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Plant-Environment Interactions logoLink to Plant-Environment Interactions
. 2021 Aug 5;2(4):206–215. doi: 10.1002/pei3.10059

Photosynthetic parameters and stomatal conductance in attached and detached balsam fir foliage

Matthew E Akalusi 1,, Fan‐Rui Meng 1, Charles P‐A Bourque 1
PMCID: PMC10168088  PMID: 37283699


Leaf level gas‐exchange measurements can be made on detached foliage to address the challenge of access to the crown of tall trees. However, detachment may impact leaf gas exchange. This necessitates the study of gas‐exchange characteristics of foliage on detached branches to assess the feasibility of using detached branches for gas‐exchange analysis. We compared photosynthetic parameters and stomatal conductance in foliage of attached and detached branches of balsam fir [Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.] during the growing season. Data were analyzed using a linear mixed‐effect model, with fixed and random effects (branch status and measurement month, and tree number, respectively). Branch detachment had no significant effects on: (i) photosynthesis at the current ambient CO2 concentration (400 µmol mol−1, A 400); (ii) maximum rates of Ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation (V cmax) and regeneration (J max); (iii) the ratio of J max to V cmax (i.e., J max:V cmax), and (iv) stomatal conductance (g s) during the study period (p = 0.120–0.335). There was a strong seasonal effect on all gas‐exchange variables (p ≤ 0.001–0.015). Gas‐exchange measurements made on detached foliage during the warm summer months should be performed with care. Reliable gas‐exchange measurements can be obtained using balsam fir foliage on detached branches 50–80 cm in length, in cooler growing‐season months, up to 30 min after detachment.

Keywords: balsam fir physiology, carbon dioxide, detached foliage, photosynthetic response, stomatal conductance


Gas‐exchange measurements benefit studies in tree physiology, facilitating the understanding of tree response to changes in environmental conditions. In situ gas‐exchange measurements, with the foliage attached to the branch are readily done in seedlings or small saplings because of ease‐of‐access. However, access to foliage becomes difficult when trees grow past the sapling stage (Gauthier & Jacobs, 2018). Experiments could be done with ladders, scaffolding, towers, etc. to reach foliage in the crown, several tens of meters above the ground. Choice of means of access to the tree crown is informed by the safety of researchers, effort and associated logistics required, flexibility of the system, and cost, etc. (McCarthy, 1988). Difficulties associated with canopy access would limit the number of measurements, many of which are required, in view of within‐tree crown and between‐tree variation. A trade‐off option in conducting gas‐exchange experiments could be accomplished by detaching foliage from tall trees and conveniently taking measurements on the ground (Meng & Arp, 1993; Richardson & Berlyn, 2002).

The process of detaching foliage from trees, that is, branch cutting, the interval between branch cutting and gas‐exchange measurements, or both, can affect the variables being assessed (Richardson & Berlyn, 2002). The photosynthetic capacity of cut foliage may be affected by resultant changes in cell turgor or stomatal aperture (Clark, 1954; Lundegardh, 1931), and drawdown of moisture which may occur because of continued transpiration (Meng & Arp, 1993). However, detachment is still a viable method for measuring gas exchange (see researchers listed in Table 1), but few studies have reported on its effects on gas‐exchange measurements (Clark, 1954; Gauthier & Jacobs, 2018; Koike & Sakagami, 1984; Meng & Arp, 1993).


Studies reporting V cmax and J max from detached foliage

Source Species studied
Niinemets et al. (1998) Populus tremula L., Fraxinus excelsior L., Tilia cordata Mill., Corylus avellana L.
Medlyn et al. (2002) Pinus pinstar Aiton.
Warren et al. (2003) Pinus sylvestris L.
Ethier et al. (2006) Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco
Goodine et al. (2008) Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.
Wang et al. (2008) a Fagus crenata Blume
Merilo et al. (2009) Picea abies L.
Woodruff et al. (2009) Pseudotsuga menziesii
Drake et al. (2010) Pinus taeda L.
Whitehead et al. (2011) a Nothofagus solandrii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
Raim et al. (2012) Picea abies
Katahata et al. (2014) Daphniphyllum humile Maxim

Studies that only report V cmax.

