Correction to: Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-020-64679-w, published online 08 May 2020
The Acknowledgements section in the original version of this Article was incomplete.
“Grants received in support of research work: Italian Ministry of Health (GR-2009-1570296); Italian Flagship-project InterOmics (PB05); European Union’s Horizon 2020 GEMMA project (grant agreement No 825033), The Cell line and DNA bank of Rett Syndrome, X-linked mental retardation and other genetic diseases, member of the Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks (project no. GTB18001), funded by Telethon Italy, and of the EuroBioBank network, provided us with specimens. We thank John Hatton of the Institute of Biomedical Technologies (CNR-ITB) for proofreading the manuscript.”
now reads:
“Grants received in support of research work: Italian Ministry of Health (GR-2009-1570296); Italian Flagship-project InterOmics (PB05); European Union’s Horizon 2020 GEMMA project (grant agreement No 825033), The Cell line and DNA bank of Rett Syndrome, X-linked mental retardation and other genetic diseases, member of the Telethon Network of Genetic Biobanks (project no. GTB18001), funded by Telethon Italy, and of the EuroBioBank network, provided us with specimens. We thank John Hatton of the Institute of Biomedical Technologies (CNR-ITB) for proofreading the manuscript. Two of several authors of this publication are members of the European Reference Network for rare malformation syndromes and rare intellectual and neurodevelopmental disorders, ERN-ITHACA.”
The original Article has been corrected.