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. 2023 Mar 11;9(3):e14485. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e14485

Table 4.

Relationships of regions, solution, and effectiveness with pain levels.

Variable Minimal Pain
Low Pain Level
High Pain Level

N % N % N % Fisher's Exact p Cramer's V
Region .97 .989 .098
 Foot only 5 100.0a 24 72.7a 50 70.4 a
 Foot/leg 0 0.0a 4 12.1a 10 14.1 a
 Other regions 0 0.0a 5 15.2a 11 15.5 a
Solution 5.51* .064 .215
 Shoes only 14 87.5a 19 59.4a 55 77.5 a
 Shoe and/or sock 2 12.5a 13 40.6a 16 22.5 a
Shoe change 7.49 .015 .259
 No 2 12.5 ab 8 25.0b 4 5.6 a
 Yes 14 87.5 ab 24 75.0 b 67 94.4 a
Sock change 2.13* .344 .134
 No 9 56.3a 14 43.8a 42 59.2 a
 Yes 7 43.8a 18 56.3a 29 40.8 a
Effectiveness 7.42* .024 .249
 No 3 18.8a 17 51.5 ab 40 56.3 b
 Yes 13 81.3a 16 48.5 ab 31 43.7 b

Note. For each row category, the proportions with different superscripts differed significantly, p < .05. * chi-square test.