WSS measurement is challenging since it requires sensitive flow measurements at a distance close to the wall. The aim of this study is to develop an ultrasound imaging technique which combines vector flow imaging with an unsupervised data clustering approach that automatically detects the region close to the wall with optimally linear flow profile, to provide direct and robust WSS estimation. The proposed technique was evaluated in phantoms, mimicking normal and atherosclerotic vessels, and spatially registered Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) simulations. A relative error of 6.7% and 19.8% was obtained for peak systolic (WSSPS) and end diastolic (WSSED) WSS in the straight phantom, while in the stenotic phantom, a good similarity was found between measured and simulated WSS distribution, with a correlation coefficient, R, of 0.89 and 0.85 for WSSPS and WSSED, respectively. Moreover, the feasibility of the technique to detect pre-clinical atherosclerosis was tested in an atherosclerotic swine model. Six swines were fed atherogenic diet, while their left carotid artery was ligated in order to disturb flow patterns. Ligated arterial segments that were exposed to low WSSPS and WSS characterized by high frequency oscillations at baseline, developed either moderately or highly stenotic plaques (p<0.05). Finally, feasibility of the technique was demonstrated in normal and atherosclerotic human subjects. Atherosclerotic carotid arteries with low stenosis had lower WSSPS as compared to control subjects (p<0.01), while in one subject with high stenosis, elevated WSS was found on an arterial segment, which coincided with plaque rupture site, as determined through histological examination.
Keywords: Wall shear stress, carotid artery, atherosclerosis, plaque, vector flow imaging, pulse wave imaging, blood flow dynamics
Carotid artery disease is a chronic vascular disease characterized by the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, causing narrowing of the carotid artery lumen. Carotid artery disease often progresses without exhibiting any symptoms, and therefore goes unnoticed until it limits blood supply to the brain or creates an irregular surface or plaque rupture, from which particulate or thrombotic emboli may be released through the bloodstream to smaller vessels in the brain, causing an ischemic stroke[1][2].
Wall shear stress (WSS) is a vascular flow parameter which is considered to play a key role in atherosclerosis progression. WSS is the frictional force applied by the blood on the endothelial layer of the arterial wall, that is known to affect the organization and the inflammatory status of endothelial cells. High and unidirectional WSS aligns endothelial cells into the direction of blood flow, therefore exhibiting protective behavior against atherosclerosis[3][4]. On the contrary, arterial segments exposed to low and/or oscillatory WSS demonstrate a pro-inflammatory profile, resulting in a dysfunctional endothelium that is prone to atherosclerotic lesion development [5][3][6].
It has been indicated that after a plaque starts to develop, high WSS may contribute to unstable plaque characteristics [7]. In particular, studies in coronary and carotid plaques in humans and animal models in vivo have demonstrated that plaque regions exposed to elevated WSS correlate with ulcerations and inflammatory burden, as well with the development of a large necrotic core [8][9][7][10]. In addition, plaque rupture has been predominantly located at the upstream shoulder of a plaque, which is exposed to higher WSS values [8][11]. However, other studies have reported that low WSS may contribute to plaque vulnerability [12][13][14].
Several imaging methods have been proposed for WSS calculation, including pulse wave (PW) Doppler, intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), and phase contrast MRI (PC-MRI). In the case of PW Doppler, flow velocity measurement is performed at a single position at the center of the vessel, and the theoretical flow velocity profile is obtained, by assuming a parabolic flow distribution [15][16][17]. This method presents limitations, given that the assumption of parabolic flow is not often valid in pathological blood vessels [18]. Moreover, PW Doppler provides user-dependent flow velocity estimates, depending on the beam-to-flow angle. IVUS-based WSS imaging uses a miniaturized ultrasound transducer inserted inside the vessel via catheterization[19][20][21]. This technique measures the velocity profile along a cross-section of the vessel, and the fluid shear rate is obtained close to the wall, which yields a WSS estimate. Drawbacks of this technique involve its invasiveness, and errors in WSS calculation entailed by the presence of the catheter, given that it alters the original intravascular flow conditions.
PC-MRI is a non-invasive method that provides flow velocity measurements within the entire 3-D volume of the imaged vessel [22][15][21]. This approach, however, suffers from limited spatial resolution, therefore the actual flow velocity profile is not available at distances very close to the wall. In addition, PC-MRI offers limited temporal resolution of the flow velocity estimates.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approaches employ the governing equations of blood flow inside the blood vessel. This approach requires the 3-D geometry of the vessel, which is usually provided through computer tomography (CT), MRI scans or IVUS [23][24][25][26]. A simulation is carried out, which seeks the numerical solution of the governing equations with respect to the parameters of interest. A limitation of this technique is that it provides indirect WSS measurements that are dependent on the boundary conditions and simulation parameters defined by the user, which may significantly deviate from the in-vivo conditions. In addition, the motion of the arterial wall, and some complex flow phenomena are not accounted by CFD simulations. Finally, such techniques involve increased computational load.
Vector flow imaging (VFI) techniques such as cross-beam vector Doppler [27][28][29][30], speckle tracking based methods [31][32][33] and transverse oscillations [34][35][21] have enabled full-field-of view and angle independent estimation of 2-D flow vector field at high temporal and spatial resolutions, enabling thus more robust and direct measurement of WSS, without relying on parabolic flow assumptions. WSS estimation methods based on VFI imaging have been recently implemented [36][37][38][39][40] and have been employed to analyze the hemodynamic forces in normal and pathological carotid arteries in-vivo [38][39][37].
