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. 2023 Apr 17;12:e77659. doi: 10.7554/eLife.77659

Emergent regulation of ant foraging frequency through a computationally inexpensive forager movement rule

Lior Baltiansky 1,, Guy Frankel 1,, Ofer Feinerman 1,
Editors: Gordon J Berman2, Christian Rutz3
PMCID: PMC10110237  PMID: 37067884


Ant colonies regulate foraging in response to their collective hunger, yet the mechanism behind this distributed regulation remains unclear. Previously, by imaging food flow within ant colonies we showed that the frequency of foraging events declines linearly with colony satiation (Greenwald et al., 2018). Our analysis implied that as a forager distributes food in the nest, two factors affect her decision to exit for another foraging trip: her current food load and its rate of change. Sensing these variables can be attributed to the forager’s individual cognitive ability. Here, new analyses of the foragers’ trajectories within the nest imply a different way to achieve the observed regulation. Instead of an explicit decision to exit, foragers merely tend toward the depth of the nest when their food load is high and toward the nest exit when it is low. Thus, the colony shapes the forager’s trajectory by controlling her unloading rate, while she senses only her current food load. Using an agent-based model and mathematical analysis, we show that this simple mechanism robustly yields emergent regulation of foraging frequency. These findings demonstrate how the embedding of individuals in physical space can reduce their cognitive demands without compromising their computational role in the group.

Research organism: Other


Ant colonies rely on individual cognition and communication networks to perform complex collective tasks (Feinerman and Korman, 2017). Since brain tissue requires significant energetic investment (Niven and Laughlin, 2008), there is an advantage to communication systems that reduce the cognitive burden of the individual (Lihoreau et al., 2012). Stigmergy is a form of communication that can reduce individual cognitive demands by utilizing the physical environment (Grasse, 1960). It is the basis of some seminal examples of collective task performance in social insects, such as pheromone trail formation and nest construction (Theraulaz and Bonabeau, 1999; Theraulaz et al., 1998). In these examples, individuals alter the environment (i.e. lay a pheromone or dig a tunnel) in response to environmental changes made by other individuals, in such a way that leads to the emergence of the collective phenomenon. It has recently been suggested that the spatial properties of the physical environment, coupled with the individuals’ form of movement in that environment, can also be utilized to offload computation from individuals’ cognition to their environment. This form of communication has been described in the context of collective quorum sensing for the collective task of nest selection (Pavlic et al., 2021). The same principle may apply to other systems in collective behavior, including foraging regulation.

Foraging in ant colonies is carried out by a small fraction of the workers, called foragers (Oster and Wilson, 1978; McCook, 1880). When the foragers return to the nest, they distribute their harvest to other ants in the nest, and then re-exit to collect more food (Traniello, 1977). This repetitive process persists as long as the food source is not exhausted or the colony satiates. Intriguingly, the rate at which food enters the colony by individual foragers matches the total level of hunger in the colony (Buffin et al., 2009; Sendova-Franks et al., 2010; Greenwald et al., 2018), implying the existence of a cross-scale feedback. The decentralized nature of the ant colony dictates that this regulation emerges from local actions of individual ants.

Liquid food, such as honeydew or nectar, is commonly carried within an ant’s crop, an organ specialized for storing predigested food (Eisner and Wilson, 1952). From there it can be regurgitated to pass to other ants in mouth-to-mouth feeding interactions called trophallaxis (Wilson and Eisner, 1957). Trophallaxis is the main food-sharing method in many ant species (Meurville and LeBoeuf, 2021). It allows food to circulate through a complex trophallactic network among all colony members (Sendova-Franks et al., 2010; Greenwald et al., 2019; Wikle et al., 2019; Quque et al., 2021; Bles et al., 2018). In this paper, we focus on primary trophallactic interactions in which laden foragers returning to the nest, unload their crop contents to several receivers within the nest.

Previously, we used unique real-time measurements of fluorescent food inside the crops of all ants in a Camponotus sanctus colony, to infer quantitative links between local trophallaxis rules and the emergent regulation of food intake rate (Greenwald et al., 2018). The total level of hunger in the colony appeared to affect two aspects of the foragers’ behavior. The first was the rate at which each forager unloaded her crop to receivers in the nest, which became slower as the colony satiated. Specifically, each forager’s unloading rate was proportional to the total ‘empty crop space’ in the colony (hereinafter, ‘colony hunger’). The second was the average frequency at which each forager exited the nest for foraging. These individual foraging frequencies were, on average, linear with ‘colony hunger’. Our goal was to explore how these forager-colony relationships emerge from local rules.

The scaling of foragers’ unloading rate to total colony hunger was quite comprehensively explained by local trophallaxis rules that were identified from the empirical data (Greenwald et al., 2018). Progress has also been made toward revealing the local rules that dictate a linear relation between average foraging frequency and colony hunger. However, the latter is understood to a lesser extent: No precise immediate cause for a forager to exit the nest has been found. Contrary to past assumptions (Traniello, 1977; Gregson et al., 2003; Buffin et al., 2009), foragers did not exit the nest only after they unloaded their entire crop contents, nor had we observed a clear crop-load threshold below which the foragers were more likely to exit. Rather, the foragers exited the nest with highly variable crop loads. Some studies have successfully identified local social triggers for the exits of foragers in several ant species (Pinter-Wollman et al., 2013; Mailleux et al., 2011; Greene and Gordon, 2007; de Biseau and Pasteels, 2000; Davidson et al., 2016; Pless et al., 2015; Razin et al., 2013; Robinson et al., 2012), but most have focused on foraging initiation, and not on the subsequent decay of activity in response to gradual colony satiation (Rivera et al., 2016). Our crop-load measurements in Greenwald et al., 2018 have shed light on the local determinants of foragers’ exits that linearly relate them to the current level of colony hunger. The local factors found to affect the temporal probability of a forager to exit the nest were both her instantaneous crop load and her unloading rate in the nest: the emptier her crop and the faster her unloading, the more likely a forager was to exit. A simple Markovian decision-making model that yields the observed results was proposed. However, with no empirical access to the exact timings at which the forager assesses her next decision of whether to stay in the nest or leave to forage, the assumptions of our model could not be verified.

Here, we present an alternative mechanism that reduces the cognitive demand on individual foragers through utilization of physical space. This mechanism is supported by previously unexplored aspects of the data produced by our past experiments. The individual crop load dataset is now enriched with detailed spatial tracking of the foragers inside the nest. Together, these point to a new behavioral rule. A clear transition between two movement modes, depending on the forager’s instantaneous crop load, is evident from the new data: As foragers move around the nest, unloading their crops to ants that they meet, they tend to step toward the depth of the nest when their crop load is above a certain threshold, and tend to step toward the exit when it is below this threshold. Since the movement on both sides of the threshold is highly stochastic, this transition is masked when looking at the ultimate exit probabilities, which was the approach taken in Greenwald et al., 2018. Here, we present an agent-based model that implements this new stochastic motion rule along with the previously reported trophallaxis rules, and analyze it mathematically. The results show that these rules suffice to shape a forager’s trajectory in the nest in a way that produces linear foraging frequency regulation while maintaining low levels of individual cognitive loads.


Foragers move according to a biased random walk that is crop state dependent

Starved colonies of Camponotus sanctus ants were recorded in an artificial 2D nest as they gradually replenished on fluorescently-labeled food. All ants were tracked, the amount of food in their crop was quantified throughout time using fluorescence imaging, and all trophallaxis events were annotated (Greenwald et al., 2018; Baltiansky et al., 2021). Foragers were identified to be those ants that repeatedly left the nest to retrieve food and deliver it to other ants in the nest. We analyzed the trajectories of these foragers inside the nest in relation to their changing crop state, as they distributed their food in trophallactic interactions. Figure 1 shows a single frame from an experimental video overlaid with an example of a forager’s trajectory in the nest.

Figure 1. Example of a forager’s trajectory in the experimental nest.

Figure 1.

A single frame from an experimental video shows the nest on the right and a foraging arena on the left, where a fluorescent food source was presented. The food source is marked as a red oval and the nest entrance is marked by a white rectangle at the bottom left corner of the nest. Ant IDs are presented next to their tags, and the imaged food in their crops is overlaid in red. A single forager is highlighted in yellow, and her trajectory from when she last entered the nest is presented in cyan. Arrows on the trajectory mark the directionality of her path, and yellow diamonds mark locations of trophallactic interactions that she performed in her unloading bout.

We found that the movement of a forager in the nest can be characterized by a random walk with a bias that depends on the amount of food in her crop (Figure 2A). At each trophallactic interaction that a forager performed, her distance from the nest entrance was measured. The probabilities of her next interaction to be farther from the entrance (step inward), closer to the entrance (step outward) or at the same distance from the entrance (stay), were calculated as a function of the forager’s crop state at the end of the interaction. This coarse-grained analysis revealed a crop load threshold of 0.45 that separates between two types of movement. When the forager’s crop load is higher than the threshold value, she is more inclined to step inward into the nest. Conversely, at lower crop loads she is more probable to step outward toward the exit (Figure 2A). Figure 2B shows that these probabilities are not affected by the direction of the forager’s previous step. Thus, it is reasonable to model the forager’s movement as a Markovian process.

Figure 2. Empirical movement of foragers in the nest.

(A) All locations in the nest were binned according to distance from the entrance, with bin width of 1 typical ant length (as visualized by circular grid lines in panel C). At each interaction of a forager, her crop load at the end of the interaction and the location bin of her next interaction was recorded. Pooled data from all foragers was used to calculate the probability of the next interaction to be in a deeper location bin (inward), in the same location bin (stay), or in a location bin closer to the entrance (outward), as a function of their crop load. Probabilities and standard deviations were calculated for each one of 10 crop load bins. Standard deviation was calculated by the formula for multinomial STD: p(1-p)/n, and is represented by the error bars in the plot. Sample sizes for each one of the 10 crop load bins (n) are {27, 38, 58, 68, 78, 103, 185, 192, 187, 77, 41}. (B) The data described in panel A was grouped according to the direction of the previous step. The plots show the probability to step inward (left), outward (middle) and stay (right), for cases where the previous step was inward, outward or stay as different curves. The pooled probability for all previous directions is presented as a thick black curve, equivalent to the curves presented in panel A. Standard deviations were calculated as in panel A, sample sizes for each crop load bin (n) for each previous step direction are “inward”: {11, 23, 26, 34, 46, 81, 73, 79, 26, 15}, “outward”: {8, 16, 17, 17, 23, 43, 36, 37, 13, 6}, “stay”: {19, 18, 24, 24, 19, 36, 51, 35, 9, 4}. (C) Examples of trajectories of single unloading bouts of a forager in the nest. Nest entrance is at the bottom left corner. Grid-lines spaced by a typical ant length are presented in gray. These are the spatial bins used to define the distance from the entrance for calculating the foragers’ biases (panels A-B). The trajectory of the unloading bout is plotted in blue, and locations of trophallaxis events are presented as red diamonds. The top two plots present trajectories from low colony states, and the bottom two plots present trajectories from high colony states.

Figure 2—source data 1. Empirical data.
Data used for calculation of the foragers’ empirical crop-dependent bias. All foragers’ interactions are pooled from the 3 experiments presented in Greenwald et al., 2018. Each interaction entry includes information on its location in the nest, the direction of the next interaction of the forager, and the forager’s crop load.

Figure 2.

Figure 2—video 1. Forager 421’s 12th unloading bout, when the colony was 90% full.
Download video file (13.7MB, mp4)
Figure 2—video 2. Forager 421’s 4th unloading bout, when the colony was 20% full.
Download video file (1.1MB, mp4)

Foragers that operate according to the crop-dependent movement described above are expected to generate random closed paths in the nest as they unload their crops via trophallaxis: since the forager steps into the nest with a relatively full crop after she fed at the food source, her initial bias drives her deeper into the nest. As she unloads her food to other ants, her crop load may reach a level at which her bias switches direction. The forager then continues to disseminate food to ants in the nest, but now with a drift that carries her toward the exit, until she finally reaches it and leaves the nest to forage again. Note that as the colony gradually satiates, the forager’s unloading rate decreases (Greenwald et al., 2018). Therefore the duration and the depth of the forager’s cyclic paths both rise with the colony’s level of satiety. (Note that the experimental nest is flat, and the term ‘depth’ merely refers to distance from the entrance and not vertical depth.) Figure 2C shows examples of empirical paths of unloading bouts of individual foragers in the nest. When the colony is hungry (colony state close to 0), the paths are short and include few trophallactic interactions, and when the colony approaches satiation (colony state close to 1), paths are long and include more trophallactic interactions. Figure 2—video 1 and Figure 2—video 2 are fragments from an experimental video that show unloading bouts overlaid with the trajectory of the forager as she unloads in the nest at a high colony state and at a low colony state.

