To explore primary care physician (PCP) perspectives on the clinical utility of virtual visits.
Qualitative design involving semistructured interviews.
Primary care practices within 5 regions in southern Ontario.
Primary care physicians representing different practice sizes and remuneration models.
Interviews were conducted with PCPs who were involved in a large-scale pilot implementation of virtual visits (patient-provider asynchronous messaging, or synchronous audio or video communication). The first phase involved a convenience sample of users in the first 2 regions where the pilot was initiated; after implementation in all 5 regions, purposive sampling was used to ensure diversity within the sample (eg, physicians representing different use frequencies of virtual visits, regions, and remuneration models). Interviews were audiorecorded and transcribed. An inductive thematic analysis was used to identify prominent themes and subthemes.
Main findings
Twenty-six physicians were interviewed. Fifteen were recruited using convenience sampling and 11 through purposive sampling. Four themes regarding the clinical utility of virtual visits were identified: virtual visits can effectively resolve many patient concerns, with some variation in PCP comfort using virtual visits for specific conditions; virtual visits are beneficial for a range of patients but some patients might overuse or inappropriately use them; PCPs prefer to use asynchronous messaging (eg, text or online messaging) because of its convenience and flexibility; and virtual visits can provide value at the patient, provider, and health system levels.
While participants believed that virtual visits can be appropriately used to resolve a variety of clinical concerns, they found in practice that virtual visits are fundamentally different from face-to-face encounters. Professional guidelines on appropriate use cases should be established to develop a standard framework for virtual care.
Explorer les points de vue de médecins de soins primaires (MSP) sur l’utilité clinique des visites virtuelles.
Type d’étude
Une conception qualitative comportant des entrevues semi-structurées.
Des pratiques de soins primaires dans 5 régions du sud de l’Ontario.
Des MSP représentant des pratiques de différentes tailles et ayant divers modes de rémunération.
Des entrevues ont été effectuées avec des MSP qui participaient à un projet expérimental à large échelle portant sur les visites virtuelles (messagerie asynchrone entre le patient et le médecin, ou communication synchrone audio ou vidéo). La première étape impliquait un échantillonnage de convenance dans les 2 premières régions où le projet pilote a été amorcé; après l’implantation dans les 5 régions, un échantillonnage intentionnel a été utilisé pour assurer la diversité au sein de l’échantillonnage (p. ex. des médecins représentant différentes fréquences d’utilisation des visites virtuelles, diverses régions et différents modes de rémunération). Les entrevues ont fait l’objet d’un enregistrement sonore et d’une transcription. Une analyse thématique inductive a servi à dégager les principaux thèmes et sous-thèmes.
Principales constatations
Un total de 26 médecins ont été interviewés. Quinze ont été recrutés par échantillonnage de convenance et 11 par échantillonnage intentionnel. Quatre thèmes ont été cernés concernant l’utilité clinique des visites virtuelles : les visites virtuelles peuvent répondre efficacement à de nombreuses préoccupations des patients, mais le degré d’aisance à utiliser les visites virtuelles variait pour certains problèmes précis; les visites virtuelles sont bénéfiques pour certains patients, mais d’autres pourraient les utiliser à l’excès ou de manière inappropriée; les MSP préfèrent la messagerie asynchrone (p. ex. messages textes ou en ligne), parce qu’elle est plus pratique et flexible; et les visites virtuelles peuvent apporter une valeur au niveau du patient, du médecin et du système de santé.
Même si les participants estimaient que les visites virtuelles peuvent être utilisées adéquatement pour résoudre diverses préoccupations cliniques, ils trouvaient que dans la pratique, les visites virtuelles sont fondamentalement différentes des rencontres en personne. Il faudrait élaborer des lignes directrices professionnelles sur les cas où leur utilisation convient, dans le but d’établir un référentiel standard pour les soins virtuels.
