Teleomorph of Hypocrea pachypallida. a. Wet fresh stroma with unusual bright colour. b–j. Dry stromata (b, c. immature. e, f. effluent). k. Stroma surface with undifferentiated hyphae in face view. l, n. Rehydrated stromata (l. immature; n. mature). m, o. Stromata in 3% KOH after rehydration (m. immature; o. mature). p, q. Perithecium in section (p. in lactic acid; q. in 3% KOH). r. Cortical and subcortical tissue in section. s. Subperithecial tissue in section. t. Stroma base in section. u, v. Asci with ascospores in cotton blue/lactic acid. a, j. WU 29328. b, c, h, i, l–t. WU 29326. d, g. WU 29329. e, v. WU 29330. f, k, u. WU 29327. Scale bars: a, c, g, j, l–o=0.5 mm. b, h=0.2 mm. d, e=1.3 mm. f, i=1 mm. k, u, v=10 μm. p–s=20 μm. t=30 μm