To explore whether this empirically-derived movement rule may underlie the fact that foraging frequency scales linearly with total colony hunger, we simulated it numerically and analysed it mathematically. In the next sections we present two agent-based models and an analytical description of the system. The first agent-based model mimics the experimental two-dimensional nest. The second model is a simplified 1-dimensional version which is more readily approachable analytically. Our simulations show that both models yield the desired linear foraging frequency regulation. We then solve the 1D model analytically to show how it accounts for this emergence based on the local movement rule described above. Finally, we compare different properties of these models to our empirical observations.

Agent-based model in a 2D nest

This model implements a square 2D nest of size 11x11 ant-lengths which contains 89 nest ants. The size of the nest and the number of ants were chosen to be of similar scale to the experimental conditions. The nest has a single entry/exit, located at one of the corner cells, mimicking the structure of the experimental nest. A single forager loads her crop outside the nest and then enters the nest, moving around and distributing her food load to the nest-ants. For simplicity, the nest-ants only receive food from the forager and do not redistribute it further. The forager’s movement is based on the empirical turning angles of foragers, such that is captures the two movement types described in Figure 2: generating an inward drift when her crop load is above the empirically identified threshold and an outward drift below it (see description below). When the forager happens upon the nest entrance, she exits the nest, refills her crop, and re-enters to distribute her new load. Note that contrary to the assumptions used in our previous paper (Greenwald et al., 2018), here a forager never directly decides to exit the nest. Rather, the forager only decides on the direction of her next step, and an exit occurs if the forager’s motion brings her to the nest exit. Hereafter, we refer to all the steps between the forager’s entrance and exit as a single unloading bout. For more details please refer to the Materials and Methods section.

The simulation implements three simple rules that were derived from the experimental data.

  1. Forager movement. At each step of the simulation, the forager moves a distance of 0.2 ant-lengths (this step size is the average distance that foragers moved per second empirically). Upon entering the nest, and after each trophallactic interaction with a nest-ant, the forager randomly samples a new direction of movement from the empirical distribution of directions that actual foragers were observed to take. Two angle distributions were extracted from the experimental data (Appendix 1—figure 1): one distribution of directions taken by foragers when their crop load exceeded the threshold 0.45 (these directions tended to point inward away from the entrance), and the other of directions taken by the foragers when their crop load was below that threshold (these directions tended to point toward the exit). In the simulation, the forager sampled her new direction from the respective empirical distribution given her current crop load.

  2. Trophallaxis. At every step, if there is a nest-ant within 0.2 ant-lengths (the ant’s antennae reach) from the forager, the two perform trophallaxis. The amount of food passed from the forager to the nest-ant is stochastic, and is scaled to the available crop space of the receiver ant. It is a random, exponentially distributed, fraction of the receiver’s unfilled crop space, with an average of 0.15, as was observed empirically in Greenwald et al., 2018. If the forager has insufficient food, she gives all that she has.

  3. Nest-ant movement. Nest-ant movement is implemented in the model as a random walk (at every step, each ant moves a distance of 0.2 ant-lengths in a random direction). Nest-ant movement contributes to the spatial homogenization of the food in the colony, which causes the forager to interact with ants that are, on average, representative of the satiety state of the whole colony (see section 3.5). This unbiased sampling was observed empirically, and together with the empirical trophallaxis rule, causes the forager to unload her crop at a rate proportional to the colony’s total hunger level (Greenwald et al., 2018).

The simulation was run 200 times and qualitatively reproduced the lengthening and deepening of foragers’ unloading bouts with colony satiation that were observed empirically (compare Figure 3 and Figure 2C). Figure 3 depicts two unloading bouts of the forager within the simulated nest, from different stages of a single run of the simulation: one from an early stage of the run, when the colony was 10% satiated, and the second from a later stage, when the colony was 90% satiated. These representative examples demonstrate how the same set of unloading and movement rules by which the forager operates, produces short trajectories when the colony is relatively hungry, and longer trajectories as the colony satiates.

Figure 3. Examples of two unloading bouts of a forager in the 2D simulation.

Figure 3.

The 89 nest-ants are depicted by colored circles at their positions at the beginning of the bout. The color represents the ant’s crop state (purple represents an empty crop, yellow represents a full crop). The nest entrance is marked by a gray area at the bottom left corner of the nest. All the forager’s positions during the unloading bout are presented as a black trajectory through the nest, with arrows representing the forager’s direction.

Following the empirical analysis in Greenwald et al., 2018, ‘foraging frequency’ was calculated as the inverse of the duration of the forager’s unloading bout in the nest. This shows that the dynamics of the lengthening of the trajectories in the nest indeed lead to a linear relationship between the average frequency at which the forager encounters the nest exit and the amount of food accumulated in the colony. This is analogous to the linear matching of foraging frequency to colony hunger that was observed empirically (Figure 4A and B).

Figure 4. Foraging frequency scales linearly with empty colony state.

Figure 4.

Foraging frequency was calculated as the inverse of the duration of the forager’s unloading bout in the nest. Unloading bouts were binned into five equally spaced bins of colony state, and the mean and SEM of foraging frequency was calculated for each bin. (A) Experimental data, figure taken from figure 4B of Greenwald et al., 2018. Data was grouped into equally-spaced bins of colony state (n = 57, 39, 28, 26, 26, for bins 1–5, respectively). (B) Data from 200 repeats of the 2D model simulation. Data from all repeats was pooled and grouped into equally-spaced bins of colony state (n = 3869, 4183, 4489, 4895, 6248, for bins 1-5, respectively). (C) Data from 200 repeats of the 1D model simulation. Data from all repeats was pooled and grouped into equally-spaced bins of colony state (n = 1770, 1989, 2222, 2531, 3189, for bins 1-5, respectively).

Figure 4—source data 1. Data from 1D model.
Output data from 200 runs of the 1D agent-based model. The file contains 3 spreadsheets: (1) Forager data. Includes data on the forager’s crop load and position in the nest at every step of the simulation. (2) Trophallaxis data. Includes data on the forager’s and the receiver’s crop loads, and the amount of food transferred at every interaction. (3) Trip data. Aggregated data on each trip of the forager inside the nest, including trip length and forager’s crop load upon exiting.
Figure 4—source data 2. Data from 2D model.
Output data from 200 runs of the 2D agent-based model. Data within the file is as described for the 1D model data. Python code for the agent-based model is available on GitHub (Frankel et al., 2022).

Note that the model has reproduced the linear scaling between foraging frequency and empty colony state, but it was not expected to capture the exact values of the empirical observation. Quantitative discrepancies are a result of factors that were not incorporated into the model to avoid over-complication, such as: nest-ant behavior (spatial distribution, movement and secondary trophallaxis between nest-ants), the duration of trophallaxis events, and the fact that there is more than one forager.

Hence, the three local rules of the agent-based model lead to the emergence of a colony-level regulation that is qualitatively consistent with the empirical foraging frequency regulation. Since the direction of the forager’s movement in the nest is coupled to the amount of food that she carries, and given that her rate of unloading is determined by the amount of food in the receivers’ crops, there emerges a negative feedback between the amount of food stored in the colony and the frequency at which foragers exit the nest to bring in more food. This cross-scale feedback, from the level of colony hunger to the level of individual foraging events, emerges with no need for the forager to sense anything but her own current crop load.

To understand how this linear scaling emerges from the local rules described above, we introduce an analytically tractable one-dimensional model. Since the direction of the forager’s movement is defined relative to the nest entrance (toward the entrance, away from the entrance), the forager’s position may essentially be defined using a single coordinate – her distance from the entrance. This description is further strengthened by the fact that coarse-graining the forager’s motion in a single dimension reveals a clear threshold-dependency of her motion bias on her crop load (Figure 2). The nest can then be simplified to a one-dimensional array of nest-ants through which the forager walks back and forth. In the next section, we describe the 1D simplification of the agent-based model.

Agent-based model in a 1D nest

This model implements a 1D nest consisting of 45 cells, each cell inhabiting one nest-ant. The point of entrance/exit of the nest is from one of its edges. A single forager walks in the nest and feeds nest-ants as described in the 2D model above, with the following adjustments:

  1. Forager movement. At each step, the forager randomly chooses a direction of movement ‘inward’ - moves one cell away from the entrance, ‘outward’ - moves one cell toward the entrance, or ‘stay’ - stays on the same cell with probabilities that depend on her current crop load. Based on the empirical data (Figure 2A), the probabilities were set as defined in Table 1.

  2. Trophallaxis. At every step, the forager performs trophallaxis with the nest-ant in her cell. The amount of food passed from the forager to the nest-ant is the same as described in the 2D model.

  3. Nest-ant movement. All nest-ant positions are randomly shuffled between forager unloading bouts. This shuffling replaces a simple random walk in the 2D model. In 1D, this shuffling is required for sufficient homogenization to yield a representative sample of receivers for the forager, and is supported by a one-dimensional projection of the empirical nest-ant data (see details in Appendix 1).

Table 1. Movement biases for agent-based model.

The probabilities of a simulated forager to step inward, outward or to stay in the same cell, for two cases: when her crop load is lower than or higher than a threshold (0.45). The values of the threshold and the biases are approximated based on the empirical data (Figure 2A).

Crop load P(inward) P(outward) P(stay)
≤ 0.45 0.16 0.53 0.31
> 0.45 0.46 0.32 0.22

For more details on the implementation of the 1D model, see Materials and methods.

Figure 4C shows that, similar to the 2D model, the 1D model reproduces the empirical observation that foraging frequency scales linearly with colony hunger. Next, we present a mathematical description of the 1D system to analytically explain these results.

The emergence of linear scaling between foraging frequency and total colony hunger

A precise analytical description of the unloading bouts of a forager is challenging, since they involve stochasticity in her movement, in the amount of food she delivers at each interaction, and in the state of her nest-ant partners. Therefore, we use a coarse-grained analysis, where we consider the averages of these stochastic variables: the forager’s average direction, the average amount of food given per interaction, and the average state of the forager’s partners in an unloading bout.

Here, for the sake of simplicity, we present the equations for the deterministic case in which a forager walks only inward when her crop load exceeds the threshold, and only outward when it is below the threshold. In Appendix 1, we show how these equations apply to the more general case, where the forager’s bias is set by the partial probabilities to walk in each direction.

Let c denote the crop state of the forager (c=1 when the forager’s crop is full and c=0 when it is empty). A certain crop load c* is the threshold that separates between the forager’s two movement biases within the nest: the forager walks inward when c>c and outward when c<c.

Let F be the total satiety state of the colony (F=0 when the colony is starved and F=1 when all ants in the colony are satiated). The nest-ant movement rule dictates that the forager interacts with a representative sample of the colony at each unloading bout (Greenwald et al., 2018), such that the average state of the forager’s partners is equal to the colony state, F. The trophallaxis rule gives the average amount of food delivered at each interaction: a fraction α of the receivers’ empty crop space (Greenwald et al., 2018). Given these two rules, the average amount of food a forager unloads at every interaction is:

Δc=α(1-F). (1)

Since the forager enters the nest full, and since in the extreme case the forager performs trophallaxis with a new ant at each step, the average number of interactions she will make until her crop load reaches the threshold is n*=1-c*Δc. In the extreme case, this quantity is equivalent to the average position in the nest at which the forager switches her bias, denoted xswitch. Therefore, we obtain the following relation between the colony state and average position at which the forager switches her bias:

xswitch=1-c*α(1-F) (2)

The average duration of the foragers’ unloading bout, T is the time it takes her to reach xswitch from the entrance (at x=0) and return. In the extreme case, walking inward every step until xswitch and outward every step from xswitch, this simply equals 2xswitch. We get:

T=2(1-c*)α(1-F) (3)

The frequency of the forager’s unloading bouts, R, is defined as the reciprocal of the average unloading bout duration 1T. Therefore, the foraging frequency is:

R=α2(1-c*)(1-F)=μ(1-F) (4)

where μ=α2(1-c*) is a constant. Thus, it is clear that the foraging frequency R is proportional to the colony state of hunger (1-F). This is the linear relationship observed both experimentally and in the simulations of our agent-based models (Figure 4).

