Time-restricted feeding (TRF) is an emerging behavioral nutrition intervention that involves a daily cycle of feeding and fasting. In both animals and humans, TRF has pleiotropic health benefits that arise from multiple organ systems, yet the molecular basis of TRF-mediated benefits is not well understood. Here we subjected mice to isocaloric ad libitum feeding (ALF) or TRF of a Western diet and examined gene expression changes in samples taken from 22 organs and brain regions collected every 2h over a 24h period. We discovered that TRF profoundly impacts gene expression. Nearly 80% of all genes show differential expression or rhythmicity under TRF in at least one tissue. Functional annotation of these changes revealed tissue- and pathway-specific impacts of TRF. These findings and resources provide a critical foundation for future mechanistic studies, and will help to guide human time-restricted eating (TRE) interventions to treat various disease conditions with or without pharmacotherapies.
Keywords: Time-restricted feeding, circadian clock, feeding-fasting rhythms, metabolic syndrome, multi-tissue transcriptomics, hepatic metabolomics
Graphical Abstract
Deota et al. present a diurnal transcriptome atlas to map changes in response to time-restricted feeding (TRF) in 22 organs and brain regions. Under TRF, rhythmic gene expression increases across most tissues and 80% of all genes show differential expression or rhythmicity in at least one tissue. TRF induced feeding-fasting cycles lead to phase consolidation of anabolic and catabolic genes, improve metabolic flexibility and cause multi-tissue rewiring of nutrient metabolism.
Changing the quality or quantity of nutrient intake results in gene expression and functional changes that underlie observed health outcomes1–3. Decades of work attempting to understand the molecular bases of these interventions indicate a conserved role for the nutrient sensors mTOR, AMPK, Sirtuins and Insulin-IGF1 signaling in modulating responses2–4.
Despite the fact that nutrient and feeding interventions likely drive responses in multiple tissues and that the pleiotropic benefits might involve inter-tissue communication5–8, most omics studies in this area of research have focused on individual tissues9–17. Very few have investigated multi-tissue responses to such interventions18–21. Moreover, several studies have shown that time of day can impact interventions such as calorie restriction22–25. Thus, it is important to understanding the global effects of such interventions, taking time-of-day into account.
Time-restricted feeding/eating (TRF or TRE in humans) is a novel intervention in which nutrients are consumed within a consistent window of 8–10 hours each day, resulting in pleiotropic health benefits that involve different tissues. Importantly, benefits are observed even when caloric intake or the type of diet remains unchanged and qualitatively similar benefits are also observed in a number of human studies26–28. Benefits include improvements in glucoregulation, exercise capacity, endurance, motor coordination, sleep, blood pressure, liver triglycerides, plasma lipids, cardiac function, and gut health. Reductions in tumor growth, cancer risk, and the severity of neurodegenerative diseases have also been seen26–28. Toward a mechanistic understanding of these benefits, it has been shown that TRF affects diurnal fluctuations of the transcriptome (both timing and amplitude) in the Drosophila heart29, mouse liver30 and gut31, and human skeletal muscle32, with parallel changes in organ function. However, transcriptome changes in other organs have not been examined.
We assessed diurnal changes to the transcriptome in 22 tissues from mice subjected to ad-libitum feeding (ALF) or TRF (a total of 1035 samples passed QC). We use the term diurnal rather than circadian since animals were housed under a light:dark cycle. Circadian generally refers to evaluations performed under constant dark conditions and are important for circadian mechanistic studies, while diurnal expression profiles collected under light and darkness are considered closer to natural living condition under day:night cycle. We found that TRF affected the expression and/or rhythmicity of most genes (~80%), some in a tissue-specific manner. TRF increased the rhythmicity of gene expression across most tissues, and consolidated gene expression into two distinct phases associated with the fasting and feeding states. Finally, TRF induced the rhythmic expression of genes involved in major metabolic pathways across tissues and improved nutrient metabolism in the liver as assessed by metabolite analysis.
Generating a diurnal transcriptome atlas for multiple tissues in response to TRF in mice
To capture relatively early transcriptional changes associated with TRF while avoiding large transcriptional differences associated with disease states that emerge during long-term feeding experiments, we subjected mice to short-term ALF or TRF of an obesogenic diet. Twelve-week old C57BL/6J mice were fed an obesogenic diet ALF or TRF for 7 weeks, which is long enough to remove the confound of mice adapting to TRF in the first 2–3 weeks. The two groups consumed the same amount of food, but ALF mice exhibited weight gain, adiposity, and metabolic dysfunction, whereas TRF mice did not (Figures 1A and S1A–G). Mice were sacrificed every 2h over a 24h period (ZT-0, −2, −4, −6, −8, −10, −12, −14, −16, −18, −20, and −22, where the light is turned on and off at ZT-0 and ZT-12, respectively). Twenty-two brain regions and peripheral tissues were flash frozen within 1h of collection (Figure 1A). Poly A+ RNA-sequencing was performed using an Illumina platform and mapped to the Mus musculus mm10 UCSC genome annotation. Overall, 21,791 transcripts were detected in at least one tissue, of which 86.76% (18,907) were protein coding genes, 7.59% (1654) were long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), 4.57% (997) were short non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), 1% (217) were pseudogenes, and 0.07% (16) were TEC (to be experimentally confirmed) genes (Figure S1H and Table S1). Of these, ~70% (15,253) transcripts were ubiquitously expressed in all tissues, i.e., ubiquitously expressed genes (UEGs) (Figure S1H and Table S1).
