The T box transcription termination control system is used in Gram-positive bacteria to regulate expression of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase and other amino acid-related genes. Readthrough of a transcriptional terminator located in the leader region of the target gene is dependent on a specific interaction between the nascent leader transcript and the cognate uncharged tRNA. This interaction is required for formation of an antiterminator structure in the leader, which prevents formation of a competing transcriptional terminator stem–loop. The antiterminators and terminators of genes in this family are highly conserved in both secondary structure and primary sequence; the antiterminator contains the T box sequence, which is the most highly conserved leader element. These conserved features were investigated by phylogenetic and mutational analysis. Changes at highly conserved positions in the bulge and in the helix above the bulge reduced function, while alteration of other positions that were as much as 96% conserved did not have a major effect. The disparity between sequence conservation and function may be due to the requirement for maintaining base pairing in both the antiterminator and terminator structures.
Control of gene expression at the level of premature termination of transcription is often mediated by competition between alternate leader RNA structures, i.e., a terminator stem–loop, which directs RNA polymerase (RNAP) to stop and release, and a competing antiterminator structure, which prevents transcription termination (1,2). Formation of the alternate RNA structures can be controlled by additional factors, such as RNA binding proteins or a translating ribosome. The T box antitermination system, which is widely used in aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (AARS), amino acid biosynthesis and amino acid transporter genes in Gram-positive bacteria, is unique in that interaction of the leader RNA with uncharged tRNA is responsible for the structural switch (3,4). Genes in the T box family can be identified by the presence of a set of conserved primary sequence and structural elements in the leader RNA; the model for the paradigm Bacillus subtilis tyrS leader, derived from analysis of conserved motifs and covariation within helical regions (3), is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Model of the B.subtilis tyrS leader. The leader is shown from the start point of transcription (position 1) through the end of the terminator; the antiterminator, formed by pairing of the T box region (positions 215–230) with sequences on the 5′ side of the terminator (positions 236–244) is shown to the right of the terminator. Positions that are highly conserved in T box leaders are labeled with asterisks. Boxed nucleotides (UAC, positions 99–101) are the specifier sequence, a tyrosine codon. Arrows indicate mutational alterations described in this study. The structural model is based on comparison of approximately 250 T box leaders and is modified slightly from previous versions (3,6) to accommodate the larger data set.
A reduction in the charging ratio of a specific tRNA class leads to differential regulation of genes in the T box family, so that tyrosyl genes respond specifically to uncharged tRNATyr. The specificity of the leader–tRNA interaction is dependent on pairing of the anticodon of the tRNA with a triplet sequence designated the ‘specifier sequence’ in the leader (3,5). Interaction of the acceptor end of the tRNA with four residues in the antiterminator bulge is a secondary specificity determinant, and is responsible for discrimination between charged and uncharged tRNA (4).
Disruption of any of the conserved elements in the leader region of T box genes (other than the terminator) results in loss of readthrough (6,7; data not shown). The most highly conserved element is the T box, a 14 nt sequence with the general pattern 5′-AGGGUGGNACCGCG-3′ (8). This sequence is found in the 5′ side of the antiterminator structure; the central UGGNACC sequence forms a bulge, while the flanking regions pair with sequences on the 5′ side of the terminator, so that the antiterminator sequesters sequences required for formation of the terminator helix, thereby preventing premature termination of transcription. The terminator helix is predicted to be significantly more stable than the antiterminator (ΔG = –18.8 versus –6.4 kcal) (9,10), consistent with a requirement for interaction of the antiterminator with uncharged tRNA to promote readthrough. Most of the antiterminator sequence is established by the conserved T box sequence, while the sequence of the terminator is in turn dictated by the antiterminator, so that alternative pairing is maintained. The UGGN portion of the antiterminator bulge is restricted by complementarity to the tRNA acceptor end, while the basis for conservation of the remaining portion of the bulge is unknown.
The high conservation of the T box sequence could be due to specific primary sequence requirements for function (for binding of tRNA or additional factors) or to fixation of the sequence because of the requirement of maintaining base pairing in both of the alternate structures. The recent explosion of microbial genomic information has generated a large data set for examination of sequence and structural variation in the antiterminators and terminators of T box genes. The widespread use of the T box system in Gram-positive bacteria provides a unique opportunity for comparative analysis of a transcription antitermination system. This study is directed toward investigating the high level of sequence conservation in the antiterminator domain, through phylogenetic and mutational analysis. We found a surprising tolerance of sequence variation in certain highly conserved positions within the antiterminator helices, while changes in other conserved positions drastically decreased expression. These results indicate that the T box sequence itself is not critical to the antitermination mechanism.