The majority of the aforementioned techniques derive the WSS as the gradient of flow velocity at a fixed distance proximal to the wall, multiplied by the blood viscosity. The validity of this approach is based upon the assumptions of linear flow profile close to the wall and zero flow velocity condition at the wall-lumen interface. However, those assumptions are often not valid, given that the flow velocity profile changes with respect to vessel’s geometry and the phase of the cardiac cycle, while also filtering the arterial wall motion may not be ideal, leading to non-zero flow velocity values at the arterial wall. Moreover, the position of the arterial walls changes throughout the cardiac cycle. Thus, using a fixed distance may introduce errors in WSS calculation. In addition, different blood flow imaging techniques, may not provide consistent resolution and sensitivity in blood flow measurements, resulting in different flow velocity gradients within a pre-determined fixed spatial window. As a result, it has been rather challenging to establish a standard technical basis for reliable WSS calculation. Due to the lack of a standardized imaging technique, studies have reported contradictory findings in the exact role of WSS in atherosclerosis progression and plaque vulnerability [7][12][41].
This paper introduces a novel technique which combines high frame rate VFI with an unsupervised data clustering approach that automatically detects the region close to the wall with optimally linear flow velocity profile, in order to provide direct and robust WSS estimation. In addition, the proposed algorithm utilizes an arterial wall displacement estimation method in order to track the position of the wall-lumen interface throughout the cardiac cycle. The accuracy of the proposed technique is evaluated through phantoms mimicking a straight and a stenotic vessel, along with spatially registered Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) simulations. Moreover, the feasibility of the developed WSS imaging modality to diagnose pre-clinical stages of atherosclerosis is demonstrated in an atherosclerotic swine model in-vivo. Finally, a pilot study is carried-out involving application of the method in non-pathological and atherosclerotic human carotid arteries.
II. Methods
A. Ultrasound acquisition setup
A Verasonics Vantage 256 research platform (Verasonics, Bothell, WA, USA) was used to drive an L7–4 Linear array transducer with 128 elements, center frequency 5 MHz and 50% Bandwidth (L7–4, ATL Ultrasound, Bothell, WA, USA). A 5-plane wave and a 3-plane wave compounding acquisition imaging sequences at transmit angles of (−2°,−1°,0°,1°,2°) and (−10°,0°,10°) were implemented for the phantom scans and in-vivo scans, respectively. The pulse repetition frequency was set at 8333–10000 Hz, depending on the depth of the imaged vessel in each case, resulting in an effective frame rate of 1900–2000 frames per second (fps) in the case of the phantom study, and 2770–3333 fps in the human study. A higher number of plane waves was employed in the phantom study to obtain improved quality of RF frames at the cost of temporal resolution, due to the limited flow velocity magnitude generated by the pump. Parameters involving the ultrasound acquisition setup are summarized in TABLE-I.
System | Verasonics Vantage 256 |
Transducer type | 128-element linear array |
Transmit frequency | 5MHz |
Element pitch | 0.298 mm |
Field of View | 35mm×37.88mm |
PRF | 8333–10000Hz |
RF sampling rate | 20MHz |
Pulse length | 2 cycles |
Acquisition duration | 1.2 s |
Transmit apodization | No apodization |
B. Wall displacement and vector flow imaging
Pulse Wave Imaging (PWI) combined with Vector Flow Imaging (VFI) was carried out, in order to obtain simultaneous maps of arterial wall displacements and vector flow field, as described in [42]. In the case of PWI post-processing, the received channel data for each transmission angle were beamformed using the Delay-and-Sum algorithm and were coherently summed, producing compounded RF frames. The axial and lateral resolutions of the resulting frames were 0.01848 mm and 0.298 mm, respectively. Estimation of axial wall displacements was performed using a 1-D cross-correlation sum-table method [43][44]. VFI was carried out similarly as in [42], where speckle tracking was used to track the 2-D motion of blood scatterers. The compounded RF signals were filtered using a singular value decomposition approach aiming to eliminate the slow motion of the arterial wall. The normalized cross correlation technique described in [45][42] was applied on the filtered RF frames, to estimate the 2-D vector of blood flow velocities. An axial kernel was shifted across the axial and lateral directions among consecutive filtered RF frames, using a kernel overlap of 1 axial sample (0.01848 mm), in order to estimate the 2-D inter-frame displacements of blood scatterers. The size of the kernel was set at 40 (0.7392 mm) axial samples in the case of the phantom study and 80 (1.4784 mm) for the in vivo study. To improve the precision of displacements, a 10:1 linear interpolation was performed between adjacent RF lines across the lateral direction [42]. The resulting inter-frame displacements were then normalized by the frame rate in order to obtain the axial and lateral flow velocity components. The resulting flow velocity components were averaged in temporal ensembles of 40 frames with 90% overlap. Finally, and estimates were spatially filtered using a 2-D median kernel of size 7×7.
