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. 2023 May 4;18(5):e0284920. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284920

Feasibility of tobacco cessation intervention at non-communicable diseases clinics: A qualitative study from a North Indian State

Garima Bhatt 1, Sonu Goel 1,*, Sandeep Grover 2, Bikash Medhi 3, Nidhi Jaswal 1, Sandeep Singh Gill 4, Gurmandeep Singh 5
Editor: Sheikh Mohd Saleem6
PMCID: PMC10159160  PMID: 37141319



One of the ’best buys’ for preventing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) is to reduce tobacco use. The synergy scenario of NCDs with tobacco use necessitates converging interventions under two vertical programs to address co-morbidities and other collateral benefits. The current study was undertaken with an objective to ascertain the feasibility of integrating a tobacco cessation package into NCD clinics, especially from the perspective of healthcare providers, along with potential drivers and barriers impacting its implementation.


A disease-specific, patient-centric, and culturally-sensitive tobacco cessation intervention package was developed (published elsewhere) for the Health Care Providers (HCPs) and patients attending the NCD clinics of Punjab, India. The HCPs received training on how to deliver the package. Between January to April 2020, we conducted a total of 45 in-depth interviews [medical officers (n = 12), counselors (n = 13), program officers (n = 10), and nurses (n = 10)] within the trained cohort across various districts of Punjab until no new information emerged. The interview data wereanalyzed deductively based on six focus areas concerning feasibility studies (acceptability, demand, adaptation, practicality, implementation, and integration) using the 7- step Framework method of qualitative analysis and put under preset themes.


The respondent’s Mean ± SD age was 39.2± 9.2 years, and years of service in the current position were 5.5 ± 3.7 years. The study participants emphasized the role of HCPs in cessation support (theme: appropriateness and suitability), use of motivational interviewing, 5A’s & 5R’s protocol learned during the training & tailoring the cessation advice (theme: actual use of intervention activities); preferred face-to-face counseling using regional images, metaphors, language, case vignettes in package (theme: the extent of delivery to intended participants). Besides, they also highlighted various roadblocks and facilitators during implementation at four levels, viz. HCP, facility, patient, and community (theme: barriers and favorable factors); suggested various adaptations to keep the HCPs motivated along with the development of integrated standard operating procedures (SOPs), digitalization of the intervention package, involvement of grassroots level workers (theme: modifications required); the establishment of an inter-programmatic referral system, and a strong politico-administrative commitment (theme: integrational perspectives).


The findings suggest that implementing a tobacco cessation intervention package through the existing NCD clinics is feasible, and it forges synergies to obtain mutual benefits. Therefore, an integrated approach at the primary & secondary levels needs to be adopted to strengthen the existing healthcare systems.


The global burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is increasing, including in India. Worldwide, NCDs contribute to around 41 million deaths annually, 15 million of which are deemed premature (between the age of 30 and 69 years) [1]. According to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, the overall yearly death toll from NCDs will grow to 52 million by 2030 if appropriate strategies for prevention and control are not implemented [2]. The WHO- NCD progress monitor, 2022, reported 66 percent of NCD deaths in India [3].

Tobacco accounts for 14% of all NCD deaths among individuals aged 30 years and above worldwide [4]. The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS, 2016–17) conducted in India reported the overall prevalence of tobacco use to be 28.6% (smoked:10.38%, smokeless tobacco use (SLT): 21.38%) [5]. As per available data in India, tobacco-related deaths account for roughly 1,280,000 deaths each year (smoking: 930,000 & SLT: 350,000) [6,7]. In 2017–18, India’s overall economic costs attributable to tobacco consumption across all diseases (aged 35 and above) totaled USD 27.5 billion [8].

Tobacco cessation is one such intervention that can impact the outcomes of almost all diseases in the NCD group [9]. One of the ’best buys’ for preventing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) is to reduce tobacco use [9]. The WHO introduced the MPOWER [10] "Monitor tobacco use and prevention policies, Protect people from tobacco smoke, Offer help to quit tobacco use, Warn about the dangers of tobacco, Enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship, Raise taxes on tobacco" package of measures in 2008 to assist all member states in prioritizing tobacco control strategies while implementing the various measures of the WHO- Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) [11]. Further, Article 14 of WHO-FCTC focuses on "demand reduction measures concerning tobacco dependence and cessation." Besides, it recommends providing resources for assistance that are available and sustainable, along with incorporating treatment for tobacco dependence into healthcare systems [11]. Because of its importance in preventing and managing NCDs, tobacco cessation is recommended as of the key NCD interventions by the WHO for primary care in low-resource settings [12].

It is well documented in the literature that the likelihood of successful quitting is increased more than two times by providing cessation assistance [13]. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) also necessitate all nations to take steps to decrease tobacco usage & reduce premature deaths from NCDs by 2030 [14]. The World Health Assembly affirmed a 30 percent relative reduction in current tobacco usage (daily and occasional) between 2010 and 2025 among individuals aged 15 years and above [15]. Presently, merely 30% of the globe’s populace can access adequate cessation facilities [13]. According to the WHO, developing cessation support using existing infrastructure is affordable and feasible. If brief advice is delivered regularly and ubiquitously throughout a healthcare delivery system, it has the potential to reach over 80% of tobacco users in a nation annually [16].

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoH&FW), Government of India (GoI), initiated the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) 2007–2008, which accentuates the integration of tobacco control with the other national health programs such as the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Stroke (NPCDCS), National Mental Health Programme (NMHP), National Programme for Health Care of the Elderly (NPHCE), National Oral Health Programme (NOHP), Drug DeAddiction Programme (DDAP), National Tuberculosis Elimination Program (NTEP), that are being implemented under the overall umbrella of National Health Mission across various states of India. NTCP also emphasizes expanding the scope and quality of cessation services at all healthcare system levels by pursuing all opportunities to integrate tobacco control interventions with other health programs to make the most efficient and effective use of existing resources [17]. NPCDCS also envisages linkages with the existing tobacco control program, given that tobacco usage is a preventable and modifiable behavioral risk factor for NCDs.

The results from various studies have shown that integrative strategies between programs have shown an advantage in terms of better cross-referral improved retention of patients, timely initiation of treatment, and improved survival [18]. A study conducted in India by Gupte et al. reported that integrating tobacco cessation interventions into a framework of routine tuberculosis care was feasible, brought individual patient benefits, and was well accepted by providers. It further suggested that similar initiatives for integrating tobacco cessation into other relevant national programs should be considered from a broader health systems perspective [19,20].

The synergy scenario of NCDs with tobacco use necessitates the convergence of interventions under two vertical programs to address co-morbidities and other collateral benefits. However, very little literature has ascertained the feasibility of cessation interventions under the NCD control program [21]. Most of the studies lack evidence on integration from various stakeholders’ perspectives, especially health care providers, to inform policymakers to bridge the research-to-practice gap [22,23]. The current qualitative inquiry was undertaken with the HCPs to ascertain the feasibility of integrating a culture-sensitive, disease-specific, and patient-centric tobacco cessation intervention package in NCD clinics. This would help to identify challenges & opportunities for analyzing the current implementation strategy and informing the researchers to see if findings can be adapted & sustained across multiple settings concerning contextual & organizational factors.


Study settings

Geographical settings

The Punjab state lies in northwest India, with 31.8 million population. It is administratively divided into 22 districts. The state has a literacy rate of 76.7%. Sikhism is the most commonly practiced religion that bars tobacco use among its followers [24]. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey-2 (2016–2017), the state’s current tobacco use prevalence is 13.4% [5]. NCDs account for 66% of the total disease burden in Punjab [25].

Specific program settings

In 2010, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, initiated the National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS) to strengthen infrastructure and human resource health promotion, early diagnosis, treatment of NCDs, and referral. Under this program, NCD clinics were set up at the Community Health Centre (CHC: caters to nearly a population of 1,20,000 and 80,000 for plain and tribal/hilly/desert areas, respectively) [26] and district level (DH: population size ranges from 35,000 to 30,00,000) [27] provisioning a dedicated workforce (medical officer, counselor, nurse, data entry operator). One of the major activities of these NCD clinics is to screen patients for tobacco use and undertake health promotion by counseling tobacco users to quit the habit. The medical officer undertakes a comprehensive examination to diagnose and manage NCD patients, rules out complications, provides follow-up care, and refers complicated cases to higher care facilities. The nurse screens patients for NCDs, assists the doctor during the examination of patients & follow-up care, and explains to the patient and family about risk factors of NCDs. The counselor provides diet and lifestyle management counseling and assists in follow-up care and referral [28] [Fig 1].