Bacterial strains and growth conditions
Escherichia coli strain MC1000 [leu araD139 Δ(ara-leu)7697 ΔlacX74 galE galK rpsL] was grown in LB medium (11); ampicillin was added at 50 µg/ml for plasmid-containing strains. Bacillus subtilis strains were propagated on tryptose blood agar broth plates (Difco) or 2XYT broth. Introduction of tyrS–lacZ fusions into an SPβ prophage was as previously described (3). Expression of the tyrS–lacZ fusions was measured in strain BR151 (lys-3 metB10 trpC2) during growth in minimal medium (12). Cells containing fusions were grown in the presence of chloramphenicol (5 µg/ml).
Genetic techniques
Restriction endonucleases and DNA-modifying enzymes were purchased from New England Biolabs and were used as described by the manufacturer. PCR was carried out using Taq DNA polymerase (Amersham) and a Perkin-Elmer 480 thermocycler. Oligonucleotide primers were purchased from Integrated DNA Technologies. All constructs were verified by DNA sequencing. Plasmid DNA was purified using Wizard Prep columns (Promega). PCR fragments were purified using a Qiagen Qiaquick kit. Transformation of E.coli was by standard techniques. Transformation of B.subtilis was carried out as previously described (13). RNA secondary structure stability predictions used mfold version 3.1 (9,10).
Construction of leader region mutants
All point mutations were introduced into a BglII–XbaI fragment spanning the region upstream of the promoter through the leader region terminator; insertion of this fragment into plasmid pFG328 generates a tyrS–lacZ transcriptional fusion (6). For mutants 226GC, 226AU, A270N, ATJ1 and TRI1/2, mutations were introduced by PCR using an oligonucleotide primer containing the desired sequence alteration together with a new or naturally occurring restriction endonuclease cleavage site. The mutant PCR fragment was joined with a fragment containing the remaining portion of the leader region in plasmid pFG328. GUT2 was generated by PCR using primers that introduced an XhoI site downstream of the transcription start site and upstream of the leader region terminator, so that positions 17–230 of the leader were replaced by the XhoI site (CTCGAG). N-GUT2 variants were constructed by PCR using GUT2 DNA as the template. The ΔK10 allele, deleted for positions 220–224, was generated by digesting the pFG328–tyrS plasmid with KpnI, which cuts within the antiterminator bulge, followed by treatment with S1 nuclease and ligation. The G247A allele was isolated as a suppressor of a point mutation that disrupts antitermination; the secondary mutation was replaced with wild-type sequence by substitution of the corresponding wild-type fragment.
Mutants TRI1/3, 218, 226CG and 227–228 were generated using three pairs of complementary oligonucleotides with overhanging termini that spanned the region between a BsmI site (at position 199 in the tyrS leader) and a PacI site (position 273). Internal oligonucleotides were treated with T4 polynucleotide kinase, pairs of oligonucleotides were annealed, and the resulting DNA was ligated with BsmI–PacI digested pFG328 containing the wild-type BglII–XbaI fragment.
Randomization of the ACC portion of the antiterminator bulge was carried out by combination of three pairs of oligonucleotides, with the introduction of an equal mixture of nucleotides in the oligonucleotides at positions 223, 224 and 225. Transformants of E.coli strain MC1000 were pooled in multiple independently derived sets, and plasmid DNA was isolated and introduced into B.subtilis. Transformants were screened for induction of tyrS–lacZ expression on minimal plates containing p-aminophenylalanine (2 µg/ml; Sigma). Three independent DNA preparations and nine E.coli pools were followed, to obtain independent variants. Selected variants were grown and cells were lysed by heat induction of the prophage; the resulting lysate was used as a template for isolation of the leader region by PCR, using primers specific for the tyrS–lacZ fusion, and the DNA sequence of the product was determined.