Clearly, in reality forager ants don’t move in such an extreme manner within the nest, but the general logic of the analytical development above applies to a softer movement rule as well, where the forager’s walk is more probabilistic. In short, the difference between an extreme walk and a probabilistic walk, means that the forager, going stochastically back and forth between the nest ants, may interact multiple times with the same ants before switching her bias. This distinction alters the average amount of food delivered at each step (Δc, Equation 1), as less food is given to a nest-ant with each subsequent encounter between her and the forager. Additionally, the number of interactions that it takes the forager to reach her threshold no longer translates directly to the position at which she switches her bias (xswitch, Equation 2). Nevertheless, the derivation in Appendix 1 shows that the average amount of food given to each nest-ant is still proportional to (1-F), and that since both the inward and outward biases are constant, the number of steps spent with each nest ant is, on average, also constant (neglecting boundary effects). Therefore, overall, the differences introduced by the probabilistic walk are expressed in the factor μ that multiplies the colony state of hunger (1-F) in equation 4. In the probabilistic movement case, μ is dependent on the fraction α, the threshold c*, and the probabilistic walking biases. For details, see Appendix 1.

Further characteristics of unloading bouts in experiment and simulation

Figure 5 presents additional dynamics that appeared in both the experimental and simulated data. The states of the foragers’ recipients represent, on average, the states of all ants in the colony (Figure 5A). The forager unloads her food at a rate proportional to the empty colony state (Figure 5B). Furthermore, the forager’s unloading bouts in the nest become deeper with colony satiation (Figure 5C), and the amounts of food in the forager’s crop upon exiting the nest are highly variable at all colony states (Figure 5D). On average, they are relatively constant initially, and slightly rise at higher colony states.

Figure 5. Comparison between empirical and simulation data of forager unloading bout dynamics.

Figure 5.

Unloading bouts were binned into equally-spaced bins of colony state. Means and SEMs of different measures were calculated for each bin. Plots of the empirical data were taken from Figures 3D and 2B (model predictions were removed), 5D (units were converted from mm to ant-lengths for comparability to simulation data), and 5A of Greenwald et al., 2018, respectively. Simulation data is from 200 replicates of each model. Sample sizes for each colony state bin are as specified in the caption of Figure 4. (A) The crop states of the nest-ants that interacted with the forager compared to the crop states of all nest-ants, averaged per unloading bout. Error bars for the simulated data represent STDs to better appreciate the variance of the distributions. (B) The forager’s unloading rate, calculated as the amount of food she delivered in the unloading bout divided by the duration of the unloading bouts. (C) Depth, the maximal distance of the forager from the nest entrance in the unloading bout. (D) Forager’s crop load at the end of the unloading bout. Error bars for the simulated data represent STDs to better appreciate the variance of the distributions.

While the empirical trends are captured by the models, the exact quantitative values do not necessarily match, since the models were not designed to capture the complexity of the whole colony-feeding system, as mentioned above. Additionally, there is a qualitative difference between the shapes of the empirical and simulated curves of the increasing depths (Figure 5c). While the empirical rise in depth is concave and seems to reach a plateau, the resulting curves of the agent-based models are convex. We speculate that three features of the empirical system that are not incorporated into the agent-based models may be the cause for this minor inconsistency. The first is that in reality ants occupy space in the nest, thus restricting the movement of other ants by steric interactions. That is, the forager’s state space may be constrained since she may be blocked from reaching certain areas of the nest by other ants. On the other hand, in the model, the forager is able to walk over nest ants and hence has no state space restriction. The second feature is that the model does not implement trophallaxis between nest ants, whereas it is known that in real ant colonies nest ants do indeed spread food between themselves. Empirically, this nest ant behavior may be a reason that the forager does not need to cover all areas of the nest and may be a reason for the plateau in Figure 5 Empirical C. Lastly, the third feature is the spatial distribution of ants in the nest. While in the 2D model nest ants are initiated in random positions and move around randomly, and in the 1D model nest ants occupy all cells in the nest, the empirical distribution of ants is usually characterized by dense regions of less mobile ants and sparse regions where ants tend to move more. Naturally, foragers’ interactions with nest ants may occur only where nest ants are present, thus affecting the locations where foragers are found in the nest.


Ant colonies manage to regulate foraging activity in response to their collective hunger, despite the fact that the foragers are only a small subset of the workers. In Greenwald et al., 2018, we have shown that as starved colonies gradually satiate, the average individual foraging frequency linearly matches the temporal state of hunger of the whole colony. Here, we have presented new experimental data that accounts for this relation between the colony scale and the individual scale. Combining spatial tracking of foragers within the nest with the dynamic measurements of their crop loads, our data imply a simple rule for the movement of foragers. These rules tie the forager’s instantaneous crop load to the direction that they take within the nest. Overall, our findings suggest that a forager’s trajectory in the nest can be shaped by the rate at which she unloads to recipient ants while this unloading rate is governed by the satiety of the recipients. Using an agent based model and mathematical analysis, we demonstrated that together with the trophallaxis rules described in Greenwald et al., 2018, this simple movement rule produces linear foraging frequencies as observed empirically.

Previous studies have identified local factors that may determine foraging activity in various species of social insects. These factors include chemical cues and the rate of interactions with other individuals (Davidson et al., 2016; Pinter-Wollman et al., 2013; Mailleux et al., 2011; Greene and Gordon, 2007; de Biseau and Pasteels, 2000; Pless et al., 2015; Prabhakar et al., 2012; Pagliara et al., 2018), the foragers’ own nutritional state (Toth et al., 2005; Mayack and Naug, 2013), and larval hunger signals in the nest (Howard and Tschinkel, 1980; Cassill and Tschinkel, 1995; Lee Cassill and Tschinkel, 1999; Cornelius and Grace, 1997; Pankiw, 2004; Dussutour and Simpson, 2009; Ulrich et al., 2016; Schultner et al., 2017; Ma et al., 2018; Kraus et al., 2019; Chandra and Kronauer, 2021). Such factors were shown to relate the foragers’ activity to external variables such as food quality or availability, and to the internal colony nutritional requirements (Seeley, 1989; Cassill, 2003). However, no study that we know of provides a full mechanistic explanation for the qualitative linear relationship between colony hunger and individual foraging frequency, which was observed during the process of gradual colony satiation. This striking linearity was revealed only recently, thanks to technological advances (Greenwald et al., 2018).

In our previous work (Greenwald et al., 2018), we have presented a model which described the forager’s decision to exit as a function of both her crop load and her unloading rate; however, it did not present a comprehensive mechanism of action. In the current study, we show that the exiting rate dynamics can be described without an explicit decision to exit by the forager, rather, the forager only decides on the direction of her next step, leaving the nest to forage whenever she reaches the nest exit. Indeed, empirical data supports that such decisions are Markovian and depend on a single variable - the forager’s current crop load.

One could compare the new model with the previous one in terms of the cognitive load required of an unloading forager. The models are similar in the sense that they both demand that the forager keep track of the direction to the nest entrance so that she may step toward it, in the current model, or exit through it, in the previous one. In any case the cognitive burdens of this sort of in-nest navigation are expected to be low since the ants can rely on chemical gradients (Heyman et al., 2017). However, in comparison to the previous model, the current one alleviates the forager’s need to keep track of her unloading rate. Sensing the unloading rate, that is the change in crop load over time, requires some form of memory of past crop load values. Therefore, the new model presents a simpler mechanism by removing this computational and memory burden.

Other than its simplicity and its lower cognitive demands, this model is preferable over the previous one for its greater explanatory power. It manages to explain both the linear foraging frequency and the deepening of foragers’ paths in the nest, implying that both of these trends result from the same set of rules. The deepening of foragers’ visits with colony satiation may be a widespread phenomenon, as it was also observed in honeybees (Seeley, 1989).

Additionally, our analytical understanding of the described behavioral rules emphasises the robustness of the system to intrinsic forager parameters, such as threshold value and bias strengths. So long as there is a crop load at which the forager’s movement bias switches from inward to outward, her exiting frequency is expected to be linear with her unloading rate (neglecting boundary effects). Since the forager’s unloading rate is controlled by her recipients, her exit frequency is linked to the colony. This allows for different foragers to have different movement biases even within the same nest, and still the relationship between their exit frequency and colony satiation will remain intact.

On the other hand, the sensitivity of the forager’s unloading rate to the crop loads of the ants she encounters means that a linear relationship between her foraging frequency and the total colony hunger requires her receivers to be representative of the colony. While our experiments indeed display a representative sample of receivers and a linear relationship with colony state, our model predicts that different interaction patterns will yield different results. In cases where the forager encounters non-representative subgroups of the colony, her foraging frequency is expected to be linear with the state of her sample, but this may no longer translate to linearity with the collective state of the colony. In nature, ants’ nests are typically composed of multiple chambers (Tschinkel, 2004; Tschinkel, 2005; Heyman et al., 2017), thus the nest-ant distribution is more clustered and organized than in the artificial single-chamber nest that was used in our experiments (Fard et al., 2020). Accordingly, it may be that nest architecture will affect the sampling characteristics of the foragers, and consequently their foraging frequency (Pinter-Wollman, 2015; Bidari and Kilpatrick, 2021). Other factors that may affect the forager’s sample include the number of nest entrances (Lehue et al., 2020; Mitrus, 2021), the density of ants in the nest, and the topology of the colony’s trophallactic network (Sendova-Franks et al., 2010, Wikle et al., 2019; Quque et al., 2021; Bles et al., 2018; Planckaert et al., 2019, Mersch et al., 2013; Quevillon et al., 2015; Stroeymeyt et al., 2018; Alciatore et al., 2021). Lastly, note that we describe the colony’s feeding process after starvation. In nature such a state may occur when environmental conditions don’t provide a stable supply of food. The level of hunger of the colony may very well affect the trophallactic network (Sendova-Franks et al., 2010). Fortunately, modern tracking methods enable to acquire more data on trophallactic networks to explore these potential effects (Gernat et al., 2018; Baltiansky et al., 2021).

Both the model presented here and those presented in our previous work relate foraging rates to forager decisions. However, the nature and timing of these decisions differ greatly. Although the distinction between these two alternatives is typically ignored, we would like to argue that there is a clear advantage to the model presented here. Taking a decision means choosing among the spectrum of affordances (Stoffregen, 2003), or currently available courses of action (Budaev et al., 2019). In the model presented here, upon reaching a certain crop load threshold, the forager decides to shift her bias toward the exit, a perfectly plausible decision. Then when her motion brings her to the nest entrance, she automatically exits. In the models presented in our previous work, the decision taken by the forager is a decision to exit. However, for an ant that is far into the nest, exiting is not an affordance. Even if the ant decides to cease interactions and exit she is not at the entrance. This ant must first traverse a highly dynamic and unpredictable environment wherein she may be exposed to further information or encounter nestmates that initiate further interactions. Any attempt to define the nature or timing of a decision that includes unavailable affordances is therefore liable to lead to inconsistencies and limits the models that use it.

The model presented here and those presented in our previous work were constructed to describe the same data. Indeed, when it comes to forager relating exit rates to colony state they yield highly similar results. However, this does not mean the decision to exit vs the decision to change bias models are indistinguishable. Rather, the models would predict observable behavioral differences. Since our previous models did not include any notion of space we can not directly compare them to our current more comprehensive model. However, experiments that differentiate between the two decision types can easily be envisioned. A decision model with predictive power should allow us to pinpoint, in real-time, the moment at which a forager takes her decision to exit. We could imagine an manipulation where, at this moment, a large number of hungry ants are added between the forager and the nest entrance. The previous models would predict that, since the decision has already been taken, this manipulation will not deter her from quickly reaching the entrance and exiting. The model presented in the current work would predict the opposite: as long as there are hungry ants around the forager will keep on interacting. Clearly, further differences between the models are to be expected if one goes beyond behavior and into the neuronal correlates of information accumulation and decision making processes.