C. Adaptive wall shear stress imaging methodology
The proposed methodology for Wall Shear Stress (WSS) calculation is depicted in Figure 1. Figure 1-A) illustrates a time frame of combined vector flow and pulse wave imaging (PWI) along the longitudinal axis of a vessel phantom. The flow velocity magnitude and axial wall velocities are color-coded with different colormaps and overlaid onto the B-mode, while the white arrows depict the direction of vector flow field at each point location. Figure 1-B) illustrates a magnified version of the region marked in orange rectangle in Figure 1-A), where is the flow velocity vector, and the unit vectors normal and tangent to the wall, respectively. Both and are calculated using the segmentation lines, which are obtained through manual wall segmentation on the ultrasound B-mode image. The position of the segmentation lines, as well as the unit vectors and are adjusted to the temporally varying position and orientation of the arterial walls throughout the cardiac cycle by using the PWI derived axial wall velocities. WSS can be estimated using the following formula:
(1) |
(2) |
Where is the fluid viscosity, stands for the shear rate at a distance close to the wall , r denotes the spatial position in the direction defined by the normal vector to the wall () and is the flow velocity component tangent to the wall, which can be derived as follows:
(3) |
Figure 1:
A) Time frame of combined vector flow and PWI imaging sequence in a straight vessel phantom, with the flow velocity magnitudes and axial wall velocities color-coded with different colormaps and overlaid onto the B-mode image. B) Magnified version of the region marked with orange rectangle in Figure 1-A). C) Velocity signal with respect to distance, r, at a given lateral position. D) Velocity signal in a 1.5 mm region, centered around the segmentation line. E) Scatter-plot, showing the flow velocity signal at the lumen in a region close to the wall. F) Normalized shear rate with respect to normalized distance, as obtained by calculating the gradient of the flow velocity signal shown in figure 1-E). The points marked with red color indicate the points that yield optimally uniform slope, as determined by the k-means clustering algorithm.
Several VFI-based approaches derive by simplifying equation (2) as follows [37][38][46]:
(4) |
where is a fixed distance close to the wall. This method is valid under the assumption of zero flow velocity condition at the wall, and linear profile within the selected distance . Other techniques derive as the mean, or the max gradient of in a predefined window [36][39]. However, using a window of fixed size may lead to biased estimation, given that the flow velocity profile changes with respect to vessel’s geometry and the phase of the cardiac cycle, while also filtering the arterial wall motion may not be ideal, leading to non-zero flow velocity values at the arterial wall. Instead of using a fixed distance, the proposed method analyzes the flow velocity patterns and determines in a region close to the wall with most uniform gradient. The aim of this approach is to provide robust WSS estimates by rejecting residual velocity signals at the wall, as well as abrupt variations in shear rate due to noisy or highly non-linear flow velocity measurements.
Figure 1-C) illustrates the tangential velocity signal (along the direction) with respect to distance, r, at a given lateral position, x. Figure 3-D) demonstrates the velocity signal in a region corresponding to 80 samples, centered around the segmentation line of the top wall. A value of 0.75 mm was chosen to account for the maximum expected physiological arterial distension, which has been reported to be approximately 9.33% of the carotid artery diameter [47] which typically ranges from 4.3 to 7.7 mm [48]. It can be observed that a weak residual velocity signal is present at the wall region, due to non-idealized clutter filtering of the RF signals. As shown in Figure 1-D) the interface between the arterial wall and the lumen corresponds to the transition from weak residual velocities to the stronger flow velocity signal. This transition corresponds to the point of maximum curvature of the velocity signal curve shown in Figure 1-D). To identify this point, the velocity signal is filtered by using a 3-rd order Savitzky-Golay filter with a kernel size of 25, and then differentiated with respect to r. The point of maximum curvature is determined as the maximum of the absolute value of the second order derivative proximal to the segmentation line. The determined point is denoted in the solid red line in Figure 1-D). Based on this point, the residual signal corresponding to the wall is rejected.
Figure 3:
A) CT Angiography scan of the neck of an animal before performing ligation. B) Magnified version of the region marked in orange rectangle in figure 2-A).
The resulting flow velocity profile, , corresponding to the lumen is illustrated in the scatter-plot of Figure 1-E), which is in turn differentiated with respect to r, in order to obtain the fluid shear rate (). Both the shear rate and distance are normalized within a range of [0 1], as shown in Figure 1-F). The aim is to determine the region where the data points in Figure 3-F) yield more uniform shear rate. To solve this optimization problem, k-means clustering is carried out, in order to partition the shear rate data points of figure 1-F), into k clusters that yield minimum variance () based on the following criterion:
(5) |
where k is the total number of clusters, stands for the shear rate datapoints, denotes each cluster of datapoints , and , is the mean value of datapoints , in cluster i. The number of clusters, k, is determined by iteratively running the k-means algorithm [49] for and selecting the first k for which . In case this criterion is not satisfied, then the cluster with lowest is selected.
The wall shear rate is defined as the mean value of the cluster that satisfies the following criterion:
(6) |
where denotes the normalized distance of the centroid of the cluster from the wall. This criterion penalizes clusters that are not close to the wall, as well as clusters with low shear rate, that may be the result of non-idealized wall clutter filtering and wall segmentation. Substitution of in (1) provides a WSS estimate. A viscosity, μ, of 4 mPa s was used for the phantom experiments[50], while in the in-vivo studies was assumed to be equal to 3.45 mPa s.
The described algorithm is carried out for each lateral position (x) and time frame (t), in order to obtain a spatiotemporal map, , across the artery. A smoothing stage is finally applied on , by using moving average filtering of 6 samples across the x direction, and a 6-th order Butterworth low pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 30 Hz across the temporal direction, to suppress high frequency components that do not correspond to pulse wave-induced motion [51][52]. The resulting temporal sampling rate of the WSS sequence was approximately 480–490 Hz for the phantom study (5-angle compounding) and 820–850 Hz for the in-vivo study (3-angle compounding), depending on the depth of the imaged vessel in each case. The time duration of each acquired WSS sequence was 1 second (480–490 temporal frames) and 1.2 seconds (984–1020 temporal frames) for the phantom and in vivo case, respectively.