β-galactosidase assays
Cells containing tyrS–lacZ fusions were grown in minimal medium until mid-logarithmic growth phase, then were split into two cultures and p-aminophenylalanine (4 µg/ml) was added to one of the cultures (inducing conditions) while tyrosine (50 µg/ml) was added to the other culture (non-inducing conditions). Cells were grown for 4 h and samples were taken at 1 h intervals and assayed for β-galactosidase activity as described by Miller (11), using toluene permeabilization of the cells. All growth experiments were repeated at least two times, and samples were assayed in duplicate; variability was <10%, and background activity of a strain containing the lacZ fusion construct with no promoter insertion was <0.1 Miller units.
In vitro transcription assays
RNAP was isolated from B.subtilis strain MH5636 (pheA1 trpC2 rpoC::his6) as described by Qi and Hulett (14), and stored in RNAP storage buffer (10 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0, 0.1 mM EDTA, 10 mM MgCl2, 100 mM KCl and 50% glycerol). Isolation of B.subtilis NusA was carried out by insertion of the NusA coding region into plasmid pQE30, to generate an N-terminal histidine tag. The plasmid was introduced into strain M15[pREP4] (Qiagen), and the fusion protein was purified using Qiagen spin columns, as described by the manufacturer, and desalted into RNAP storage buffer. Template DNAs were supercoiled plasmids derived from pGEM4Z(+) (Promega) containing the tyrS promoter, leader and leader region terminator, followed by the tandem terminators from the B.subtilis tyrS and rpsD genes (8). Plasmid DNA was purified by CsCl2 density gradient ultracentrifugation. Transcription reactions contained 50 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0, 20 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mM EDTA, 1 mM DTT, 10% glycerol, 1 U RNasin (Promega), GTP, ATP and UTP at 200 µM, CTP at 20 µM, [α-32P]CTP (2 µCi/reaction), template DNA at 25 nM and RNAP at 6 nM. NusA was added to 500 nM and tRNATyr (Type II; Sigma) was added to 250 nM. Reactions were incubated at 37°C for 15 min, then were stopped by addition of an equal volume of loading buffer (7 M urea, 100 mM EDTA, 5% glycerol, 0.05% xylene cyanol and 0.01% bromphenol blue). Samples were heated at 95°C for 2 min, resolved by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and products were quantified by phosphorimager analysis.
Conservation of the antiterminator region of T box genes
Approximately 250 leaders containing the features of the T box system have been identified in a variety of bacterial genomes, including species of Bacillus, Carboxydothermus, Clostridium, Corynebacterium, Deinococcus, Enterococcus, Geobacter, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Listeria, Mycobacterium, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Streptomyces and Symbiobacterium. Most of these organisms are Gram-positive bacteria, while Geobacter is a Gram-negative bacterium in the δ proteobacteria group, and Deinococcus is a member of the Thermus/Deinococcus group. Leaders were identified by a search for variants of the T box sequence (AGGGUGGNACCGCG) or by searches for individual genes known to be in the T box family in another organism and manual examination of the region upstream of the coding sequence for the conserved sequence and structural elements characteristic of T box genes. A summary of 248 antiterminator sequences is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Phylogenetic analysis of the core region of 248 T box leader antiterminators. (A) Antiterminator consensus. Helix A1, usually 4–5 bp in length, is comprised of base pairs 1-1′, 2-2′, 3-3′, 4-4′ and 5-5′. Positions 6–12 comprise the bulge, while the conserved portion of helix A2, above the bulge, contains base pairs 13-13′, 14-14′, 15-15′ and 16-16′. The top of helix A2 and the loop are not conserved. The most highly represented residue is shown in the central portion of the structure; variants are shown to the left or right of the corresponding position. Positions shown with large, bold letters are 96–100% conserved; large, hollow letters indicate positions that are 41–95% conserved; medium letters indicate residues found in 11–40% of the antiterminators; small, bold letters indicate residues found in 4–10%; small, hollow letters indicate residues found in 1–3% of the antiterminators. (B) Nucleotide distribution at antiterminator positions. Numbers are relative to 100%. (C) Distribution of base pairs at each position of the antiterminator helices.