Clark (1954), Koike and Sakagami (1984), Meng and Arp (1993), and Gauthier and Jacobs (2018) studied the effect of detachment on gas exchange in Norway and red spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst., P. rubens Sarg.], species of birch (i.e., Betula ermanii Cham., B. platyphylla Sukatchev. and B. maximowicziana Sukatchev), black walnut (Juglans nigra L.), red and white oak (Quercus rubra L. and Q. alba L.) and found that the period within which gas‐exchange rates remained unchanged ranged from 3 to 20 min in foliage of differing sizes.

Gas‐exchange studies available in the literature have generally assessed the impacts of detachment on the rate of photosynthesis (A) in tree foliage, and even fewer, on stomatal conductance (g s). This study reports on the impacts of detachment on photosynthetic parameters, including maximum rate of Ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylation (V cmax; μmol m−2 s−1) and the maximum rate of RuBP regeneration (J max; μmol m−2 s−1), derived from measurements of A (μmol m−2 s−1) relative to intercellular carbon dioxide (C i; μmol mol−1), in response to changing levels of carbon dioxide (alias CO2 response or AC i curves). This is important because the Farquhar et al. (1980) model is the most widely used in the analysis of CO2‐photosynthesis response in trees. Two key parameters in the model, that is, V cmax and J max, have been reported on, in several in situ gas‐exchange studies (e.gDiaz‐Espejo et al., 2006; Fujita et al., 2012; Wilson et al., 2000; Xu & Baldocchi, 2003). Several researchers have reported on these parameters derived from measurements directly obtained from detached foliage (Table 1). Studies by Wang et al. (2008) and Whitehead et al. (2011) only reported V cmax.

Warren et al. (2003), Ethier et al. (2006), Goodine et al. (2008), Merilo et al. (2009), Woodruff et al. (2009), Drake et al. (2010), and Katahata et al. (2014) referred to preliminary measurements conducted in attached and detached foliage to compare gas‐exchange rates prior to conducting measurements on which their studies were based. The study by Drake et al. (2010) is the only one we are aware of that has reported on the effects of foliage detachment on V cmax and J max. To our knowledge, this is the first study that assesses V cmax and J max of attached and detached foliage in balsam fir, and the response of these parameters in such foliage to seasonal variation. The objective of this study was to report field observations of the parameters of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance before and after branch detachment during early summer‐to‐fall conditions.


2.1. Study site

The study was conducted at the University of New Brunswick Woodlot (45° 56ʹ N, 66° 40ʹ W), New Brunswick, Canada, which lies within the Maritime Lowlands Ecoregion of the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone (Ecological Stratification Working Group, 1996). Humo‐ferric podzols and gray luvisols are the dominant soil types in the Ecoregion, with significant areas of gleysols, fibrisols, and mesisols (Ecological Stratification Working Group, 1996). The soils are well‐drained, sandy‐clay loams, from the soil surface to a depth of 30 cm with <20% coarse fragments. The depth to the compacted layer ranges from <30 to 30–65 cm (Ecological Stratification Working Group, 1996; Canadian Soil Information Service, 2019).

2.2. Gas‐exchange measurements

Nine balsam fir trees, ranging in age from 15 to 20 years, with diameter at breast heights (DBH) between 9 and 19 cm, were selected. Photosynthesis measurements were made in July, August, October, and November of 2019 with respective mean monthly temperature and total precipitation as follows: 20℃ and 70.7 mm; 18.2℃ and 79.9 mm; 8.2℃ and 105.1 mm; −0.6℃ and 118.1 mm (after Environment & Climate Change Canada, 2019).