A. Phantom study
A straight vessel phantom (Figure 1-A)), and a phantom mimicking an atherosclerotic vessel with approximately 50% stenosis were constructed (Figure 1-B)). Both phantoms were attached to separate containers through plastic fittings, and were embedded into gelatin surrounding medium. A programmable physiological flow pump (Compuflow 1000, Shelley Medical Imaging technologies, Ontario, Canada) was connected to the fittings of the phantoms and was programmed to apply a pulsatile flow waveform, as shown in Figure 1. Due to technical limitations entailed by the pump and the limited strength of the phantom material, the flow rate was set at a lower amplitude than the physiological range, which was equal to 10 mL/s. A long time interval equal to 1.9 s was set between pulses, in order for pulse wave reflections from previous cycles to dissipate before the beginning of a new cycle. The blood mimicking fluid described in [50], with a viscosity of 4 mPa s was used. In the case of the straight phantom, six () longitudinal ultrasound acquisitions were performed proximal to the inlet, while in the atherosclerotic phantoms, four () acquisitions were carried out at the stenotic segment, with the plaque centered in the field of view (FOV). The temporal waveform of the pressure at the outlet of the phantom was measured using a pressure catheter (MPR-500, Millar, Houston, TX, USA) which was inserted inside the lumen phantom via a cross connector.
FSI simulations were carried out with the same geometry and material properties as the phantoms using software suite FEBio [53][54] (Figure 1-C, D), similarly as in [42][55]. The same flow waveform as the one generated by the programmable pump was prescribed at the inlet of the simulated phantom, while the measured pressure waveform was employed as the outlet boundary condition. The simulated fluid shear stress at the central 2-D slice of each phantom was exported and post-processed in MATLAB 2017b (MathWorks Inc, Natick, MA, USA). Additional information on the phantom fabrication and FSI simulations can be found in supplementary material 1,2).
B. Atherosclerotic swine study
All procedures in this study were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Columbia University (protocol AC-AAAU6460). Six 3-month-old female Wisconsin Mini Swine-Familial Hypercholesterolemic (WMS-FH™) were acquired from the University of Wisconsin Swine Research Farm (Madison, WI, USA), and were fed a high fat atherogenic diet [56]. In order to accelerate plaque formation, the left common carotid artery of each animal was ligated in order to disturb flow velocity patterns and accelerate atherosclerotic plaque formation.
In four () carotids, the ligation induced high degree of vessel stenosis (>80% stenosis), while in carotids, a low stenotic ligation was performed (<40% stenosis), imposing thus different flow and WSS conditions. The right common carotid arteries () were left intact, to serve as controls. Ultrasound scans were performed using the WSS imaging sequence at baseline, immediately before and after performing ligation. Biweekly scans were carried out during the first month of the study, and once a month afterwards. Figure 2-A) demonstrates a CT scan of an animal in the supine position, while Figure 2-B) shows a magnified and thresholded area of the CT scan that highlights the carotid arteries. The black marker illustrates the approximate location of the ligation, while the red rectangles illustrate the arterial segments where the WSS maps were obtained. The segment preceding the ligation (pre-ligation segment) was chosen for analysis, because it provided consistent and robust WSS measurements throughout the study. All animals were euthanized at ~ 9 months after baseline scans. After euthanasia, the common carotids were extracted and underwent histological examination. The ligated carotid arteries were cut in a series of 5 mm segments, using the site of initial ligation as a reference, while in the case of non-ligated carotid arteries, three 5 mm segments were obtained for analysis. In each 5-mm segment, cross-sectional histology slices were obtained using hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) and Masson’s trichrome staining. To spatially register the histology slices with their approximate location in the ultrasound images at baseline ultrasound scans, a correction factor was applied, accounting for the in-vivo stretch of common carotid arteries in pigs as reported in [57] and the growth of the animals during the study. By using the correction factor, it was determined that the 5 mm regions corresponded to segments of approximately 5.4 mm in the ultrasound field of view, by using the ligation as reference. Additional information on the atherosclerotic swine study design can be found in the supplementary material 3).
Figure 2:
A,B) Experimental setup for the straight and stenotic phantom experiments, respectively. C,D) ) Simulated phantom geometry and fluid shear stress in the central 2-D slices of the straight and stenotic phantoms, as obtained through FSI simulations.
C. Human study
All procedures pertinent to the human study were approved by the Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) of Columbia University (protocol AAAR0022). The common carotid arteries of carotid artery disease patients presenting non-stenosing atherosclerosis (9 Male, 6 Female; 68.3 ± 6.9 y.o.; <40% stenosis), and age matched controls (9 Male, 6 Female; 69.1 ± 7.5 y.o.) without known history of carotid artery disease were scanned in vivo. In addition, the carotid artery of a patient presenting high degree of stenosis (Female; 77 y.o.; >70% stenosis) was imaged with the plaque in the field of view. The subject was scanned using the ultrasound equipment immediately prior to admission for carotid endarterectomy. Upon completion of surgical operation, the excised plaque sample was obtained and underwent histological examination. Signed consent form was obtained from all subjects before performing ultrasound scans. All ultrasound scans were performed by an expert sonographer technician, with the subjects being in the supine position.