Fig 1. Health care system in India.

Fig 1

Study design and conceptual framework

It was a qualitative design wherein we used an in-depth interview (IDI) approach using a semi-structured IDI guide. The study was carried out between January to April 2020. The framework analysis method was used to manage and analyze qualitative data. The Framework method is a tool that can assist with qualitative content analysis. It is appropriate for analyzing interview data as well as offering a systematic model for data management and charting [29]. It is suitable for a research study with specific questions, brief duration, a pre-designed sample (such as professional participants), and a priori problems that should be addressed(such as organizational &integration problems) [30]. We used a seven-step framework method (Gale et al.) [29] to analyze interview data [Fig 2].

Fig 2. Seven-step framework analysis.

Fig 2

Study population & sampling

The present study was conducted among the HCPs, i.e., medical officers, counselors, nurses, and program officers of district hospitals under the NPCDCS program. The district hospital is a secondary referral facility catering to the population of a specific geographical area. Its goal is to deliver high-quality secondary healthcare (basic specialty services) to the population of a defined area while also being responsive and attentive to the requirements of individuals and the referral centers [27]. Before implementing the intervention package, a state-level training workshop was conducted in collaboration with the State Tobacco Control Cell, wherein all 22 districts of the state were requested to nominate their HCPs to attend the training. There was representation from each district hospital at the training. Later, we reached out to these participants across different districts, ensuring representation from each district across the various categories of stakeholders interviewed. Forty-five participants (twelve medical officers, thirteen counselors, ten nurses, and ten program officers) were interviewed using purposive sampling from the cohort of trained HCPs. Following the Principle of Redundancy [31], the respondents under each category were interviewed until no new information emerged.

Intervention package

A culturally sensitive, disease-specific, and patient-centric tobacco cessation intervention package was developed (published elsewhere) [32]. The package comprised of a booklet (for HCPs), disease-specific pamphlets, and text messages (for patients; in Hindi & Punjabi), along with a suggestive framework for implementation. The package was co-produced with all relevant stakeholders to factor in the contextual settings [Fig 3].

Fig 3. Overview of the intervention package and training workshops.

Fig 3

Study tools and data collection

The researcher (principal author) is a Ph.D. scholar trained in conducting qualitative in-depth interviews of the respondents. A suitable time and place were solicited a priori from each respondent to seek their responses. Those who did not provide consent for in-person interviews were interviewed telephonically. All respondents were apprised about the study, and signed informed consent was obtained whenever there was a physical interview. For interviews conducted telephonically, the participant’s consent was taken verbally during the interview. They were sent a consent form and a participant information sheet on the email address and requested to share a signed and scanned copy with us. Each interview lasted for around 30 to 35 minutes. The researcher assured the study respondents about their anonymity and informed them that their identities would not be disclosed in the aggregate data findings. The names of the participants were replaced with codes during data analysis and presentation. After receiving consent from the participant, an icebreaker question was asked, followed by their demographic details (age, education, current position, and years of service in current position). Prompts were used wherever necessary. Afterward, questions under various domains were asked using a semi-structured IDI guide, and verbatim responses were noted as field notes. The intention was to get a spectrum of perspectives as possible and unveil as many layers of meaning as possible among the participants in the setting. Para linguistics and non-verbal cues were also noted as brief notes. Each interview was transcribed on the same day it was conducted. While ending the interview, each respondent was given the contact details of the interviewer in case the respondent wanted to add or ask about something.

Data analysis

The qualitative data was analyzed deductively based on six focus areas suggested by Bowen et al. [33] concerning feasibility studies. These include acceptability (how do those involved in implementing the program and targeted recipients respond to the intervention), demand (estimated use or actual documentation of the use of particular intervention activities in a specified intervention population or context), adaptation (modifying the contents or practices of a program or intervention to fit a new context), practicality (the extent to which an intervention can be carried out under conditions of limited resources), implementation (extent, possibility, and method by which an intervention can be fully executed as suggested), and integration (system modification required to incorporate a new process into an already-existing programme). For qualitative analysis, two investigators made transcripts on the same day based on the verbatim notes of the in-depth Interviews. Transcripts were analyzed using the framework method (Fig 2). After coding a few initial transcripts, the researchers compared the applied codes and agreed on a set of codes to be applied in all successive transcripts. A third investigator reviewed the transcripts to minimize bias and interpretive credence. The agreement on coding rules was made by consensus of the investigators. Any difference between the two was resolved by discussion. Some codes were combined into sub-themes. These codes and sub-themes were related to the original data to ensure that the results reflected the data and were in accordance with the themes. Further, the coded data from each category of respondents were compared across and within to enrich the analysis. The results are categorized into the key focus areas as preset domains for feasibility as suggested by Bowen et al. [33] [Fig 4] According to "Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ)," the findings were reported.

Fig 4. Categorization of data into preset domains & probes used and themes and emerging sub-themes.

Fig 4

Ethical approval

The Institute Ethics Committee (IEC), Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India (IEC no. INT/IEC/2017/1361) granted ethical approval for the study. Due permissions were sought prior from the State Tobacco Control Cell & NCD Control Cell, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Punjab. India.


The respondents comprised of program officers (n = 10), medical officers (n = 12), counselors (n = 13), and nurses (n = 10). Of all the 45 interviews conducted, half (50%) of the interviews were carried out telephonically due to pandemic restrictions.

The majority of the respondents were females among the counselors (85%), nurses (90%), and program managers (50%) category. The respondent’s Mean ± SD age was 39.2± 9.2 years, and years in service in the current position were 5.5 ± 3.7 years (Table 1).

Table 1. Distribution and characteristics of study participants.

Interview category
Characteristics Counsellor (n = 13)
Medical Officer (n = 12)
(n = 10)
Program Officer (n = 10)
Total (N = 45)
n % n % n % n % n %
Gender Female 11 85 5 42 9 90 5 50 30 66.7
Male 2 15 7 58 1 10 5 50 15 33.3
Age (years) Median (IQR) 34 (31–37) 35 (33.2–46) 33.5(29.7–44.7) 51.5 (45.5–55.2)
35 (32–49.5)
Years of service in current position Median (IQR) 7 (3.5–7) 6.5 (4–7.7) 5 (3–8) 3 (1.7–5) 5 (3–7)

Theme 1: Appropriateness and suitability of intervention package in current settings (Acceptability)

It was mentioned that the intervention package falls into the ambit of their routine roles & responsibilities. Half (50%) of the program officers, medical officers, counselors, and nurses perceived that HCPs are the agents of behavior change who consistently guide and motivate their patients (tobacco users) to quit tobacco use. The fact that ’tobacco addiction is treatable’ is not known to many tobacco users, highlighted the medical officers. It was stressed that building the "interpersonal relationship" with the patient helps gain the patient’s confidence and vice versa.

"Every HCP has a different responsibility. As a doctor, it’s my responsibility to make the patient aware of the ill effects of tobacco use and guide them to quit this habit through proper treatment and investigations…." [IDI_8, MO]

"I think our role is crucial in building a good rapport with the patient, which makes it easy for them to trust us and share their thoughts, problems and understand the harmful effects of this addiction……." [IDI_12, counselor]

One-tenth (10%) of the program officers suggested sensitization of HCPs regarding the relevance of giving cessation advice to a tobacco user. More than half (60%) of the nurses suggested using the edutainment approach, with two-fifths (40%) of the medical officers proposed strategic utilization of existing resources and telemedicine facilities. The medical officers also stressed the promotion &advertisement of current cessation services and the commercialization of cessation messages.