Helix A1, at the base of the antiterminator, varied somewhat in length, with 90% of the antiterminators containing a helix 4–6 bp in length. There was high sequence conservation in the 4 bp below the bulge, with a very strong bias for purines on the 5′ side (corresponding to the first four positions of the T box consensus). The first base pair (1-1′) is present in 60% of the antiterminators; this pairing, which is absent in B.subtilis tyrS, is not well conserved (Fig. 2C). The second base pair (2-2′, corresponding to A215-U244 in B.subtilis tyrS) exhibited 85% R-Y. The remaining base pairs were nearly 100% R-Y, with a strong bias toward G-C. No leaders were found containing a C-G or U-A base pair in the top two positions of helix A1, immediately preceding the bulge.
The bulge sequence was 7 nt in length in all 248 antiterminators. The sequence within the bulge (positions 6–12 in Fig. 2; 219–225 in tyrS) was very highly conserved, with positions 6–8 (U219, G220, G221 in tyrS) 100% conserved; these residues are predicted to pair with the CCA sequence universally found at the 3′ end of all mature tRNAs, and mutation of this region of the bulge in the B.subtilis tyrS leader abolishes readthrough (8). The fourth position of the bulge (N in the T box consensus) covaries with the position in tRNA that precedes the CCA (the ‘discriminator base’), and base pairing between the tRNA and the bulge at this position is required for readthrough (4). The sequence distribution at this position of the antiterminator reflects the distribution at the tRNA discriminator position, where A predominates; in addition, a U in the antiterminator can probably interact with a G in the tRNA discriminator position (4). The final three positions of the antiterminator bulge (Fig. 2, 10–12) are conserved as A (100%), C (87%), C (99%). C11 (position 224 in the tyrS leader) varied to an A in 11% of the leaders (mostly in Ser, Ile and Tyr genes) and to a U in 2% of the leaders, while C12 varied to an A in only two leaders.
Helix A2, at the top of the antiterminator, was more variable in length than helix A1, ranging from 3 to 12 bp, with 85% of the antiterminators containing helices 4–7 bp in length. The base pair immediately 3′ to the bulge (13-13′, G226-U240 in tyrS) was conserved as a G-U wobble pair in 57% of the antiterminators; C-G or U-A were never found. The next 2 bp (14-14′ and 15-15′) were highly conserved as C-G (96%) and G-C (99%), respectively. The remaining portion of helix A2 varied both in sequence and length. The loop at the top of the antiterminator exhibited no sequence conservation and varied in length from 3 to 16 nt, with 85% having 3–7 nt.
Mutagenesis of helix A1 of the antiterminator
The functional importance of the primary sequence conservation of the T box antiterminators was tested by introducing sequence alterations in the context of the B.subtilis tyrS–lacZ fusion, introducing the fusion in single copy into the B.subtilis chromosome, and monitoring the effect on expression during growth in minimal medium in the presence of tyrosine (non-inducing conditions) or p-aminophenylalanine, a tyrosine analog that efficiently induces tyrS expression by inhibition of tyrosine biosynthesis. Sequence changes in helical regions of the antiterminator were tested in pairs, so that base pairing was maintained, and mutations were simultaneously introduced into the terminator as needed so that pairing in the terminator helix was not disrupted.
The TRI1/3 mutation (A215G, G216U, G217C, C242G, C243A, U244C, A257G, G258U, G259C) results in replacement of the first 3 bp at the bottom of the tyrS antiterminator (plus compensatory changes in the terminator; Fig. 1). The G-C content of helix A1 was retained, but the R-Y bias was switched to Y-R for the base pairs corresponding to 3-3′ and 4-4′ in Figure 2. The first three positions of the T box were changed to residues rarely or never found in the phylogenetic array, and the compensatory changes in the terminator also affected highly conserved positions. The resulting tyrS–lacZ fusion construct exhibited a modest reduction in expression under both inducing and uninducing conditions (Table 1). Induction in response to p-aminophenylalanine was unaffected, indicating that the mutant fusion responded normally to uncharged tRNATyr.
Table 1. Effect of antiterminator mutations on tyrS–lacZ expression.