D. WSS Performance assessment
In the case of the straight vessel phantom, for each ultrasound scan (), the peak systolic and end-diastolic WSS values were calculated at each lateral position, x, separately for the top and bottom walls. Therefore, a total of measurements of and were obtained for each lateral position. The corresponding simulated values (, ) were spatially registered and interpolated into the same grid as the ultrasound FOV. The repeatability and accuracy of the technique were evaluated by calculating the average relative standard error of the means, , and relative error, , as follows:
(7) |
(8) |
where denotes the averaging operator across the lateral direction and stands for averaging among multiple measurements. The brackets, , stand for of the metric calculation either at peak systole, or end diastole.
For the stenotic phantom study, the similarity between measured and simulated WSS spatial distributions across the stenotic wall was evaluated by performing the Pearson test of correlation. The average relative error was calculated separately in the pre-stenotic, stenotic and post-stenotic segments of the acquired ultrasound image as follows:
(9) |
where denotes the WSS at the lateral position corresponding to its maximum value. The repeatability was assessed by estimating the , similarly as in the case of the straight vessel phantom.
E. In vivo analysis
Two markers were computed based on the WSS measurements: 1) Peak systolic and 2) Harmonic index (HI). HI has been suggested as a metric to quantify the presence of high frequency oscillations in the WSS temporal waveform [58][59]. In this study, the presence of harmonics higher than the frequency of the heart beat was quantified as follows:
(10) |
where , denotes the Fourier transform of the WSS signal with respect to the n-th harmonic of the fundamental frequency . Only harmonics corresponding to frequencies lower than 30 Hz were considered, which is equal to the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter applied on the WSS temporal waveforms.
In the case of the atherosclerotic swine study global markers, and , were obtained by averaging the peak systolic WSS and HI across the imaged arterial segment in the top and bottom walls for each acquisition. The global estimates were compared among different scanning time points using repeated measures ANOVA with Tukey window correction for multiple pair comparisons. In addition, to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed technique to predict the severity of localized atherosclerotic plaque development, piecewise baseline estimates, and , were derived in ligated arteries by averaging within arterial segments of 5.4 mm, which correspond to the approximate location of histological slices obtained at the end-point. One-way ANOVA with Tukey window correction was carried out to compare the regional and HI values at baseline ultrasound scans among segments that developed moderate plaques (<80% stenosis), severe plaques (>80% stenosis), and plaque-free segments. In the case of the human study, the global and were calculated for each subject. Comparison was carried out between atherosclerotic carotid arteries with low degree of stenosis and controls carotid arteries using unpaired t-test.
III. Results
A. Phantom and simulation study
Figure 4-A) shows a time frame of the WSS image sequence in the imaged segment of the straight vessel phantom, with the WSS color-coded and overlaid onto the B-mode image. It is noted that the segmented mask is used only for visualization purposes and does not contribute to the WSS imaging methodology. The red marker indicates a point on the bottom phantom wall where the WSS time waveform was plotted in figure 4-B). Figures 4-C) and D) illustrate a time frame of the WSS imaging sequence in the phantom with 50% stenosis, and an example WSS temporal waveform corresponding to the top stenotic wall, respectively. Videos depicting simultaneous propagation of distension pulse wave and WSS maps in the straight and stenotic vessel phantoms, have been included in supplementary multimedia 1 and 2 respectively.
Figure 4:
A) Example time frame of the WSS imaging sequence, with the WSS color-coded and overlaid onto a manually segmented mask on the B-mode image. The x- and z- axes denote the lateral and axial directions, respectively. B) Temporal waveform of measured WSS at a lateral position, corresponding to the red marker on figure 4-A). The vertical black lines demonstrate the and . C) Time frame of WSS imaging sequence in the stenotic phantom, with the plaque centered in the field of view. D) Temporal waveform of measured WSS on the top wall of the stenotic phantom, corresponding to the point of maximum stenosis. E), F) Average and standard error of the means (black line) of measured WSS with respect to the lateral position, in a common diagram with the simulated WSS (red line). E) and F) correspond to and , respectively. G), H) Average and standard error of the means of measured (black line) and simulated (red line) WSS on the top stenotic wall of the stenotic phantom. G) and H) correspond to and , respectively.
The solid black lines in figure 4-E, F) demonstrate the average value of and , respectively, in the straight phantom, with respect to the lateral position, while the error bars denote the standard error of the means among different measurements. The red solid lines show the corresponding values, and , as obtained through simulations. The standard error of he means, , and relative error, , were equal to 6.9 %, 6.7 %, respectively, in the case of WSSPS, and 10.9 %, 19.8 %, respectively, in the case of WSSED.
Figures 4-G), H) demonstrate the average and distributions of the top stenotic wall, respectively, as obtained through measurements and simulations. The correlation coefficient, R, between measured and simulated WSS spatial distributions was equal to 0.89 and 0.85 for and , respectively. An of 11.1% and 18.1% was provided in the case of and , respectively. The , in the pre-stenotic, stenotic and post-stenotic segments was equal to 11.0%, 12.3 % and 22.6 %, respectively, in the case of , and 12.5%, 16.8% and 10.86%, respectively, in the case of .
Additional analysis involving comparison of the proposed adaptive WSS imaging methodology with a conventional WSS calculation approach has been included in supplementary material 4).