"This intervention package can be modified into an advertisement form and shown during breaks on television daily on each channel in such a way that it strikes with a commercial touch like other advertisements of soap, toothpaste etc..…." [IDI_6, nurse]

"Religious gatherings could be utilized for generating awareness regarding tobacco cessation. For example, like in Punjab, ’Shaheedi Jod Mela’ is celebrated at Fatehgarh Sahib every year, which attracts a huge gathering from all walks and strata of society.…"[IDI_4, counselor]

Theme 2: Actual use of intervention activities in a specified context (Demand)

It was highlighted by one-third (33%) of the medical officers and nurses that initial hesitation at the patient’s level makes the history exploration phase even more challenging. More than half (60%) of the counselors and medical officers mentioned that they initiate the process of tobacco cessation during the rapport building phase while taking notice of physical signs of tobacco users (stains on teeth, lips, palms of hand, smell of tobacco) for problem assessment. Furthermore, they added that tobacco use is a taboo and an ostracized practice among the followers of Sikhism, which calls attention to the sensitivity towards religious sentiments and socio-cultural norms.

"We mostly ask our patients whether they use tobacco or not, but they avoid answering… they hesitate. Most of the patients hide their tobacco use status. But stains on teeth, lips, and hands you can easily make out if the patient is a tobacco user or not…" [IDI_1, nurse]

"Yes, there is an awkwardness about raising the topic because of religious and social reasons. But I have noticed that our non-judgmental attitude makes a difference in breaking the ice between the patients and us…" [IDI_3, MO]

More than half (60%) of the medical officers reiterated that consistency and repetition in giving advice are the two significant pillars to sustain the user’s motivation to quit. Besides, they added that Three-fourths (75%) of the counselors emphasized that they use motivational interviewing, 5A’s & 5R’s* protocol learned during the training workshop with tobacco users to generate awareness regarding their co-morbidities (i.e., NCDs). The counselors stressed providing an enabling environment to the users and discussing the treatment plan. Further, they highlighted the role of culture-specific advice, family support in removing cues to action (ashtrays, matchboxes, lighter, pouches of SLT) from home, or constant reminders to the user. Half (50%) of the program officers mentioned tailoring the cessation advice to the patient’s socioeconomic status. In addition, a quarter (25%) of the nurses opined that addressing the fear factor related to tobacco-induced diseases prevalent among the users is essential. It’sto bring the desired behavior change.

"The patient needs to be motivated at each and every visit. More so, if it is specific to the disease that the person is suffering from, they relate more with the advice…" [IDI_3, MO]

"I use 5 A’*s & motivational interviewing technique that I learned during training. I ask the patient to write down why you want or not want to quit via active discussion. In my experience here in Punjab, men are very concerned about their social image. I tell them that being a Sardar; it would affect your personality and positive image in society if you use tobacco.…" [IDI_9, counselor]

*5 A’s (Ask, Advice, Assess, Assist, Arrange)

*5 R’s (Relevance, Risk, Rewards, Repetition, Roadblocks)

Theme 3: Extent of delivery of intervention package to intended participants (Implementation)

Half (50%) of the medical officers, counselors, and nurses shared that they ensure optimal utilization of the limited time by giving brief advice to motivate tobacco users to cessation. Nearly three-fourths (75%) of the HCPs preferred face-to-face counseling using appropriate Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) material. They added that the inclusion of regional images, metaphors, language, case vignettes associated with different NCDs, tips for managing cravings, and replacement alternatives made their work easier.

"We try to utilize the available time to the best possible method. I generally prefer face-to-face counseling. Since the package is tailor-made for various NCDs, I feel it is quite easy for both provider as well as patient to understand, refer and issue customized material…". [IDI_3 counselor]

"Once, a patient told me that he used licorice (mulethi) which helped him quit tobacco. Some say that tobacco use gives them a tingling sensation in the mouth, so I suggest them to replace zarda with dry ginger in the zarda pouch to feel similar texture and sensation in the mouth…." [IDI_2, MO]

Theme 4: Barriers and favorable factors for implementation (Practicality)

The barriers and facilitators were categorized broadly into four levels: HCP, facility, patient, and community [Fig 5].

Fig 5. Barriers and favorable factors at various levels for the implementation of intervention package at NCD clinics.

Fig 5

Barriers at the HCP level

Half (50%) of the medical officers and program officers reported a need for more adequate and trained human resources for service delivery besides a lack of willingness & coordination among HCPs to implement the package. Two-fifth (40%) of the medical officers, counselors, and nurses reported the problem of patient overload in outpatient department (OPD), which relatively affected the amount of time devoted to each patient. Further, highlighting the issue of role conflict and role reversal, it was mentioned they are most often involved in documentation, record keeping, report making, etc.

"Additional responsibilities are given to the hired staff in the absence of earmarked staff, and multitasking affects our primary work. Honestly, with a patient load of 150–200 patients every day, it gets tough for me to counsel them as a doctor. The least I can give is brief advice 1–2 minutes to quit…" [IDI_ 11, MO]

"We are directed by authorities to work in other wings apart from NCD. We have to make reports in the absence of a data entry operator. Due to this, we are unable to devote adequate time to patients. This leads to a loss in the rapport that was previously built…" [IDI_9, counselor]

Barriers at the facility level

One-third (33%) of the program officers highlighted the barrier of staff reorganization followed by delayed replacements resulting in interrupted services. Two-fifths (40%) of counselors and nurses highlighted a need for adequate infrastforarry out counseling services affecting the service delivery.

"Admin authorities are transferred or promoted, and sometimes there is no one to look after the program. At times there is no replacement for that post for a longer period…." [IDI_5, Program officer]

"There are no separate counseling rooms at our facility, and we are not able to maintain the privacy of patients…." [IDI_5, counselor]

Barriers at the patient level (from HCPs perspective)

More than half (60%) of the counselors and nurses highlighted that the patients negate tobacco use due to cultural factors and the prevalent social milieu in the state. Moreover, there is a lack of perceived susceptibility to the harmfulness of its use. They added that the lack of compliance to the counseling sessions, loss of follow-up, and the lack of pharmacological/Nicotine Replacement Treatment (NRT) intervention in the package are significant barriers to its implementation.

"We have to make the patients realize that they are addicted to tobacco as its use is not considered an addiction. Substances such as opium and heroin are thought of as addictive substances. I tell them that now 10 rupee cool-lip pouch won’t affect their pocket, but when this cool-lip use leads to mouth cancer, just imagine how it will affect you, your family, and your pocket! …." [IDI_1, counselor]

"This intervention package lacks provision of NRT, and it might be difficult for patients with higher levels of nicotine dependence to quit. Longer the addiction, the harder it is for them (tobacco users) to quit without pharmacological assistance!…." [IDI_10, MO]

Barriers at the community level

Three-fourths (75%) of all respondents’ categories emphasized that tobacco products are readily available and affordable. They mentioned the availability of loose cigarettes and small packs of user-friendly tobacco products at lower prices.

"Compared to other drugs, tobacco is cheap and fulfills cravings. Many users say that the pleasure gained after using tobacco is not gained when using nicotex, elaichi (cardamom), or anything else. Peers who use tobacco make a friendly offer, and the user feels obliged to have a puff or a chew.." [IDI_7, counselor]

"Although, as HCPs, we want the patients to quit tobacco, how hard we try, any tobacco user would lose control on seeing tobacco products in front of him. Merely writing "It’s injurious to health" won’t bring any change. There is a need for strong political involvement too…" [IDI_8, MO]

Facilitators at the HCPs level

Two-fifth (40%) of counselors, medical officers, and two-thirds (66%) of nurses emphasized the influential position of HCPs. Due to this, the patient talks freely and gives the HCPs additional leverage to guide and motivate the patient to adopt healthier habits and lifestyles. If provided, the empathetic attitude of HCPs makes the supplied advice more effective because the patient is in a receptive state of mind.

"The HCPs possess an excellent skill set to put forth their point, motivate them towards adopting healthy habits and lifestyle…."[IDI_7, nurse]

"Patients trust us because we want the best for their health. We have patients coming in for NCD treatment, and this is the best opportunity to guide them to cessation. They will return for their consultation, and this opportunity is best. …" [IDI_7, MO]

Facilitators at the facility level

Four-fifth (80%) of the program officers highlighted that the NCD clinics are valuable assets for implementing cessation services. Further, it was added that the existing workforce and health system are being strengthened through the capacity-building workshops conducted as a part of this package. Around three-fifth, (60%) of the medical officers and counselors highlighted the feasibility of using this package in other national health programs and services.