Timely, high-quality primary care is critical for achieving a high-performing health system,1 as studies consistently demonstrate a relationship between enhanced access to primary care and improved health outcomes.2,3 However, access to primary care in Canada is comparatively worse than that of our international peers, and the need for better access is growing due to the increasing burden of chronic conditions,4 the aging population,5 and a shortage of primary care physicians (PCPs) in rural and remote areas.6 However, patient access to primary care is further exacerbated by logistical barriers to in-person appointments, such as time off work, child care, and transportation costs, which are often magnified among those with lower incomes, disabilities, and mental health conditions.7
As a result of these challenges, there have been increasing investments in virtual visits (also termed virtual care or electronic visits [e-visits]),8-10 which offer patients the ability to interact with a provider using asynchronous (eg, text or online messaging)11 or synchronous modalities (eg, telephone, video, or Web chat communication), all of which can be accessible from a personal communication device.12,13 Previous studies have demonstrated that virtual visits improve convenience and access to care14-20 without compromising quality20 or increasing costs.21 The shift to virtual care has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic22 and the introduction of provincial and territorial billing codes allowing physicians to receive compensation for telephone and video visits.23 However, given that virtual visits are fundamentally different from traditional face-to-face encounters,24 there is a need to identify PCP attitudes about how to appropriately integrate virtual care in comprehensive primary care.
Previous studies on virtual primary care have focused on PCP acceptability, feasibility, and adoption,10,25-28 but there is limited research examining PCPs’ views on the clinical utility of virtual visits, evidence that could provide insight on implementation, particularly within the Canadian context. Although few studies have assessed the quality of virtual visits compared with face-to-face encounters,13,29 there are few studies that have explicitly investigated Canadian PCP views on appropriate utilization of virtual visits.
Using data from a pilot implementation of virtual care across 5 regions in Ontario, herein we report on a subset of the qualitative findings regarding PCP views on the use and clinical value of these modalities, with a focus on understanding the more acceptable uses of virtual primary care. Findings from this study can help inform professional standards, policies, and strategies to promote high-quality, ubiquitous, and effective virtual primary care, which could maximize access and convenience for patients.
Study background
Physician perspectives were collected from the Enhanced Access to Primary Care (EAPC) pilot project implemented by the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) and funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.30 The project was introduced in 5 regions in southern Ontario, including urban, suburban, and rural areas. The OTN partnered with local administrative and clinical leaders from each region to recruit, enrol, and train PCPs to use a Web-based platform that enabled electronic communication with patients. Enrolled PCPs invited and registered patients with whom they had established clinical relationships. Registered patients and PCPs could request a visit by detailing the medical issue and preferred communication modality (asynchronous messaging or synchronous telephone or video calls) using a Web-based application. The platform also enabled patients and providers to send images and attachments. Primary care physicians were advised to respond to patient requests within 2 business days and could accept and choose the most appropriate form of communication to support the virtual visit. Once the visit had been completed, the provider could bill for the visit using billing codes provided to support the pilot.
During the study period (September 2017 to March 2019), 194 PCPs and 6355 patients participated in at least 1 virtual consultation. Overall, 81% of visits were conducted via messaging alone; the remainder occurred using online audio or video calls, or a mix of both.
Recruitment and data collection
Primary care physicians were recruited by 2 researchers (J.K.F. and L.K.). Initially, convenience sampling was used within 2 regions where the EAPC was first implemented. After the pilot was implemented in 3 additional regions, purposive sampling was used to ensure a generally representative sample, wherein participants were sought from a variety of practice types (ie, solo, group, fee-for-service, and capitation practices) to reflect the broader population. All participants in the pilot program provided informed consent to be contacted for research purposes prior to enrolment. Interview requests were delivered by e-mail using contact information supplied by 2 vendors, Think Research Corporation and Novari Health. Implementation teams involved in the project also identified appropriate participants.
Telephone interviews were conducted by 3 researchers (J.K.F., M.N., and L.K.) and lasted 30 to 60 minutes. The interview guide was semistructured and explored providers’ experiences with virtual visits. To understand the clinical utility of virtual visits, the researchers asked PCPs to comment on which patient conditions or characteristics would be the most appropriate to address using virtual communication, as well as their experiences with each modality. Questions included, “What kind of patients do you think will mostly benefit from virtual care?”, “Do you think it is more appropriate for acute or chronic care or both?”, and “Is virtual care valuable in your opinion, and if so, in what ways?” This study was reviewed by the chair of the Research Ethics Board at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto, Ont, and was deemed exempt from approval.