To test sample integrity, we used principal component analysis (PCA) of 1035 transcriptomes from all ALF and TRF samples. We found that samples from similar tissues clustered together (Figures S1I–J), thus verifying sample integrity. To assess global impact of TRF on all transcripts, we took three approaches. First, we assessed overall transcript complexity and did not find a difference between ALF and TRF tissues (Figure S1K). Second, we performed PCA analyses of all samples from each tissue, revealing the greatest separation of ALF and TRF samples for the adrenal gland, brown adipose tissue (BAT), epididymal White Adipose Tissue (eWAT), and inguinal WAT (iWAT), as well as moderate separation for the stomach, duodenum, jejunum, heart, liver, muscle, and hypothalamus. No separation was seen for the ileum, Kidney Cortex (KIC), kidney medulla (KIM), lung, pancreas, and spleen, as well as the amygdala, arcuate, dentate gyrus (DG), dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH), and suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the brain (Figure S2). Third, we performed a uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) analysis of all expressed genes as a non-linear dimensionality reduction method to reveal the organization of gene clusters. In total, 27 gene clusters were identified with both overlapping and tissue-specific identity and function annotations via GO BP (Figure 1B and Table S2). Together, these unbiased clustering methods revealed that TRF resulted in tissue-specific effects and potential gene expression changes associated with gene clusters and/or specific pathways. Next, we explored the impact of TRF on differential gene expression and on diurnal patterns of expression (Figure S3A).
TRF affects differential gene expression in both tissue-specific and multi-organ manners
To identify gene expression changes that reflect both tissue-specific and multi-organ effects of TRF irrespective of time-of-day, we used UMAP gene clustering and over-representation analysis (ORA). UMAP involves organization of genes into specific clusters based on hierarchical density and unbiased identification of biological features in a large dataset of multiple samples. On the other hand, ORA involves the functional annotation of a group of genes identified as differentially expressed based on a predefined statistical threshold.
We considered all samples as replicates (n=12 timepoints × 2 biological replicates = 24 for each condition) and used edgeR33 to identify differentially expressed genes. At an expression threshold of logCPM>0 and FDR<0.05, we found that ~70% (15,430) of expressed genes, ~78.6% (14,868) of protein coding genes, and ~91% (13,902) of UEGs were differentially expressed (DE) in at least one tissue (Table S3).
We first used the UMAP gene clustering method in which DE genes in each tissue were annotated as “+1” or “−1” if up- or down-regulated in TRF, and then layered onto the UMAP projection obtained in Figure 1B. For most tissues, differences resulting from TRF showed distinct patterns in the UMAP projection (Figure 1C). Based on the extent of DE genes in UMAP and the directionality of changes (up- or down-regulated) within gene clusters, we identified three groups of tissues: 1) stomach, jejunum, muscle, and heart, 2) eWAT, iWAT, liver, and ileum, and 3) adrenal, hypothalamus, duodenum, and BAT. These UMAPs indicated that TRF might have opposite effects on the same gene cluster in different tissues. For example, TRF affects immune cell activation (Cluster 10) differently in eWAT and iWAT (see arrow in Figure 1C).
Next, we identified DE genes in each tissue. As seen in the PCA analysis (Figure S2), BAT, eWAT, and iWAT had the largest number of DE genes (34–46%). Liver, heart, muscle, hypothalamus, adrenal, stomach, duodenum, and jejunum exhibited an intermediate effect (15–30%). TRF had a very small impact on ileum, lung, pancreas, spleen, and kidney regions (1–7%). Finally, no significant DE genes were detected in a number of brain regions, namely the amygdala, arcuate, DG, DMH, and SCN (Table S3 and Figures 2A, 2B). Although no DE gene was shared among all tissues, genes upregulated by TRF in ≥ 9 tissues were Hspd1, Hspe1, Hsp90aa1, Hsp90ab1, P4ha1, Pabpc4, Acaca, Hmgcs2, Asns, Oas2, Cfd and Cyp2e1 (Figure 2C and Table S3). These genes are involved in protein folding and processing (Hspd1, Hspe1, Hsp90aa1, Hsp90ab1, P4ha1), RNA processing (Pabpc4), innate immune response (Oas2, Cfd), and metabolism (Acaca, Hmgcs2, Asns, Cyp2e1). Genes downregulated by TRF in ≥ 9 tissues were Lep, Nipsnap2, Adamts5, Npr3, Idh2, Eipr1, and Pla2g5 (Figure 2C and Table S3), which are involved in inflammation (Adamts5, Pla2g5), the vascular system (Npr3), intracellular vesicle transport (Nipsnap2, Eipr1), and metabolism (Lep, Idh2).
To identify TRF-mediated transcriptome changes that were shared across multiple tissues, we compared DE genes between each tissue. A total of 15,430 genes were DE in at least one tissue, but only 816 and 1335 genes were differentially up- or down-regulated, respectively, by TRF in ≥ 5 tissues. Functional annotation of these DE genes by the ORA method using Metascape34 revealed shared functional clusters. The top pathways upregulated by TRF were fatty acid catabolism, protein folding/processing in the endoplasmic reticulum, RNA processing, lysosome functions, and ribosomal biogenesis (Figure 2D). Conversely, the top pathways suppressed by TRF were oxidative stress response, activation of immune response, death receptor signaling, glycerolipid metabolism, and branched chain amino acid (BCAA) degradation (Figure 2D). ORA of DE genes enriched in ≥ 5 tissues under ALF or TRF led to a similar enrichment of KEGG pathways and GO BP terms (Figures S3B and S3C). Similarly, network analysis of these genes revealed that TRF downregulated pathways involved in GTPase signaling, actin cytoskeleton reorganization, and cell adhesion, whereas TRF upregulated pathways involved in complement cascade, RNA processing, and protein folding (Figure 2E). Interestingly, TRF induced BCAA catabolism genes in the eWAT but downregulated them in the liver, muscle, heart, BAT, and kidneys (Figure S3D). This is consistent with other studies showing that consumption of a high-fat diet increases BCAA catabolism in liver and muscle, but reduces it in eWAT35,36.
