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. 2023 Mar 10;15(6):1358. doi: 10.3390/nu15061358

Table 1.

Basic characteristics of the included prospective and case–cohort studies by exposures reported.

First Author
Cohort Name Country Sample
Follow-up (Median, y) Dietary Assessment Exposure Assessment Outcome (n) Comparison Adjustments NOS Score
Prospective cohort studies
Yamasaki (2015) [53] JMS Japan 11,066 11.8 Self-administered, FFQ, 30-item, and validated Soy CVDs deaths (198) Almost daily vs. 1–2 times/week a and b 8
Yamasaki (2015) [53] JMS Japan 11,066 11.8 Self-administered, FFQ, 30-item, and validated Soy products CVDs deaths (217) Almost daily vs. 1–4 times per week a and b 8
Nagata (2016) [48] Takayama study Japan 29,079 16 Self-administered, FFQ-169, and validated Natto CVDs deaths (1678), stroke (677), and CHD (308) 7.3 vs. 0 g/d a, b, and c 9
Zhang (2003) [57] SWHS China 64,915 2.5 Interview, FFQ, and validated Total soy protein CHD (62) Q4 vs. Q1 ≥ 11.19 vs. <4.5 g/d a, b, and c 8
Yan (2021) [31] JACC Study Japan 21,925 5 Self-administered, FFQ-40, and validated Tofu T2D (593) Almost daily vs. <3 times/week a, b, and c 9
Yan (2021) [31] JACC Study Japan 21,925 5 Self-administered, FFQ-40, and validated Miso soup T2D (593) ≥3 bowls/day vs. <1 bowl/day a, b, and c 9
Woo (2020) [35] MR Cohort Korea 8269 6.18 Interview, FFQ-106, and validated Soy protein T2D (531) Q4 vs. Q1 a, b, and c 9
Wang-a (2021) [12] CKB study China 487,034 8.2 Interview, FFQ, and validated Soy CVDs deaths (12582), CHD (3764), and stroke (5916) ≥4 days per week vs. never or rarely a, b, and c 7
Wang-b (2021) [12] CKB study China 22,923 7.8 Interview, FFQ, and validated soy CVDs deaths (2860), CHD (1123), and stroke (1473) ≥4 days per week vs. never or rarely a, b, and c 7
Villegas (2008) [30] SWHS China 64,191 4.6 Interview, FFQ-77, and validated Soybeans T2D (1605) Q5 vs. Q1 32 vs. 2.8 g/d a, b, and c 9
Tatsumi (2013) [34] The Saku Study Japan 3039 4 Self-administered, FFQ, and non-validated soybean products T2D (204) ≥4 times/week vs. 0–1 time/week a, b, and c 7
Talaei (2014) [52] SCHS China 60,298 14.7 Interview, FFQ-165, and validated Tofu equivalents CVDs deaths (4780), CHD (2697), and stroke (1298) Q4 vs. Q1 197 vs. 42.8 g/d a, b, and c 9
Nozue (2020) [51] JPHC I, II Japan 79,648 13.3 Self-administered, FFQ-138, and validated Total soy products CVDs events (4427), stroke (3743), and CHD (684) Q4 vs. Q1 140.9 vs. 33.6 g/d a, b, and c 8
Nouri (2021) [50] ICS Iran 5432 13 Interview, FFQ-48, and validated Soybeans CVDs events (751) ≥1 times /week vs. <1 times/week a and b 7
Ma (2020) [13] NHS, NHSII, HPFS USA 210,700 / Self-administered, FFQ-130, and validated Tofu CHD events (8359) ≥1 serving/week vs. <1 serving/month a, b, and c 6
Ding (2016) [33] NHS, NHSII, HPFS USA 163,457 / Self-administered, FFQ-116, and validated Total soy food T2D (9185) ≥1 serving/week vs. non-consumer a, b, and c 6
Nanri (2010) [38] JPHC I, II Japan 59,791 10 Self-administered, FFQ-147, and validated Soy products T2D (1114) Q5 vs. Q1 ≥ 186 vs. 29 g/d a, b, and c 9
Yu (2015) [54] SWHS China 66,832 10 Interview, FFQ-77, and validated Total soy foods (dry weight) IS (3110) Q5 vs. Q1 33.5 vs. 6.6 g/d a, b, and c 9
Im (2021) [42] KGES Korea 4713 7.4 Interview, FFQ, and validated Total soy foods CVDs events (282) Q4 vs. Q1 18.03 vs. 5.27 servings/week a, b, and c 8
Katagiri (2019) [43] JPHC Japan 92,915 14.8 Self-administered, FFQ-138, and validated Total soy products CVDs deaths (3326) and stroke (1326) Q5 vs. Q1 178 vs. 37 g/d a, b, and c 9
Kobayashi (2019) [44] JPHC Japan 79,904 14.9 Self-administered, FFQ-138, and validated Soy dietary diversity CVDs deaths (2942) Q5 vs. Q1 3.5 vs. 1.1 of food items/day a, b, and c 9
Kokubo (2007) [45] JPHC I Japan 40,462 12.5 Self-administered, FFQ-44, and NA Soy stroke (1230) and MI (308) Highest vs. lowest ≥ 5 vs. 0–2 days/week a, b, and c 8
Konishi (2019) [36] Takayama study Japan 13,521 10 Self-administered, FFQ-169, and validated Total soy foods T2D (438) Q3 vs. Q1 141.2 vs. 50.7 g/d a, b, and c 8
Nguyen (2018) [49] NIP-PON DATA Japan 9244 24 Weigh and record all foods and beverages on 3 consecutive days Tofu stroke (417) Q4 vs. Q1 41.5 vs. 0.8 g/1000 kcal a, b, and c 8
Mueller (2011) [37] SCHS China 43,176 5.7 Interview, FFQ-165, and validated Unsweetened soy T2D (2252) ≥5/week vs. none a, b, and c 8
Case-control studies Baseline years a
Guo (2013) [40] ICS China 3547 1999.2–2003.3 Self-reported, FFQ-19, and validated Tofu CHD events (1312) >3 vs. <0.75 times/week a and b 6
Liang (2009) [46] / China 838 2007–2008 Interview, FFQ-125, and validated Total soy foods IS (374) ≥300 vs. <50 g a, b, and c 7
Okamoto (2006) [56] / Japan 411 1992.4–1997.3 Interview, FFQ, and NA Soy products SAH (201) Q4 vs. Q1 a and b 8
Fang (2006) [39] / USA 391 2000.9–2003.6 Interview, FFQ-49, and validated Soybean stroke (187) ≥3 vs. <3 times/week a 5
Ho (2006) [41] / China 32,462 1997.12–1999.01 Proxy report, FFQ, and NA Soy stroke (2160) and fatal IHD (2016) 4+/week vs. <1/mon a, b, and c 6
Sasazuki (2001) [55] FHS Japan 1846 1996.9–1998.9 Interview, FFQ-23, and NA Tofu AMI (632) 4+/week vs. <2/week a and b 8
Sasazuki (2001) [55] FHS Japan 1846 1996.9–1998.9 Interview, FFQ-23, and NA Miso soup AMI (632) 2+/week vs. <1/week b and c 8
Nguyen (2017) [32] / Vietnam 1198 2013.8–2015.10 Interview, FFQ-128, and validated Total soy foods T2D (599) >133.9 vs. = <44.1 g/d a, b, and c 7

