Aging-related impairment of the blood brain barrier (BBB) and neurovascular unit (NVU) increases the risk for neurodegeneration. Among various cells that participate in BBB and NVU function, calcium signals in astrocytic endfeet are crucial for maintaining BBB and NVU integrity. To assess if aging is associated with altered calcium signals within astrocytic endfeet of the dorsolateral striatum (DLS), we expressed GCaMP6f in DLS astrocytes of young (3–4 months), middle-aged (12–15 months) and aging (20–30 months) mice. Compared to endfeet in young mice, DLS endfeet in aging mice demonstrated decreased calreticulin expression, and alterations to both spontaneous membrane-associated and mitochondrial calcium signals. While young mice required both extracellular and endoplasmic reticulum calcium sources for endfoot signals, middle-aged and aging mice showed heavy dependence on endoplasmic reticulum calcium. Thus, astrocytic endfeet show significant changes in calcium buffering and sources throughout the lifespan, which is important for understanding mechanisms by which aging impairs the BBB and NVU.
Subject terms: Parkinson's disease, Ageing
Advanced age is the single greatest risk factor for neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD)1, stroke2,3, and dementia4. A large body of evidence strongly suggests that aging-related impairment of the blood brain barrier (BBB) and neurovascular unit (NVU) potentiates and possibly triggers neurodegenerative processes in the brain5–12. Among the multiple brain regions prone to neurodegeneration, the striatum is particularly vulnerable to neurovascular dysfunction and neurodegeneration because of its rich vascular supply13. This notion is supported by reports showing a higher percentage of lacunar infarcts in the striatum compared to other brain regions14, increased propensity for accumulating toxic striatal protein aggregates15,16, and an increase in striatal BBB permeability during PD, AD, and stroke17–19. Furthermore, aging-related changes in the striatal BBB and NVU can lead to parkinsonian symptoms20, enlarged perivascular spaces21, and PD due to dopaminergic neuron loss22. Although these studies indicate that striatal BBB and NVU dysfunction are important contributing factors for various forms of neurodegeneration, little is known about the changes to BBB and NVU function that occur across the lifespan.
The BBB and NVU are comprised of distinct cellular elements, viz., neurons, endothelial cells, pericytes and astrocytes, each of which plays important and specific roles in neurovascular function23–26. Among these cell types, astrocytes are unique in that they simultaneously contact neurons and vasculature, thus enabling these cells to alter vascular structure and function in response to brain activity27–30. Astrocytes perform this vital function via spontaneous Ca2+ signals within endfeet that completely ensheathe capillaries31,32. Indeed, Ca2+ signals in astrocytic endfeet can alter vasoconstriction and dilation32,33, mediate vascular repair after injury34, regulate brain volume35, alter aging-related cognitive behavior via intracellular IP3R2-specific Ca2+ signals36, as well as maintain NVU coupling37. Thus, at a functional level, astrocytic endfoot Ca2+ signals govern critical aspects of BBB integrity and NVU function. It follows that aging-related changes in striatal astrocytic endfoot Ca2+ signals likely contribute to BBB and NVU dysfunction during neurodegeneration. Based on the strong body of evidence pointing to striatal vascular dysfunction in various aging-related neurodegenerative diseases as well as a central role for astrocytic endfoot Ca2+ signals in maintaining BBB integrity and NVU function, we asked if aging is associated with alterations in spontaneous astrocytic endfoot Ca2+ events within the dorsolateral striatum (DLS) of acutely extracted live brain slices from young, middle-aged, and aging mice.
We show that when compared to young mice, DLS brain slices of aging mice display dramatic alterations in the kinetics, dynamics, and sources of spontaneous membrane-associated Ca2+ events, as well as changes in Ca2+ influx into astrocytic endfoot mitochondria. These aging-related alterations in endfoot Ca2+ events are associated with significant reductions in the expression of a major endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ buffering protein, calreticulin (CALR) and astrocyte endfoot mitochondrial mass. Our findings have important implications for understanding how an aging-related reduction in CALR expression can alter astrocytic endfoot Ca2+ signals, eventually resulting in vascular dysfunction during aging and aging-related neurodegeneration.