TRF induces rhythmicity in global gene expression and functional pathways
Feeding and fasting responses are known to interact with the molecular circadian clock to affect diurnal rhythms, phases of peak expression, and the amplitude of gene expression37–42. To determine the impact of TRF on the rhythmicity of gene expression across all tissues sampled, we used the Metacycle R package to identify transcripts with ~24h rhythms in expression levels43 under ALF and TRF conditions. Overall, ~36% of all genes (7906) were rhythmic under ALF in at least one tissue. This increased to ~62% of all genes (13,615) when mice were subjected to TRF (Figure 3A and Table S4). A total of ~65% of all genes (14,203) were rhythmic under ALF or TRF in at least one tissue. TRF increased the number of rhythmic transcripts in almost all tissues, with the spleen and SCN the only exceptions (Figures 3A and 4A). Overall, ~63% of all expressed genes (13,757) and ~70% of all protein coding genes (13,146) were differentially rhythmic (i.e., rhythmic under ALF or TRF but not both) in at least one tissue (Figures S5A–B), whereas ~76% of all expressed genes (16,567) and ~83% of all protein coding genes (15,736) were differentially expressed or differentially rhythmic in at least one tissue (Figure S5C). Interestingly, ~95% of UEGs (14,545) were differentially expressed or differentially rhythmic in at least one tissue under TRF, indicating that most of these gene expression and rhythmicity changes involved genes expressed across all tissues. This is similar to what is observed in baboons, where ~97% of UEGs are rhythmic in at least one tissue44.
In mammals, an obesogenic diet reduces the synchrony of rhythmic gene expression across tissues. This affects metabolism, resulting in adverse health outcomes45. To test the extent to which TRF affects synchrony across tissues, we compared peak phases of rhythmic gene expression. TRF led to more synchronized and shared rhythmic gene expression across tissues (Figures 3B and 4A). Under ALF, peak phases of rhythmic gene expression across tissues were not temporally synchronized. However, under TRF, peaks of rhythmic gene expression were concentrated in two distinct phases: ZT6–ZT10 and ZT18–ZT22 (Figure 3B). This was also observed when phases of rhythmic gene expression were evaluated in individual tissues (Figure S4). Functional network analysis of genes with peaks in rhythmic expression during fasting (ZT6–ZT10) in ≥ 5 tissues indicated that genes involved in cell cycle regulation, DNA repair, autophagy, and fatty acid catabolism were enriched under TRF, whereas genes involved in RNA processing were enriched in both ALF and TRF (Figure 3C). Similarly, during feeding (ZT18–ZT22) genes involved in chromatin regulation, transcription and RNA processing, and rRNA processing were enriched under TRF, whereas genes involved in ER stress response and protein folding were enriched in both ALF and TRF (Figure 3D).
Under ALF, genes that exhibited the most rhythmic patterns of expression in ≥ 18 tissues were circadian clock genes. Clock genes were similarly rhythmic under TRF, but so too were genes such as P4ha1, Calr, Fus, Hsp8, Zbtb40, and Wee1 (Figure 4B and Table S4). These genes are involved in protein folding (Calr, Hsp8, and P4ha1), RNA processing (Fus), DNA repair (Zbtb40) and cell cycle (Wee1), possibly indicating that these processes may be rhythmic in most tissues under TRF.
Similar to the DE analysis, functional annotation of rhythmic genes under ALF or TRF by ORA using the Metascape tool revealed both tissue-specific and multi-tissue functional clusters. Functional annotations common across ≥ 5 tissues revealed that pathways involved in circadian rhythms, protein folding/processing in the ER, and RNA processing were rhythmic under both ALF and TRF (Figure 4C). TRF induced additional rhythmicity for genes involved in autophagy, lipid metabolism, mitochondrial functions and cell cycle regulation (Figure 4C). In flies, each of these pathways is associated with benefits of TRF29,46. Similar results were obtained in a functional network analysis of genes rhythmic in ≥ 5 tissues (Figure 4D). Further, TRF led to the synchronization of peak phases of catabolic (autophagy, lipid oxidation, and ketone body metabolism) and anabolic (RNA processing, protein synthesis/folding, and lipid synthesis) cellular processes across several tissues, as assessed by Phase set enrichment analysis (PSEA)47 (Figures 5A–B and Table S5). Together, these results indicate that TRF promotes synchronized rhythms of gene expression across tissues, leading to the temporal compartmentalization of various catabolic and anabolic processes. Such compartmentalization is known to improve physiology48,49.