Abbreviations: CVDs: cardiovascular diseases; CHD: coronary heart disease; IS: ischemic stroke; IHD: ischemic heart disease; SAH: subarachnoid hemorrhage; AMI: acute myocardial infarction; MI: myocardial infarction; T2D: type 2 diabetes; FFQ: Food Frequency Questionnaire; ICD: international classification of disease; JMS: Jichi Medical School Study; SWHS: Shanghai Women’s Health Study; JACC Study: Japan Collaborative Cohort Study for Evaluation of Cancer Risk; MR Cohort: Korean Multi-Rural Communities Cohort; CKB study: China Kadoorie Biobank study; SCHS: Singapore Chinese Health Study; JPHC: Japan Public Health Center-Based Study; JPHC I: Japan Public Health Center-Based Study Cohort I; JPHC I,II: Japan Public Health Center-Based Study Cohort I and Cohort II; ICS: Isfahan cohort study; NHS: Nurses’ Health Study; NHSII: Nurses’ Health Study II; HPFS: Health Professionals Follow-Up Study; KGES: Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study; NIP-PON DATA: National Integrated Project for Prospective Observation of Non-communicable Disease and its Trends in the Aged; ICS: INTERHEART China study; FHS: Fukuoka Heart Study; ADA: American Diabetes Association; WHO: World Health Organization; ECG: electrocardiogram; NA: not available; NOS: the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale; M: men; Mon: month; g: grams; g/d: grams/day; Q: quartile; y: years; Wang-a: individuals free of cardiovascular diseases at study baseline; and Wang-b: individuals with a history of cardiovascular diseases at study baseline. Degrees of adjustment for confounders were as follows: model a: sociodemographics, model b: risk factors for CVDs, and model c: dietary variables and other risk factors. a Baseline years were defined as included in the study analyzed.