Aging alters multiple parameters of spontaneous membrane-associated astrocytic endfoot Ca2+ events in the DLS
We sought to determine whether spontaneous endfoot Ca2+ signals in the DLS were altered across the lifespan. To measure spontaneous membrane-associated astrocytic endfoot Ca2+ events in the DLS, young, middle-aged, and aging mice were stereotaxically injected with an AAV expressing membrane localized GCaMP6f (Lck-GCaMP6f), driven by an astrocyte-specific GfaABC1D promoter (AAV2/5-GfaABC1D-Lck-GCaMP6f). Intraventricular administration of red fluorescent tomato lectin (TL) into the mouse heart prior to live brain slicing enabled visualization of blood vessels (BV) in the DLS (Fig. 1a) and Lck-GCaMP6f was used to visualize astrocytic endfoot Ca2+ events (Fig. 1b). Confocal imaging of live striatal brain slices co-labeled with TL in BVs and Lck-GCaMP6f in astrocytic endfeet revealed that young, middle-aged, and aging mice exhibited robust spontaneous endfoot Ca2+ events in ROIs immediately adjacent to TL labeled BVs in DLS brain slices (Fig. 1b and c; Supplemental movies 1–3).
No differences were detected for the three age groups in the number of endfoot Ca2+ ROIs (2.74 ± 0.34 ROIs per BV in young, 2.9 ± 0.44 ROIs per BV in middle-aged, and 2.2 ± 0.28 ROIs per BV in aging mice) (Fig. 1d). Conversely, middle-aged endfoot Ca2+ ROIs were 31% and 43% smaller than young or aging ROIs, respectively (ROI area = 41.9 ± 3.7 µm2 in young, 28.54 ± 4.1 µm2 in middle-aged, and 50.6 ± 5.15 µm2 in aging mice) (Fig. 1d). Next, we measured spontaneous kinetics (frequency, amplitude, and duration) of DLS astrocyte endfoot Ca2+ events in the three age groups. Young and middle-aged mice demonstrated an average endfoot Ca2+ event frequency of 1.3 events/min, which was 60% faster than the recorded 0.81 event/min in aging mice (Fig. 1e). Aging mice also showed a 73% increase in Ca2+ event amplitude and a 38% increase in event duration compared to both young and middle-aged mice (Fig. 1e). Together these data suggest that aging astrocyte endfeet have a limited capacity to initiate Ca2+ fluxes across cellular compartments, regulate the amount of Ca2+ fluxing, and reuptake Ca2+ once it has been mobilized.
In line with previous reports, endfoot Ca2+ events in all mice occurred as either static or expanding waves adjacent to TL BVs38,39 (Fig. 2a; Supplemental movies 1–3). For these expanding Ca2+ waves, the expansion velocity, distance traveled, area covered, and movement towards or away from the BV were analyzed. Compared to young mice, endfoot Ca2+ events in both middle-aged and aging mice showed a significant increase in expansion velocity (10.98 ± 1.45 µm/s in aging, 10.18 ± 2.05 µm/s in middle-aged, and 6.8 ± 0.93 µm/s in young mice) but no differences in the distance traveled or area covered (Fig. 2b). We next used AQuA to measure whether expanding Ca2+ events were moving towards or away from the BV (Fig. 2c, d; Supplemental movie 4). We found no change in the percentage of events moving towards or away from the BV across all age groups (Fig. 2e). Thus, these data indicate that aging-related changes to astrocyte endfoot expanding Ca2+ events are restricted to the velocity by which the Ca2+ events propagate along striatal BVs.
Altogether, these data demonstrate widespread age-induced limitations in Ca2+ event initiation, buffering, and propagation that likely begin in middle-aged mice and become more pronounced in advanced age.
Aging alters the dependence of astrocytic endfoot signals on extracellular Ca2+ versus ER Ca2+ stores
Since Ca2+ signals depend on both extracellular and intracellular Ca2+ stores, we utilized young, middle aged, and aging mice to determine if there were differences in the contribution of extracellular or intracellular Ca2+ sources that feed endfoot Ca2+ signals across the lifespan.