"NCD clinics are valuable resources for implementing cessation services, but this package is modifiable for delivery in dental OPD*, drug de-addiction centers, and ANC*** clinics. Secondly, training under National Tobacco Control Programme to build the capacity of existing staff for tobacco cessation is strengthening the health system …"[IDI_4, Program Officer]

"The intervention package could be easily adopted in the ongoing government schemes being implemented in Punjab like Opioid Assisted Treatment (OOAT)**, TB-chest clinics which is a positive factor…"[IDI_11, MO]

*Outpatient department (OPD)

**Outpatient Opioid Assisted Treatment (OOAT)

***Antenatal Care (ANC)

Facilitators at the patient level

Almost three-fifth (60%) of the counselors and two-fifths (40%) of the medical officers highlighted the customization of the intervention package as a major favorable factor. They also mentioned that using this package among NCD patients will best use already available resources, reducing the need for repetition. Further, the flexibility of the package ensures its potential to expand over other programs along with no additional cost and reduced waiting time for the patients.

"The utilization of package among patients who are already suffering from one or the other NCD minimizes the repetition and makes the best usage of available resources as per the requirements of patient.…" [IDI_3, MO]

"This package is beneficial for poor people who cannot afford such treatments on their own. Besides, it is free of cost and the patient is coming to the facility directly, so why not give them maximum services during a visit…."[IDI_4, counselor]

At the community level

One-tenth (10%) of the medical officers emphasized that the prevailing culture in Punjab, which ostracizes tobacco use, acts as a protective barrier to the uptake of tobacco use habit. In comparison to other states of India, tobacco use is comparatively much less in Punjab. In the neighboring states of Punjab, like Haryana and Rajasthan, tobacco smoking is prevalent and acceptable in the socio-cultural settings of these states.

"The Punjabi culture restricts open smoking and acts as a protective element in our society. Smoking is considered taboo in our Punjabi society, and it’s a good thing; we can say that this stigma around tobacco use in Punjab acts positively and protects people from its uptake as well as from passive exposure to tobacco smoke…." [IDI_4, MO]

Theme 5: Modifications required at the facility, program/policy, and community level (Adaptation)

When asked about their suggestions for keeping the HCPs motivated enough to adapt and execute this intervention package in the current healthcare settings, the respondents suggested various propositions and modifications at the facility, program/policy level, and community levels [Fig 6].

Fig 6. Modifications required at the facility, program/policy, and the community level.

Fig 6

Two–fifth (40%) of the medical officers, counselors, and one-quarter (25%) of nurses suggested recruiting dedicated human resources to distribute the workload at a given health facility. They put forward organizing induction training for freshers and refresher training at periodic intervals, preferably once every six months. It was also proposed to provide additional incentives, a healthy workplace environment, and relieve from multitasking roles to motivate the HCPs. While one-fifth (20%) of the program officers highlighted the need to teach leadership and communication skills to the HCPs, one-tenth (10%) of the medical officers and counselors suggested addressing the power dynamics issue between the HCPs in the medical hierarchy of inter-health care facilities.

"Incentives should be given to someone who links the new patient to the clinic. If not, then incentives could be replaced by awards, prizes, certificates, appreciation etc……" [IDI_4, nurse]

"Involvement of leadership and team practices among the HCPs at all levels along with developing good communication skills is crucial to be inculcated…." [IDI_3, Program Officer]

"Whenever a training or workshop is organized, the resource material is given to the attendee (nominated from a particular facility), or even the learning never reaches the lowermost person in the hierarchy who is interacting one-to-one with the patient. This percolation of resource material from workshops or training never takes place but should happen.."[IDI_1, MO]

One-third (33%) of the counselors and program officers suggested periodic monitoring of the services and performance. One-fifth (20%) of the counselors also suggested integrating mutual elements of NCDs and tobacco cessation at the program level, followed by developing integrated Standard Operating Protocols (SOPs). One-quarter (33%) of medical officers mentioned digitalizing the intervention package and restricting the sale of tobacco products.

"We need staff meetings to discuss difficulties from time to time. Moreover, timely monitoring programs with an equal division of work among staff members with an appreciation of best work would keep us motivated.…." [IDI_11, counselor]

"Support from administrative level authorities to HCPs and addressing the issues timely will keep them motivated…."[IDI_6, Program officer]

"We could develop apps for mobile phones for cessation based on this package. Those who do not open about their tobacco use due to social stigma can easily get help out of the app, and their questions can be answered, and at a later stage, that app can connect the users with HCPs …" [IDI_8, MO]

One-fifth (20%) of program officers suggested that the involvement of grassroots-level workers such as Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)* workers and Multipurpose Health Workers (MPWs) with NCD clinics could restructure the process of scheduled follow-up, referral, and management in a better way. Further, it would lead to better compliance and community mobilization to uptake cessation services. A similar proportion of the medical officers suggested the involvement of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs)** and sensitization of school health officers and teachers regarding tobacco cessation. In contrast, the counselors proposed the initiation of community-based cessation clinics that could expand the reach of cessation services. The counselors suggested implementing the package in schools.

*Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) worker is a trained female community health activist chosen from the community under the National Health Mission, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. She has the skills necessary to act as a link between the public healthcare system &the community and to mobilize the community towards increased utilization of the existing health services.

** Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI)in India is a system of rural local self-government which significantly contributes to the development of villages, particularly in areas like primary education, healthcare, agricultural developments, the advancement of women and children.

"The HCP working at the lowest level yet the closest to the community is the ASHA worker. Secondly, Multi-Purpose Health Workers could also be associated with NCD clinics for follow-up and referral…."[IDI_4, Program Officer]

"More and more people in the health sector or collaboration with health should be trained such as school health officers, teachers; panchayat members of villages must also be sensitized and involved in initiating tobacco cessation programs…." [IDI_1, MO]

"We focus on users when they have moved from ’use to habit.’ This package can be simplified and added as a ’free subject’ in schools during the formative years, where one begins to use…. [IDI_6, Counsellor]

Theme: Integrational perspectives at various levels (Integration)

One–third (33%) of the medical officers opined that integrating the health promotion component of the two programs (NTCP & NPCDCS) could avoid duplication of efforts at the level of HCPs, leading to optimal utilization of workforce and pooling of Information Education and Communication (IEC) budget. Further, mutual capacity building of human resources could be a cost-effective and time-effective exercise at the program level.

"Health education (one of the components of health promotion) could be integrated because patients suffering from diabetes, and hypertension will anyway come to the hospital for their routine check-up, and it would save additional effort on both sides…." [IDI_4, MO]

Around two-fifths (40%) of the counselors and one-fifth (20%) of the medical officers recommended establishing an inter-programmatic referral system for the two national health programs- NTCP and NPCDCS. The medical officers suggested the inclusion of Community Health Officers (CHOs) and Ayurvedic Medical Officers (AMOs)** in the programs.

**An Ayurvedic Medical Officer is a medical officer (doctor) under the Ministry of AYUSH(Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy), Government of India, who practices the traditional systems of medicine.

"Both the NTCP & NPCDCS run-in with different manpower and infrastructure, but both have tobacco in common, and integration could control both NCD and tobacco users. For example, in Tuberculosis and HIV (ICTC) program integrate with a cross-referral; but both are working differently and staff of both these are performing their responsibilities…"[IDI_12, counselor]

"Tobacco cessation component should be a part of NCD control program because in the field we have CHO’s (Community Health Officers), Ayurvedic Medical Officers (AMO’s), etc. who visit schools and this workforce could be utilized…" [IDI_8, MO]

One–third (33%) of the program officers highlighted a strong need for politico-administrative and bureaucratic commitment and active engagement. Around two-fifths (40%) of the counselors recommended using online platforms to encourage more tobacco users to quit, strictly monitoring OTT platforms*. Further, they mentioned utilizing youth clubs/sports academies to mobilize community resources and greater engagement. One-tenth (10%) of the counselors suggested hiring academically qualified staff (specialized) for the position of counselors.

