Haberman RH, MacFarlane KA, Catron S, et al. Efficacy of guselkumab, a selective IL-23 inhibitor, in Preventing Arthritis in a Multicentre Psoriasis At-Risk cohort (PAMPA): protocol of a randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled multicentre trial. BMJ Open 2022;12:e063650. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063650
The authors want to alert the readers that a typographical error noticed in the abstract and Box 1, has now been corrected.
In the abstract, an end parenthesis “)” was added to separate the FDA acronym from the rest of the sentence.
In Box 1, slight change in wording of the two coprimary endpoints as well as adding two secondary endpoints to align with the PAMPA trial’s posting on clinicaltrial.gov.