Extracellular and intracellular Ca2+ stores were sequentially depleted and astrocyte endfoot Ca2+ events were recorded. In young mice, depletion of extracellular Ca2+ with zero Ca2+ aCSF (Fig. 3a; Supplemental movie 1) caused a significant 21% decrease in Ca2+ event frequency with no effect on the amplitude or duration of the events (Fig. 3b). Middle-aged mice showed a significant decrease in event frequency and amplitude after depletion of extracellular Ca2+ but no change in duration (Fig. 3c; Supplemental movie 2). For aging mice, zero Ca2+ aCSF did not affect Ca2+ event frequency or amplitude with only a modest decrease in event duration (Fig. 3d; Supplemental movie 3).
ER Ca2+ stores were depleted with 20 µM CPA, a Ca2+-ATPase SERCA pump inhibitor, for 15 min (Fig. 4a). Ca2+ event frequency in young mice was not significantly reduced after incubation with 20 µM CPA (Fig. 4b; Supplemental movie 5); however, young mice showed an 81% decrease in event amplitude and a 47% decrease in event duration (Fig. 4b). Conversely, both middle-aged and aging mice showed significant 67% and 74%, respective decreases in endfoot Ca2+ events following exposure to CPA (Fig. 4c, d; Supplemental movies 6 and 7). Middle-aged mice exhibited a 67% decrease in event amplitude and a 56% decrease in event duration (Fig. 4c). Aging mice also demonstrated a 64% decrease in event amplitude but no change in the duration of Ca2+ events that persisted after CPA application (Fig. 4d).
These data show that in young and middle aged mice, DLS astrocytic endfeet rely on both extracellular and intracellular Ca2+ stores for generating and maintaining spontaneous Ca2+ events, but a shift to near exclusive reliance on intracellular ER Ca2+ stores occurs during advanced aging.
Aging mice demonstrate a significant reduction in the expression of CALR
Based on our findings that aging alters ER maintained spontaneous endfoot Ca2+ events (Figs 1, 2, 3, and 4), we hypothesized that aging could alter expression of the major ER-localized Ca2+ buffering protein calreticulin (CALR)40 To assess this possibility, young and aging striatal brain sections were co-immunostained for CALR and the astrocyte endfoot marker, aquaporin 4 (AQP4). In both young and aging mice, astrocytic AQP4 labeling clearly outlined BVs, while CALR staining appeared as punctate structures throughout AQP4 stained endfeet and into the surrounding neuropil (Fig. 5a). To rule out cross reactivity between CALR and AQP4 primary and secondary antibodies, a separate set of sections were stained with CALR or AQP4 only. The control staining was identical to co-stained sections suggesting that the antibodies were not co-reactive (Fig. 5b). When compared to young mice, aging mice showed a 13% reduction in CALR throughout the neuropil (Fig. 5c). In addition, CALR intensity was reduced by 18% in aging AQP4 positive BVs and the number of CALR puncta was decreased from 250.23 ± 17.61 in young mice to 147.28 ± 8.23 in aging mice (Fig. 5c).
We next sought to determine if the observed decrease in CALR intensity and puncta was specific to the DLS; thus, we quantified CALR in the cortex just adjacent to the DLS (Fig. 5a). Aging mice showed a similar reduction in cortical CALR intensity throughout the neuropil and corresponding AQP4 BV ROIs as seen in the DLS (Fig. 5d). However, the number of CALR puncta in each BV quantified was reduced by 52% from 286.3 ± 17.48 in young mice to 139.36 ± 12.73 in aging mice as compared to the 40% reduction observed in the aging DLS (Fig. 5d).
Together, these data show that aging causes a significant, widespread reduction in expression of the major Ca2+ buffer, CALR in the DLS and cortex.
Aging increases the frequency of spontaneous Ca2+ influx into endfoot mitochondria
We have previously shown that the ER serves as a major source for Ca2+ influx into astrocytic mitochondria in the DLS41. Thus, we rationalized that aging induced changes to endfoot Ca2+ dynamics and CALR expression would likely alter endfoot mitochondria number and function. We injected the DLS of young and aging mice with AAV5-GfaABC1D-mito7-eGFP (Fig. 6a) and stained striatal sections with AQP4 to quantify changes in the number of endfoot mitochondria (Fig. 6b). When compared to young mice, the number of mitochondria in AQP4 positive BVs (Fig. 6b) was reduced by 18%; from 54.45 ± 3.2 in young mice to 44.73 ± 3.56 in aging mice (Fig. 6c). Interestingly, we also observed a significant 80% decrease in AQP4 BV intensity in aging mice as compared to young mice (Fig. 6c) but no change in the total number of vessels present in the DLS (Fig. 6d, e).