TRF affects gene expression in major metabolic organs
We next performed ORA on DE and rhythmic genes in each tissue to identify specific pathways that exhibit changes in gene expression, rhythmicity, or both (tissue-specific effects of TRF). In liver, TRF upregulated pathways involved in complement proteins, IGF1 signaling and protein glycosylation, and increased rhythmicity of genes involved in ketone body and one carbon metabolism, cholesterol and bile acid metabolism and VLDL particle assembly, while downregulating pathways involved in glucose metabolism (gluconeogenesis and the pentose phosphate pathway) and glycerolipid metabolism (Figure S6). In muscle, upregulated pathways were glucose metabolism (glycolysis and pyruvate metabolism), mitochondria organization and muscle regeneration; downregulated pathways were HIF-1, TNF and growth factor signaling (Figure S6). In eWAT, TRF upregulated pathways involved in glucose metabolism (glycolysis and pyruvate metabolism), fatty acid metabolism, BCAA catabolism, TCA cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, and mitochondria organization, while downregulating pathways involved in immune activation, cell cycle regulation, and inflammatory signaling (Figure S6). In the gut, TRF seemed to dampen inflammation by decreasing NF-kB, TLR, and IL-17 signaling in the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, while increasing the expression and rhythmicity of genes involved in glucose, lipid, and xenobiotic metabolism, as well as cell cycle regulation (Figure S6). In the heart, TRF: 1) improved mitochondria organization, NOS signaling, and glucose metabolism, 2) induced rhythmicity in pathways regulating cytoskeleton organization and muscle differentiation, and 3) inhibited TLR signaling, JNK signaling, and succinate metabolism (Figure S6). In the kidney cortex (KIC) and medulla (KIM), TRF improved rhythmicity in fatty acid catabolism, ketone body metabolism, and mitochondria organization, while suppressing xenobiotic and nucleotide metabolism, as well as JNK and Rho GTPase signaling (Figure S6). Finally, in BAT TRF increased rhythmicity in autophagy, adipogenesis, and thermogenesis, while decreasing cell cycle processes and TNF signaling (Figure S6). Together, these data indicate that TRF prevented HFD-induced physiological defects in multiple tissues.
TRF affects clock gene expression in a tissue-specific manner
The expression of several clock genes is modulated by feeding- or fasting-induced metabolic signaling38–42,50. To assess the impact of TRF on circadian clock genes, we analyzed changes in peak phase and amplitude of several core and ancillary clock genes. TRF affected the peak phase of expression for several core and ancillary clock genes in most tissues, namely Per1, Per2, Per3, Nr1d2, Ciart, Bhlhe40, Bhlhe41, Rorc, and Npas2 (Figures 6A–C and Table S6). TRF delayed the phase of Nfil3 expression in adrenal and adipose tissues (BAT, eWAT, and iWAT), but advanced the phase of Nfil3 expression in digestive tissues (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum). This indicates that individual clock genes are regulated in a tissue-specific manner (Figure S5D). TRF also increased the amplitude of several core clock genes (Per1, Per2, and Cry1) across most tissues, but decreased the amplitude of Cry2 expression in digestive tissues (Figure S5E). For the ancillary clock genes, Bhlhe40, Bhlhe41, and Npas2, TRF increased the amplitude of expression in adipose tissues (Figure S5E). Finally, several clock genes (Arntl, Cry1, Nr1d2, and Per1) were rhythmic only under TRF in many tissues (Figures S5D–E). These results indicate that ALF of an obesogenic diet dampens the rhythmicity of several clock genes, and that this rhythmicity is restored by TRF intervention.
TRF affects liver metabolism through both differential and rhythmic metabolites
To test the impact of TRF on metabolites, we focused on the liver. The liver is a critical metabolic hub, and thus exhibited some of the largest changes in clock gene expression amplitudes and phases. The liver was also among the top three tissues in exhibiting increased gene expression rhythmicity in response to TRF (Figure 3A). We performed a circadian metabolome analysis from the same liver samples used for the RNA sequencing analysis. PCA analysis showed distinct clustering of samples depending on the feeding paradigm (Figure 7A), indicating a robust change in the liver metabolome under TRF. TRF affected levels of ~32% (263) of all metabolites and increased the number of rhythmic metabolites from ~22% (179) in ALF to ~42% (343) in TRF. Peak phases of rhythmicity were also affected (Figure 7B and Table S7). We identified that the metabolites have only one peak phase between ZT16-ZT18 in ALF, while the metabolites in TRF peak at three phases - between ZT7-ZT11 (fasting), ZT13–14 (early feeding) and ZT16-ZT20 (late feeding). ORA using metabolites differentially enriched or rhythmic in ALF or TRF using the Metaboanalyst tool51 revealed that the pentose phosphate pathway, sphingolipid metabolism, and Vitamin B3/B6 metabolism were enriched in ALF, whereas amino-acid and glutathione metabolism pathways were enriched in TRF (Figure 7C).
The hepatic accumulation of lipids, specifically sn-1,2-DAGs, leads to insulin resistance52. While hepatic sn-1,2-DAGs were rhythmic under ALF, their levels were reduced and non-rhythmic under TRF (Figure 7D), potentially providing a molecular explanation for improved hepatic insulin sensitivity observed under TRF30. This result was also corroborated by examining the expression and rhythmicity of genes involved in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. Under TRF, feeding suppressed expression of the gluconeogenic gene, Fbp1, while inducing the expression of the glycolytic genes, Gck and Aldoc (Figure 7E). These changes in gene expression affected the levels and rhythmicity of several glycolytic/gluconeogenic metabolites, ultimately inducing rhythmicity in hepatic glucose levels (Figure 7F).