Data analysis
All interviews were audiorecorded and transcribed verbatim. We used inductive thematic analysis, rather than a deductive, theory-driven approach,31 to identify prominent themes and relationships between themes. This approach involved identifying patterns in the data using line-by-line coding and close analysis of the data to discern themes and subthemes. Two researchers (J.K.F. and M.N.) independently and inductively coded 3 transcripts to develop a preliminary coding framework using NVivo 12 qualitative data analysis software. The coding framework was applied to the remaining transcripts by 3 researchers (J.K.F., M.N., and M.P.) and was iteratively revised to reflect emergent and recurring themes. After all transcripts were coded, 4 researchers (J.K.F., M.N., M.P., and P.A.) thematically mapped the codes into superordinate themes and subthemes through discussion and negotiated consensus.
Twenty-six participants were interviewed: 15 were recruited using convenience sampling and 11 through purposive sampling. Three PCPs from the same practice requested to be interviewed collectively, while the remainder of the participants were interviewed individually. Twenty-three participants were part of a capitated funding model and 3 were part of a fee-for-service practice.
Four interwoven themes emerged from the thematic analysis of the transcripts that related to the clinical utility of virtual visits (Table 1).
Table 1.
Quotations from participants, by theme
Virtual visits can resolve many patient concerns effectively, with some variation in PCP comfort using them for specific conditions
Virtual visits are beneficial for a range of patients but PCPs are concerned some might overuse or inappropriately use them
PCPs prefer to use asynchronous messaging for its flexibility
Virtual visits can provide value at the patient, provider, and health system levels
PCP—primary care physician.
Theme 1. Virtual visits can effectively resolve many patient concerns, with some variation in PCP comfort in using them for specific conditions. Most participants stated that technology could be leveraged to manage a range of patient-provider interactions because many in-person appointments do not require a physical assessment (Box 1). Generally, participants agreed that virtual visits are a clinically effective alternative to in-person visits to manage nonurgent, low-acuity illnesses. Participants highlighted the efficiency of asynchronous messaging, indicating that it could resolve some issues faster than telephone or e-mail exchanges (eg, follow-up on laboratory tests, medication renewals, specialist referrals).
Box 1. Participants’ views on appropriate and inappropriate use cases for virtual care.
Appropriate use cases
Present laboratory results
Medication renewals
Follow-up on previous diagnosis
Specialist referral
Nonurgent concerns (eg, rash or cold)
Chronic disease management
Routine check-ins
Assessment of visual signs (eg, cellulitis, rash)
Mixed perceptions on appropriateness
Mental health follow-up
Palliative care
New diagnosis
Providing care to infants or pediatric patients
Inappropriate use cases
First visit with a new patient
Cases where physical examination is needed
Urgent care
Providing bad news via asynchronous messaging
Managing patients with severe mental health symptoms or addictions
Prescribing narcotics
However, their level of comfort with virtual visits varied for some conditions, such as new diagnoses, mental health concerns, or palliative care. For instance, some physicians commented that patients seeking care for mental health issues could strongly benefit from virtual visits, particularly those patients with anxiety or depression who might lack the motivation to attend office visits or be less comfortable disclosing information in person. Others articulated that virtual visits might not be suitable for mental health appointments, especially for managing severe symptoms, whereas in-person consultations could be more therapeutic and provide important visual cues when assessing a patient. Participants generally viewed virtual care to be highly beneficial for patients with complex and chronic conditions who require frequent routine appointments and do not always require physical examination.