We suggest to identify the mechanism presented in our current model as a very simple form of stigmergy (Grasse, 1960). Stigmergy is a means by which social insects coordinate their behaviors through alteration of the physical environment. Ants can, for example, alter the environment by leaving a pheromone mark on the ground or starting to dig a new tunnel and when other ants react to these environmental signals pheromone trails (Theraulaz and Bonabeau, 1999) or elaborate nest structures (Theraulaz et al., 1998) may emerge. Furthermore, it is appreciated that this form of emergence work to reduces the cognitive abilities required of the participating individuals. In our model, all a forager does is move within the nest. Clearly, since the ant is an embodied agent (Wilson, 2002), this motion alters the physical environment and can therefore be viewed as a simple form of stigmergy. Furthermore, the distance between the forager and nest entrance is a dynamic variable that integrates all her previous steps. This variable is simply where the ant is and therefore she is not required to compute or store it internally. Hence, similar to the more complex forms of stigmergy, motion relieves the forager’s cognitive burden. Interestingly, this simple form of stigmergy can be employed by a single agent. A similar process, in which the location of a single ant relieves her from measuring interaction rates during quorum sensing was recently proposed by Pavlic et al., 2021 . Similarly, the physical location of a cockroach (Halloy et al., 2007) or a fish (Berdahl et al., 2013) during collective shelter selection relieves them from remembering or even being aware of their choice. A similar mechanism, wherein the mean location of a group of ants provides a realization of the abstract cognitive variable typically typically used in neuroscience decision models was recently demonstrated in ants (Ayalon et al., 2021).

In summary, the model we present here for foraging frequency regulation supports the same notion. If the movement of the foragers is neglected, it may seem that in order for foraging frequency regulation to emerge, foragers must accumulate information on their changing crop load in order to decide when to exit the nest (Greenwald et al., 2018). However, here we show that once forager movement is considered, the decision when to exit the nest is no longer an internal decision of the forager, but an external decision made by the collective that includes the forager, the colony, and their physical environment. Accordingly, the internal behavior of the forager then solely relies on her current crop load, with no need for her to accumulate information on its history. The cumulative information on past crop load values is represented by the forager’s position in the nest and is thus stored externally in physical space. This exemplifies how utilization of an individual’s position in space can reduce its cognitive demands without detracting from its computational contribution to group-level emergence.

Materials and methods

Experimental setup

The experiments used to conduct this research are those used in Greenwald et al., 2018.

Data analysis

Data was analysed in Python using the following packages: Numpy (Oliphant, 2006), Matplotlib (Hunter, 2007), openCV (Bradski, 2000) and Pandas (McKinney, 2010).

Agent-based models

The agent-based models are described according to the protocol laid out by Grimm et al., 2006; Grimm et al., 2020. Two models are presented, a two-dimensional model in continuous space and a 1-dimensional model in discrete space. Both models include a single forager which has two stochastic walking tendencies: the forager tends deeper into the nest when the amount of food in her crop is above a threshold value and tends toward the entrance once her crop level drops below the threshold. Models progress in the following way: the forager begins at the entrance with a full crop and walks through the nest, unloading food to each nest-ant she meets according to her trophallaxis rule. Once she has unloaded enough food, she switches walking tendency, and tends toward the entrance. Upon reaching the entrance, she refills and proceeds to re-enter the nest.

The model is written in Python with a GUI written in Java. Scheduling in the 1D model was carried out through a modified version of the mesa scheduling module (Masad and Kazil, 2015).

Purpose and patterns

The purpose of the model is to determine whether the three rules described in section 3.2 are sufficient to recapitulate the forager’s exit frequency relation with colony hunger. Other patterns of the foragers’ unloading bouts are used to determine the accuracy of the model, including depth, exiting crop state, unloading rate, and the state of their interaction partners.

State variables and scale

The model is comprised of individual agents representing ants; ants can be grouped into two sub-populations, foragers and nest-ants. These two populations are representative of what is seen in ant colonies in the scope of food dissemination. The model is also treated as an individual object to allow for data collection and parameter setting. Model parameters and their values are specified in Table 2.

Table 2. Parameter values for different groups of agents in both models.

Parameters given to all agents are described under the ’Ants’ sub-population.

Sub-population Parameter Model Value
Crop state capacity All 1
Movement speed 2D 0.2 ant-lengths second-1
Initial crop state All 0
1D 45 ants, one on every cell
2D 89 ants randomly placed
Radius of interaction 2D 0.2 ant-lengths
Initial crop state All 1
Threshold value All 0.45
Initial position All Entrance of nest
Foraging time All 0
Interaction proportion All pExp(10.15)
Biases in state A 1D {0.32,0.22,0.46}
Biases in state B 1D {0.53,0.31,0.16}
Possible angles in state A 2D Appendix 1—figure 1, above
Possible angles in state B 2D Appendix 1—figure 1, below
Boarder reflection noise 2D [–0.3 radians, 0.3 radians]

In the 1D model, biases {a, b, c} are to be read as such; a is probability to step one cell outwards, b is probability to stay in the same cell, c is probability to step one cell inwards. In the 2D model, the forager moves 0.2 ant-lengths at every step (the average empirical velocity of foragers). After every interaction, she samples a new direction from a list of angles extracted empirically, given her crop load (Appendix 1—figure 1). Furthermore, nest-ants move 0.2 ant-lengths in a random direction at every step.

In both models one forager was initialized and simulations were run until the colony was sufficiently satiated.

1D model

The nest length is 45 cells, plus 1 entrance cell. The entrance and deepest cell in the nest are reflecting boundaries, forcing the forager to step inwards/outwards, respectively, the step after it reaches said cell.

2D model

The nest is of size 12 by 12 ant-lengths, Where the bottom left corner is the point of entrance/exit. When the forager reaches a nest boundary her direction is reflected with noise of 0.3 radians.

Process overview and scheduling

The process of the forager in both models is described by the flow diagram in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Schematic detailing the process of a forager at every step of the simulation.

Figure 6.

The forager first moves according to a crop-dependent movement rule. Then either feeds, if at the entrance, or attempts to interact with another agent.

Time in the model is discrete. In the 1D model, each step in the simulation represents the time it takes for the forager to step one ant length. In the 2D model, each step represents one second.

Design concepts

  • Emergence: Forager dynamics emerge from the behaviors of the model. Interactions and movement are hard-coded, however, dynamics such as duration, depth, exiting crop and colony state progression all develop only as a consequence of these behaviors. Hence, the foragers’ adaptation to the changing colony state occurs implicitly via these behaviors and its position.

  • Sensing: All agents are assumed to know their crop levels, and the forager also knows a movement threshold crop level. Agents are not assumed to know where they are in the nest or any information about other agents/the system.

  • Interactions: Trophallaxis between agents is modeled explicitly.

  • Stochasticity: Trophallaxis and movement are both modeled as stochastic behaviors.

  • Observation: Simulations were repeated 200 times, with crop state of all agents at every step averaged over these repeats. Forager-specific data; crop, position, current duration in the nest, was recorded at every step for every individual run of the simulation. Interaction volumes and partners’ states were recorded for every step in every individual run of the simulation. Unloading bout duration and exiting crop were recorded every time the forager returned to the entrance for every individual run of the simulation. In analyzing the results of the models, unloading bouts below a certain duration were omitted. Empirically, foragers were not observed to perform very short bouts, probably because they have a memory of entering the nest. This was captured by rejecting bouts shorter than 9 s in the 2D model, and shorter than three steps in the 1D model.

Initialization and termination

Every simulation was initialized with empty nest-ants and a fed forager. This mimics the data collected from wet-lab experiments, in which colonies were starved for 1–2 weeks prior and data collection only began after the first time a forager leaves the nest to find food. The forager is initialized in the entrance, and the nest ants are initialized in random positions (2D model) or in every cell (1D model).

Simulations were terminated after all nest-ants were at least 95% full.


No external input into the models was used.


  • Trophallaxis rate: In the 1D model, the forager performs trophallaxis at every step with the ant in her cell. In the 2D model, the forager performs trophallaxis if there is a nest-ant within the radius of interaction.

  • Trophallaxis volume: The forager transfers a fraction of the recipients empty crop space. The fraction is sampled from an exponential distribution with a mean of 0.15 (based on empirical data from Greenwald et al., 2018).


We thank Efrat Greenwald for collecting the empirical data used in this study. Thanks to Amos Korman and Jean-Pierre Eckmann for mathematical consultation and ideas, and to Aviram Gellblum for coding advice. This research was supported by the Minerva Foundation, the Israel Science Foundation, Grant No. 1727/20, the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Grant agreements No. 648032 and 770964).

Appendix 1

Foragers’ movement directions

Appendix 1—figure 1. Empirical distributions of the angles between the foragers’ direction of movement and the direction to the nest entrance (an angle of 0o represents a direct movement toward the entrance).

Appendix 1—figure 1.

Black arrow represents the mean of the distribution. Data was sampled at the end of each interaction of a forager. The angles are presented in two distributions, one where the foragers’ crop load was above the identified threshold (left), and one where the foragers’ crop load was below this threshold (right). The threshold value was extracted from the data presented in Figure 1 in the main text. Above the threshold foragers had a net bias away from the entrance (mean ± STD: 194.5° ± 133.3°), and below the threshold a net bias toward the entrance (mean ± STD: 359.4° ± 85.0°). In the continuous 2D simulation, the foragers’ direction of movement was determined by randomly sampling an angle from the empirical angle distributions.

Nest-ant movement in 1D model

To translate the empirical 2D movement of nest-ants to 1D for the 1D agent-based model, we mapped all nest-ants’ 2D positions into a 1D ranking according to their Euclidean distance from the entrance. To quantify the degree of their movement between consecutive unloading bouts, we calculated the Kendall τ rank correlation index for each pair of consecutive sets of rankings. The coefficients for each one of our 3 experiments were distributed close to 0, indicating that the change in ants’ rankings was close to what would be obtained by random shuffling. Indeed, we also randomly shuffled the empirical rankings for comparison, and the resulting coefficients were not different from those calculated on the non-shuffled empirical rankings (Figure Appendix 1—figure 2). Therefore, nest-ant movement in the 1D model was implemented as random shuffling between consecutive unloading bouts.

Appendix 1—figure 2. Distributions of the Kendall τ rank correlation coefficients for nest-ant movement in 3 experiments compared to those of fully random shuffling.

Appendix 1—figure 2.

Emergent linear relationship between foraging frequency and total colony hunger

In the main text, we have presented equations that explain the linear relationship between foraging frequency and total colony hunger for the extreme case, in which a forager walks only inward when her crop load exceeds the threshold, and only outward when it is below the threshold. Here we generalize these equations for the cases where the forager’s bias is set with partial probabilities to walk in each direction.

Let us describe the forager’s probabilistic walk as a random walk with a crop-load dependent bias B(c), where c is the forager’s current crop load, and B(c) is a set of 3 complementary fractions describing the probabilities to take one step inward, outward or to stay in the same cell, given c. In our case, a crop-load threshold c* defines 2 biases: B(c>c) where the probability to step inward is greater than the probability to step outward, generating a net inward drift, and B(cc*) where the probability to step outward is greater than the probability to step inward, generating a net outward drift. We will denote these biases Bin and Bout, respectively. For example, the biases used in the agent-based model are presented in Table 1, the first row corresponding to Bout and the second to Bin.

When compared to the extreme case presented in the main text, the main difference that this probabilistic walk introduces is that as the forager walks stochastically back and forth between the nest ants, she may interact multiple times with the same ants before switching her bias. For any biased random walker walking on an infinite line, the average number of times it steps on a specific position is a constant, the value of which depends on the value of the bias. This is due to the fact that a biased random walk is Markovian, such that the direction of the next step is independent of the walker’s position. Therefore, we can separately analyze the two phases of the forager’s walk in the nest: (1) when she enters the nest and drifts inwards with bias Bin until she reaches her crop-load threshold, and (2) after she reaches the threshold and drifts back toward the nest entrance with bias Bout. During each one of those phases, the average number of times the forager interacts with each ant is a different constant, which we denote s(Bin) and s(Bout), respectively. Note that this holds under the assumption that the forager is walking far enough from the nest boundaries. The average number of encounters with ants that are close to the boundaries may depend on their position, but in any case should stay quite constant during the entire course of the feeding process, and therefore we neglect this complication for the sake of our analysis.