Transition from fasted to fed state is associated with a change in substrate utilization from fatty acids and ketone bodies to glucose. This is called metabolic flexibility, and obesity abrogates this switch48,49. Since we saw that TRF could potentially improve insulin sensitivity, we monitored the expression of genes involved in ketone and fatty acid metabolism to assess metabolic flexibility. Under TRF, the feeding phase was associated with a substantial increase in the expression and rhythmicity of genes involved in fatty acid uptake and synthesis in the gut (jejunum and ileum) and adipose tissues (eWAT and iWAT), while in the liver TRF blunted the overexpression of de novo lipogenic genes observed under ALF (Figure S7A). Because obesity is associated with a reduction in lipogenic adipocytes in eWAT53, an increase in the expression of lipogenic genes in eWAT under TRF may indicate better lipid storage and handling. Conversely, during the fasting phase levels of 3-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) were increased only in TRF (Figure S1E). TRF also increased the expression and rhythmicity of genes involved in autophagy and fatty acid oxidation in BAT, heart, liver, and muscle (Figures S7B–C). Together, these results indicate that TRF may augment the coupling between nutrient signaling and circadian clock dependent gene expression across multiple tissues, thus possibly improving metabolic flexibility and promoting health. These results are consistent with previous studies demonstrating improved rhythms in whole body respiratory exchange ratio (RER) under TRF30,54–56.
Despite the known pleiotropic benefits of nutrient interventions, a comprehensive survey of their impact on multiple peripheral tissues and brain regions during a 24h time period has rarely been studied. Here, we discovered that TRF, a form of intermittent fasting, changes the relative levels and/or daily rhythms in the expression of >80% of the protein coding genes in a tissue-specific manner. Even for genes within the same functional class, the direction of changes (up or down) could be tissue- or pathway-specific.
Although the clock genes were rhythmic under both ALF and TRF conditions, gene expression rhythmicity was much higher under TRF in most tissues (the only exceptions were SCN and spleen). Thus, we hypothesize that in most tissues gene expression rhythms are not driven solely by the circadian clock (clock-dependent), but instead systemic signals generated by feeding-fasting cycles in combination with endogenous clocks (clock-modulated) may play the dominant role in regulating gene expression rhythmicity in peripheral organs. A previous analysis of Bmal1 or Cry1/2 knockout mice under night-restricted feeding (NRF) of normal chow showed that only 20% of rhythmic genes in the liver were clock-dependent57. Our current data indicate that this effect may be true in other peripheral organs and under the western diet as well.
Recent studies have indicated that the duration and timing (day vs. night) of fasting, rather than the amount of calories or nutrient composition, may play a major role in imparting health benefits22,23,25. The timing of feeding-fasting cycles regulates the expression of several tissue-specific transcription factors, which in combination with clock proteins can drive rhythmic gene expression58,59. During ad-libitum feeding (ALF) of a HFD, such feeding-fasting cycles are absent since mice consume food throughout the 24h day-night cycle30,55,56,60–64. By contrast, we observed that sustained and consistent fasting duration during the TRF intervention consolidates gene expression into fasting and feeding phase peaks across all peripheral tissues. This may lead to the compartmentalization of catabolic and anabolic processes, and possibly promote metabolic flexibility.
Consumption of a high fat and high carbohydrate diet is associated with poor health outcomes, including reduced healthspan and lifespan65,66. Interestingly, several hallmarks of aging were reversed by TRF, resulting in reduced levels of inflammation, increased autophagy, improved RNA and protein homeostasis, and augmented metabolic flux. This is further supported by a recent paper suggesting that autophagy mediates intermittent TRF (iTRF)-dependent extension of lifespan and health benefits in flies46, and by other intervention studies involving extended fasting intervals across a range of model organisms22,25,67. In conclusion, the gene expression landscape we have defined for TRF will serve as an important resource to explain the effects of TRF on preclinical animal models of chronic metabolic disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer, thus providing justification for ongoing and future clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of TRF in the prevention and management of chronic diseases.
Limitations of the study
One of the major limitations of our study is that the transcriptome atlas was generated only from young, male mice. Future studies will be needed to understand how TRF dependent gene expression changes across tissues are affected by sex and age, especially since TRF is known to affect physiology in both age- and sex-dependent and -independent manner56. Moreover, our diurnal transcriptome atlas cannot distinguish between gene expression that is causal vs. consequential effect of TRF. It is also likely that increasing the sequencing depth further would have identified low expressed genes that are differentially affected by TRF. Furthermore, since our study utilized bulk RNA-seq data, cell type specific effects could not be discernable. For e.g., the effect of TRF on immune functions in eWAT and iWAT could be identified, but not the specific immune cell type driving this phenotype. Spatially resolved, single cell transcriptomic studies will be required to complement our TRF diurnal transcriptome atlas to pinpoint such cell type specific effects. Finally, since mice are nocturnal and we performed this study in the inbred C57BL/6J strain, many of the gene expression changes that we observed here may not completely translate to humans68. Additionally, since a few (not all) human TRE clinical trials show an inadvertent reduction in calorie intake28, gene expression changes in these participants would be indicative of both calorie- and time-restriction (CR + TRE), and may not be directly comparable with our mouse TRF atlas.
STAR methods
Lead contact
Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the lead contact, Satchidananda Panda (
Materials availability
This study did not generate new unique reagents.
Data and code availability
All the bulk RNA-seq data have been deposited at GEO and are publicly available as of the date of publication. Accession numbers are listed in the key resources table. Files containing TMM normalized counts, statistical analyses for differential and rhythmic gene expression, and liver metabolome counts and statistical analyses have been deposited at Mendeley data and are publicly available as of the date of publication. The DOI is listed in the key resources table.
This paper does not report original code.
All values used to generate the graphs of the paper can be found in the file Data S1 – Source Data. Any additional information required to reanalyze the data reported in this paper is available from the lead contact upon request.