Because the number of DLS astrocyte endfoot mitochondria was reduced in aging mice, we next sought to quantify endfoot mitochondria Ca2+ events in the DLS. Thus, young and aging mice were stereotaxically injected with a previously described construct, AAV2/5-GfaABC1D-mito7-GCaMP6f41, and confocal imaging was performed in live striatal brain slices from young and aging mice with TL as a marker for BVs (Fig. 7a, b). Endfoot mitochondria in young and aging mice displayed robust spontaneous Ca2+ influx events (Fig. 7b and c; Supplemental movies 8 and 9). However, when compared to young mice, aging mice showed a 41% decrease in the number of endfoot mitochondrial Ca2+ event ROIs and a very large ~ 116% increase in the size of ROIs (Fig. 7d).
There were also significant aging-related changes in the kinetics of mitochondrial Ca2+ influx events. When compared to young mice, aging mice demonstrated a dramatic 92% increase in the frequency of endfoot mitochondrial Ca2+ influx (Fig. 7e). For both young and aging mice, there were no significant alterations in the amplitude or duration of spontaneous mitochondrial Ca2+ influx events (Fig. 7e). Thus, aging-related increases in ER Ca2+ specifically caused dramatic increases in the area and frequency of Ca2+ influx in DLS endfoot mitochondria.
Ca2+ influx into endfoot mitochondria of the DLS depends on ER Ca2+ stores
Due to the observed increase in reliance on ER Ca2+ stores within aging astrocyte endfeet, and a significant aging-induced increase in the frequency of Ca2+ influx into endfoot mitochondria, we asked if ER Ca2+ stores are a primary source for Ca2+ influx into astrocytic endfoot mitochondria for both young and aging mice. To test this idea, we sequentially depleted extracellular Ca2+ with zero Ca2+ aCSF, followed by depletion of intracellular ER Ca2+ stores with 20 µM CPA in DLS slices. In each case, we measured the kinetics of Ca2+ influx into endfoot mitochondria within the DLS of young and aging mice. Extracellular Ca2+ depletion with zero Ca2+ aCSF did not alter the frequency, amplitude, or duration in young mice and caused only modest changes in endfoot mitochondrial Ca2+ influx in aging mice (Fig. 8; Supplemental movies 8 and 9). In contrast, depletion of ER Ca2+ stores with CPA resulted in a significant ~80% decrease in the frequency, amplitude, and duration of mitochondrial endfoot Ca2+ influx in young mice (Fig. 9b; Supplemental movie 10). In aging mice, we observed a significant 72% decrease in frequency, 63% decrease in amplitude, and 55% decrease in event duration (Fig. 9d; Supplemental movie 11). These data confirm that the ER is indeed a primary source for Ca2+ influx into astrocytic endfoot mitochondria for both young and aging mice.
It is well established that neurovascular impairment can initiate neurodegeneration and that aging is associated with changes in astrocytic Ca2+ homeostasis36,42,43,5–12. Though seemingly unrelated, these findings suggest that aging could alter Ca2+-mediated coupling of astrocyte endfeet and cerebral vasculature; thereby, leading to neurodegeneration. Here, we generated a protocol in acute mouse brain slices to measure spontaneous astrocyte endfoot Ca2+ signals adjacent to fluorescently labeled striatal blood vessels with subcellular resolution at multiple timepoints across the lifespan. The findings of this study identify alterations to spontaneous Ca2+ events in astrocyte endfeet of aging mice that are potentially pathological.