"We have all the resources; the only need is to channelize them for which there is a need of strong political and administrative and bureaucratic will, commitment and engagement…"[IDI_4, Program Officer]

"Counselors need to have an academic background in Psychology. Social workers are hired as counselors who don’t understand the human psyche and behavior with addiction. Besides, village youth clubs could be mobilized after training to utilize community resources." [IDI_10, Counsellor]

*Over The Top (OTT) platforms (such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, etc.) are the media services that provide online content to viewers through the internet.


Integration could happen across different national health programs to optimize health system resources [34]. NPCDCS also focuses on multi-stakeholder convergence and integration for effective implementation [35]. However, there is limited evidence on implementing cessation services in NCD clinics, especially in India [36,37]. The preliminary work described in the current paper attempts to assess the feasibility of implementing a tobacco cessation intervention package in NCD clinics, which shall strengthen the existing healthcare systems by providing cessation services at ’one stop’ under ’one roof’ by ’talking their language’ to create a ’win-win situation [38].

Culture-specific, patient-centric, & disease-specific

In an ethnically diverse country like India, developing culture-specific, disease-specific, and patient-centric tobacco cessation interventions is essential to maximize the outcomes [39,40]. The current intervention package focused on culture-specific, patient-centric content and a disease-specific approach. The content of the package was in vernacular language, delivered by HCPs from the same region, exercising interpersonal & cultural sensitivity, and incorporating regional images, text, adages, etc., preferred by the targeted population well-fitting into the ’surface structure’ of cultural sensitivity. Moreover, the counselors in the study reported that it also involved the ’deep structure’ of cultural sensitivity concerning core cultural values [41], which should be an integral part of a cessation intervention package [42].

Further, they emphasized to the users during the counseling sessions how tobacco use colloquially affected their personality during counseling sessions, highlighting the cultural sensitivity of tobacco use in the state (tobacco use is an ostracized practice in Sikhism) [43]. Besides, they also underlined addressing cultural sensitivity while obtaining the history of tobacco use and tailoring the cessation advice to meet patients’ social, cultural, and linguistic needs. Betancourt & colleagues [44] and Putsch RW III & Joyce M [45] have also highlighted that the provider’s skill in delivering culturally specific cessation advice highlights their cultural competence.

Culture-specific interventions also have the potential to increase engagement and effectiveness of any public health intervention [46]. Compared with standard interventions, they are much more acceptable and pertinent to native tobacco users, enhancing engagement and reducing discontinuity rates [47]. A study among African Americans suggested that culturally specific cognitive behavioral therapy had a longer-term positive effect on smoking cessation than standard care [48]. Culturally focused interventions have been shown to be efficacious in decreasing health risk behaviors over a wide range of population groups [42]. The mechanisms for greater effectiveness of targeted interventions increase the saliency of information so that targeted messages are remembered and are more likely to be considered relevant [49].

In the current study, the counselors stressed providing an enabling environment to the users, involving them in the treatment plan, and tailoring the advice according to their socioeconomic and disease status. Literature also suggests that tobacco users require patient-centered interventions that could be implemented with minimum burden on the routine practice [50]. WHO-Tobacco Free Initiative guidelines also suggest that the HCPs need to make quitting advice relevant to the patient’s present condition by connecting it to the current diagnosis or lifestyle [51].

Role of health care providers in tobacco cessation

The study participants underlined the role of HCPs in tobacco cessation support while highlighting the intervention package’s appropriateness and suitability. The study participants felt that HCPs have the trust of their patients, are perhaps the most knowledgeable about health issues, and therefore are expected to act without bias. WHO also suggests the need for HCPs to address tobacco addiction as part of their standard care of care [51]. It has been recommended that queries regarding tobacco usage should be incorporated into every encounter with a patient and noted on the patient’s chart [51]. Evidence demonstrates that cessation interventions by more than one category of HCP could greatly increase quitting and readiness to quit in the population [52]. However, a lack of knowledge about tobacco cessation &potential complacency about tobacco as a health issue on the part of HCPs could impact the utilization of cessation services and, as a result, quitting rates [5355]. This is further compounded by the lack of advertisement of cessation support availability, especially in rural areas [55], and the social unacceptability of tobacco use [56], resulting in social prejudice and the uptake of cessation services. Similar results were found in the present study. The HCPs perceived that lack of communication with tobacco users could be a potential barrier to accelerating tobacco control efforts, especially in the priority group, such as the NCD group.

The medical officers and counselors in the study suggested addressing the power dynamics issue between the HCPs in the medical hierarchy of inter-health care facilities to effectively implement the package. Further, they added that undertaking siloed activities, marking HCP(s) for training workshops that are not designated for the role, non-sharing of resource material and skills learned, lack of a good working relationship, and communication lapses impact the effective implementation. Power dynamics affect shared planning, decision-making, role perceptions between and within professional groups, and service delivery, influencing patient experiences [57]. A quantitative analysis study conducted to assess the determinants influencing power dynamics in interprofessional healthcare groups suggested adapting strategies such as a collaborative effort, clear correspondence, learning and mentorship, and a performance-oriented model while allocating leadership position roles to groupmates to overcome power imbalance [58].

Digitalization of intervention package

The study respondents also suggested adapting the intervention package to digital format (device-optimized websites, text messages, and exclusive phone applications) and commercially publicizing the cessation messages on a broader scale. The evolving digital space has transformed India and how individuals, including tobacco users, access healthcare information. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) presents high availability and attractiveness to reach large populations through various mediums. These technologies could be coupled with conventional support methods like quitlines or one-on-one clinical cessation counseling. Furthermore, substantial evidence supports text message-based tobacco cessation interventions [59,60]. These have improved consumer engagement, wider connectivity & communication real-time messaging, and reduced barriers such as cost, location, schedule conflicts, and limited human resources [61]. A study of cessation apps reported that applications to connect smokers who are prepared to quit and ’aren’t soliciting or receiving cessation support from a professional [62]. However, most such app-based interventions need more customized, disease & culturally-specific cessation content, creating a digital divide. Given India’s ethnic diversity, developing cessation apps that align content with evidence-based data, techniques, and behavioral support in an adjustable, interactive, readily available format are critical [63]. Moreover, digital platforms could also assist those not yet ready to quit by using preparatory messages along the various stages of behavior change [61].

Motivational interviewing and behavior change communication

The participants in the study emphasized repetition and reinforcement of cessation advice to tobacco users. Literature reports that a dose-response relationship is seen, as multiple sessions achieved significantly greater abstinence rates than a single session, particularly near the quit date [37,64]. The counselors also highlighted using motivational interviewing (MI), 5A’s & 5R’s algorithm with tobacco users. Motivational interviewing helps users explore why they are reluctant to quit and find ways to make them realize that they are competent in doing so. It fosters motivation and commitment to behavior change rather than persuading [65]. Tobacco users could be reluctant to quit because of misconceptions, concerns about the impact of cessation, or de-motivation from previous failed quit attempts, all of which can be successfully overcome by motivational interviewing [51]. A study conducted among smokers with heart diseases at Cairo reported that motivational techniques could encourage patients to quit smoking with less stress [66].

Barriers to effective implementation of the intervention package

The participants cited a few barriers to effectively implementing tobacco cessation intervention at all four levels: HCP, facility, patient, and community. At the HCP level, they reported a lack of motivation and coordination among HCPs to implement the package, a lack of clear commitment, the ambiguity of the cessation framework contributing to low confidence, high patient load, pessimism about the user’s ability to quit, and weak patient-provider relationship which were similar to the existing literature [6769]. A study conducted in Hong Kong concluded that HCP’s attitudes and expectations of ’one’s roles and ’one’s perceived competence affected smoking cessation practice [70]. Besides, for the patients visiting the NCD clinic, consultation for their concerned NCD is a primary priority, and cessation is secondary to their healthcare concerns.

