The effect of apigenin on the inflammation-related mRNA and protein levels of chondrocytes in the macrophage–chondrocyte coculture system. Relative quantities of inflammation-related genes are expressed as fold differences compared to the control. (A) p-p38/p38 protein level; (B) p-ERK/ERK protein level; (C) p-JNK/JNK protein level; (D) Representative Western blotting images of p-p38, p38, p-JNK, JNK, p-ERK, and ERK; (E) IL-1 mRNA level; (F) IL-6 mRNA level; (G) MMP13 mRNA level; (H) TNFα mRNA level. Data are the mean ± SD of the mean. * p < 0.05 versus normal group (N); ** p < 0.01 versus normal group (N); # p < 0.05 versus LPS group; ## p < 0.01 versus LPS group.