In this study, we quantified three parameters of Ca2+ signals, frequency, amplitude, and duration. These parameters respectively determine the number of events occurring, the relative amount of Ca2+ fluxing between cellular compartments, and the length of time Ca2+ is mobilized. We found that aging caused spontaneous endfoot Ca2+ events to become larger, longer-lasting, and propagate faster than those in young or middle-aged mice (Figs 1 and 2). Previously, Ronco et al. observed that hippocampal astrocytes isolated from 3xTg-AD mice exhibited abnormally large Ca2+ signals after treatment with amyloid beta oligomers; indicating that dysregulated Ca2+ mobilization is associated with hallmarks of neurodegenerative disease44. However, whether changes in astrocyte endfoot Ca2+ mobilization specifically contribute to neurovascular uncoupling remain to be explored. Additionally, the aging-induced effects on endfoot Ca2+ signals we report are likely localized to the endfoot compartment, as a study by Gómez-Gonzalo et al. showed that Ca2+ events in astrocyte soma are similarly responsive to neurotransmitter release in mice aged 5–20 months45.
We found that aging astrocyte endfeet in the DLS demonstrate a significant reduction in CALR (Fig. 5). ER-localized CALR plays critical roles in Ca2+ buffering, quality control for protein folding, and ER-mitochondria Ca2+ transfer46–48. Multiple reports have demonstrated that reduced CALR expression in aging neurons and glial cells begins in middle-age (12 months) and is associated with cognitive decline49,50, decreased ATP production51, changes to mitochondrial morphology51, and increased accumulation of misfolded proteins52. Moreover, a study by Biwer et al. demonstrated that conditional deletion of CALR from endothelial cells in aging mice increased the spatial spread of spontaneous endothelial Ca2+ signals and impaired Ca2+ mobilization47. Thus, we hypothesize that our observation of decreased CALR expression is upstream of the changes to spontaneous Ca2+ events in the cytosol and mitochondria of DLS astrocyte endfeet reported in Figs 1, 2, 4, and 6. As such, future studies to determine the extent to which decreased endfoot CALR expression and how its downstream effects potentiate neurodegeneration or BBB impairment are warranted.
Our finding that endfoot Ca2+ signals in aging mice rely heavily on ER Ca2+ stores (Fig. 4d) strongly suggests that the observed changes in membrane-associated Ca2+ signal kinetics reflect Ca2+ efflux from the ER into the cytosol of astrocytic endfeet. In this regard, our finding that endfoot Ca2+ signal frequency in aging mice does not decrease with exposure to zero calcium aCSF (Fig. 3d) implies minimal contribution of ion channels such as TRPA1 in astrocytes. Studies show that TRPA1 is expressed in the aging mouse brain53 and databases of the aging human brain clearly demonstrate TRPA1 expression54–56. In the context of these findings, it is important to note that the zero calcium aCSF used in our experiments (Figs 3, 8) would contain residual Ca2+, which is sufficient to result in Ca2+ signals via astrocytic ion channels. Despite this technical limitation, we observed a significant decrease in Ca2+ signals from young and middle-aged astrocyte endfeet.
The ER in astrocyte endfeet are morphologically and functionally coupled with mitochondria34,57, enabling mitochondria to sequester Ca2+ released from the ER. We found a significant decrease in the number of astrocyte endfoot mitochondria in the aging DLS (Fig. 6). Similarly, a study in the aging cerebral cortex showed a significant decrease in BV mitochondria58; however, BV mitochondria in the vascular-rich striatum have yet to be quantified. Conversely, a prior study in the aging striatum demonstrated an increase in mitochondrial fragmentation for neuronal processes, indicating an increase in mitochondrial mass59. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that changes in mitochondrial content are heterogeneous and likely depend not only on the type of brain cell being studied but also depend on the specific brain region that is being considered. Another downstream target of aging-related alterations in Ca2+ efflux from the ER of astrocytic endfeet are changes to mitochondrial Ca2+ signals. In line with this rationale, we showed aging-related increases in Ca2+ efflux from the ER were associated with increases to the frequency of Ca2+ influx events of endfoot mitochondria (Fig. 6d). Compromised endfoot mitochondrial function could have negative consequences on endfoot integrity and neurovascular function. In support of this idea, a recent study has shown that astrocyte-specific conditional deletion of mitofusin-2, an outer mitochondrial membrane GTPase involved in tethering mitochondria to ER results in increased fragmentation of endfoot mitochondria, alterations in mitochondrial Ca2+ flux frequency, and a significant loss of vascular repair after injury34.
