Teleomorph of Hypocrea rufa. a, b, f, g. Dry stromata (a. immature, downy; f. “albino” stroma; g. immature and mature). c–e, h. Fresh stromata (c. immature, nearly dry). i. Rehydrated stroma. j. Ostiole in section. k. Section of stroma with perithecia. l. Hairs on the surface of mature stroma. m. Stroma surface in face view. n. Subperithecial tissue in section. o, p. Ascospores (o. in cotton blue/lactic acid). q. Asci with ascospores. a, b, p. neotype Scleromyceti Sueciae 303; c, h. WU 24011; d, e, i–o, q. epitype WU 24013, f, g. WU 24015. Scale bars: a, b, g, i=0.3 mm. c, d, f=0.5 mm. e, h= 0.8 mm. j, l–n, q=10 μm, k=100 μm, o, p=5 μm