The development of CO2 response curves and measurement of stomatal conductance commenced each day at 09:00 h (Local Atlantic Daylight Time) using a CIRAS‐2 Photosynthesis System (PP Systems). Measurements were made, first on 1‐year‐old foliage which were totally enclosed in the conifer chamber (cuvette), while branches were attached to each tree, then again on the same foliage, following detachment, each detached branch was around 50‐ to 80‐cm long. Measurements were made under saturating light, with photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) ranging from 1190 to 1200 μmol m−2 s−1 supplied by a tungsten halogen light unit (PP Systems). Reference CO2 concentration (C ref) was changed in descending steps of 400, 200, 100, and 50, and ascending steps of 400, 800, 1,000, 1,400, and 1,800 μmol mol−1. Flow rate was set at 400 ml min−1, chamber temperature at 18℃, and relative humidity at 70%. Chamber temperature was set at 18℃ because conifers are known to undergo optimal photosynthetic activity at temperatures lower than 25℃ (Lin et al., 2012; Wieser et al., 2010), the reference temperature on which the Farquhar et al., (1980) model is based. Before starting each response curve, the foliage was acclimated to cuvette conditions for 3 min. Two minutes were allowed for stabilization of A after each change in CO2 concentration before the variable was measured. Stomatal conductance (mmol m−2 s−1) was measured simultaneously. Each CO2 response curve was completed within 30 min. Fifty‐six response curves were developed over the study period.

On completion of the response curves for both attached and detached foliage, all needles on each foliage (n = 30–50) were removed, and projected leaf area (½ of total leaf area) was determined by scanning the needles with a CanoScanLiDE 110 Flatbed Scanner (Canon Canada Inc). The image was then analyzed with Image J software (National Institutes of Health). Projected leaf area was subsequently used to calculate A on a leaf‐area basis.

2.3. Data analysis

The Farquhar et al., (1980) photosynthesis model is comprised of two parts. The first part is

Ac=VcmaxCiΓC+Kc1+OiKoRd, (1)

where A c is the Ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco)‐limited net photosynthesis (μmol m−2 s−1), K c and K o the Michaelis–Menten constants for carboxylation and oxygenation (404 μmol mol−1 and 248 mmol mol−1, respectively; von Caemmerer et al., 1994), O i the oxygen concentration at the site of carboxylation (210 mmol mol−1), and R d dark respiration (μmol m−2 s−1). The second part is as follows:

Ar=JmaxCiΓ4Ci+8ΓRd, (2)

where A r is the Ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate (RuBP)‐limited net photosynthesis (μmol m−2 s−1), C i the intercellular CO2 concentration at the current ambient CO2 concentration, ~400 μmol mol−1, and Г* the CO2 compensation point in the absence of dark respiration (μmol mol−1), at which point there is no net assimilation. The CO2 compensation point in the absence of dark respiration is determined by the following equation:

Γ=KcOiko2Kokc, (3)

where k c and k o are the turnover rates for RuBP carboxylase and RuBP oxygenase (2.5s−1 and 0.55 s−1 or 0.22k c; after Farquhar et al., 1980).

The key parameters V cmax and J max in eqn.’s 1 and 2 were estimated from regression analysis of AC i curves (Wullschleger, 1993), which necessitates the designation a priori of a C i‐threshold, at which there is a switch between RuBP‐saturated and limited portions of the curve (Manter & Kerrigan, 2004). Generally, it is assumed that at low C i, A is solely limited by V cmax, whereas at high C i, A is limited by J max. The parameters V cmax and J max were estimated using the lower section of the response curve, when C i was approximately ≤300 µmol mol−1, and the entire curve, respectively (Farquhar et al., 1980; Wullschleger, 1993; Xu & Baldocchi, 2003), that is,

CE=VcmaxΓ+Kc1+OiKo, (4)
Vc=VcmaxCiCi+Kc1+OiKo,and (5)
Jmax=Vc4+8ΓCi, (6)

after Farquhar et al., 1980 and von Caemmerer, 2000), where CE and V c in eqn.’s 4 and 5 are the carboxylation efficiency, representing the initial slope of the CO2 response curve and the rate of carboxylation, respectively. The equation constants, that is, K c, K o, and Г*, having been derived at an ambient temperature of 25℃ were converted to values at the reference temperature (i.e., 18℃) with the following equations:

Kc(T)=Kc(25C)exp593560.000404T25T+273, (7)
Ko(T)=Ko(25C)exp359480.000404T25T+273,and (8)
Γ(T)=Γ(25C)+0.188(T25)+0.0036(T25)2 (9)

Lambers et al., (1998), where T is the reference temperature at which the CO2 response curve was developed.