Reduced CALR expression has been linked to the loss of motoneurons during amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)60, and physical and functional changes in the NVU have been established as an important contributor to neurodegenerative disorders such as AD and PD5–12. Thus, one downstream consequence of reduced CALR expression and altered Ca2+ signals in aging astrocytic endfeet may be the gradual loss of AQP4, which could lead to BBB impairment given the importance of normal AQP4 localization and function in maintaining BBB integrity61. Here, we report an age-related decrease in AQP4 expression for DLS astrocyte endfeet but surprisingly no difference in DLS BV density (Fig. 6). In line with our finding are studies showing no change in striatal BV density between young and aged mice62,63. However, numerous reports confirm decreased cortical BV density with aging64–66; indicating that BV density loss in the aging brain is likely region specific.
In summary, we show that aging-related abnormalities in spontaneous astrocyte endfoot cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ events are downstream of reduced CALR expression. This study does not address whether changes in Ca2+ signals and CALR/AQP4 expression in the aging endfoot are directly associated with BBB dysfunction. In particular, studies characterizing the relationship between ER stress, CALR expression, and changes to vascular permeability are justified. In support of this idea, reports show that ER stress is associated with vascular endothelial cell dysfunction67,68 and angiogenesis in the context of disease69. Therefore, because reduced CALR can increase ER stress60, it is possible that CALR-induced alterations in ER stress within the aging astrocyte endfoot can affect BBB integrity. Future work will focus on dissecting the relationship between CALR in astrocytic endfeet, ER stress, and BBB permeability.
Materials and methods
Male and female C57BL/6J mice (Jackson laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, USA) were used for all experiments. Young mice were 3–4 months of age, middle-aged mice were 12-15 months of age, and aging mice were 20–30 months of age. Mice were aged in-house in the animal vivarium. All experiments were conducted in compliance with all relevant ethical regulations for animal testing and research approved by the Texas A&M University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Food and water were provided ad libitum. All mice were maintained on a 12 h light-dark cycle.
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) injection into the DLS of mice
Young, middle-aged, and aging mice were deeply anesthetized using isoflurane dispensed from a SomnoSuite Low Flow Anesthesia System (Kent Scientific, Torrington, CT), and a craniotomy was performed as previously described41,70. AAVs were injected into the right DLS using a glass injection pipette, at a rate of 750 nl/min using a Harvard Apparatus Pump 11 Pico Plus Elite, 70-41506 (Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, MA). To image near membrane astrocyte endfoot Ca2+ events in young, middle-aged, and aging mice, 1 μl of AAV2/5-GfaABC1D-Lck-GCaMP6f (1013 genome copies/ml) (Addgene viral prep # 52924-AAV5) was injected into the DLS. In young, middle aged, and aging mice, astrocyte endfoot mitochondrial Ca2+ events were imaged by injecting 2 μl of AAV2/5-GfaABC1D-mito7-GCaMP6f (1013 genome copies/ml)41 into the DLS. Coordinates for stereotaxic injection were 0.8 mm rostral to bregma, 2 mm lateral to the midline and 2.4 mm ventral to the pial surface.
Confocal imaging of acute brain slices
Young, middle-aged, and aging mice were deeply anesthetized with isoflurane and the left ventricle was rapidly accessed. 200 μl of DyLight 594 labeled Lycopersicon esculentum lectin (tomato lectin, TL; DL-1177, Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA) was injected into the apex of the beating left ventricle. 1 min following TL injection into the left ventricle, the mouse was decapitated, the brain was extracted and then immediately blocked for obtaining live brain slices. 400 µm coronal striatal slices were cut using a Microslicer 01 N (Ted Pella) in a solution comprising 194 mM sucrose, 30 mM NaCl, 4.5 mM KCl, 1.2 mM NaH2PO4, 26 mM NaHCO3, 10 mM D-glucose, and 1 mM MgCl2 saturated with 95% O2 and 5% CO2. Live brain slices were incubated in artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) composed of 126 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM KCl, 1.24 mM NaH2PO4, 1.3 mM MgCl2, 2.4 mM CaCl2, 26 mM NaHCO3, 10 mM D-glucose at 33 °C for 30 min and then maintained at 23 °C in aCSF for the duration of the experiment.