β-galactosidase activitya | ||||
Fusion | Mutation | – Inducer | + Inducer | Ratiob |
Wild-type | None | 15 | 310 | 21 |
TRI1/3 | A215G/G216U/G217C/C242G/C243A/U244C/A257G/G258U/G259C | 4.1 | 90 | 22 |
218 | G218C/C241G/G260C | 17 | 110 | 7.0 |
226AU | G226A | 5.9 | 100 | 17 |
226GC | U240C | 8.7 | 150 | 17 |
226CG | G226C/U240G/G261C | 4.9 | 120 | 24 |
227–228 | C227G/G228C/C238G/G239C/C262G/G263C | 0.38 | 5.4 | 14 |
ATJ1 | A229C/A231U/A232C/U233G/Δ234–236/U237G | 15 | 250 | 17 |
ΔK10 | Δ220–224 | 0.43 | 0.45 | 1.0 |
AUC | C224U | 1.7 | 16 | 9.4 |
AAC | C224A | 3.3 | 55 | 17 |
AGC | C224G | 3.5 | 8.1 | 2.3 |
CCC | A223C | 0.11 | 0.20 | 1.8 |
CAU | A223C/C224A/C225U | 0.15 | 0.25 | 1.7 |
aCells were grown in Spizizen minimal medium until early exponential growth phase, and split; tyrosine (50 µg/ml) was added to the uninduced culture, and p-aminophenylalanine (4 µg/ml) was added to the induced culture. Cells were harvested after 4 h of growth, and β-galactosidase activity is expressed in Miller units. All growth experiments were repeated at least twice and variation was <10%.
bThe induction ratio is the induced activity divided by the uninduced activity.
The importance of the highly conserved G-C as the closing pair of helix A1 was tested with mutant 218 (G218C, C241G, G260C), which replaced the G-C with a C-G pair. This mutant exhibited normal expression during growth under uninducing conditions, but showed a 3-fold reduction in the response to increased tRNATyr, indicating a small defect in the leader–tRNA interaction (Table 1). These results demonstrate that, despite the strong sequence conservation, alternate sequences in the helix A1 region of the antiterminator permit efficient antitermination activity.
Mutagenesis of helix A2 of the antiterminator
The conserved G-U at the first position of helix A2 in tyrS was replaced with the natural variants A-U (226AU) or G-C (226GC) and with C-G (226CG), which was not found in any leader. The compensatory change was introduced into the 3′ side of the terminator as needed. Each of these replacements resulted in a modest decrease in expression (Table 1), despite the fact that C-G was never found among T box leaders. The A-U variant is predicted to result in a slight decrease in the stability of the antiterminator while the G-C and C-G alleles are predicted to result in increased stability; since all of these alleles exhibited similar expression patterns, their effect is unlikely to be due to a change in the intrinsic stability of the antiterminator.
The next 2 bp in helix A2 (14-14′ and 15-15′; C227-G239 and G228-C238 in tyrS) were very highly conserved, and were replaced only by similar pairs (U-A/U-G and G-U, respectively). We switched the positions of these pairs, placing a G-C at tyrS positions 227–239 and a C-G at positions 228–238, to maintain G+C content, and introduced the required compensatory changes into the terminator. These alterations are not predicted to significantly affect the overall stability of the antiterminator. This construct (227–228) exhibited a major drop in readthrough, with expression under inducing conditions reduced >50-fold (Table 1). A 14-fold induction in response to p-aminophenylalanine was observed, indicating that the mutant fusion retained the ability to respond to the increase in uncharged tRNA, although the efficiency of antitermination was greatly reduced. It therefore appears that, unlike other conserved positions in the antiterminator helices, the sequence in this region of helix A2 is very important for function.
Sequence variation in the antiterminator loop
The size and sequence of the terminal loop of the antiterminator is highly variable. To facilitate structural analysis of the antiterminator, we generated a variant in which the final base pair of helix A2 (U230-A236) was removed, the A229-U237 base pair was replaced by a C-G pair, and the 5 nt terminal loop (AAUCA) was replaced by a UUCG tetraloop. The predicted stability of the antiterminator for this variant, designated ATJ1, was somewhat higher than that of the wild-type sequence (ΔG = –10.6 kcal) (9,10). The ATJ1 variant exhibited normal expression and induction in response to uncharged tRNATyr (Table 1), indicating that this region of the antiterminator is not tightly constrained, as suggested by the lack of conservation in the phylogenetic analysis.