Facility-level barriers such as staff reorganization to manage human resource shortages and these delayed replacements hampered the cessation of service delivery. The studies have also observed that an immediate change process in human resources between programs elicits less optimism burnout and negatively correlates with a commitment to change [71]. A study conducted in the Netherlands among fourteen cohorts of healthcare providers reported that lack of- time, and training on HCPs part. In contrast, the lack of willingness to quit among patients and smoking being a sensitive topic were impediments to cessation services [72]. Furthermore, the study highlighted that the change initiatives must be focused on the specific obstacles faced by HCPs and their working environments [72]. Given India’s strained health systems, integrating such newer skills come at a cost for HCPs, including additional workload and time constraints making long-term implementation challenging. Nevertheless, providing additional support through supervision &monitoring and monetary incentives could help overcome health system impediments and improve health worker performance [73].

At the tobacco user level, lack of adherence to counseling sessions primarily due to low confidence in the efficacy of the service or a belief that help is not needed is the primary barrier. Similar results were also reported by a randomized controlled trial conducted in the UK to increase attendance at Stop Smoking Services [74]. Besides, the package lacked any pharmacological/NRT intervention. A study of general practitioners and pulmonologists in seven European and Asian countries found that communication was more important than prescribing pharmacotherapy [53]. The study respondents quoted tobacco products’ easy availability and affordability as a community-level barrier. However, the evidence supports using higher prices to encourage tobacco cessation and motivation to quit among users [75].

Facilitators for effective implementation of the intervention package

The facilitators reported in the study were also categorized at four levels, viz. HCP, facility, patient, and community level. A major facilitator for the package was the influential position of HCPs that provided additional leverage to guide and motivate the patient to quit tobacco use. The WHO-Tobacco Free Initiative guidelines also recommend that the HCPs help others understand that tobacco dependence is a disease [51]. Several studies have found that being diagnosed with a tobacco-related illness is associated with increased quit attempts and utilization of cessation resources [76]. Besides, the respondents also highlighted that customization of the cessation package to their chronic disease saves costs and waiting time for users. Studies also report that tailored interventions (disease-specific, stage of change) are an efficacious way of preventing smoking-related complications in chronic conditions such as diabetes [37], CVD [77], and cancers [78]. HCPs can play a pivotal role in assisting users in making informed decisions regarding tobacco use and quitting. Smoking cessation rates have been significantly impacted by targeted interventions from physicians, nurses, and other HCPs [51]. Evidence states that HCPs are uniquely and centrally positioned to influence and assist their patients in quitting [79,80].

The respondents also emphasized that NCD clinics are valuable assets where the existing workforce and health system can be utilized & strengthened for the provision of tobacco cessation counseling. It has been advocated by a few studies conducted in diabetes clinics in Indonesia and India [37,81]. Because tobacco is a risk factor for multiple diseases, integrating tobacco control with other health programs (Maternal and Child Health, Oral Health, Tuberculosis Control, etc.) could ensure that scarce workforce and fiscal resources of healthcare systems in LMICs are used to their maximum potential. This would provide recurring avenues for interventions at primary and secondary healthcare tiers, thereby reducing addiction, morbidity & mortality due to tobacco [82]. These opportunities, however, will be lost unless cessation intervention is recognized as an essential element of these services [83].

Furthermore, they also added that the contemporary culture in Punjab that disparages tobacco use acts as a barrier to tobacco habit adoption, facilitating cessation at the community level. On the contrary, tobacco use is an acceptable behavior associated with socio-cultural values in the neighboring provinces [84]. According to a population-based cohort study, anti-smoking social conventions might provide an environment where tobacco smoking is less socially accepted and quitting is more socially supported [85].

Strengths & limitations

There are many strengths of the study. First, the study examined an in-depth, comprehensive view of multiple stakeholders from interdisciplinary backgrounds, capturing versatile viewpoints regarding stakeholders’ perspectives about the package. Second, the study captures insights into factors that facilitate & impede the implementation of the package and simultaneously optimize decision-making. Third, rigorous qualitative methods were applied during data collection and analysis. Two researchers reviewed and analyzed each transcript, followed by reflection on each other’s analysis process, looking out for similarities within and across each category of respondents (establishing credibility). Besides, the same data collection method was used across the different categories of participants (establishing transferability), presenting a range of perspectives. The study has a few limitations as well. First, the study’s findings are not generalizable, as it was undertaken in one setting. However, they are comparable to previous studies, improving their transferability to similar settings Second, the results may be subject to response bias. The sample of our study respondents provided a perspective limited to only public sector healthcare settings. We missed the opportunity of getting a viewpoint from the healthcare providers from private sector settings. Besides, HCPs sharing the barriers at the patient level is also a limitation resulting in "surrogacy interviews.” Third, a one-day training program for HCPs on cessation may not be sufficient to empower HCPs in delivering cessation interventions.


The current intervention package aims at piggybacking tobacco cessation services in outpatient service expansion of existing NCD settings to influence tobacco use behavior among patients in real-world conditions. The findings suggest that implementing a tobacco cessation intervention package through the existing NCD clinics is feasible, and it forges synergies to obtain mutual benefits. However, measures to mitigate the roadblocks and adaptation measures suggested at all levels of HCPs need to be considered. Integration of tobacco control approaches within primary and secondary care would be more effective for strengthening healthcare systems. In addition, the study highlights a need for improved communication and teamwork between the tobacco control & NCD control teams; the needto digitalize and advertise the availability of tobacco cessation services in sync with regional requirements. Furthermore, the study suggests for assessing health system-related costs for proper implementation of the tobacco cessation package in NCD clinics and institutionalizing a tobacco use screening framework into routine systems of existing healthcare facilities, establishing a cross-referral mechanism for users to access pharmacological support and capacity building in tobacco cessation being an integral part of the training curricula of all national programs along with mandatory documentation of tobacco use status in the patient’s health records. Besides, the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the immediacy to provide integrated care and the need to establish resilient healthcare systems. Additionally, attention needs to be paid towards integrating cessation beyond health interventions by developing community & social partnerships to broaden the reach of cessation support aligned with the continuum of care.


We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance provided by the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Punjab. We also thank the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) Chandigarh, India, and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi, for their assistance. The first author is pursuing her Ph.D. through the ICMR’s Senior Research Fellowship Scheme.

Data Availability

The data are not publicly available because the data are collected from a small group of participants which may risk the identification of respondents and could compromise the privacy of research participants. Further, the study presents the data analysed as part of qualitative research, and we have added excerpts of the transcripts within the paper that are relevant to the study. The data currently included in the paper contains the minimal data set that supports the findings of the study.

Funding Statement

The first author was a recipient of Indian Council of Medical Research - Junior Research Fellowship Scheme (ICMR-JRF) [No. 3/1/3/JRF-2016/HRD)] for pursuing her Ph.D. program. The ICMR-JRF had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. The authors did not receive any other specific funding for this work.


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Decision Letter 0

Bassey E Ebenso

17 Oct 2022

PONE-D-22-24837Ascertaining the Feasibility of Implementing a Tobacco Cessation Intervention Package at Non-Communicable Disease Clinics: A Qualitative Study among Health Care Providers & Program Managers of a North Indian StatePLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Goel,

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Additional Editor Comments:

Please use the comments of two independent reviewers below to revise and resubmit your manuscript

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: N/A


3. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

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5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The research presented is clearly justified and well described. The conclusions drawn are well-supported by the analysis.


Inclusion of data on “tobacco use disorders” whilst interesting, is a bit confusing as the term is not explained and it is not clear how these disorders might play a role in cessation, NCDs and whether they were tackled specifically in this feasibility assessment. Suggest rewording for clarity or removing the sentence.

“The World Health Assembly affirmed a 30 percent relative reduction in current tobacco usage (daily and occasional) between 2010 and 2025 among individuals aged 15 years and above” Needs citation.


Typo on the 4th line. “13.4t”?

Strengths and Limitations:

“Second, the results may be subject to responder bias; since all participants were from the public sector, there is a tendency to present a less realistic view”. Could you clarify what is meant by “less realistic view”. Do you mean public sector workers are overly idealistic, or that their perspective is simply limited, or…?

Reviewer #2: As an early-career researcher in this area, I would like to express my compliment to the authors who conducted this study as I believe this article might enrich the body of knowledge in tobacco cessation work as valuable evidence. I do agree that integrating tobacco cessation service package into regular healthcare service could be beneficial to encourage people quit smoking. However, there is limited evidence regarding this matter from developing countries.