Similarly to the extreme case presented in the main text, the nest-ant movement rule dictates that the forager interacts with a representative sample of the colony at each unloading bout, such that the average state of the forager’s partners is equal to the colony state, F. However, for the probabilistic walk, this is true only for the first time the forager interacts with this partner. When repeatedly giving food to the same ants, their crop state gradually increases, affecting the amount of food they will receive in each successive interaction. Since the trophallaxis rule states that the average amount of food delivered at each interaction is a fraction α of the receiver’s empty crop space, the receiver’s empty crop space decreases, on average, by a factor of (1-α) at each successive interaction. Hence, treating the receiver’s empty crop space as a geometric series with common ratio (1-α), the total amount of food given to an ant with crop state F after N interactions is, on average:

Δc(N)=(1-F)n=1Nα(1-α)n-1 (A1)

Next, looking at the average amount of interactions each ant holds during the forager’s walk, s=N, the total amount of food given to each ant can be approximated by (note that we use the integral approximation of the above sum as s may not be an integer):

Δcant(1F)n=1sα(1α)n1dn (A2)

Now, the average position at which the forager reaches her threshold can be expressed as the average number of unique ants she interacts with before unloading 1-c* of her crop. For the probabilistic case, this equals:

xswitch=1cΔcant(Bin)=1c(1F)n=1s(Bin)α(1α)n1dn (A3)

Since s(Bin) and α are constants, n=1s(Bin)α(1α)n1dn is also a constant, which we denote η, and obtain:

xswitch=1c(1F)η (A4)

As in the extreme case, the average duration of a forager’s unloading bout in the nest is the average time it takes her to reach xswitch from the entrance plus the average time it takes her to reach the entrance back from xswitch. For the probabilistic case, these may be expressed as xswitchs(Bin) and xswitchs(Bout), respectively. Therefore, the average time the forager spends in the nest before exiting is:

T=xswitch(s(Bin)+s(Bout))=(1-c*)(s(Bin)+s(Bout))(1-F)η (A5)

The exiting frequency is thus:

R=1T=(1-F)η(1-c*)(s(Bin)+s(Bout))=(1-F)γ (A6)

where γ=η(1-c*)(s(Bin)+s(Bout)) is a constant.

Hence, we get a foraging frequency R which is linear with colony hunger (1-F) for the probabilistic case as well.

Plugging in the values for the constants in Equation A6, verifies that γ matches the slope of the output of the 1D simulation (Figure 5). The constants that compose the factor γ are:

  • c*=0.45: the forager’s crop load threshold, set based on empirical observation

  • α=0.15: the average amount of food transferred in an interaction, in terms of fraction of the receiver’s empty crop space, set based on empirical observation

  • s(Bin)=2.2: the average number of times a biased random walker is expected to visit each position for the inward bias, estimated as explained below

  • s(Bout)=1.8: the average number of times a biased random walker is expected to visit each position for the outward bias, estimated as explained below

The latter two constants were estimated by treating the system as an absorbing Markov chain, where the entrance to the nest is an absorbing state, and the rest of the positions are transient states. The fundamental matrix of this chain is N=(I-Q)-1, where Q is the transition matrix of the transient states. Then, starting at the nest entrance, the expected number of steps on position i before being absorbed back at the entrance is N1,i. Setting the transition matrix Q according to the defined inward and outward biases (Table 1), we obtain the expected values of s(Bin)=2.2 and s(Bout)=1.8. Note that this approach assumes a semi-infinite nest, thus the obtained values are approximations that neglect boundary effects.

Altogether, these constants yield γ=0.074. This value is consistent with the slope obtained by a linear fit to the simulated data of exit frequency vs. empty colony state (slope=0.073).

Funding Statement

The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.

Contributor Information

Ofer Feinerman, Email:

Gordon J Berman, Emory University, United States.

Christian Rutz, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom.

Funding Information

This paper was supported by the following grants:

  • Minerva Foundation to Ofer Feinerman.

  • Israel Science Foundation 1727/20 to Ofer Feinerman.

  • Horizon 2020 Framework Programme 648032 to Ofer Feinerman.

  • Horizon 2020 Framework Programme 770964 to Ofer Feinerman.

Additional information

Competing interests

No competing interests declared.

Author contributions

Conceptualization, Software, Formal analysis, Validation, Visualization, Methodology, Writing - original draft, Writing - review and editing.

Conceptualization, Software, Formal analysis, Visualization, Methodology, Writing - original draft, Writing - review and editing.

Conceptualization, Supervision, Funding acquisition, Validation, Visualization, Methodology, Writing - original draft, Writing - review and editing.

Additional files

Transparent reporting form

Data availability

Figure 2 - Source Data 1 contains all experimental data used for the empirical analysis. Figure 4 - Source Data 1 and Figure 4 - Source Data 2 contain simulated data used for the analysis of the agent-based models.Python code for the agent-based model is available on GitHub.

The following dataset was generated:

Frankel G, Baltiansky L, Feinerman O. 2022. Food dissemination agent-based model. Zenodo.


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Editor's evaluation

Gordon J Berman 1

This valuable study is of relevance to the field of collective animal behaviour. The proposed crop-cue-based motion-switching rules provide a welcome alternative to other models that assume far more deliberative abilities of ants. The authors present solid evidence to back up their claims.

Decision letter

Editor: Gordon J Berman1
Reviewed by: Theodore P Pavlic2

Our editorial process produces two outputs: (i) public reviews designed to be posted alongside the preprint for the benefit of readers; (ii) feedback on the manuscript for the authors, including requests for revisions, shown below. We also include an acceptance summary that explains what the editors found interesting or important about the work.

Decision letter after peer review:

Thank you for submitting your article "Emergent regulation of ant foraging frequency through a computationally inexpensive forager movement rule" for consideration by eLife.

Your article has been reviewed by three peer reviewers, and the evaluation has been overseen by a Reviewing Editor and Christian Rutz as the Senior Editor. The following individual involved in the review of your submission has agreed to reveal their identity: Theodore P. Pavlic (Reviewer #2).

The reviewers have discussed their reviews with one another, and the Reviewing Editor has drafted this decision letter to help you prepare a revised submission.

Essential revisions:

1) It was confusing to the reviewers how exactly the inward/outward directions were defined. Is it simply away, or towards the entrance? It is not clear from the text, and since this system is not symmetric (cubic with entrance at one of the corners) the authors should clarify this point.

2) For the biased random walk analysis of the ants, the authors "coarse-grained" the steps as being "inwards", "outwards" and "stay". It is not clear how this level of granulation is justified. Since the authors have access to the actual trajectories and all trophallaxis events, why not just calculate the actual turning angles between consecutive steps the ants take? This would give an actual assessment of both the bias and the noise imposed on the random walks, which the authors could then use directly in their models. Some discussion of this point is important.

3) It would be important to better connect the authors' previous mechanism (relating the colony's response to individual ants sensing their own food levels and its temporal dynamics) to the new mechanism (spatial-temporal dynamics). Are they mutually exclusive? It would be useful to elaborate on this in the Discussion.

4) The addition of a few supplementary movies from the experiments, showing ants moving toward the entrance with low food loads, and moving away from the entrance with high food loads, would be extremely helpful.

5) Much of the authors' argument rests on trajectories and statistics generated from a two-dimensional computational simulation that may be overly simplistic. The computational model simulates a single forager (as opposed to multiple foragers) arriving to a nest that is partitioned into a grid of squares with an immobile ant in the center of every square. Foragers move in discrete steps from square to square, with the guarantee of an interaction in each step. This "grid world" model of ant nest movements is significantly different from the experience of real foraging ants returning to the nest, and the authors even admit that deviations between the empirical data and the computational model may be due to nest-ant clumping and interaction sparsity in the paths of real ants. Continuous-motion agent-based models are commonly used to investigate collective-motion hypotheses, and so the choice of a grid world model instead seems surprising and weakens the authors' arguments. Furthermore, while the deterministic mathematical model of grid-world forager trajectories seems overly simplistic, the stochastic model in the Appendix that attempts to validate the deterministic model's results seems to have some potential flaws and is itself not validated experimentally against replicated simulation data. Instead of perfecting these models, the authors could bolster their arguments using more familiar approaches from statistical mechanics that might help explain the likely depth an ant "diffuses" into such a nest. In the current form of the manuscript, the mathematical models do not add much beyond the simulation models (and the lack of replication of the simulated data may make some readers wonder if the example trajectories were representative). Further discussion of continuum models would help to bolster the authors' claims, and the reviewers agreed that direct comparison of the authors' results from grid-based simulations to simulations from continuum models likely would be the most effective way to strengthen the manuscript and support its conclusions (see comments from Reviewer #2 for more details).

6) There are a few questionable parameters that the authors have chosen in their model, likely for analytical tractability. For example, the authors assume that at each interaction between a forager and a nest ant, the forager offloads enough food to fill 15% of the crop space remaining in the receiving ant. One can assume that this parameter is something like the 63.21% associated with an exponential time constant or may be based on empirical measurements of transfer in real ants, but the actual justification is not completely clear from the manuscript. Because the mathematical models make predictions that depend on these parameters, their existence (and plausible values) is itself an important assumption that needs to be defended for the argument to be compelling.

7) The behavioral model described by the authors assumes that ants are able to choose a direction toward their nest's entrance at any time. This within-nest path-integration ability does not seem cognitively inexpensive, which narrows the cognitive distance between the behavioral model they propose here and the one they had proposed in their prior work, and weakens the argument for the relevance of this new model. The authors failed to place their work within the context of other simple cue-based motion-switching behaviors discussed in the literature for other taxa -- such as "running" and "tumbling" in E. coli bacteria -- but if they had, they might have envisioned an alternative crop-based motion rule that would have the same effect as their current rule (i.e., movement toward the entrance on low crop state) without having to assert that the ant moves directly back towards the entrance. Bridging the work to these other studies would be important here.

8) Focusing on the explanatory power of this model specifically for (some) ants, the authors do not address how to empirically reconcile the ambiguity between the more cognitive mechanisms proposed in their previous work (where ants "decide" to exit a nest) and the current proposal (where the nest cavity "decides" when the ant will exit). For this new hypothesis to be useful, it must be empirically discriminable from the previous hypothesis. At first glance, it is difficult to imagine an experiment that would lead to different predicted behavior from the two different hypotheses. In other words, at the moment, it seems impossible to tell whether the "ant decide" or the "nest decide" model is a better predictor of real ant behavior/cognitive architectures. The lack of discriminability becomes even more problematic when considering that the current version of the model actually increases some cognitive demands by assuming (as described above) that ants keep track of the position of the entrance over the trajectory within the nest.

9) In the stochastic model in the Appendix (an integral is used when instead of a sum, perhaps?), it seems like the average values s(Bin) and s(Bout) should depend on F. However, they are treated as constants in Equations (S3) - (S5). If the authors tried to empirically validate the stochastic model by generating many simulated replications and then plotting averages against this prediction, they would likely have a hard time calculating s(Bin) and s(Bout) to generate their numerical predictions. The authors should clarify this point.

10) "It has recently been suggested that physical space can be utilised to offload computation from individuals' cognition to their environment in the context of collective quorum sensing ([5])." It seems surprising to say that this is the first time this has been suggested. For example, the literature on the effects of nest architecture cited by Reviewer #3 is based on this idea (see below). More generally, the idea that movement patterns determine encounter rates and thus communication was suggested for ants decades ago. This study seems to sidestep many spatially explicit models on information exchange through encounters (e.g., see review in Gordon 2020 Ann Ent Soc 2020doi: 10.1093/aesa/saaa03). The models use assumptions that ignore the effects of space. The impact of these assumptions should at least be considered.

11) The manuscript says nothing about the empirical data which were obtained in another study. This manuscript should say how "average crop load" was measured, including some measure of variation. The manuscript should also say how "foraging frequency" was measured and under what conditions. How often are these conditions likely to occur for colonies of this species?

12) What is the "linearity of foraging frequency"? Line 49: "Progress has also been made toward revealing the local mechanism underlying the linearity of foraging frequency, though to a lesser extent. " Again, on lines 105-106: "emergent linear relationship between foraging frequency and total colony hunger." Better definition of this term is important.

13) Figure 5D – empirical results: Why does the forager have a higher crop load at the end of its time inside the nest than at the beginning?

14) If "hunger" is defined as below as the amount of food in the colony, then it is circular (not "intriguing") to say that the rate at which food comes in matches the total level of "hunger" or level of food.

15) It seems strange to cite Oster and Wilson to say that ants collecting food are called foragers. There is at least 100 years of work on ants before Oster and Wilson that referred to "foragers".

16) Lines 36-38: "Trophallaxis is the main food-sharing method in many ant species 36 ([12]). Each time a laden forager returns to the nest, she unloads the food from her crop to several receivers via 37 trophallaxis. The food further circulates through a complex trophallactic network among all colony members38 ([9], [13]-[17])." This is a misleading way of framing this study, because it equates the distribution of food sources among ants within the nest with the unloading of nectar by foragers. There are many species that use trophallaxis but not directly from foragers.

17) The results suggest that unloading is associated with whether a forager moves toward or away from the nest entrance. This is called the "deeper nest", but it seems the previous empirical study was performed in a flat arena, and the simulations do not include anything about depth. Thus it gives the impression that an ant associates unloading with going up or down, but in this study, unloading was associated with toward or away from the entrance from an arena. It would be better not to use "deeper" to mean "away from the entrance" as this evokes an image of depth in an ant nest, which is misleading. Since "deep" has an ambiguous meaning here, it is difficult for the reader to know what "deepening" and "lengthening" mean in line 140: "The simulation qualitatively reproduced the lengthening and deepening of foragers' trips."