Sequence requirements in the antiterminator bulge
The central portion of the T box, which comprises the bulge region of the antiterminator, is essential for antitermination. Deletion of five of the seven bulge residues (ΔK10 construct) resulted in a complete loss of readthrough (Table 1). The first four positions of the antiterminator bulge (UGGN) pair with the acceptor end of the tRNA (4), while the role of the conserved ACC sequence (positions 10–12 in Fig. 2, 223–225 in tyrS) is not clear. The tyrS C224U mutation (equivalent to C11U in Fig. 2) was previously shown to cause a major reduction in tyrS–lacZ expression (6). To determine which sequence variants at these positions were capable of conferring expression in the context of the tyrS leader, we generated a pool of leader variants in which all combinations at these positions were included, identified alleles that exhibited detectable expression and induction in response to p-aminophenylalanine by screening for blue color on media containing X-gal, and sequenced those alleles. The only isolates that exhibited high activity and a normal response to inducer proved to contain the wild-type ACC sequence. Two additional alleles that conferred reduced expression, but retained a response to inducer, contained the AUC [C224U (C11U)] and AAC [C224A (C11A)] combinations (Table 1), consistent with identification of these alleles in other leaders. The ACA [C225A (C12A)] combination, which is found in 1% of natural leaders, was not found as an active allele in the tyrS context. The AGC [C224G (C11G)] allele exhibited low expression and only 2.3-fold induction in response to p-aminophenylalanine, indicating that interaction with uncharged tRNA was severely compromised. None of these variants is predicted to change the overall stability of the antiterminator. Two variants, CCC (A223C) and CAU (A223C/C224A/C225U), which exhibited white colonies on media containing X-gal and p-aminophenylalanine, were also characterized to test the sequence distribution in the pool and to determine the background level of expression caused by disruption of this region of the bulge (Table 1). The very low expression of the CCC mutant confirms the importance of A223 (A10 in Fig. 2), which is 100% conserved.
Phylogenetic analysis of T box terminators
Primary sequence conservation in the terminators of T box leaders has previously been noted, as a consequence of the dual role of sequences on the 5′ side of the terminator helix, which also form the 3′ side of the antiterminator by pairing with the conserved elements on the 5′ side of the antiterminator (3). We examined 156 terminators from T box leaders from low G+C Gram-positive organisms for additional conserved features. In general, these terminators exhibited the standard pattern of intrinsic transcriptional terminators, with a G+C-rich helix followed by a run of U residues. Certain features, such as the length of the helix, varied widely, with a range of 7–20 bp; 60% were 10–13 bp in length. The longer helix length differs from the pattern in E.coli, where extension of the helix length can negatively affect termination (15,16). The size of the terminal loop was more tightly constrained, and more similar to the E.coli pattern, with 90% in the range of 3–6 nt. The position of the conserved sequence region within the terminator helix was variable.
Of the leaders, 90% contained an uninterrupted stretch of 5–7 U residues adjacent to the 3′ end of the terminator helix; E.coli terminators exhibit a higher frequency of interruption of the U stretch (15). Only a few leaders contained 8 U residues, and one contained 10. The next position after the U run was differentially distributed in different organisms. The genes from Clostridium sp. exhibited the strongest bias, with 95% A at that position. Genes from Bacillus sp. also exhibited a bias toward A (60%), although G was also frequently found (35%). In contrast, genes from Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Enterococcus sp. displayed little bias, with nearly even distribution of G, A and C at this position. It therefore appears that there are differences in terminator sequence preferences, even at sequences downstream from the terminator helix. No obvious pattern of sequence conservation was detected in regions 3′ to the end of the U run, although many genes contained additional U residues in this region, suggesting that the functional U run may extend further downstream.
Effect of terminator mutations on tyrS–lacZ expression
The TRI1/3 mutant altered three positions in helix A1 of the antiterminator, requiring simultaneous alteration of three positions within the conserved region of the terminator. The effect of the terminator changes alone was tested with mutant TRI1/2, in which the mutations in the terminator were not matched with mutations in the 5′ side of the antiterminator. The resulting construct exhibited very low, uninducible expression (Table 2), consistent with loss of the ability of the antiterminator to compete with the terminator. The activity of the TRI1/2 fusion was similar to that of bulge mutants in which antiterminator function was disrupted without alteration of the terminator (e.g., ΔK10, CCC and CAU alleles; Table 1); this result indicates that terminator function was unaffected by the sequence changes in the terminator helix.
