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. 2022 Oct 5;62(12):2555–2567. doi: 10.1111/trf.17127


RDS‐adjusted proportions of HIV risk behaviors among HIV‐negative participants, by city, at baseline (n = 2008)

Montreal (n = 968) Toronto (n = 417) Vancouver (n = 623)
RDS% 95% CI RDS% 95% CI RDS% 95% CI
Sex partners (past 6 months)
Number of sex partners
5 or less 62.1 [56.3;67.7] 63.1 [55.0;70.8] 57.6 [50.3;64.7]
6 to 10 22.5 [17.7;27.8] 19.9 [13.9;27.0] 23.7 [17.9;30.3]
11 or more 15.5 [12.4;18.9] 17.0 [12.3;22.5] 18.7 [13.5;24.8]
Number of anal sex partners
5 or less 79.9 [75.3;84.0] 77.5 [70.9;83.2] 76.4 [69.8;82.2]
6 to 10 12.6 [9.1;16.7] 12.3 [7.9;17.8] 14.6 [9.9;20.4]
11 or more 7.5 [5.4;10.1] 10.3 [6.6;14.9] 9.0 [6.1;12.5]
Number of anal sex partners (alternate categories)
0 15.2 [10.4;21.1] 10.5 [5.7;17.1] 10.1 [6.2;15.1]
1 28.2 [23.1;33.8] 30.9 [22.1;40.7] 25.8 [18.6;34.0]
2 or more 56.5 [50.5;62.4] 58.6 [49.1;67.7] 64.1 [55.9;71.8]
One or more HIV+ sex partners 15.5 [11.2;20.6] 13.1 [9.0;18.1] 12.3 [8.9;16.3]
Sexual behavior (past 6 months)
Condomless anal sex at least once 58.3 [52.0;64.4] 58.2 [48.4;67.5] 66.6 [59.3;73.3]
High HIV risk sexual act a 19.6 [15.0; 24.8] 16.4 [11.8; 21.9] 23.2 [16.8; 30.5]
Substance use (past 6 months)
Chemsex b 19.3 [15.3;23.9] 16.4 [11.8;21.8] 21.8 [17.0;27.2]
Injection drug use (IDU) 3.7 [2.1;5.9] 3.1 [0.5;9.4] 1.1 [0.3;2.7]
HIRI‐MSM score c
11 to 20 33.5 [28.1;39.3] 28.6 [21.9;36.1] 39.8 [32.1;47.8]
21 or more 20.6 [16.7;24.9] 20.3 [14.9;26.5] 23.0 [17.1;29.7]
STBBI detected at baseline
C. trachomatis infection 2.6 [1.4;4.3] 2.4 [0.8;5.1] 4.9 [2.8.8]
N. gonorrhoeae infection 4.6 [2.7;7.2] 3.6 [1.5;7.0] 2.6 [1.2;4.8]
Recent/current syphilis infection d 0.7 [0.2;1.7] 0.1 [0.0;2.2] 3.2 [0.3;11.9]
PrEP use or HIV testing (past 6 months)
No PrEP use 92.6 [90.0; 94.7] 89.0 [84.3;92.8] 83.9 [79.2;88.0]
Not tested for HIV 50.1 [44.1;56.1] 49.7 [40.2;59.2] 45.4 [37.7;53.2]

Condomless anal sex while not on PrEP with a partner of unknown HIV status or of HIV+ status having a detectable or unknown viral load, at the last sexual relation with any of the last five sexual partners in the past 6 months.


Crystal methamphetamine, GHB (gammahydroxybutyrate), ecstasy/MDMA (3,4‐methylenedioxy‐methamphetamine), or ketamine consumption in the 2 h before or during sex with at least one of the last five partners participants reported having sex with in the past 6 months.


Possible score values ranged from 0–45, with participants scoring 0–10 points defined as having “low risk,” those scoring 11–20 points as “moderate risk” and those scoring 21 or more points as “high risk” for HIV seroconversion in the next 6 months. Refer to Data S1 for a detailed definition.


Reactive anti‐treponemal antibody test and rapid plasma reagin titer of 1/16+at baseline.