B. Atherosclerotic swine study
Figures 5-A), B) show a time frame of the WSS imaging sequence in a highly ligated, and a non-ligated artery, respectively. The red solid lines indicate the regions of the imaged arterial segments, where global estimates, and were obtained. Videos depicting simultaneous propagation of distension pulse wave and WSS maps in the highly ligated, and non-ligated artery, have been included in supplementary multimedia 3 and 4 respectively.
Figure 5:
A, B) Example time frame of WSS imaging sequence in A) a pre-ligation arterial segment and B) a non-ligated carotid artery. C, D) Temporal evolution of C) and D) with respect to the scanning time-point during the first 3 months of the study in the pre-ligation arterial segments of the ligated carotid arteries. Day 0 and Day 0* indicate the values obtained at baseline before and after the ligation, respectively. E, F) Temporal evolution of WSSPS and HI in the non-ligated carotid arteries.
Figures 5-C, D) demonstrate the temporal evolution of and in the ligated carotid arteries, for the first 2 months of the study, which corresponds to the pre-clinical stage of atherosclerosis. The “Day 0” and “Day 0*” labels in the case of the ligated carotid artery stand for the baseline measurements, carried out on the same day before and after performing ligation. In the case of highly ligated arteries, repeated measures ANOVA with Tukey window correction for multiple pairs comparisons demonstrated a significant decrease in before (Day 0*) and after (Day 0*) performing ligation (Day 0:4.49 ± 0.42, Day 0*: 0.77 ± 0.47, p<0.05), followed by an increase 14 days later (Day 0*: 0.77 ± 0.47, Day 14: 3.97 ± 0.29, p<0.01). A significant increase was observed in HIg after performing ligation (Day 0: 0.62 ± 0.07, Day 0*: 0.89 ± 0.02, p<0.05), indicating that the presence of ligation altered the oscillatory properties of decreased 14 days afterwards (Day 0*: 0.89 ± 0.002, Day 14: 0.58 ± 0.07, p<0.05), restoring thus its baseline value. On the contrary, in the case of low ligated (<40% stenosis) and non-ligated arteries, and presented uniform values, with no significant differences among different time points. Histological examination at end-line of the experiment revealed the presence of either moderately (<80%), or highly (>80%) stenotic atherosclerotic plaques, in carotid arteries with high ligation. On the contrary, no plaques were present in the low ligated, or non-ligated arteries.
Examples of spatial registration between baseline WSS images immediately after performing ligation (Day 0*) and histological slices obtained upon completion of the experiment in two highly ligated carotid arteries, are illustrated in Figures 6-A),B). The red rectangles in the B-mode images demonstrate the regions in which piecewise estimates were derived. The bottom Figures illustrate the respective H&E histological slices. Figures 6-C),D) demonstrate the piecewise and values at Day 0*, with respect to atherosclerotic plaque severity. One way ANOVA with Tukey window correction indicated that was significantly higher in plaque free arterial segments, as compared to segments that developed moderate, or severe atherosclerotic plaques (No plaques: 3.47 ± 0.79, moderate plaques: 1.22 ± 0.09, severe plaques: 0.35±0.20 p<0.0001). In addition, higher was observed in segments with moderate, as compared to segments with severe plaques (p<0.05). Finally, was lower in regions with no plaques, as compared to moderate, or severe atherosclerotic plaques (No plaques: 0.65 ± 0.07, moderate plaques: 0.91±0.01, severe plaques:0.86±0.05 p<0.0001).
Figure 6:
A,B) Examples of ligated carotid arteries with the respective H&E histological slices. The red rectangles on top demonstrate the approximate locations in the ultrasound images that correspond to the H&E histological slices on the bottom. The arterial segment shown in A) demonstrated moderate plaques, while the case shown in B) had severely stenotic plaques upon completion of the study. C, D) Comparison of regional and values among plaque free segments, segments that developed moderately and severely stenotic plaques.
C. Human study
Figures 7-A),B),C) illustrate a time frame of the WSS imaging sequence corresponding to peak systole in the case of a control, a low stenotic and a highly stenotic atherosclerotic carotid artery, respectively. Figure 7-D), E) show the and HI values in control versus pathological carotid arteries. The unpaired Student’s t-test indicated that was significantly higher in age matched controls, as compared pathological arteries with non-stenosing atherosclerosis (controls: 1.98 ± 0.37 Pa; pathological: 1.47 ± 0.55 Pa; p<0.01). HI was on average lower in the control, as compared to the pathological group, however, the difference was not significant. (controls: 0.76 ± 0.04; pathological: 0.79 ± 0.07; p>0.05). Videos depicting simultaneous propagation of distension pulse wave and WSS maps corresponding to the subjects shown in Figures 7-A),B),C) have been included in supplementary multimedia 5, 6 and 7 respectively.
Figure 7:
A,B,C) Time frame of the WSS imaging sequence corresponding to peak systole in the case of a control, a low stenotic and a highly stenotic atherosclerotic carotid artery, respectively. The red box in figure 7-C demonstrates a site of potential plaque rupture. D, E) Comparison of D) and E) values between non-atherosclerotic carotid arteries (Control) and carotid arteries with non-stenosing atherosclerosis (pathological). F) Excised plaque sample and Masson’s trichrome histological staining of the atherosclerotic plaque shown in figure 7-C. The thrombus illustrated in the red box indicates a site of rupture at the plaque shoulder. The approximate location of the thrombus in the ultrasound image is indicated with a red box in Figure 7-C).
