Double deletions result in precocious differentiation of cardiac progenitor cells from SHF
(A and B) UMAP visualization of all single cells from published data (GSE108963) colored by cell types in (A) and embryonic stages in (B). CP, cardiac progenitor cells; EC, endothelial cells; CM, cardiomyocytes.
(C) Shown were the expression patterns of representative genes highly enriched in each cell type.
(D and E) 3-Dimensional PCA showing single cells from SHF in (D) and HT in (E) of WT and DKO projected onto reference lineages in (A).
(F) Heatmaps showing differentially expressed genes in single cells from SHF between WT and DKO (left) and top enriched GO terms in each group (right). See also Figure S2.