Live mouse striatal brain slices were imaged with an Olympus FV1200 upright laser-scanning confocal microscope using a 40× water immersion objective lens (NA 0.8), and a digital zoom of 3. We used a 488 nm excitation wavelength at 10% of maximum intensity of a 100 mW Argon laser to record membrane-associated astrocyte endfoot and mitochondrial Ca2+ events. A 25 mW HeNe 594 nm excitation laser line at 10% of maximum intensity was used to visualize blood vessels (BVs) and localize astrocytic endfoot Ca2+ events in the DLS. Membrane-associated endfoot and mitochondrial Ca2+ events near TL-labeled BVs were identified as astrocytic endfoot Ca2+ events and imaged for 10 min at 1 frame per second. Imaging parameters (laser intensity, HV, gain, offset, aperture diameter) were maintained constant across all imaging sessions.
Imaging of Ca2+ events in astrocyte endfeet was performed by first imaging spontaneous Ca2+ events, followed by sequential depletion of extracellular Ca2+ and ER Ca2+ in the slice. To deplete extracellular Ca2+, spontaneous Ca2+ events were recorded for 5 min in bath perfused aCSF, followed by bath perfusion of zero Ca2+ aCSF, in which CaCl2 was omitted. To deplete ER Ca2+ stores, 20 µM cyclopiazonic acid (CPA, Abcam, Cambridge, MA, ab120300) was perfused into the bath for 15 min, after which Ca2+ events were recorded for 5 min from the same field of view.
Mice were deeply anesthetized with isoflurane and transcardially perfused with 1X PBS, followed by 10% formalin. Brains were extracted and stored in 10% formalin for 48 h at 4 °C then dehydrated in 30% sucrose in 1X PBS (Sigma, St Louis, MO, cat# S7903) for 48 h. A Microm HM 550 cryostat was used to cut 40 µm coronal sections of the striatum that were stored at 4 °C in 0.01% sodium azide (Sigma, cat# S2002) until the day of immunostaining. Sections were washed 3× in 1X PBS, then permeabilized and blocked in 0.5% Triton X-100 and 10% normal goat serum at room temperature for 45 min. To prevent cross reactivity, sections were sequentially stained with calreticulin (CALR) and aquaporin 4 (AQP4) primary and secondary antibodies. Sections were first incubated overnight at 4 °C in rabbit anti-CALR (1:500, ThermoFisher, Waltham, MA, cat# PA3900), washed twice in 1X PBS, then incubated in goat anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 594 (1:2000, Abcam, cat# ab150077) secondary antibody for 1 h at room temperature. After 3 washes in 1X PBS, sections were stained with rabbit anti-AQP4 1:5000 (Alomone, cat# AQP-004) overnight at 4 °C, followed by goat anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 488 (1:2000, Abcam, cat# ab150176) for 1 h at room temperature. For astrocyte mitochondria images, the right DLS of young and aging mice was injected with 400 nl of AAV2/5-GfaABC1D-mito7-eGFP (1013 genome copies/ml), three weeks later mice were perfused, and brains from young and aging mice were collected. 40 µm striatal sections were obtained and then stained with rabbit anti-AQP4 and goat anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 595. Following all staining, sections were mounted on glass slides and imaged using an FV1200 inverted confocal microscope equipped with a 60× oil immersion objective. Settings for laser power, high voltage (HV), gain, offset, and aperture diameter were maintained across all sessions.
For CALR images in the DLS and CTX, single plane images were aquired at 60× and 3× digital zoom using AQP4 staining to locate BVs. To analyze CALR intensity, ROIs were generated for the whole FOV using the rectangle tool or manually demarcated around AQP4 labeled BVs with the polygon tool using ImageJ. To count the number of CALR particles in an AQP4 labeled BV, images were manually thresholded and the Analyze Particles plugin on ImageJ was used with an ROI contraint of 0.01–1000 µm2. To quanitfy the number of DLS endfoot mitochondria, single plane images were aquired at 60× and 3× digital zoom using AQP4 staining to locate BVs. AQP4 ROIs were manually generated with the polygon tool in ImageJ, thresholded, and analyzed with the Analyze Particles plugin. AQP4 intensity was also quantified using the same AQP4 ROI. For AQP4 BV density imaging, z-stacks with a 1.30 µm step size were acquired at 20×. A z-projection was generated for each DLS image and AQP4 labeled BVs were manually counted.