Figure 7-F) demonstrates the excised plaque sample of the patient shown in Figure 7-C), and a histological slice of Masson’s trichrome staining, corresponding to the approximate location of the scanning site. Histological examination revealed a highly vulnerable plaque, with a necrotic core and a thrombus. The presence of a thrombus at the plaque shoulder, upstream to the flow, indicates a potential site of plaque rupture. The approximate location of the rupture site is marked with the red rectangle in Figure 7-C). A high WSS value was observed in this region, indicating that elevated WSS can potentially be the cause of rupture, when a vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque is present.
IV. Discussion
In the study presented herein, a novel ultrasound-based technique was presented that combines high frame rate vector flow imaging with a data clustering approach, in order to enable direct and robust WSS measurements. The developed imaging modality is expected to provide additional information in diagnosing pre-clinical stages of atherosclerosis, and potentially enable more accurate assessment of atherosclerotic plaque stability. The performance of the proposed technique was evaluated through vessel phantom experiments along with spatially registered FSI simulations, and its feasibility to monitor the progression of carotid artery disease was demonstrated in an atherosclerotic swine model. Finally, a pilot clinical study was carried out to show the feasibility of the proposed technique in normal and atherosclerotic human carotid arteries in-vivo.
The WSS measured in vessel phantoms provided a good approximation of the simulated WSS at a distance close to the wall. The error was larger for WSS measurements corresponding to end diastole, as compared to peak systole. This can be attributed to the limited performance of the employed cross-correlation-based vector flow imaging technique in low flow velocity magnitudes [42]. The accuracy of the proposed technique can be potentially increased by optimizing the cross-correlation parameters (e.g. kernel size, search range, RF interpolation) for low flow velocities. The sensitivity of the vector flow imaging technique can be further improved by injecting microbubbles into the bloodstream, enhancing thus ultrasound signals backscattered from blood [38].
Errors between calculated and simulated wall shear stress can be attributed to sources of noise, which may affect the sensitivity of vector flow measurement. Such effects may include mechanical noise, such as vibrations caused by the pump, or slight misalignment between the phantom’s axis and the plastic fittings that may affect flow uniformity, as well as noise inherent in ultrasound images. In this study, we applied necessary filtering steps on the flow velocity profile given by the employed cross-correlation-based vector flow estimator, in order to obtain appropriate flow velocity profile for WSS calculation. However, different approaches for clutter-filtering, blood motion tracking and smoothing stages would result in different flow velocity profiles and therefore WSS estimates. An example of the effect of clutter filter is demonstrated in the supplementary material file, section 5. Ongoing efforts would involve an optimization study, investigating the effect of vector flow imaging hyper-parameters (i.e. search kernel size, search range, interpolation), filtering techniques, as well as adaptive clutter filters, on WSS calculation. Moreover, employing additional post-processing steps to obtain the flow velocity profile in regions affected by non-idealized filtering, may further improve the robustness of the WSS measurement. A relevant approach is presented in [60], where flow velocity signals of degraded quality close to the wall are reconstructed by using a power law curve.
A limitation of the experimental performance assessment is the effect of pulse wave reflections. When the pulse wave propagates through a discontinuity in stiffness or geometry, then a reflected wave is generated traveling in the opposite direction, affecting the uniformity of flow and pressure waveforms. To mitigate potential bias introduced by pulse wave reflections, performance evaluation was not carried out at time frames later that the peak systole. That is because the major effect of pulse wave reflections is expected to occur when the wave that corresponds to peak systole is reflected at the outlet and merges with the forward one. This effect is also probably the cause of the increased error in peak systolic WSS at the post-stenotic region of the atherosclerotic phantom, given its proximity to the plastic fitting at the outlet, which entails high discontinuity in the pulse wave propagation. Next steps would involve more accurate representation of the outlet boundary condition, by utilizing more sophisticated approaches, such as the Windkessel module [61]. This method involves a more realistic representation of the outlet impedance as a boundary condition, taking into account the changes in vessel geometry and mechanical properties that result in reflection generation.
The aim of the atherosclerotic swine study was to demonstrate the capability of the developed technique to identify vessels with low and oscillatory WSS that are vulnerable to atherosclerotic plaque development. Most indices associated with oscillatory WSS involve imaging and/or simulations of flow velocity in 3-D. In this study, a less commonly used marker, Harmonic Index (HI), was computed due to its feasibility to be implemented with the a 2-D ultrasound imaging technique. It was demonstrated that arterial segments characterized by lower peak systolic WSS and higher HI at baseline, developed atherosclerotic plaques after approximately 9 months of high fat diet, while peak systolic WSS was also capable of differentiating between arterial segments that developed moderately and highly stenotic plaques. An interesting observation was the fact that WSS in highly ligated carotids partly restored its original value 14 days after performing ligation. This change indicates the tendency of occluded vessels to restore physiological hemodynamic conditions. A possible physiological mechanism would involve formation of collateral circulation pathways for blood supply restoration [62].
The segment preceding the ligation (pre-ligation) was considered for analysis in each swine, because it provided consistent ultrasound acquisitions throughout the pre-clinical period of observation. In several cases, it was not feasible to capture ultrasound images of the post-ligation segment. A possible explanation is that the post-ligation segment underwent a form of buckling, which is a physiological reaction that occurs when a vessel loses its mechanical stability. Such physiological reactions may include vessel collapse, as well as other significant changes in arterial curvature and geometry [63]. This effect can be potentially prevented by inducing less severe artificial stenosis when performing ligation.