Table 2. Effect of terminator mutations on tyrS–lacZ expression.
β-galactosidase activitya | |||||
Fusion | Mutation | Rich medium | – Inducer | + Inducer | Ratiob |
Wild-type | none | 35 | 15 | 310 | 21 |
TRI1/2 | C242G/C243A/U244C/A257G/G258U/G259C | 1.0 | 0.17 | 0.21 | 1.2 |
G247A | G247A | 100 | 120 | 350 | 2.9 |
GUT2 | Δ17–230 | 1.5 | NDc | ND | ND |
A270U | A270U | 19 | 2.5 | 37 | 15 |
U-GUT2 | A270U/Δ17–230 | 0.13 | ND | ND | ND |
A270G | A270G | 18 | 17 | 120 | 7.0 |
G-GUT2 | A270G/Δ17–230 | 0.65 | ND | ND | ND |
A270C | A270C | 15 | 2.3 | 30 | 13 |
C-GUT2 | A270C/Δ17–230 | 2.0 | ND | ND | ND |
aFor expression during growth in rich medium, cells were grown in 2XYT medium until mid-exponential growth phase and harvested. For induction experiments, cells were grown in Spizizen minimal medium until early exponential growth phase, and then divided into two cultures; tyrosine (50 µg/ml) was added to the uninduced culture, and p-aminophenylalanine (4 µg/ml) was added to the induced culture. Cells were harvested after 4 h of growth, and β-galactosidase activity is expressed in Miller units. All growth experiments were repeated at least twice, and samples were assayed in duplicate; activities exhibited <10% variation.
bThe induction ratio is the induced activity divided by the uninduced activity.
cND, not determined.
The G247A allele, which alters a G-C pair near the top of the terminator helix to an A-C pair, is predicted to reduce the stability of the terminator helix (ΔG = –14.3 versus –18.8 kcal for the wild-type sequence) without affecting antiterminator structure. This allele resulted in an 8-fold increase in expression under uninducing conditions (Table 2), consistent with an increase in readthrough independent of an interaction with tRNATyr. The ability to respond to uncharged tRNA was retained, although the induction ratio was reduced due to the higher basal expression. Since a decrease in the stability of the terminator, but not an increase in the stability of the antiterminator (ATJ1 allele; Table 1), resulted in increased readthrough, it appears that the stability of the terminator helix dominates over the stability of the antiterminator in controlling readthrough.
Of the terminators, 70% contained a G-U or U-G base pair in the bottom half of the terminator helix, usually within the region of competition between the terminator and antiterminator. The presence of the wobble pair in the terminator does not appear to be important for the termination–antitermination switch, since mutant constructs in which it was altered (226GC, 226CG) exhibited a normal induction ratio.
The importance of the length of the run of U residues following the terminator helix, and the identity of the next nucleotide, were also investigated, both in the context of the normal tyrS leader and in a construct (GUT2) containing only the tyrS promoter and leader terminator with no intervening leading sequence, so that the effect on termination could be assessed in the absence of antitermination. The A270U allele, in which the U run was extended from 6 to 11 residues, resulted in an 8-fold reduction in expression under inducing conditions, in the context of an intact leader (Table 2). In the absence of the antiterminator, this mutation resulted in a 12-fold decrease in expression, indicating that the extended U run causes an overall increase in termination efficiency. The A270G allele had little effect on readthrough, consistent with identification of G at the equivalent position in 30% of the leaders. The A270C allele resulted in a 10-fold decrease in expression under inducing conditions, similar to the effect of the A270U allele; however, in the leader deletion context, this mutation did not confer increased termination. It therefore appears that the identity of the nucleotide at this position may affect readthrough independent of its effect on termination efficiency.
Transcription in vitro
The effect of terminator and antiterminator variants on tyrS transcription was assessed using an in vitro transcription system with purified B.subtilis RNA polymerase and supercoiled plasmid templates in which the tyrS promoter, leader and leader region terminator were followed by two additional terminators so that the efficiency of readthrough of the leader region terminator could be assessed. The B.subtilis NusA protein was purified and added to the system to determine its effect on the efficiency of termination. With a wild-type leader construct, ∼50% of the transcripts terminated at the leader region terminator (Fig. 3). Addition of NusA increased termination efficiency; a similar effect has been observed for NusA in E.coli transcription termination assay systems (16). Addition of E.coli tRNATyr (Type II; Sigma) failed to stimulate readthrough of the terminator, in the presence or absence of NusA. Addition of an in vitro transcript of B.subtilis tRNATyr, generated by T7 RNAP, also failed to stimulate readthrough (data not shown).
