8; n = 22 pyramidal and 13 fast-spiking neurons, P15–22) to current injections. Representative action potential traces (a, e, h, k), peak amplitudes (b, f, i, l), half widths (c, g, j, m) and maximum rates of rise (d) were shown. b–g Peak amplitudes of P7–8 pyramidal cells are smaller in Scn2aKO/+ than in WT mice, while half widths of P7–8 and P15–22 pyramidal cells were broader in Scn2aKO/+ than in WT mice. Unpaired t-test, peak amplitudes, P7–8, t(33) = 6.0638, ***P = 0.0000008, P15–22, t(42) = 0.0791, P = 0.9373; half widths, P7–8, t(33) = −4.0342, ***P = 0.00031, P15–22, t(42) = −3.6442, *P = 0.0109. d Maximum rates of rise for action potential of P7–8 hippocampal pyramidal cells (n = 19 WT neurons, n = 11 KO/ + neurons) were lower in Scn2aKO/+ than in WT mice. Unpaired t-test, −120mV, t(28) = 7.3005, ***P = 0.00000006, −110mV, t(28) = 7.3572, ***P = 0.00000005, −100mV, t(28) = 7.3237, ***P = 0.00000006, −90mV, t(28) = 7.4814, ***P = 0.00000004, −80mV, t(28) = 7.6586, ***P = 0.00000002, −70mV, t(28) = 7.2738, ***P = 0.00000006, −60mV, t(28) = 7.8954, ***P = 0.00000001, −50mV, t(27) = 7.1199, ***P = 0.00000012. There were no significant differences between WT and Scn2aKO/+ fast-spiking neurons. Unpaired t-test, peak amplitudes, P7–8, t(17) = 0.8793, P = 0.3915, P15–22, t(22) = 2.0676, P = 0.0506; half widths, P7–8, t(17) = 0.0435, P = 0.9658, P15–22, t(22) = −0.8992, P = 0.3783. Details of the results and statistical tests are reported in Supplementary Tables 1 and 2. Black filled circles and gray filled circles represent WT and Scn2aKO/+ neurons, respectively. Data represent means ± SEM, *P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. Scale bars: (a, e, h, k) vertical 10 mV; horizontal 10 milliseconds