Critical Commercial Assays | ||
Infinity Cholesterol assay kit | Thermo Scientific | #TR13421 |
Infinity Triglycerides assay kit | Thermo Scientific | #TR22421 |
Mouse Insulin ELISA kit | Crystal Chem | #90080 |
Mouse Leptin ELISA kit | Crystal Chem | #90030 |
Autokit 3-HB kit | Wako Diagnostics | #417-73501 |
Quant-iT™ RNA Assay Kit | Thermo Scientific | #Q33140 |
Quant-iT™ DNA Assay Kit | Thermo Scientific | #Q33120 |
TruSeq Stranded mRNA kit | Illumina | #20020595 |
Deposited Data | ||
Raw files for RNA sequencing | This paper | |
TMM normalized counts, statistical analyses for differential and rhythmic gene expression, and liver metabolome counts and statistical analyses | This paper | |
Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains | ||
C57BL/6J | The Jackson Laboratory | #000664 |
Software and Algorithms | ||
Prism 6.0 | GraphPad Software | |
R, v4.0.3 | R Development Core Team, 2022 | |
Rstudio, v1.3.1093 | Rstudio: Integrated Development for R, Boston, MA | |
FastQC, v0.11.5 | Babraham Bioinformatics, Cambridge, UK | |
STAR v2.5.3a | Dobin et al., 2013 | |
HOMER v4.10 | Heinz et al., 2010 | |
DESeq2 v1.24.0 | Love, Huber and Anders, 2014 | |
edgeR v3.26.7 | Robinson, McCarthy and Smyth, 2010; McCarthy, Chen and Smyth, 2012 | |
Network Analyst | Zhou et al., 2019a | |
Morpheus | Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA | |
uwot | McInnes, Healy and Melville, 2018 | |
ClusterProfiler | Yu et al., 2012 | |
Metacycle | Wu et al., 2016 | |
Metascape | Zhou et al., 2019b | |
WebGestaltR v0.3.1 | Liao et al., 2019 | |
PSEA | Zhang et al., 2016 | |
g:Profiler | Raudvere et al., 2019 | |
Metaboanalyst v5.0 | Pang et al., 2021 | |
Other | ||
Rodent Diet With 45 kcal% Fat | Research Diets, Inc. | D12451 |
Rodent regular chow diet | LabDiet | 5053 - PicoLab Rodent diet 20 extruded, #3002890–712 |
Animal, Diets and Experimental Details
10 weeks old male C57BL/6J mice were purchased from The Jackson Laboratory (stock #000664). The 45% western diet was purchased from Research Diets, Inc (D12451). The mice were housed around 18–21°C, with 40–60% humidity and were visually checked daily to verify animal health. All mice were entrained to 12h light: 12h dark cycle with normal chow food (LabDiet 5053 extruded, #3002890–712) available ad libitum for 2 weeks before being randomly assigned to ad libitum group (ALF) or time-restricted feeding group (TRF), with equal body weight at start in each group. The mice were group housed at 4–5 mice per cage. The TRF group had access to food for 9 hours during the dark active phase, from ZT13 to ZT22. TRF was continued for 7 weeks and food intake and body weight were monitored weekly. 2–3 mice per treatment group were sacrificed every 2 h over a 24 h period (ZT-0, −2, −4, −6, −8, −10, −12, −14, −16, −18, −20, and −22, where the light is turned on and off at ZT-0 and ZT-12, respectively). Twenty-two brain regions and peripheral tissues were collected and flash frozen within 1 h of dissection. All animal experiments were carried out in accordance with the guidelines and approved by the IACUC of the Salk Institute.
Serum Biochemistry
Triglycerides and total cholesterol were measured using Thermo Scientific Infinity Reagents (TR22421, TR13421). Insulin and leptin were quantified by ELISA (Crystal Chem #90080, #90030). β-Hydroxybutyrate was measured using Autokit 3-HB from Wako Diagnostics (Cat. No #417-73501).
RNA extraction
Total RNA was extracted from samples depending on the method standardized for that tissue. For some samples, RNA was isolated using the QIAGEN RNeasy kit as per manufacturer’s instructions. For the remaining samples, TRIzol™ Reagent (ThermoFisher Scientific) was used as per manufacturer’s instructions. For all tissues, small metal screw was added in the sample tube containing tissue homogenization buffer or TRIzol™,vortexed for 30 seconds at high speed, spun for 1 minute at max speed in a table top cold centrifuge and the supernatant used for RNA extraction. To improve phase separation during RNA extraction using TRIzol™ Reagent, 5PRIME Phase Lock Gel Heavy tubes (Quantabio) were used. RNA was quantified using Nanodrop 2000 (Thermo Scientific) or Quant-iT™ RNA Assay Kit (ThermoFisher Scientific) as per manufacturer’s instructions.
Library preparation and sequencing
Libraries were prepared using TruSeq Stranded mRNA kit (Illumina) as per manufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, 500 ng of total RNA was poly-A selected using beads, fragmented by metal-ion hydrolysis and converted into ds cDNA. For the brain regions - Amygdala, Arcuate, DG, DMH and SCN, 100 ng of total RNA was used for library preparation due to limiting material. The ds cDNA was end repaired, adenylated, ligated with TruSeq CD indexes (Illumina) or IDT for Illumina-TruSeq UD indexes (Illumina) and then amplified by 15 cycles of PCR. The libraries were quantified using Quant-iT™ dsDNA HS Assay Kit (ThermoFisher Scientific), pooled and sequenced at the NGS Core Facility of the Salk Institute or at Novogene Co.