A limitation of the atherosclerotic swine study arises from the registration between the location of ultrasound images at baseline and histological slices. The in-vivo stretch of the carotid artery was approximated based on values reported in the literature, while the growth of the carotid artery throughout the experiment was estimated using tattoo markers placed on the animals’ skin above the carotid artery. However, it is possible that errors are present due to remodeling of arterial geometry throughout the experiment, or misalignment between the ultrasound field of view and the artery’s longitudinal axis. An additional shortcoming involves the fact that the atherosclerotic plaques developed throughout the study were not clearly visible in the acquired ultrasound images. The presence of plaques of unknown geometry is expected to provide less reliable WSS estimates. For this reason, only WSS values within the first two months of the study were analyzed, which are not expected to be significantly affected by atherosclerotic geometries, given that this period is expected to be at the pre-clinical stage. Ongoing efforts involve visualizing the fully developed plaques in this particular swine model with focused ultrasound sequences and/or Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA).
The presented ligation model has been widely utilized as a means to accelerate plaque formation, in studies involving the role of WSS in atherosclerosis progression [3]. This model may not represent the exact mechanisms of atherogenesis in the human carotid. However, it presents some key similarities from the biomechanics perspective, given that both in the case of the swine and human carotid arteries, atherosclerotic plaques develop at regions with disturbed WSS patterns due to the presence of irregular geometries. In the swine carotid, this disturbance was caused by the ligation, while in human physiology this disturbance is usually caused by the complex geometry of the carotid bifurcation. In addition, due to limited availability of atherosclerotic pigs, the non-ligated carotid was used as control measurement. Ongoing studies involve control measurements from animals without performing ligation procedure.
Application of the proposed technique in human subjects demonstrated its feasibility to differentiate between normal and atherosclerotic carotid arteries. The WSS was lower in atherosclerotic carotid arteries, as compared to age matched controls, which is consistent with findings reported elsewhere [64][65][66]. An advantage of the present study is that only subjects with non-stenosing atherosclerotic plaques were included, which are not expected to significantly affect the flow velocity and WSS patterns in the common carotid artery, therefore mitigating the bias when comparing with non-atherosclerotic arteries.
No significant differences were determined in terms of HI values between atherosclerotic subjects and age matched controls. It is possible that peak systolic WSS serves as a superior index than the HI, in detecting atherosclerosis. Another explanation would be that subjects in the age matched control group are in undiagnosed, sub-clinical stages of carotid artery disease. Future work would involve following up the control subjects, in order to determine whether carotid arteries with high HI at baseline develop atherosclerotic plaques.
Moreover, initial feasibility was shown in an atherosclerotic subject with high degree of stenosis and a vulnerable plaque, where a potential site of plaque rupture was present. The approximate location of the ruptured site coincided with a region at the plaque shoulder, upstream to the flow, with elevated WSS. This finding supports previous studies, reporting that elevated WSS at the plaque shoulder is a potential cause of plaque rupture[8][11].
The blood viscosity in-vivo was assumed to be equal to 3.45 mPa s, which is the reference value reported in [67]. However, blood viscosity may present variations, depending on the fluid shear rate and body temperature, introducing bias in WSS estimation. In the present study, WSS values were compared at peak systole, which is characterized by higher fluid shear rate. This is expected to mitigate bias in WSS estimates, given that blood viscosity at higher shear rates has been reported to be constant, at approximately 3.45 mPa s [67]. The accuracy of WSS estimation can be further improved by deriving a viscosity estimate for each subject through hematocrit measurements [68].
Finally, the proposed VFI method was integrated with Pulse Wave Imaging (PWI), which can provide simultaneous localized maps of arterial wall stiffness [40]. Videos depicting simultaneously the temporal variation of WSS and PWI wall displacement maps have been included as supplementary multimedia files. Studies involving application of PWI in vessel phantoms, atherosclerotic swine and mouse models, as well as human carotid arteries can be found in [69][70][55][42][71][72]. Ongoing efforts involve paired analysis of arterial wall stiffness and WSS measurements, in order to elucidate the interaction between hemodynamic forces and arterial wall mechanics, and their exact role in atherosclerosis progression.
V. Conclusion
In conclusion, a novel technique was presented that combines high frame rate vector flow imaging with an unsupervised data clustering approach for robust WSS estimation. The accuracy of the proposed technique was evaluated through phantom experiments and FSI simulations. Moreover, its feasibility was shown to detect pre-clinical stages of atherosclerosis in a swine model, and its feasibility was demonstrated in normal and carotid arteries in patients with carotid atherosclerosis. This method is expected thus to provide additional insight in the role of WSS in atherosclerosis progression and plaque stability.
Supplementary Material
This work was supported by a grant of the National Institutes of Health (NIH 1-R01-HL135734).
Contributor Information
Grigorios M. Karageorgos, Biomedical Engineering Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Paul Kemper, Biomedical Engineering Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
Changhee Lee, Biomedical Engineering Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
Rachel Weber, Biomedical Engineering Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
Nancy Kwon, Biomedical Engineering Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
Nirvedh Meshram, Biomedical Engineering Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
Nima Mobadersany, Biomedical Engineering Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
Julien Grondin, Biomedical Engineering Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
Randolph S. Marshall, Neurology Department, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
Eliza C. Miller, Neurology Department, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
Elisa E. Konofagou, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Department of Radiology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA..
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