Regarding the manuscript, I have several points I would like to elaborate below and hopefully could be an advantageous comment toward your work.

1. In general, I found some mistyped words, redundant parts, and uncommon academic English words. I also found many uncommon vocabularies that might be unfamiliar for public, namely ASHA workers, Panchayati Raj Institution, Ayuverdic, OTT, etc. You may consider to give footnote or brief explanation of the words. Moreover, through the manuscript, I found many acronyms and sometimes it became obstacle to follow the content.

2. For the title, I would suggest to consider cut it shorter. How about this title? "The Feasibility of Tobacco Cessation Intervention at Non-communicable Diseases Clinics: A Qualitative Study From North Indian State"

3. In the abstract, I would suggest to paraphrase or state the objective of the study clearly. For the background part in the abstract, I also think this part is not strong enough to catch reader's attention. Moreover, I would consider the first sentence in the conclusion part to be deleted.

4. In the main manuscript, of Background section, I would suggest a more concise background. In general, background section should consist of rationale, what's known, what's unknown, and the significancy and objective of the study. The background could elaborate on the NCD in India, how tobacco cessation is needed but scarce (for example, depends on the situation in the India), what's previous studies say about the integration program of NCD clinics and what's the gap of the study in current situation, the significancy of the study and study's objective. In detail, paragraph 1 explained the high prevalence of NCDs and tobacco consumption in India. I would rather stick to the "one paragraph, one main idea". Moreover, I believe the 2-4 paragraphs could be summarised into shorter one with the idea of tobacco cessation service and its demand and regional data regarding this case. There are many global data stated in the body of paragraph, however I believe regional or national data might be useful to support the notion.

5. In the Method section, I am not sure what is the meaning of this data "13,4t"? Regarding the GATS, is the latest available? I also not quite sure whether the subjects of the study came from same hospitals/working places? if yes, I think it would be great if the authors could mention that and including the matter in the table of analysis.

6. In the Result section, as I read through the manuscript, sometime it is difficult to differentiate the result from each theme. For example, in the second theme of demand, I am not expecting the discussion would address the resistance or hesitation from patient side. Due to this matter, I would suggest to give additional information in the Method section regarding the explanation or meaning of each theme.

7. In the Discussion section, I would suggest the first paragraph is not necessary. Otherwise, you may consider to summarise the objective of the study and highlight of the key findings from the Result section. The following paragraphs may discuss each key findings and comparing the current study's findings to the previous studies. Reasonings or rationalization of the trend, either current study and previous studies are supporting or against each other, may be added, as well. Moreover, in the sub-section of strength and limitation, the authors mentioned "rigorous qualitative analysis (P.39), you may want to add how rigorous or what analysis or measurements had been done to make this study is rigorous. Overall, I would suggest sub-section of the implication and recommendation is not necessary since the content is a summary of discussion and restate again in the conclusion.

8. Lastly. I found some minor errors in Reference section. There is inconsistency in reference style, for example in addressing World Health Organization (WHO), and I am not sure about the reference number 25 and 30. You may consider to revise it if needed.

I hope this feedback is useful and may support your work. Thank you.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: Yes: Gea Melinda, MSc


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PLoS One. 2023 May 4;18(5):e0284920. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284920.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

15 Jan 2023

We thank the esteemed reviewers for their valuable comments. We have addressed them and incorporated the suggestions in the revised manuscript.


Submitted filename: response to reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 1

Sheikh Mohd Saleem

8 Feb 2023

PONE-D-22-24837R1Feasibility of Tobacco Cessation Intervention at Non-communicable Diseases Clinics: A Qualitative Study from a North Indian StatePLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Goel,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

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We look forward to receiving your revised manuscript.

Kind regards,

Sheikh Mohd Saleem, MBBS, MD

Academic Editor


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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #3: (No Response)

Reviewer #4: (No Response)


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #3: (No Response)

Reviewer #4: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #3: (No Response)

Reviewer #4: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

The PLOS Data policy requires authors to make all data underlying the findings described in their manuscript fully available without restriction, with rare exception (please refer to the Data Availability Statement in the manuscript PDF file). The data should be provided as part of the manuscript or its supporting information, or deposited to a public repository. For example, in addition to summary statistics, the data points behind means, medians and variance measures should be available. If there are restrictions on publicly sharing data—e.g. participant privacy or use of data from a third party—those must be specified.

Reviewer #3: (No Response)

Reviewer #4: Yes


5. Is the manuscript presented in an intelligible fashion and written in standard English?

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Reviewer #3: (No Response)

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6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #3: Section Manuscript Line item Comment(s)/Suggestion(s)



Line 10-14: repetitive words in both sentences merge and make one sentence

Abstract Results: The respondent's Mean ± SD age was 39.2± 9.2

Add “years” after 9.2

Methods: Line 16-18 To be removed or rephrased, as this intervention was not part of this manuscript

Also, this intervention should be cited in the methodology section

Year of study

SOPs Expand at the first mention

Order of Authors Remove MD

Short title Rephrase and make it shorter

INTRODUCTION Line 115-122: repetitive words in both sentences merge and make one sentence

METHODS The intervention should be cited in the methodology section

Reviewer #4: Reviewer’s comments:


1. Units of measurement not mentioned “respondent's Mean ± SD age was 39.2± 9.2,” page 1, line no. 24

2. Results seem to be part of methodology, “the data was analysed……. for implementation, modifications required, and integrational perspectives). As these are the predefined things on which you will analyze the data and are part of analysis and not result a nd that too in middle of results.. In result section authors can presents the findings under these themes. page 1-2 line 25-30.


1. Use updated data for latest NCD mortality, “2016” data seems to be too old. The 2019 data states NCD mortality to be around 66% while 2022. Page 3, line no 55-7

2. Correct the name of programme “such as Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Stroke (NPCDCS) page 4, line no. 91-2

3. Write abbreviation at first place where the full form has been used. “NTCP also emphasizes” Page 5, line no 96

4. Typographical error “Figure-1 health care system in India” need to be corrected as Health. Page 7, line no 148

5. Reframe the sentence,” The district hospital….geographical area and population” page 7-8, line no 162-64

6. Under subheading “Study population & sampling”. How many district hospitals out of total District hospitals were selected in your current study? Brief about the technique was used to select the study hospitals and the criteria used for selecting them. How many district hospitals were enrolled for selected 45participants for interview? Page 7-8, line no 160-169

7. Suggestion for changing “focused life history” to demographic details. Page 8, line no 183

8. Units of measurement not mentioned “respondent's Mean ± SD age was 39.2± 9.2,” page 10, line no. 230

9. Table 1: Since both mean and median are the measure of central tendencies, the author is suggested to select one out these two depending upon the distribution of data until and unless the author wants to conclude some inference using both of them. Page 11, line no 232

10. “The results are categorized into the key focus areas as preset domains for feasibility as suggested by Bowen et al. [31]” is a part of statistical analysis. Page 11, line no 237-38

11. “They also stressed the promotion…” Whom you are referring as “they” in this statement. Page 12, line no 268

12. Another limitation of study can be “surrogacy interviews” by HCP for barriers at patient level.

13. Manuscript editing suggested as at some places two words are joined together and at some places one word is bifurcated.


7. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: Yes: Kirtan Rana


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Submitted filename: Plos One_review comments.docx


Submitted filename: Reviewers comments.docx

PLoS One. 2023 May 4;18(5):e0284920. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284920.r004

Author response to Decision Letter 1

27 Mar 2023

Response sheet

Reviewer no. Comment from the reviewer Response by the authors Page no & line no

We thank the Editor and the reviewers for their valuable comments.


Reviewer 4 Abstract

1. Units of measurement not mentioned “respondent's Mean ± SD age was 39.2± 9.2,” page 1, line no. 24

We thank the reviewer for the comment. We have added the units of measurement to the revised manuscript.