Tissue | RNA extraction method | Sequencing platform | Sequencing depth |
Amygdala | TRIzol™, RNeasy kit | Illumina Novaseq 6000 | PE150 |
Arcuate | TRIzol™, RNeasy kit | Illumina Novaseq 6000 | PE150 |
DG | TRIzol™, RNeasy kit | Illumina Novaseq 6000 | PE150 |
DMH | TRIzol™, RNeasy kit | Illumina Novaseq 6000 | PE150 |
SCN | TRIzol™, RNeasy kit | Illumina Novaseq 6000 | PE150 |
Hypothalamus | TRIzol™, RNeasy kit | Illumina Novaseq 6000 | PE150 |
Stomach | Screw homogenization, TRIzol™ | Illumina Hiseq 2500, Novaseq 6000 | PE100, PE150 |
Duodenum | Screw homogenization, TRIzol™ | Illumina Hiseq 2500, Novaseq 6000 | PE100, PE150 |
Jejunum | Screw homogenization, TRIzol™ | Illumina Hiseq 2500, Novaseq 6000 | PE100, PE150 |
Ileum | Screw homogenization, TRIzol™ | Illumina Hiseq 2500, Novaseq 6000 | SE50, PE100, PE150 |
BAT | RNeasy kit | Illumina Hiseq 2500, Novaseq 6000 | PE100, PE150 |
eWAT | RNeasy kit | Illumina Hiseq 2500, Novaseq 6000 | PE100, PE150 |
iWAT | RNeasy kit | Illumina Hiseq 2500, Novaseq 6000 | PE100, PE150 |
KIC | Screw homogenization, TRIzol™ | Illumina Hiseq 2500, Novaseq 6000 | SE50, PE100 |
KIM | Screw homogenization, TRIzol™ | Illumina Hiseq 2500, Novaseq 6000 | SE50, PE100 |
Liver | RNeasy kit | Illumina Hiseq 2500, Novaseq 6000 | PE100, PE150 |
Lung | Screw homogenization, TRIzol™ | Illumina Novaseq 6000 | PE150 |
Heart | Screw homogenization, TRIzol™ | Illumina Hiseq 2500, Novaseq 6000 | PE100, PE150 |
Muscle | TRIzol™, RNeasy kit, DNase digestion on column | Illumina Hiseq 2500, Novaseq 6000 | PE100, PE150 |
Adrenal | Screw homogenization, TRIzol™ | Illumina Novaseq 6000 | PE150 |
Pancreas | Screw homogenization, TRIzol™ | Illumina Novaseq 6000 | PE150 |
Spleen | Screw homogenization, TRIzol™ | Illumina Novaseq 6000 | PE150 |
Read mapping and QC
Sequencing library read quality was assessed using FastQC, version 0.11.5 (Babraham Bioinformatics, Cambridge, UK). Libraries were mapped individually to the mm10 genome using STAR v2.5.3a69. Gene expression levels were quantified across all exons using HOMER v4.10 and the mm10 UCSC genome annotation70. Technical (re-sequencings) and biological replicates were mapped, aligned and quantified separately. Technical replicates were collapsed using DESeq2 v1.24.071 collapseReplicate function. Out of 1056 total samples (12 time-points X 2 independent animal replicates (biological replicates) X 2 treatment conditions X 22 tissues), 21 samples were found to be significantly divergent (outliers) and removed from downstream analysis (Table S1). On average, ~36M mapped reads were obtained per sample (Table S1).
Differential gene expression analysis
Differential gene expression analysis was carried out via edgeR v3.26.733,72. Differential expression results were corrected for multiple hypotheses testing using the Benjamini-Hochberg method73. A FDR significance threshold of adjusted p-value ≤0.05 and an expression cutoff of logCPM >0 was set. Principal component analysis (PCA) plots were generated using the online tool Network Analyst74. Heatmaps were generated from the TMM normalized counts using Morpheus (
UMAP dimensionality reduction and clustering
The TMM normalized count tables were row scaled by tissue before being merged into super table for UMAP dimensionality reduction using R package uwot75. Expression values from 21,717 genes from 1,035 samples were used as input to UMAP to generate 4 components. Dimensions 1 and 2 were used as inputs in hierarchical density-based spatial clustering by R package dbscan76 with minimum points per cluster equal to 100. Clusters were identified through GO over-representation analysis using R package ClusterProfiler77. To identify the larger cluster where the majority of genes are differentially expressed, genes within the largest cluster were sub-clustered and similarly identified. Differentially expressed genes were annotated “+1” and “−1” if upregulated or downregulated in TRF, and plotted on top of UMAP using R package ggplot2.
Rhythmic gene expression analysis
Statistical analysis of rhythmicity was performed on the TMM normalized counts for each tissue using the Metacycle R package43. Transcripts having the (combined JTK and LS) meta2d_BH.Q-value <0.05 were considered as statistically significant. Meta2d_AMP and meta2d_phase values were used to calculate amplitude and phase changes respectively.
Pathway annotation and network analysis
Functional annotation was performed using the online tool Metascape34 and WebGestaltR v0.3.178 against the gene ontology biological process (GO BP) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes & Genomes (KEGG) pathways databases. For differentially expressed genes, the background gene list was set to the total list of genes expressed in that tissue. Significance of over-representation was adjusted to control the false discovery rate by means of the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure. The statistical significance threshold for all functional annotation overrepresentation was adjust p-value < 0.05. Pathway and gene interaction networks were generated using Metascape.
Phase Set Enrichment Analysis (PSEA)
To identify the peak phases of annotated pathways, we used the PSEA software47. The mouse gene names were converted to human ortholog names using the online tool g:Profiler79. File containing the list of rhythmic human ortholog names and their JTK peak phase of expression was used as the input. The updated GO BP pathway annotation lists were downloaded from Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB). GO BP terms enriched with a q-value <0.05 were considered as significant.