18) It was unclear what was meant by: "Note that contrary to the assumptions used in our previous paper ([1]), here a forager never decides to exit the nest. Rather, an exit occurs if the forager's motion brings her to the nest exit." What is the difference between 1) a decision to go to the nest exit and leave the nest, and 2) going to the nest exit and leaving? In the literature on behaviour, decision-making, and cognition, 1) and 2) are the same.

Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors):

This very clever manuscript was a joy to read, and I look forward to when it is finally published. These crop-cue-based motion-switching rules provide a welcome alternative to other models that assume far more deliberative abilities on ants, and it will be valuable to add this example to the collective motion and collective decision-making literature. That said, I think there are three major issues that I feel warrant addressing in a revised version: overly simplistic models, no connections to similar phenomena in motion ecology as well as statistical mechanics, and potential flaws in the stochastic modeling approach. I will address each of these below.

Issue 1: Overly simplistic models

The manuscript's arguments are currently tailored to overly simplistic models. Choosing models for natural systems necessarily means leaving out some realism, but the grid-world models used by the current manuscript do not achieve the appropriate benefit-cost balance of analytical tractability to organismal fidelity. A good, illustrative simulation model need not have all of the details of the real system but it should have plausible relative scaling. A grid-world model of an ant nest, where there is an ant on every square and the single incoming forager moves from every ant to every other ant at each step is a significantly distorted proxy for a real ant colony. Agent-based modeling tools (and/or API's) allow for quickly building models of mobile agents that move in an approximation of continuous space, where an incoming forager could be moving around a nest that itself had nestmates that were moving. Putting both types of agents into motion will create natural gaps and clumps that help to create a more realistic temporal scales of events – possibly allowing for Figures 4B and 4C to have the same units as Figure 4A. Furthermore, simulating multiple foragers simultaneously might be important as the foragers will effectively compete for off-loading opportunities. Although using a continuous-time model may seem to complicate building mathematical models, the more realistic motion rules may actually simplify some of the analysis as they can lead to justifying well-mixedness assumptions that allow for using mean-field ODE models. In summary, although the grid-world simulations provide interesting visual evidence that such a model can generate hunger-dependent penetration depths inside a colony, such grid-world models are not convincing when discussing the actual temporal duration of those trajectories. Demonstrating these results in continuous-time agent-based models with potentially multiple returning foragers as well as mobile nest ants will be convincing and will able to be scrutinized in terms of temporal fidelity as well.

Issue 2: Connections to motion ecology and statistical mechanics

The manuscript in its current form describes what would happen if an ant had the ability to decide whether to move deeper within the nest or turn around and move directly toward the exit. From a mechanistic perspective, it would make more sense to suggest a mechanism (or family of mechanisms) that tend to have those two effects without assuming that the ant can achieve both of those subtasks. For example, following the flocking literature, it seems much more likely that ants would be able to move "toward center" or "away from center" (or even "toward darkness" (skototactic) and "toward light" (phototactic)). If the cue-based switching proposed lead to these two outcomes and then ants could follow walls when unable to move further away from center, then it seems likely that the same tendencies identified by the authors would be met without actually having to assert that ants can path integrate an "entrance vector" continuously. So I would recommend re-running simulations with more generic "inward" and "outward" motions. It is my guess that a wide variety of switching behaviors will lead to similar outcomes (albeit with a lengthening of the duration an ant spends in a nest, which might actually bring the simulations closer to the real traces anyway).

Event-based switching from one searching behavior to another is not unprecedented in the motion literature. Fish schooling literature (from Iain Couzin et al.) has shown that switching from one velocity to another based on whether you're in a dark or light area can lead to aggregations of fish, for example. A wide variety of animals (and even ants, such as Temnothorax albipennis when searching for its lost leader in a tandem run) incorporate switches from straight runs to circular searching and back again based on cues. Plume tracking in many flying insects is thought to involve simple switching rules that help ensure movement "upstream" despite the ugly turbulent flows in the odor plumes that are far from a smooth gradient. And that brings me to the example I mentioned in the public review -- E. coli "running" and "tumbling," which has been associated with chemotactic gradient climbing. Interestingly, E. coli are too small to sense a spatial gradient, and so some sequential sampling is apparently incorporated to estimate when it is ready to switch from rotating flagella in one direction ("running" straight) to the other direction ("tumbling" randomly). That implies that even bacteria can sense rate, which is possibly an argument for ants being able to sense the rate that their crop is being depleted. That said, if we forget about using the bacteria as a minimal model of cognition, we can focus on "running" and "tumbling" as a motion framework that ants could be using too. If the hypothesized ants can be conceptualized as "running" at high crop state and "tumbling" at low crop state, then could they be interpreted as climbing a nutrient gradient (i.e., in toward the nest when the nest is full of food but out of the nest when the nest is not full of food)? Not only would generic "tumbling" (as opposed to "moving toward the entrance") be less cognitively demanding for ants, but making the connection between ant and bacterial motion rules would help extend the scope and scale of the potential impact of this manuscript. So I would encourage: (a) seeing if simply increasing the probability of making random turns when the crop is low leads to a similar result as the current approach, and (b) considering whether "run" and "tumble" provides a gradient-climbing interpretation of what the foraging ants might be doing (i.e., they either climb into a "full" nest or they climb out of an "empty" nest toward a full environment).

Along those lines, there seem to be significant missed opportunities to interpret the trajectory density from a statistical mechanics perspective. Stating that trajectories tend to penetrate deeper into a test when colonies are "full" and is shallower when colonies are "empty" suggests that colony state might be viewed as a kind of "temperature", and the depth of penetration could reflect a corresponding Boltzmann distribution setup by the motion of foraging ants diffusing into the colony -- where those foraging ants would be excited by the "temperature" of the colony. If this interpretation is correct, then this statistical-mechanics perspective suggests other mathematical models that would be more general and more convincing than the simplistic mathematical models within the current manuscript (see more comments about these below). Alternatively, it might be possible to think of a sort of "contact potential" between the foragers (from outside) and the nest ants. When the colony is full, foragers can diffuse very far into the nest before the "charge imbalance" stops them from going further. However, when the colony is hungry, the "charge imbalance" balances at a much shorter distance (and so there is very little diffusion). At this moment, these are just descriptive models which may fit the data well. However, these descriptive models have specific physical phenomena associated with them which may inspire other ways to think about the motion of the individual ants. In general, diffusion is a very fundamental process which certainly applies to ants moving randomly from place to place, and so it seems like the clear modulation of penetration depth by hunger state is very likely to represent a kind of temperature. In this interpretation, the fuller the ant colony, the "more energetic" the forager, which is a happy coincidence.

Issue 3: Possible flaws in stochastic modelling approach

In the stochastic model in the appendix (where an integral is used when I think a sum was intended), it seems like the average values s(Bin) and s(Bout) should depend on F. However, they are treated as constants in Equations (S3) – (S5). Consequently, the stochastic model doesn't make sense to me. If the authors tried to empirically validate the stochastic model by generating many simulated replications and then plotting averages against this prediction, I think they would have a hard time calculating s(Bin) and s(Bout) to generate their numerical predictions. If I were building this model, I would have probably started with Markov renewal-reward theory. The individual forager encounters ants randomly and exchanges a random amount of food with them. The renewal process counts up the number of encountered ants, and the reward is the accumulated amount of food transferred to other ants. Framed this way, a wide range of results on Markov renewal-reward processes can be used to characterize the experience of the forager.

An alternative approach to the stochastic modeling would be to consider the hitting time of a drift-diffusion process. The manuscript already discusses how the "hunger" of the colony tunes the drift of such a process, with a "full" colony creating significant drift away from the absorbing barrier and an "empty" colony creating significant drift toward the absorbing barrier. Why not actually try to model the ant formally this way and import all of the mathematics already developed for such a system?

Reviewer #3 (Recommendations for the authors):

Methodological questions:

1). Space

"It has recently been suggested that physical space can be utilised to offload computation from individuals' cognition to their environment in the context of collective quorum sensing ([5])." It seems strange to say that this is the first time this has been suggested. For example, the literature on the effects of nest architecture cited here is based on this idea.

More generally, the idea that movement patterns determine encounter rates and thus communication was suggested for ants decades ago. This study sidesteps many spatially explicit models on information exchange through encounters (e.g. review in Gordon 2020 Ann Ent Soc 2020doi: 10.1093/aesa/saaa03).

The models use assumptions that ignore the effects of space. The impact of these assumptions should at least be considered.

a. How does the crop load of a recipient influence its location inside the nest? Social insect colonies are spatially organized; e.g.:

Franks NR, Tofts C. Anim. Behav. doi:10.1006/anbe.1994.1261;

Mersch DP et al. 2013 doi:10.1126/science.1234316;

Crall et al. Nat. Comm. 9:1-13.

b. How does a forager's movement influence the probability of meeting another individual with a particular crop load?

Davidson 2017 J. R. Soc. Interface.

The model considers only one meeting. How would a 2nd, 3rd, … encounter influence the results?

c. Setting the bias to go toward the entrance equal to the bias to move away also has a strong effect on the results. What is the effect of removing this assumption?

d. Variation among ants met in crop load determines the probability that a forager will encounter a particular set of crop loads for a particular movement pattern. E.g. O'Shea-Wheller et al. 2017. Proc. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci. 284: 20162237.

Assuming there is no variation probably has a strong effect on this result, lines 216-18: "Nevertheless, it turns out that the average amount of food given to each nest-ant is still proportional to (1 − F), and that since both the inward and outward biases are constant, the number of steps spent with each nest ant is, on average, also constant (neglecting boundary effects)."

2). Data

The manuscript says nothing about the empirical data which were obtained in another study. This manuscript should say how 'average crop load' was measured, including some measure of variation. The manuscript should also say how 'foraging frequency' was measured and under what conditions. How often are these conditions likely to occur for colonies of this species?

3). Linearity

What is the 'linearity of foraging frequency'?

Line 49: "Progress has also been made toward revealing the local mechanism underlying the linearity of foraging frequency, though to a lesser extent."

Again, lines 105-106: “emergent linear relationship between foraging frequency and total colony hunger.”

I think this is the relation of rate of foragers exiting the nest vs estimate of total amount of food in the crops of workers in the nest? Why is it important that this relationship be linear? It seems more likely that it would be nonlinear, e.g. that foragers would be more likely to exit when levels are very low and not as much when levels are high.

4). Unloading

Figure 5D – empirical results: Why does the forager have a higher crop load at the end of its time inside the nest than at the beginning?

Conceptual issues and presentation:

The manuscript refers to 'ant colonies', in the abstract, introduction and discussion, as if these results apply to all ant colonies. However, the species studied here is one that feeds on nectar. While there are many other such species, they are not the majority of ant species. What is unusual is that they ingest their food, instead of just carrying it back to the nest, and they must unload it before they can collect more. The manuscript should make it clear that the process described here has evolved in relation to this particular, unusual type of feeding. In fact a similar process has evolved independently in honey bees, which also collect nectar. While Seeley's work on this in honeybees (reference 44) is mentioned in passing, the manuscript does not discuss this resemblance between this aspect of foraging behavior in honey bees and a similar and relatively unusual one in ants.

1). If 'hunger' is defined as below as the amount of food in the colony, then it is circular (not 'intriguing') to say that the rate at which food comes in matches the total level of 'hunger' or level of food.

Line 31: "Intriguingly, the rate at which food enters the colony matches the total level of hunger in the colony 31 ([1], [8], [9]).

Line 43-44: "Specifically, each forager's unloading rate was proportional to the 4total "empty crop space" in the colony (hereinafter, 'colony hunger')."

2). Strange to cite Oster and Wilson to say that ants collecting food are called foragers. There is at least 100 years of work on ants before Oster and Wilson that referred to 'foragers'.

3). Line 31 – what is a distributed nature?

4). Trophallaxis

Lines 36-38y: "Trophallaxis is the main food-sharing method in many ant species 36 ([12]). Each time a laden forager returns to the nest, she unloads the food from her crop to several receivers via 37 trophallaxis. The food further circulates through a complex trophallactic network among all colony members38 ([9], [13]-[17])." This is a misleading way of framing this study because it equates the distribution of food sources among ants within the nest with the unloading of nectar by foragers. There are many species that use trophallaxis but not directly from foragers.