Analysis of Ca2+ events in astrocytic endfeet
Membrane-associated and mitochondrial astrocytic endfoot Ca2+ events were identified as Ca2+ events occurring immediately adjacent to the abluminal side of TL-labeled DLS BVs. Regions of interest (ROIs) for endfoot Ca2+ events were generated as previously described, using the ImageJ plugin, GECIquant71. dF/F traces of GCaMP6f fluorescent signals were generated from the acquired ROIs and analyzed with Minianlysis 6.0.07 (Synaptosoft) to generate amplitude (dF/F), and duration (s) values for each trace. Frequency (events/min) was determined by manually counting the number of peaks associated with Ca2+ events that initiated at a specific ROI. Expanding Ca2+ waves coming from adjacent ROIs were visually identified and omitted from the ROI being used for determining event frequency.
For expanding endfoot Ca2+ waves, the velocity (µm/s), distance traveled (µm), and area (µm2) of membrane-associated astrocytic endfoot Ca2+ events were analyzed using ImageJ. All confocal movies for calculating expansion velocity were acquired at a frame rate of 1 frame/s. Expansion velocities were determined by counting the number of frames taken for Ca2+ events to attain maximum area within the astrocytic endfoot. The distance covered by expanding endfoot Ca2+ signals was determined by using the line tool on ImageJ to trace the maximum length attained by Ca2+ events along the corresponding BV. The area of propagating Ca2+ events were quantified using the polygon tool in ImageJ. Using the polygon tool, the total area covered by a propagating Ca2+ event along the BV was manually outlined from the final frame of the Ca2+ event. In the case of ROIs with multiple areas, the areas were averaged.
AQuA72 was used to determine directionality of expanding Ca2+ events. Prior to analysis videos were cropped to specifically encompass BVs, and BVs were rotated to the horizontal orientation. Videos were then loaded into AQuA using the default GCaMP-ex vivo-lck preset with a nominal spatial resolution of 0.21 µm/pixel and a temporal resolution of 1 frame per second. Two ROIs were then manually drawn to demarcate the area to be analyzed and to identify the BV as a landmark. The top of the FOV was assigned as north and this direction was maintained for each video. All parameters during the detection pipeline were adjusted to minimize the detection of noise for each video. Specific values for each parameter did not differ more than 5% from the software presets. During post processing, detected events smaller than 10 µm2 or that occurred more than 5 µm away from the BV ROI were excluded. An overall propagation score, defined as an arithmetic sum of 4 directions for each endfoot calcium event was generated using AQuA. Only events with an overall propagation score greater than 1 were determined to be expanding, while any event with a propagation score less than 1 was considered a static event and was excluded. For expanding events, we utilized a ratio of posterior to anterior propagation score as a method to determine overall directionality. For example, an event with a posterior/anterior value greater than 1 was determined to be moving towards the BV.
Sampling and statistics
In all graphs each datapoint represents a single DLS BV whereby all ROIs pertaining to that BV have been averaged. Statistics were performed using Origin 2022 (OriginLab, Northampton, MA). For statistical testing, datasets were first tested for normality. Non-normal datasets were subjected to either a Mann-Whitney or paired sample Wilcoxon signed rank test. A two-sample t test or paired sample t test was used to compare normally distributed datasets. p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Sample sizes, statistical tests used, and exact p values are reported in figures and figure legends.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Supplementary information
This work was partially funded by a National Institutes of Health (NIH) research grant, R01NS115809 to R.S., R01HL155618 to P.B. and an American Diabetes Association Junior Faculty Development Award, 1-19-JDF-111 to P.B.
Author contributions
S.M.Z. performed all experiments and analyses, created figures, and contributed to writing and editing the manuscript. T.E.H. created the tools and techniques to measure Ca2+ influx into mitochondria and contributed to editing the manuscript. P.B. designed and supervised experiments and associated analysis and contributed to editing the manuscript. R.S. conceptualized, designed, and coordinated the study, trained and supervised S.M.Z. and T.E.H., designed and supervised experiments, advised on figures, provided resources and funding, and wrote the manuscript with S.M.Z.
Data availability
The datasets generated and/or analyzed for this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Supplementary information
The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1038/s41514-023-00102-8.
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