The linear mixed‐effects model option in SPSS Statistical software (ver. 24.0, IBM Corp.) was used to analyze the maximum rate of photosynthesis at the current ambient CO2 concentration (i.e., photosynthesis at 400 µmol mol−1, A 400), V cmax, J max, ratio of J max to V cmax (i.e., J max:V cmax), and mean g s. Branch status (attached or detached foliage) and measurement month (July, August, October, and November) were the fixed factors, and tree number was the random factor. This analysis was done as a result of the non‐independence of measurements made on both foliage types from each tree, and repeated sampling during the study period.

The model equations used are as follows,

Y=β0+β1branch status+β2measurement month+b1tree number+ε (10)
Y=β0+β1branch status+β2month of measurement+β3branch status×month of measurement+b1tree number+ε (11)

In eqn.’s 10 and 11, Y is the gas‐exchange parameter of interest, β0 , β1 , β2 , β 3, and b 1 are regression coefficients to be estimated, and ε is the regression error term.


As shown in Figure 1a–e, A increased with varying C ref (from 50 to 1800 µmol mol−1) and ranged from 0.00 to 30.79 µmol m−2 s−1 and from 0.00 to 30.50 µmol m−2 s−1 in attached and detached foliage, respectively. The parameter A 400 ranged from 5.30 to 14.70 µmol m−2 s−1 and from 4.30 to 14.60 µmol m−2 s−1 in attached and detached foliage, respectively. The highest mean A 400 values for attached and detached foliage were 10.80 ± 1.56 and 10.66 ± 1.61 µmol m−2 s−1, respectively, and were found to occur in October. The range for V cmax in attached and detached foliage, was 14.58–53.36 and 11.62–52.78 µmol m−2 s−1, respectively. The highest mean V cmax in attached and detached foliage was 35.79 ± 9.44 and 33.59 ± 9.29 µmol m−2 s−1, respectively, also occurred in October. The range for J max in attached and detached foliage, was 16.28–81.33 and 12.44–72.71 µmol m−2 s−1. The mean J max value in November of 48.20 ± 14.37 µmol m−2 s−1 was the highest in attached foliage. In detached foliage, this occurred in October, with a value of 44.49 ± 13.98 µmol m−2 s−1. The values of J max:V cmax in attached and detached foliage ranged from 1.06 to 1.90 (non‐dimensional). The highest mean J max:V cmax were 1.51 ± 0.33 and 1.35 ± 0.12 for attached and detached foliage, and occurred in July. Stomatal conductance (g s) in both attached and detached foliage ranged from 20 to 150 mmol m−2 s−1. Some exceptions between 150 and 230 mmol m−2 s−1 coincided with periods of active rainfall that increased foliage surface wetness and cuvette relative humidity, which led to higher‐than‐normal readings of g s. In attached foliage, mean g s at the lowest C ref, 50 µmol mol−1 ranged from 74.49 to 117.24 mmol m−2 s−1, and at the highest C ref, 1800 µmol mol−1 it ranged from 67.71 to 106.5 mmol m−2 s−1. In detached foliage, mean g s at 50 mol mol−1 ranged from 67.57 to 119.01 mmol m−2 s−1, and at 1800 µmol mol−1 it ranged from 60.20 to 117.13 mmol m−2 s−1. Across C ref levels, mean g s in attached and detached foliage samples ranged from 36.80 to 139.27 and from 35.74 to 145.79 mmol m−2 s−1, respectively. The highest mean g s in attached and detached foliage samples, 106.42 ± 22.45 and 110.96 ± 24.09 mmol m−2 s−1, respectively, also occurred in October (Figures 2, 3, 4). The branch status (fixed effect) and tree number (random effect) did not have significant effects on A 400, V cmax, J max, J max:V cmax, and mean g s (p = 0.217, 0.181, 0.120, 0.164, 0.335, respectively). The month of measurement did have a statistically significant effect on A 400, V cmax, and J max (p < 0.001, respectively), but branch status ×month of measurement had no significant effect on the parameters (p = 0.916, 0.984, 0.980, respectively). Month of measurement only had a significant effect on J max:V cmax and mean g s when the main effects of the fixed factors were assessed (p = 0.013, 0.009, respectively), as the introduction of the interaction term, which was not significant (p = 0.688, 0.793, respectively) rendered the effect of month on J max:V cmax and mean g s statistically non‐significant. With the interaction between the fixed factors having no significant effect on all gas‐exchange parameters, the interaction term was ignored (Tables 2 and 3).