5). The results suggest that unloading is associated with whether a forager moves toward or away from the nest entrance. This is called the 'deeper nest', but it seems the previous empirical study was performed in a flat arena and the simulations do not have anything about depth. Thus it gives the impression that an ant associates unloading with going up or down, but in this study, unloading was associated with toward or away from the entrance from an arena. It would be better not to use 'deeper' to mean 'away from the entrance' as this evokes an image of depth in an ant nest, which is misleading. Since 'deep' has an ambiguous meaning here, it's difficult for the reader to know what 'deepening' and 'lengthening' mean in Line 140: "The simulation qualitatively reproduced the lengthening and deepening of foragers' trips."

6). This is puzzling: "Note that contrary to the assumptions used in our previous paper ([1]), here a forager never decides to exit the nest. Rather, an exit occurs if the forager's motion brings her to the nest exit." What is the difference between 1) a decision to go to the nest exit and leave the nest, and 2) going to the nest exit and leaving? In the literature on behavior, decision-making, and cognition, 1) and 2) are the same.

7) line 122: It will be confusing to readers to call the forager's moving around inside the nest a 'trip', since it is very common to call its journey outside the nest a 'trip'.

eLife. 2023 Apr 17;12:e77659. doi: 10.7554/eLife.77659.sa2

Author response

Essential revisions:

(1) It was confusing to the reviewers how exactly the inward/outward directions were defined. Is it simply away, or towards the entrance? It is not clear from the text, and since this system is not symmetric (cubic with entrance at one of the corners) the authors should clarify this point.

The definitions of the inward/outward directions appear in lines 93-95:

“The probabilities of her next interaction to be farther from the entrance (step inward), closer to the entrance (step outward) or at the same distance from the entrance (stay), were calculated as a function of the forager’s crop state at the end of the interaction.”

The exact calculation of the probabilities is detailed in the caption of Figure 2, with a visualization in Figure 2C. We now also clarify in line 108 that by the term “depth” we mean distance from the entrance.

(2) For the biased random walk analysis of the ants, the authors "coarse-grained" the steps as being "inwards", "outwards" and "stay". It is not clear how this level of granulation is justified. Since the authors have access to the actual trajectories and all trophallaxis events, why not just calculate the actual turning angles between consecutive steps the ants take? This would give an actual assessment of both the bias and the noise imposed on the random walks, which the authors could then use directly in their models. Some discussion of this point is important.

We agree that the actual turning angles can be useful for a more precise description of the foragers’ movement, and a more realistic movement model in 2D. Per the reviewers’ suggestion, we now address these angles in the SI (Figure S1) and use them in our new 2D model. See changes in lines 129-131, 138-146.

While the precise turning angles lend themselves to analysis and simulation in 2D, we still view the “inward”/”outward” granulation as the insightful level of analysis. The coarse-grained analysis of “inwards”, “outwards” and “stay” is what revealed the crop-dependent pattern of motion. The probabilities of walking in these directions clearly depend on the crop-load of the forager – highlighting the threshold that separates between a net drift into the nest and a net drift out of the nest. This point is now explicit in lines 95-98.

The essence of the described regulation is that foragers enter and exit the nest at a rate that matches the colony’s needs. Therefore a mechanism that drives the forager inward when she has a lot of food and toward the exit when she has little food (regardless of the precise angles) is the appropriate simplification for understanding the emergent regulation. It is what allowed us to model the system as a 1D nest, a model which is analytically tractable and explains the observed emergence. This point is now made clear in lines 185-187.

(3) It would be important to better connect the authors' previous mechanism (relating the colony's response to individual ants sensing their own food levels and its temporal dynamics) to the new mechanism (spatial-temporal dynamics). Are they mutually exclusive? It would be useful to elaborate on this in the Discussion.

The answer depends on the degree of detail with which the data is observed.

Zooming out, if we would like to understand the rate at which foragers exit the nest then both models would, to a very large extent, agree. The models were constructed to describe the same data and are not easily distinguishable.

However, if we zoom in a bit closer and want to understand not only the time the forager exits the nest but her entire trajectory within the nest then the new model explains this while the old one does not attempt to. However, even if our old models did have some notion of space we expect that at this level of detail the models would be mutually exclusive. This is because the nature of decision the forager takes in both models is different. In the old model, at some point (regardless of her location within the nest) the forager decides to cease further interactions and exit. In the new model, the decision the forager takes is to change her characteristics of motion (and increase her bias towards the door). The two models would strongly disagree on what happens between the time of decision and the time of actual exit.

Zooming in even further, if we had the ability to measure and decipher activity within the ants brain then the computations the ant is making, the type of decision she takes, and the timing of decision, certainly make these models mutually exclusive.

We now explain these points in the new paragraph 9 of the discussion where we also suggest an experiment which would distinguish the two models. (lines 354-366)

(4) The addition of a few supplementary movies from the experiments, showing ants moving toward the entrance with low food loads, and moving away from the entrance with high food loads, would be extremely helpful.

We have now added two supplementary movies to Figure 2. One of them is early in the feeding process where the forager changes her bias nest to the entrance. The other is when the colony is closer to satiation and the forager changes her bias much later in the bout and much deeper within the nest.

(5) Much of the authors' argument rests on trajectories and statistics generated from a two-dimensional computational simulation that may be overly simplistic. The computational model simulates a single forager (as opposed to multiple foragers) arriving to a nest that is partitioned into a grid of squares with an immobile ant in the center of every square. Foragers move in discrete steps from square to square, with the guarantee of an interaction in each step. This "grid world" model of ant nest movements is significantly different from the experience of real foraging ants returning to the nest, and the authors even admit that deviations between the empirical data and the computational model may be due to nest-ant clumping and interaction sparsity in the paths of real ants. Continuous-motion agent-based models are commonly used to investigate collective-motion hypotheses, and so the choice of a grid world model instead seems surprising and weakens the authors' arguments. Furthermore, while the deterministic mathematical model of grid-world forager trajectories seems overly simplistic, the stochastic model in the Appendix that attempts to validate the deterministic model's results seems to have some potential flaws and is itself not validated experimentally against replicated simulation data. Instead of perfecting these models, the authors could bolster their arguments using more familiar approaches from statistical mechanics that might help explain the likely depth an ant "diffuses" into such a nest. In the current form of the manuscript, the mathematical models do not add much beyond the simulation models (and the lack of replication of the simulated data may make some readers wonder if the example trajectories were representative). Further discussion of continuum models would help to bolster the authors' claims,

We thank the reviewers for pointing out that the discrete model may weaken our manuscript. We now present a continuous-motion model instead. This model is more realistic than the previous one in that the ants’ movement is continuous, the nest is more sparse, and trophallaxis only occurs when the moving forager “meets” a moving ant.

Indeed, one may choose to analyze this rich system from a vast variety of models, such as diffusion, run-and-tumble, etc. Each approach could be fascinating and insightful on its own. Our goal was to understand the emergence of the regulation of foraging frequency, and our simple model was sufficient to explain it. Other modeling approaches are indeed very interesting, and in fact are currently being explored in another ongoing work of ours using similar experiments with larger colonies (which are closer to the continuum limit).

We wish to point out that our simulation data is from 200 replicates (in this version of the manuscript and the previous one). The trajectories in Figure 3 are examples from a single run for visualization, while Figures 4 and 5 show summary results from all runs.We are sorry that this information was missed, making our examples seem less credible. Information on replicates was previously mentioned in the caption of Figure 4, and is now reiterated in line 158 and in the caption of Figure 5 as well.

The questions raised regarding the potential flaws in our stochastic model are addressed in comment 9 below. Here let us mention that we added a paragraph that shows how the value of the slope predicted by our equations is verified by the slope that resulted from the replicated simulation data in Figure 4.

and the reviewers agreed that direct comparison of the authors' results from grid-based simulations to simulations from continuum models likely would be the most effective way to strengthen the manuscript and support its conclusions (see comments from Reviewer #2 for more details).

We have fully complied with the reviewers suggestion to construct and analyze a continuous 2D model of the unloading bouts. We have shown how this model qualitatively reproduces the sought after linear scaling between foraging frequency and total colony hunger (see figure 4) as well as other relations between forager behavior and collective colony states (see figure 5). Please note that although the continuous 2D model is more realistic than the previous grid model, it is not expected to reproduce the exact values of the empirical observation. Quantitative discrepancies are a result of factors that were not incorporated into the model to avoid over-complication, such as: nest-ant behavior (spatial distribution, movement and secondary trophallaxis between nest-ants), the duration of trophallaxis events, and the number of foragers. This point is brought to the readers’ attention in lines 170-174 and 262-264.

Our manuscript presents data on three levels (figure 4-5) empirical observations, a semi-realistic 2D agent based model that captures these observations, and a much-simplified 1D model that agrees with the 2D model and is analytically tractable in a way that provides the desired intuition. We thus felt that there is no need to include a second 2D model that is grid-based and stands midway between the 2D continuous model and the simplified 1D model. To keep the manuscript easy to read, we decided to omit the discrete model included in our original submission from the manuscript and replace it completely with the 2D continuous model. Of course, this denecessitates a comparison between the two 2D models.

If the referees feel that including a grid-based model would still help us make our point we agree to describe it in the SI and make the desired comparisons with the continuous model. Again, we think that the manuscript is clearer without this.

(6) There are a few questionable parameters that the authors have chosen in their model, likely for analytical tractability. For example, the authors assume that at each interaction between a forager and a nest ant, the forager offloads enough food to fill 15% of the crop space remaining in the receiving ant. One can assume that this parameter is something like the 63.21% associated with an exponential time constant or may be based on empirical measurements of transfer in real ants, but the actual justification is not completely clear from the manuscript. Because the mathematical models make predictions that depend on these parameters, their existence (and plausible values) is itself an important assumption that needs to be defended for the argument to be compelling.

The amount of food passed in an interaction is in fact an empirical observation, which was the focus of our previous publication. We observed an exponential distribution of interaction volumes that was scaled to the receiver’s empty crop space, with an average of ~15%. This is mentioned in lines 148-151, and 465-466.

Additionally, the justification for the values of all of the constants used in our mathematical analysis is now mentioned in the mathematical analysis section in the SI (lines 736-742).

Lastly, our new continuous model now contains additional parameters: the velocity of the ants (extracted from the empirical data) and the distance between ants required for trophallaxis to take place (chosen based on the length of the ants’ antennae). This is mentioned in lines 139 and 147.

(7) The behavioral model described by the authors assumes that ants are able to choose a direction toward their nest's entrance at any time. This within-nest path-integration ability does not seem cognitively inexpensive, which narrows the cognitive distance between the behavioral model they propose here and the one they had proposed in their prior work, and weakens the argument for the relevance of this new model. The authors failed to place their work within the context of other simple cue-based motion-switching behaviors discussed in the literature for other taxa -- such as "running" and "tumbling" in E. coli bacteria -- but if they had, they might have envisioned an alternative crop-based motion rule that would have the same effect as their current rule (i.e., movement toward the entrance on low crop state) without having to assert that the ant moves directly back towards the entrance. Bridging the work to these other studies would be important here.

Indeed, the new model demands that the ants’ bias towards the nest entrance change with the amount of food in their crop and this requires that the ants be aware of the direction the entrance. This indeed entails some cognitive load on the ants. However, the same cognitive load is also present in the previous models in which, after an ant makes a decision to exit, she quickly (i.e. after a single or, at most, few decision time steps in one version of the model) acts upon it. Acting upon it means knowing the way to the nest entrance. Therefore, the navigational cognitive load is present in all versions of our model and does not narrow the “cognitive distance” between current and previous models. One may still argue that in previous models the forager is relieved of tracking the location of the door before a decision is reached. First, losing oneself and then refinding yourself is not a simple task (see paper by Wehner). Second, the direction to the nest’s entrance may be inferred via gradients of chemicals on the nest surfaces (see reference 50 - Heyman at al, 2017) which may be relatively cheap in the cognitive sense. All these points are now better explained in paragraph 4 of the discussion (lines 306-310).

(8) Focusing on the explanatory power of this model specifically for (some) ants, the authors do not address how to empirically reconcile the ambiguity between the more cognitive mechanisms proposed in their previous work (where ants "decide" to exit a nest) and the current proposal (where the nest cavity "decides" when the ant will exit). For this new hypothesis to be useful, it must be empirically discriminable from the previous hypothesis. At first glance, it is difficult to imagine an experiment that would lead to different predicted behavior from the two different hypotheses. In other words, at the moment, it seems impossible to tell whether the "ant decide" or the "nest decide" model is a better predictor of real ant behavior/cognitive architectures. The lack of discriminability becomes even more problematic when considering that the current version of the model actually increases some cognitive demands by assuming (as described above) that ants keep track of the position of the entrance over the trajectory within the nest.