Theme 2. Virtual visits are beneficial for a range of patients, but PCPs are concerned some patients might overuse or inappropriately use them. While few participants stated that virtual visits might not be appropriate for certain subpopulations (eg, older patients or individuals who cannot afford connected devices), most stated that all patients could benefit. Furthermore, several PCPs challenged the notion that older patients would not be accustomed to using technology to receive care. However, important prerequisites for use included the physician having a pre-established relationship with the patient and a strong understanding of the patient’s medical history. Among physicians who chose to selectively offer virtual visits to patients at their discretion, some took into account patients’ personality styles in an effort to avoid overuse or inappropriate use. For example, some PCPs described preselecting patients who they felt were more responsible, but did not offer the tool to patients they considered to be highly anxious about their health.
Theme 3. Primary care physicians prefer asynchronous messaging for its flexibility. The overwhelming preference for asynchronous messaging was driven by the convenience of being able to respond whenever and wherever. It allowed them time to formulate a thoughtful response, which they believed improved the quality of care. Asynchronous messaging, with the occasional telephone call or sent image to clarify issues, was viewed to be sufficient for addressing most clinical concerns. While participants stated that synchronous audio communication was beneficial in some cases, they perceived the audio feature on the platform to be less convenient to use than regular telephone lines. They expressed that the coordination of video calls was less convenient due to logistical barriers, such as scheduling and Web camera and microphone issues. However, despite their limited use of video communication in virtual visits, many PCPs commented on how the video function could expand the clinical application of virtual visits by enabling a visual assessment when needed (eg, mental health follow-up, dermatology concerns, palliative care).
Theme 4. Virtual visits can provide value at the patient, provider, and health system levels. Despite varied perceptions on the clinical application of virtual visits, most participants felt that this service improved access and wait times, resulting in greater convenience and patient satisfaction. Instead of requiring patients to take time off work or secure reliable transportation to attend an office appointment, virtual visits allowed patients to receive care in their preferred settings. Many PCPs commented that online visits could increase the number of patients receiving care in a day, translating into clinic efficiencies and higher remuneration. Also, many appreciated that virtual visits allowed them to get compensated for telephone- or e-mail–based care, services for which they had not previously been paid. Most participants believed virtual visits could replace both unnecessary in-person visits and walk-in clinic usage, which would reduce costs for the whole health system.
This qualitative study found that PCPs view virtual visits to be effective in resolving a range of nonurgent clinical concerns, including chronic disease management, medication follow-up, and assessment of simple rashes. Similar to responses in other studies,9,11 the participants in our study expressed that asynchronous messaging had high utility due to the convenience of being able to respond anywhere and at any time. Many stated virtual visits could reduce barriers to care for certain populations, such as older adults with mobility issues. Also, most agreed virtual visits were not appropriate for care of a new patient with whom they had no prior relationship. There were also mixed perceptions of its appropriateness for use in mental health, pediatric, or palliative care.
To our knowledge, this is the first study to explore physician preferences in Canada regarding the use of virtual care (ie, asynchronous messaging, and synchronous video or audio communication) for specific clinical uses. Our study aligned with evidence that virtual visits work best for consultations about chronic conditions where the physician and patient have a pre-established relationship and ongoing assessment does not require physical contact.32 Similar to the findings of prior research on the use of asynchronous messaging for chronic disease management,9,33 participants in our study felt messaging was an efficient way to deliver care and might provide system-level cost benefits. However, while most participants felt virtual visits were effective for a diverse population, their selection of patients might have been susceptible to implicit biases, as this selectivity might have been driven by concerns of overuse among certain patient populations, as expressed by a few participants in our study.
Other studies have found inequitable distribution of virtual health services, with demographic differences among users and nonusers,34-36 and potential barriers for patients with certain disabilities (eg, visual or hearing impairments). Moreover, few studies have compared outcomes for patients who have received virtual care versus traditional in-person visits, highlighting uncertainty regarding overall impact.