Liver metabolite analysis
The same liver tissue samples used for RNA-seq analysis were sent to Metabolon for metabolite analysis80. Normalized metabolite counts from Metabolon were used for all analyses using the online tool Metaboanalyst51. Metabolite Set Enrichment Analysis (MSEA) function was used to quantify fold change and FDR for metabolites, and the Metacycle package was used to identify rhythmic metabolites. Metabolites with MSEA FDR<0.05 and Metacycle meta2d_BH.Q <0.05 were considered as significant, and used as the input list for pathway analysis. To identify the combined interaction effect between TRF intervention and time of day, a Time-series + one experimental factor analysis was performed using Metaboanalyst, and metabolites with adjusted p-value<0.05 were considered as significant.
Two-way Repeated Measures (RM) ANOVA (feeding treatment × time) followed by Sidak’s multiple comparisons test was used for time-series experiments. Unpaired two-tailed t test was used when analyzing the effect of the feeding treatment in 2 groups. Statistics were calculated using GraphPad Prism 6.0. Unless otherwise noted, throughout all figures, data are presented as mean ± SEM, with *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. The significance tests for ORA and rhythmicity analysis were calculated using the online tools Metascape, WebGestalt, Metaboanalyst, or the Metacycle, and PSEA apps as described above. No specific methods were used to determine whether the data met assumptions of the statistical approaches.
Supplementary Material
80% of genes are differentially expressed or rhythmic under TRF in at least one tissue
TRF decreases genes involved in inflammatory signaling and glycerolipid metabolism
TRF increases genes involved in RNA processing, protein folding and autophagy
TRF causes multi-tissue rewiring of BCAA, glucose and lipid metabolism
We thank Dr. Maxim Shokhirev and Dr. Michael Lam for advice on data analyses. We thank Carlos Rey Serra, Raghav Bhardwaj, Koorosh Askari, Brian Khov, Emily Liu, Allen Taing and Tiffany Le for help with animal tissue collection and processing. This work was supported by NIH grants CA258221, DK115214, and CA236352 (SP), the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance and the Joe and Clara Tsai Foundation (SP), NIH grant AG065993 (AC). The Next Generation Sequencing Core Facility and the Razavi Newman Integrative Genomics and Bioinformatics Core Facility of the Salk Institute are supported by funding from NIH-NCI CCSG: P30 014195, the Chapman Foundation and the Helmsley Charitable Trust.
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Declaration of interests
Affiliations are provided for all authors at the time the work was done. S.P. is a consultant for Hooke London and the author of The Circadian Code and The Circadian Diabetes Code.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
All the bulk RNA-seq data have been deposited at GEO and are publicly available as of the date of publication. Accession numbers are listed in the key resources table. Files containing TMM normalized counts, statistical analyses for differential and rhythmic gene expression, and liver metabolome counts and statistical analyses have been deposited at Mendeley data and are publicly available as of the date of publication. The DOI is listed in the key resources table.
This paper does not report original code.
All values used to generate the graphs of the paper can be found in the file Data S1 – Source Data. Any additional information required to reanalyze the data reported in this paper is available from the lead contact upon request.
Critical Commercial Assays | ||
Infinity Cholesterol assay kit | Thermo Scientific | #TR13421 |
Infinity Triglycerides assay kit | Thermo Scientific | #TR22421 |
Mouse Insulin ELISA kit | Crystal Chem | #90080 |
Mouse Leptin ELISA kit | Crystal Chem | #90030 |
Autokit 3-HB kit | Wako Diagnostics | #417-73501 |
Quant-iT™ RNA Assay Kit | Thermo Scientific | #Q33140 |
Quant-iT™ DNA Assay Kit | Thermo Scientific | #Q33120 |
TruSeq Stranded mRNA kit | Illumina | #20020595 |
Deposited Data | ||
Raw files for RNA sequencing | This paper | |
TMM normalized counts, statistical analyses for differential and rhythmic gene expression, and liver metabolome counts and statistical analyses | This paper | |
Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains | ||
C57BL/6J | The Jackson Laboratory | #000664 |
Software and Algorithms | ||
Prism 6.0 | GraphPad Software | |
R, v4.0.3 | R Development Core Team, 2022 | |
Rstudio, v1.3.1093 | Rstudio: Integrated Development for R, Boston, MA | |
FastQC, v0.11.5 | Babraham Bioinformatics, Cambridge, UK | |
STAR v2.5.3a | Dobin et al., 2013 | |
HOMER v4.10 | Heinz et al., 2010 | |
DESeq2 v1.24.0 | Love, Huber and Anders, 2014 | |
edgeR v3.26.7 | Robinson, McCarthy and Smyth, 2010; McCarthy, Chen and Smyth, 2012 | |
Network Analyst | Zhou et al., 2019a | |
Morpheus | Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA | |
uwot | McInnes, Healy and Melville, 2018 | |
ClusterProfiler | Yu et al., 2012 | |
Metacycle | Wu et al., 2016 | |
Metascape | Zhou et al., 2019b | |
WebGestaltR v0.3.1 | Liao et al., 2019 | |
PSEA | Zhang et al., 2016 | |
g:Profiler | Raudvere et al., 2019 | |
Metaboanalyst v5.0 | Pang et al., 2021 | |
Other | ||
Rodent Diet With 45 kcal% Fat | Research Diets, Inc. | D12451 |
Rodent regular chow diet | LabDiet | 5053 - PicoLab Rodent diet 20 extruded, #3002890–712 |