The response of maximum photosynthesis (A; µmol m−2 s−1) to intercellular CO2 (C i; µmol mol−1) of attached (closed circles) and detached balsam fir foliage (open circles) assessed in July through to November 2019 (a). The mean monthly response ±the standard deviation (error bars; panels b–e



Box plots of rate of photosynthesis at 400 µmol mol−1 (A 400; µmol m−2 s−1) of attached and detached balsam fir foliage assessed in July through to November 2019. The thick horizontal lines in the boxes represent the median of plotted values. The bottom and top edges of the boxes denote the 25th and 75th percentiles, whereas the ends of the whiskers correspond to the 10th and 90th percentiles. Similar lowercase letters indicate no significant difference regarding branch status (p > 0.05). Differences in uppercase letters indicate significant differences regarding measurement month (p < 0.05). Comparisons were made in relation to reference values for branch status and measurement month



Box plots of (a) the maximum rate of ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylation (V cmax; µmol m−2 s−1), (b) the maximum rate of ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate regeneration (J max; µmol m−2 s−1), and (c) the ratio of the maximum rates of ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate regeneration (J max;µmol m−2 s−1) to carboxylation (V cmax;µmol m−2 s−1) of attached and detached balsam fir foliage assessed in July through to November 2019. See Figure 2 for box‐plot descriptions. Similar lowercase letters above box plots indicate no significant difference regarding branch status (p > 0.05). Differences in uppercase letters above box plots indicate significant differences regarding measurement month (p < 0.05). Comparisons were made in relation to reference values for branch status and measurement month



Box plots of mean stomatal conductance (g s; mmol m−2 s−1) of attached and detached balsam fir foliage assessed in July through to November 2019, varying C ref from 50 to 1800 µmol mol−1. The thick horizontal lines in the boxes represent the median of plotted values. See Figure 2 for box‐plot descriptions. Similar lowercase letters indicate no significant difference regarding branch status (p > 0.05). Differences in uppercase letters indicate significant differences regarding measurement month (p < 0.05). Comparisons were made in relation to reference values for branch status and measurement month


Output of mixed‐effect model analysis (fixed effects; branch status and month) of A 400, V cmax, J max, J max:V cmax, and g s in attached and detached balsam fir foliage assessed in July through to November 2019

Parameter a Estimate Std. Error df t‐value p‐value
A 400
Branch status
Attached 0.525 0.418 42.571 1.254 0.217
Detached b 0 0 . . .
July −3.222 0.577 47.417 −5.585 0.000
August −3.447 0.604 48.842 −5.707 0.000
October 0.310 0.574 44.376 .539 0.593
November b 0 0 . . .
V cmax
Branch status
Attached 2.285 1.684 46.837 1.357 0.181
Detached b 0 0 . . .
July −12.439 2.309 48.971 −5.388 0.000
August −10.885 2.409 49.028 −4.518 0.000
October 2.547 2.307 47.840 1.104 0.275
November b 0 0 . . .
J max
Branch status
Attached 4.811 3.038 47.968 1.584 0.120
Detached b 0 0 . . .
July −15.849 4.170 49.280 −3.800 <0.001
August −19.942 4.352 49.322 −4.582 <0.001
October 1.286 4.165 48.604 0.309 0.759
November b 0 0 . . .
J max:V cmax
Branch status
Attached 0.074 0.052 45.300 1.415 0.164
Detached b 0 0 . . .
July 0.466 0.072 48.500 0.647 0.520
August −0.205 0.075 48.930 −2.729 0.009
October −0.071 0.072 46.580 −0.994 0.325
November b 0 0 . . .
g s
Branch status
Attached 7.240 7.435949 47.159 .974 0.335
Detached b 0 0 . . .
July −4.216 10.274 49.189 −0.410 0.683
August −25.650 10.897 50.262 −2.354 0.023
October 14.272 10.206 47.800 1.398 0.168
November b 0 0 . . .