Virtual visits allow patients and providers to be separated both physically and temporally, presenting new opportunities and challenges for the delivery of care. This study characterized physician views on their level of comfort in using virtual visits and highlighted the role of the PCP as a gatekeeper in determining which patients could engage and how. Professionally endorsed standards and policies regarding appropriate use might help ensure consistency in the use of virtual visits and could help mitigate the exacerbation of health inequities. Additionally, formal training outlining appropriate use cases for virtual visits would improve PCP comfort and competencies when performing such consultations.24,37 Recognizing this need, the College of Family Physicians of Canada, the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada, and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada are currently investigating core competencies and necessary adaptions to the current CanMEDS roles and accreditation standards to ensure virtual visits are used effectively by physicians.38 Patients might also benefit from proper education on virtual visits to manage their expectations regarding use. While future research is needed to identify best practices regarding patients’ suitability for virtual visits, PCPs in this study expressed motivation to integrate virtual care into their practices and see doing so as an important measure to both improve access to care and promote sustainable health systems.
This project was implemented within 5 regions at different time points; thus, participants had variable exposure, with some using the platform for only a few months. Further, participation was voluntary and those who were included in the study might have been more open to technological innovation or changes in practice than their peers. While we attempted to capture nuances in the PCPs’ experiences during interviews, we were unable to discern how contextual factors (eg, organizational culture or implementation approach) influenced their views. We did not systematically collect demographic information such as age or gender, and thus could not conclude if these characteristics influenced perceptions. Additionally, most participants practised in clinics close to urban centres and were part of capitated funding models. Therefore, the findings of this study are not likely to be representative of all PCPs across Ontario and Canada.
Moreover, our study was conducted prior to the COVID-19 pandemic wherein there was a surge in the uptake of virtual visits. While the findings of this study may not reflect current usage trends, they still offer relevant and valuable information regarding the clinical value of virtual visits.
While the use of virtual visits in primary care is still fairly new in Canada, most PCPs interviewed deemed virtual visits to be a viable alternative to many in-person interactions. Physicians indicated that virtual care was useful for patients with chronic conditions and could reduce logistical barriers in accessing care. However, physicians had concerns regarding overuse or inappropriate use, resulting in selectivity when offering virtual care to patients. Since this medium of communication is different from face-to-face communication, virtual care professional guidelines and formal training are needed to ensure consistency, competency, and comfort.
Editor’s key points
▸ Virtual visits—conducted using synchronous video or audio communication, or asynchronous messaging—are being recognized as ways to improve access to care for patients. However, there is little evidence regarding how virtual visits can best be integrated into primary care in Canada.
▸ This qualitative study identified primary care physician (PCP) perspectives on the clinical utility of virtual visits, with a unique focus on identifying appropriate (vs inappropriate) use cases. While PCPs felt virtual visits could be used effectively to manage a variety of clinical encounters, their comfort in using them varied.
▸ Most PCPs preferred asynchronous messaging because of its convenience and flexibility.
▸ Participants indicated that virtual visits could help improve care access and continuity of care for patients who experience logistical barriers to accessing services or who have chronic conditions.
Points de repère du rédacteur
▸ Les visites virtuelles, effectuées par voie de communication vidéo ou audio synchrone, ou encore par messagerie asynchrone, sont reconnues comme des moyens pour améliorer l’accès des patients aux soins. Par ailleurs, il existe peu de données probantes pour étayer les façons de mieux les intégrer dans les soins primaires au Canada.
▸ Cette étude qualitative a permis de dégager les points de vue de médecins de soins primaires (MSP) concernant l’utilité clinique des visites virtuelles en cernant plus précisément les cas d’utilisations appropriées (par rapport aux inappropriées). Même si les MSP jugeaient que les visites virtuelles pourraient être utilisées efficacement pour gérer une diversité de rencontres cliniques, leur degré d’aisance à y avoir recours était variable.
▸ La plupart des MSP préféraient la messagerie asynchrone en raison de son caractère pratique et de sa flexibilité.
▸ Les participants ont indiqué que les visites virtuelles pourraient aider à améliorer l’accès aux soins et la continuité des soins pour les patients qui ont des obstacles logistiques à l’accès aux services ou qui ont des problèmes chroniques.
All authors contributed to the concept and design of the study; data gathering, analysis, and interpretation; and preparing the manuscript for submission.
Competing interests
None declared
This article has been peer reviewed.
Cet article a fait l’objet d’une révision par des pairs.
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