Control receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and area under the curve (AUC) showing the performance of an optimized classifier model with the full protein set used by Blume et al.’s final model to distinguish cancer-free individuals from NSCLC patients
For each spion, the full protein set detected by that spion but not detected with the depleted plasma approach is used as per the methodology in Blume et al. The final model was retrained on all 110 training and validation samples and the retrained classifier was then assessed on the 31 test set samples. An ROC curve is shown for each of the spions of Blume et al. and the number of proteins included in the model is indicated. (Blue) SP003 with 711 proteins (AUC 0.92). (Orange) SP006 with 532 proteins (AUC 0.90). (Green) SP007 with 421 proteins (AUC 0.95). (Red) SP333 with 293 proteins (AUC 0.85); (Purple) SP339 with 416 proteins (0.91).