A 400 = rate of photosynthesis at 400 µmol mol−1; V cmax = maximum rate of ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylation; J max = maximum rate of ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate regeneration; J max:V cmax = ratio of the maximum rates of ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate regeneration to carboxylation; g s = stomatal conductance; df = degrees of freedom.


Reference set to zero.


Output of mixed‐effect model analysis (random effect; tree number) of A 400, V cmax, J max, J max:V cmax, and g s in attached and detached balsam fir foliage samples assessed in July through to November 2019

Parameter Estimate Std. Error Wald Z p‐value
A 400 0.090 0.283 0.319 0.749
V cmax 0.244 2.414 0.101 0.919
J max 2.933 7.884 0.372 0.710
J max:V cmax 0.002 0.003 0.449 0.654
g s 108.231 325.566 0.332 0.740

See Table 2 for parameter definitions.


The results of this study showed that gas exchange in detached foliage did not differ significantly from those in attached foliage 30 min after detachment (p = 0.120–0.335), the period required for completion of a single CO2 response curve. This may be because the water status of the detached foliage was not affected by detachment during the development of individual response curves. Hydraulically efficient stems ensure adequate water supply to the leaves such that the water loss through transpiration can be replaced readily, ensuring that deficits in leaf water supply are minimized, and stomata remain open for CO2 uptake (Bucci et al., 2019; Xiong et al., 2018). Photosynthesis has been documented among the primary physiological processes affected by water stress (Galmes et al., 2011). Detachment does not initially affect the rate of net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of detached foliage, but over a prolonged period, cumulative moisture losses from leaves following detachment cause reductions. Nevertheless, a small and immediate increase in measurement variations occurs following twig detachment (Meng & Arp, 1993).

The opening and closing of stomata embedded in the epidermis simultaneously control plants’ water loss during transpiration and their uptake of CO2. Water loss through plant leaves during transpiration, which results in stomatal closure, occurs from an imbalance between water effluxes and influxes. During transpiration, water‐conducting elements contain water columns, which are under tension. Consequently, a water‐potential gradient between mesophyll tissue and xylem elements occurs, ensuring the movement of water against flow resistances (Buckley, 2005; Heber et al., 1986). Stomatal response to foliage detachment is a consequence of the positive relationship between stomatal aperture and turgor pressure of the guard cells, which form the pore, but it has a negative relationship with turgor pressure of adjacent epidermal cells, the more effective, of these two opposing pressures, in regulating aperture (Buckley, 2005).

The rate at which CO2 enters the leaf is regulated by resistances caused by the opening and closing of the stomata, and the internal pathways within the leaf mesophyll. The reduction in plant photosynthesis arising from moisture stress is generally explained by an increase in the resistance to the movement of CO2 through the stomata and mesophyll pathways to the site of fixation in the chloroplast. These resistances are substantially increased under such conditions because of low leaf water potentials (Beadle et al., 1973; Brix, 1962; Crafts, 1968; Puritch, 1973; Slatyer, 1967).