First, as explained in the answer to the previous remark (7), it is not the case that the new model “actually increases some cognitive demands” in both models the ants have to know the direction to the nest (see paragraph 4 of the Discussion). Furthermore, the new model explains more of the data than the old models: it is spatially explicit and it describes the forager’s motion within the nest both aspects that the old models do not explore (see paragraph 5 of the Discussion). Finally, the old models include a decision to exit at a moment in which exiting is not an available option and this leads to a fuzziness which is liable to lead to inconsistencies. The new model lacks such inconsistencies (see the new paragraph 8 of the discussion, lines 342-353). Therefore, the new model is better defined, it has larger explanatory powers, and it has lower demands on ant cognition. This makes this model a better candidate for explaining the data.

That being said, being a better candidate is not enough to make the new model true. In paragraph 9 of the discussion we now suggest a behavioral experiment which could be used to distinguish between the two mechanisms.

Moreover, we feel that presenting the new model has further merit as it brings forward the idea of single ant stigmergy and demonstrates how it provides a very simple example of exporting cognitive burdens onto physical space (see new paragraph 10 in the discussion, lines 367-383).

(9) In the stochastic model in the Appendix (an integral is used when instead of a sum, perhaps?), it seems like the average values s(Bin) and s(Bout) should depend on F. However, they are treated as constants in Equations (S3) - (S5). If the authors tried to empirically validate the stochastic model by generating many simulated replications and then plotting averages against this prediction, they would likely have a hard time calculating s(Bin) and s(Bout) to generate their numerical predictions. The authors should clarify this point.

An integral is used because the average number of steps on each ant (s(Bin)) may not be an integer. We now mention this explicitly in line 721.

Neglecting boundary effects, the values of s(Bin) and s(Bout) do not depend on F, as mentioned briefly in line 250-252 and more elaborately in the stochastic model section in the SI (lines 702-705 and 743-749). We know this using an absorbing Markov chain analysis, which we now present explicitly at the end of the mathematical explanation. By plugging in the experimental values for all of the constants, we now verify that the equation matches the observed output of the 1D simulation, such that the simplification is sufficient.

(10) "It has recently been suggested that physical space can be utilised to offload computation from individuals' cognition to their environment in the context of collective quorum sensing ([5])." It seems surprising to say that this is the first time this has been suggested. For example, the literature on the effects of nest architecture cited by Reviewer #3 is based on this idea (see below).

Indeed, it is clear that stimergy (e.g. the mentioned literature on nest architecture), an idea that has been around for a long time, can be viewed as colony memory that is etched into the environment. The claim we wish to make in this paper is that the agent has an embodiment and is an actual part of the physical environment. Therefore, one of the simplest ways in which it can alter the environment is by changing its position within it. Comparing this paper to our previous work we show how the ant could relieve itself from computing trophallaxis rates simply by altering its location relative to the nest entrance. It is this idea that is reminiscent of the ideas expressed in [5] wherein computation that is generally assumed to occur in the animal’s brain is externalized to physical space.

More generally, the idea that movement patterns determine encounter rates and thus communication was suggested for ants decades ago. This study seems to sidestep many spatially explicit models on information exchange through encounters (e.g., see review in Gordon 2020 Ann Ent Soc 2020doi: 10.1093/aesa/saaa03).

We did not make any claim about movement patterns determining encounter rates. In fact in our simplified model, they do not and interaction rates are constant throughout the forager’s motion within the nest. Furthermore, in most encounter rate models the ants have to internally compute rates (in one way or another) and then use this measure to alter their behavior. In our model (as the point emphasized in reference [5]), there is no computation or memory going on in the animal’s brain.

We now refine our wording and quote some of the relevant papers in lines 23-29, and contrast them to our simplified model in lines 367-383.

The models use assumptions that ignore the effects of space. The impact of these assumptions should at least be considered.

We did not understand this question or which models it refers to. This is since both the model in our current paper and most models in Gordon et al. (which the previous sentence by the reviewer cites as “spatially explicit”) do take into account space, rather than ignore it.

To summarize, we now remove the claim that reference [5] was the first in this sort of claim. Instead we changed lines 23-32 to be clear about this issue, and add a clearer discussion of the relevant stigmergy literature (see paragraph before last of the Discussion) and, in the same place, make the point that the example that our current work provides is , perhaps, the simplest form of stigmergy – altering a single agent’s own location within space.

(11) The manuscript says nothing about the empirical data which were obtained in another study. This manuscript should say how "average crop load" was measured, including some measure of variation. The manuscript should also say how "foraging frequency" was measured and under what conditions. How often are these conditions likely to occur for colonies of this species?

The experiments are described briefly in lines 84-86 and then referenced to the study that presented them. We now add some details to emphasize that these were conducted in laboratory conditions.

We mention that crop loads were measured using fluorescence imaging (line 85). The wording in the explanation of “average crop state” in the caption of Figure 5 is now changed to be clearer.

The calculation of “foraging frequency” is mentioned in the caption of Figure 4, and now also reiterated in lines 165-166.

Comparison between natural conditions and the experimental conditions that may affect the measured foraging frequency (mainly nest architecture and level of starvation) are discussed in lines 332-340.

(12) What is the "linearity of foraging frequency"? Line 49: "Progress has also been made toward revealing the local mechanism underlying the linearity of foraging frequency, though to a lesser extent. " Again, on lines 105-106: "emergent linear relationship between foraging frequency and total colony hunger." Better definition of this term is important.

We now refrain from saying linearity of foraging frequency and instead refer more directly to the fact/observation that foraging frequency scales linearly with total colony hunger. We made changes in 4-5 places (e.g. the places noted by the referees, the title of the caption to figure 4, and the title of section 3.4) in the manuscript to use this more direct and clear wording.

(13) Figure 5D – empirical results: Why does the forager have a higher crop load at the end of its time inside the nest than at the beginning?

Figure 5D only shows the amount of food in the forager’s crop when she exits the nest, and not when she entered. The vertical axis is the forager’s crop load at the end of each unloading bout, and the horizontal axis is the colony state. It shows that the forager exits the nest with a wide variety of crop loads, the average of which is quite constant across colony states, with a slight rise at high colony states. We changed the wording in line 259-260 to be clearer.

(14) If "hunger" is defined as below as the amount of food in the colony, then it is circular (not "intriguing") to say that the rate at which food comes in matches the total level of "hunger" or level of food.

It is intriguing that the rate at which food enters the nest matches the total amount of food in the nest. Food could have entered the nest at a constant rate, or at an increasing or decreasing rate that does not correlate linearly with the colony state. The fact that it is proportional to the level of “hunger” is non-trivial and implies the existence of cross-scale feedback between the total amount of food in the colony (on the colony-scale) and the rate of incoming food (on the scale of individual foragers). The emergence of this cross-scale feedback is very intriguing. We now stress this notion in lines 36-37.

(15) It seems strange to cite Oster and Wilson to say that ants collecting food are called foragers. There is at least 100 years of work on ants before Oster and Wilson that referred to "foragers".

We did not mean to say that Oster and Wilson coined the term but rather that one could learn about foragers in this classic reference. We have now cite a book which uses this term 98 years before the book by Oster and Wilson.

(16) Lines 36-38: "Trophallaxis is the main food-sharing method in many ant species 36 ([12]). Each time a laden forager returns to the nest, she unloads the food from her crop to several receivers via 37 trophallaxis. The food further circulates through a complex trophallactic network among all colony members38 ([9], [13]-[17])." This is a misleading way of framing this study, because it equates the distribution of food sources among ants within the nest with the unloading of nectar by foragers. There are many species that use trophallaxis but not directly from foragers.

We changed the wording of this sentence to make it clear that this paper mostly involved forager to non-forager trophallaxis interactions. (lines 41-44)

(17) The results suggest that unloading is associated with whether a forager moves toward or away from the nest entrance. This is called the "deeper nest", but it seems the previous empirical study was performed in a flat arena, and the simulations do not include anything about depth. Thus it gives the impression that an ant associates unloading with going up or down, but in this study, unloading was associated with toward or away from the entrance from an arena. It would be better not to use "deeper" to mean "away from the entrance" as this evokes an image of depth in an ant nest, which is misleading. Since "deep" has an ambiguous meaning here, it is difficult for the reader to know what "deepening" and "lengthening" mean in line 140: "The simulation qualitatively reproduced the lengthening and deepening of foragers' trips."

To avoid this kind of confusion we added a sentence to clarify what we mean by “deep” (line 108), and also refrain from using this word wherever possible.

(18) It was unclear what was meant by: "Note that contrary to the assumptions used in our previous paper ([1]), here a forager never decides to exit the nest. Rather, an exit occurs if the forager's motion brings her to the nest exit." What is the difference between (1) a decision to go to the nest exit and leave the nest, and (2) going to the nest exit and leaving? In the literature on behaviour, decision-making, and cognition, (1) and (2) are the same.

We thank the referees for pointing out the unclarity in the distinction between the two alternatives.

In the context of animal behavior, making a decision means “choosing a specific behavior from a suite of possible ones”. Thus, pinpointing the moment at which an animal takes its decision involves an enumeration of the possible behaviors at that moment. Behaviors involve actions and this means we should look at the various affordances that the environment offers the individual at the time of decision and check which of these are chosen. In option 1 the possible behaviors are either exiting or continuing to interact. In option 2 the possible actions are walking towards or away from the nest entrance. We claim that for an ant that is deep within the nest the option of passing through the entrance, is not within the “suite of possible behaviors”. Therefore, according to the classic definition for decision making as provided above, deciding to exit while deep in the nest (i.e. option 1) carries little meaning.

One could assume, as we implicitly did in our previous work, that once an ant decides to exit she quickly gets to the entrance while avoiding any further interactions and leaves. However, even this assumption cannot be correct. Ants interact in pairs. What would happen if our focal ant has decided to avoid further interactions but, on the way to the entrance, she encounters an ant that has made a decision to interact specifically with her – and initiates such an interaction.

These points make it clear that defining a decision to carry out a behavior that is not currently possible (or pinpointing the moment at which this decision is taken) quickly becomes fuzzy. At some level of detail, will cease being a useful tool in understanding the animal’s behavior. We therefore suggest sticking with the classical definition of a decision in animal behavior and defining the decision to exit as something that occurs when an exit is possible. In our current work, an ant does make a decision far inside the nest. This decision is based on its internal physiological condition. Specifically, based on a threshold in her crop load the ant decides to change her motion characteristics – a decision which is clearly available to her at that point in time.

We now better explain these points in the new paragraph 8 of the discussion.

Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Data Citations

    1. Frankel G, Baltiansky L, Feinerman O. 2022. Food dissemination agent-based model. Zenodo. [DOI]

    Supplementary Materials

    Figure 2—source data 1. Empirical data.

    Data used for calculation of the foragers’ empirical crop-dependent bias. All foragers’ interactions are pooled from the 3 experiments presented in Greenwald et al., 2018. Each interaction entry includes information on its location in the nest, the direction of the next interaction of the forager, and the forager’s crop load.

    Figure 4—source data 1. Data from 1D model.

    Output data from 200 runs of the 1D agent-based model. The file contains 3 spreadsheets: (1) Forager data. Includes data on the forager’s crop load and position in the nest at every step of the simulation. (2) Trophallaxis data. Includes data on the forager’s and the receiver’s crop loads, and the amount of food transferred at every interaction. (3) Trip data. Aggregated data on each trip of the forager inside the nest, including trip length and forager’s crop load upon exiting.

    Figure 4—source data 2. Data from 2D model.

    Output data from 200 runs of the 2D agent-based model. Data within the file is as described for the 1D model data. Python code for the agent-based model is available on GitHub (Frankel et al., 2022).

    Transparent reporting form

    Data Availability Statement

    Figure 2 - Source Data 1 contains all experimental data used for the empirical analysis. Figure 4 - Source Data 1 and Figure 4 - Source Data 2 contain simulated data used for the analysis of the agent-based models.Python code for the agent-based model is available on GitHub.

    The following dataset was generated:

    Frankel G, Baltiansky L, Feinerman O. 2022. Food dissemination agent-based model. Zenodo.

    Articles from eLife are provided here courtesy of eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd