Figure 2. Propranolol at retrieval causes a sustained reduction of emotional memory enhancement.
a. Cued recall (% Hits) on Day 2 (upper panel) and Day 3 (lower panel) of emotional nouns (E, grey) and control nouns (C) for the Placebo (left column) and Propranolol (right column) groups. Drug manipulation prior to retrieval on Day 2 causes a significant reduction of E relative to C recall on Day 2, which is sustained on Day 3 in the absence of drug. b. Cued recall (% Hits) of emotional nouns minus subject-specific control noun recall on Day 2 and Day 3 for the placebo (left column) and Propranolol (right column) groups. c. Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure (BP, mmHg) before Placebo (left column) or Propranolol (right column) administration (0 minutes) and after 90 minutes. No baseline difference in systolic or diastolic BP is present between groups. The Propranolol group displays a significant reduction in systolic BP 90 minutes after application. Errorbars indicate s.e.m. ** = p<0.001 (two-tailed), * = p<0.05 (two-tailed), • = p<0.05 (one-tailed).