Page no:2

Line no:24

2. Results seem to be part of methodology, “the data was analysed……. for implementation, modifications required, and integrational perspectives). As these are the predefined things on which you will analyze the data and are part of analysis and not result and that too in middle of results.. In result section authors can presents the findings under these themes. page 1-2 line 25-30.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. As suggested we have incorporated the predefined themes into the result section and removed them from the methods section in the revised manuscript.

Page no:2

Line no:25-36


1. Use updated data for latest NCD mortality, “2016” data seems to be too old. The 2019 data states NCD mortality to be around 66% while 2022. Page 3, line no 55-7

We are grateful to the reviewer for the suggestion. We have incorporated the latest WHO-NCD monitor 2022 data into the revised manuscript. Page no:3

Line no:54-55

2. Correct the name of programme “such as Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Stroke (NPCDCS) page 4, line no. 91-2

We have revised the text as suggested by the reviewer. Page no:4

Line no:89

3. Write abbreviation at first place where the full form has been used. “NTCP also emphasizes” Page 5, line no 96

We have incorporated the abbreviation along with the full form in the revised manuscript as suggested by the reviewer.

Page no:4

Line no:88

4. Typographical error “Figure-1 health care system in India” need to be corrected as Health. Page 7, line no 148

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and we have corrected the typographical error in the revised manuscript.

Page no:7

Line no:144

5. Reframe the sentence,” The district hospital….geographical area and population” page 7-8, line no 162-64

We are grateful to the reviewer for the suggestion. We have reframed the sentence as suggested by the reviewer in the revised manuscript.

Page no:7

Line no:158-159

6. Under subheading “Study population & sampling”. How many district hospitals out of total District hospitals were selected in your current study? Brief about the technique was used to select the study hospitals and the criteria used for selecting them. How many district hospitals were enrolled for selected 45participants for interview? Page 7-8, line no 160-169

We thank the reviewer for the comment. Before the implementation of the intervention package, a state-level training workshop was conducted in collaboration with the State Tobacco Control Cell wherein all 22 districts of the state were requested to nominate their HCPs to attend the training. There was representation from each district hospital at the training. Later, we reached out to these participants across different districts ensuring representation from each district across the different categories of stakeholders interviewed. Forty-five participants (12 medical officers, 13 counselors, 10 nurses, and 10 program officers) were interviewed using purposive sampling from the cohort of trained HCPs. Following the Principle of Redundancy, the respondents under each category were interviewed until no new information emerged. We have added the text to the revised manuscript.

Page no:8

Line no:162-170

7. Suggestion for changing “focused life history” to demographic details. Page 8, line no 183

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and we have revised the text as suggested in the revised manuscript.

Page no:9

Line no:190-191

8. Units of measurement not mentioned “respondent's Mean ± SD age was 39.2± 9.2,” page 10, line no. 230

We thank the reviewer for the comment. We have added the units of measurement to the revised manuscript.

Page no:11

Line no:239

9. Table 1: Since both mean and median are the measure of central tendencies, the author is suggested to select one out these two depending upon the distribution of data until and unless the author wants to conclude some inference using both of them. Page 11, line no 232

We thank the reviewer for the comment. In the revised manuscript, we have removed the mean and retained only the median (& IQR) in table 1 as the distribution is skewed and to understand the data’s center and spread.

Page no:11

Line no:241-242

10. “The results are categorized into the key focus areas as preset domains for feasibility as suggested by Bowen et al. [31]” is a part of statistical analysis. Page 11, line no 237-38 We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have shifted the text to the analysis section as suggested by the reviewer.

Page no:10

Line no:219-220, 224-225

11. “They also stressed the promotion…” Whom you are referring as “they” in this statement. Page 12, line no 268

‘They’ refers to the medical officer's statement. We have revised the text in the manuscript. Page no:12

Line no:272

12. Another limitation of study can be “surrogacy interviews” by HCP for barriers at patient level We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have incorporated the limitation into the revised manuscript.

Page no:35

Line no:798-799

13. Manuscript editing suggested as at some places two words are joined together and at some places one word is bifurcated.

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have edited the manuscript for spacing and formatting changes.


Reviewer 3 Background:

Line 10-14: repetitive words in both sentences

merge and make one sentence We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have merged and rephrased the sentences in the revised manuscript. Page no:1

Line no:10-12


Results: The respondent's Mean ± SD age was 39.2± 9.2

Add “years” after 9.2

We thank the reviewer for the comment. We have added the units of measurement to the revised manuscript.

Page no:2

Line no:24

Methods: Line 16-18

To be removed or rephrased, as this intervention was not part of this manuscript

Also, this intervention should be cited in the methodology section

Year of study

SOPs: Expand at the first mention

Order of Authors: Remove MD

We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have rephrased the text in the revised manuscript.

Also, we have added brief text and cited the intervention development methodology (published elsewhere), and the year of the study in the revised manuscript. We have also, expanded Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and removed MD from the order of authors as suggested by the reviewer in the revised manuscript.

Page no:1,2, 5-6,8

Line no:13-16, 17, 33, 113-118, 171-177

Short title: Rephrase and make it shorter We are grateful to the reviewer for the suggestion. We have rephrased the short title in the title page of the revised manuscript.

Title page


Line 115-122: repetitive words in both sentences

merge and make one sentence We thank the reviewer for the suggestion. We have rephrased the text in the revised manuscript. Page no:5-6

Line no:112-116


The intervention should be cited in the methodology section

We thank the reviewer for the comment. We have added brief text and cited the intervention development methodology (published elsewhere) in the methods section of the revised manuscript.

Page no:8

Line no:168-174

The authors feel that the manuscript has been immensely improved after incorporating the comments of the editorial board, and we thank the board for their time and efforts.


Submitted filename: response to reviewers.docx

Decision Letter 2

Sheikh Mohd Saleem

12 Apr 2023

Feasibility of Tobacco Cessation Intervention at Non-communicable Diseases Clinics: A Qualitative Study from a North Indian State


Dear Dr. Goel,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

Within one week, you’ll receive an e-mail detailing the required amendments. When these have been addressed, you’ll receive a formal acceptance letter and your manuscript will be scheduled for publication.

An invoice for payment will follow shortly after the formal acceptance. To ensure an efficient process, please log into Editorial Manager at, click the 'Update My Information' link at the top of the page, and double check that your user information is up-to-date. If you have any billing related questions, please contact our Author Billing department directly at

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please notify them about your upcoming paper to help maximize its impact. If they’ll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team as soon as possible -- no later than 48 hours after receiving the formal acceptance. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information, please contact

Kind regards,

Sheikh Mohd Saleem, MBBS, MD

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Dear Authors,

I am pleased to see the revisions that you have made to your manuscript titled "Feasibility of Tobacco Cessation Intervention at Non-communicable Diseases Clinics: A Qualitative Study from a North Indian State". Your attention to the feedback and suggestions provided by the reviewers is highly appreciated, and I believe that the changes you have made have improved the manuscript significantly.

Wish you best of Luck


Reviewers' comments:

Acceptance letter

Sheikh Mohd Saleem

25 Apr 2023


Feasibility of Tobacco Cessation Intervention at Non-communicable Diseases Clinics: A Qualitative Study from a North Indian State

Dear Dr. Goel:

I'm pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE. Congratulations! Your manuscript is now with our production department.

If your institution or institutions have a press office, please let them know about your upcoming paper now to help maximize its impact. If they'll be preparing press materials, please inform our press team within the next 48 hours. Your manuscript will remain under strict press embargo until 2 pm Eastern Time on the date of publication. For more information please contact

If we can help with anything else, please email us at

Thank you for submitting your work to PLOS ONE and supporting open access.

Kind regards,

PLOS ONE Editorial Office Staff

on behalf of

Dr. Sheikh Mohd Saleem

Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials


    Submitted filename: response to reviewers.docx


    Submitted filename: Plos One_review comments.docx


    Submitted filename: Reviewers comments.docx


    Submitted filename: response to reviewers.docx

    Data Availability Statement

    The data are not publicly available because the data are collected from a small group of participants which may risk the identification of respondents and could compromise the privacy of research participants. Further, the study presents the data analysed as part of qualitative research, and we have added excerpts of the transcripts within the paper that are relevant to the study. The data currently included in the paper contains the minimal data set that supports the findings of the study.

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