Generally, an increase in water stress results in a two‐phase photosynthetic response, with a xylem water potential threshold, above which little or no change in photosynthesis occurs, and below which it rapidly decreases. This two‐phase response varies among species (Melzack et al., 1985) and has been observed in conifers in studies of the effects of water stress in Pinus taeda L., (Brix, 1962) four species of the genus Abies [i.e., A. balsamea, A. amabilis (Doug) ex. Loud., A. Lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt., and A. Grandis (Doug) Lindl.; Puritch, 1973], and Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. (Watts & Neilson, 1978). Brix (1962) found that photosynthesis in P. taeda, under water stress was stable until it increased to 405 kPa, following which there was a decline. Puritch (1973) reported similar stability of photosynthesis under water stress in the four species of the genus Abies studied, up until stresses between 900 and 1,100 kPa followed by a decline. Watts and Neilson (1978) observed stable photosynthesis in P. sitchensis under water stress up until 1500 kPa, after which there was a decline. The results of this study may, therefore, be an indication that the period during which a CO2 response curve was assessed for detached foliage, occurred at a xylem water potential that allowed photosynthesis to remain at rates that were largely like those in attached foliage samples.

The values of A 400, V cmax, J max, and J max:V cmax for attached and detached foliage all showed strong seasonal variation (p ≤ 0.001–0.013). The studies by Xu and Baldocchi (2003) and Wilson et al., (2000) showed seasonal variation in the gas‐exchange parameters measured, with peak values recorded for the gas‐exchange parameters measured in spring and summer, respectively, with declines in subsequent seasons. In this study, however, A 400, V cmax, and J max increased from summer to fall. This is attributable to the fact that Xu and Baldocchi (2003) worked on Q. douglasii Hook & Arn, and Wilson et al., (2000) worked on Q. prinus L., Q. alba, Acer rubrum L., A. saccharum Marsh, and Nyssa sylvatica Marsh, all deciduous species. Conifers and deciduous species have different photosynthetic responses to changing atmospheric temperature, with conifers (including balsam fir) attaining higher photosynthetic rates at lower temperatures compared to deciduous species (Lin et al., 2012), such as obtained during fall. The pattern of seasonal variation in J max:V cmax, in attached and detached samples showed that the highest value in both foliage types occurred in July. Though the pattern of seasonal variation in J max:V cmax is a departure from those seen in A 400, V cmax, and J max, the values ranged between 1 and 3, the range within which J max:V cmax is reported to fluctuate, and reflects the balance between RuBP carboxylation and regeneration (Kattge & Knorr, 2007; Onoda et al., 2005; Robakowski et al., 2002; Walcroft et al., 1997; Wullschleger, 1993). Mean g s across C ref‐levels showed a seasonal trend and peaked in October. A similar trend was reported by Beadle et al., (1985) in their study of Pinus sylvestris L. (another conifer). The seasonal effect on detached foliage also varied in relation to prevailing atmospheric conditions with a general trend of significantly lower gas‐exchange parameters in August compared to those in October and November. This is because of higher temperatures and accompanying greater vapor pressure deficit between foliage and the air in the summer, than in the fall (Berry & Bjorkman, 1980).


A comparison was made of photosynthetic parameters and stomatal conductance in foliage of attached and detached branches of balsam fir at different times during the growing season, using a linear mixed‐effect model. Branch detachment did not have a significant effect on gas‐exchange parameters studied, in particular A 400, V cmax, J max, J max:V cmax, and g s. There was, however, a strong seasonal effect on the parameters. The trend of the data from this study indicates that the photosynthetic parameters and rate of photosynthesis were observed to be highest in October and November, an indication that the optimum temperature of balsam fir is low. The impact of detachment on g s during July and August indicated that caution is required when gas‐exchange measurements are made over long durations, during warm summer months. We can conclude that detachment had a negligible impact on gas‐exchange measurements in balsam fir foliage when carried out on branches 50‐ to 80‐cm long, for up to 30 min. The results from balsam fir are more reliable when gas‐exchange measurements are done during cooler months.


The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


MEA, FRM, and CPAB conceived the ideas; MEA collected the data, designed the methods used, did the data analysis, and led the writing of the manuscript; FRM and CPAB reviewed the drafts, made amendments to the manuscript, and gave final approval for its publication.


This study was supported with funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) in the form of a Discovery Grant to CPAB.

Akalusi, M. E. , Meng, F.‐R. , & P.‐A. Bourque, C. (2021). Photosynthetic parameters and stomatal conductance in attached and detached balsam fir foliage. Plant‐Environment Interactions, 2, 206–215. 10.1002/pei3.10059


The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in figshare at


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