Figure 3.
In vitro transcription of the tyrS leader region. All reactions contained supercoiled DNA templates (25 nM) and B.subtilis RNAP at 6 nM. Lanes 1–4, wild-type tyrS template; lanes 5–8, G247A terminator mutant; lanes 9–11, ATJ1 antiterminator mutant. Lanes 1, 5 and 9: no additions to the standard assay; lanes 2, 6 and 10: B.subtilis NusA protein added to 500 nM; lanes 3, 7 and 11: NusA (500 nM) and tRNATyr (250 nM) were added; lanes 4 and 8: tRNATyr (250 nM) was added. Arrows indicate products terminated at (A) tyrS leader region terminator, (B) tyrS gene terminator and (C) rpsD gene terminator.
The G247A leader allele, which is predicted to destabilize the terminator helix and resulted in increased readthrough in vivo, conferred increased readthrough in vitro; addition of NusA increased termination efficiency for this template as well. If readthrough is dependent on a simple competition between the terminator and antiterminator, a weaker terminator helix might be more readily shifted to the antiterminator conformation in vitro; however, addition of tRNATyr had no effect on readthrough of the G247A construct, in the presence or absence of NusA. The ATJ1 allele, in which the antiterminator is predicted to be more stable than in the wild-type construct, was also tested, but failed to give any increase in readthrough in the presence or absence of tRNATyr. A variety of nucleotide concentrations and reaction conditions were tested, none of which resulted in tRNA-dependent antitermination (data not shown). These results indicate that the in vitro system, while giving appropriate termination efficiencies, is not permissive for antitermination.
T box sequence conservation is driven by both base pairing and primary sequence constraints
The T box motif was originally identified as a primary sequence element conserved in the leader region of 10 AARS genes in Bacillus sp. Initial mutagenic studies demonstrated that it is required for readthrough of the leader region terminator (6,8). Since most members of the original set of genes were identified by searches for the T box sequence itself, and only Bacillus genes were represented, we repeated these searches on larger genomic databases, and did additional searches using criteria independent of the T box sequence itself. These searches have yielded nearly 250 T box leaders to date from a variety of evolutionarily distant organisms. No change in the T box consensus was observed, indicating that the original pattern of conservation is valid.
A model for participation of the T box sequence in formation of an antiterminator structure was proposed based on the initial 10 T box leaders (3). All of the antiterminator features identified in the original data set have been maintained in the expanded set, indicating a remarkable level of conservation at both the primary sequence and structural levels. Since the sequences in the 3′ side of the antiterminator also participate in formation of the 5′ side of the terminator, we tested whether changes in the antiterminator, accompanied by compensatory changes in the terminator, would allow normal function in the context of the B.subtilis tyrS leader. We found that the system was surprisingly tolerant of changes in primary sequence at five highly conserved positions within the antiterminator helices. These results indicate that portions of the T box sequence, the defining feature of genes regulated by this mechanism, are not in fact required for function (AGGGUGGNACCGCG; underlined positions not required). In contrast, 2 bp in helix A2 of the antiterminator (14-14′ and 15-15′ in Fig. 2) appear to be essential. The disparity between primary sequence conservation and function may be a consequence of the requirement for multiple compensatory mutations for maintenance of normal regulatory function.
The terminal loop of the antiterminator exhibits considerable variability both in size and sequence. The possibility remained that the sequence in this loop was important in the context of an individual leader, because of contextual effects or tertiary interactions with other regions of the leader. Since replacement of the tyrS terminal loop region with an unrelated sequence had no effect on expression, it appears that the antiterminator terminal loop sequence is not important for function.
Structural consequences of antiterminator alterations
Preliminary analysis of a 29 nt model antiterminator RNA (analogous to the ATJ1 allele) has revealed that the RNA folds in vitro as predicted, and can interact in a sequence-specific manner with tRNA or an acceptor end mimic (17). A C11U variant of the model RNA, equivalent to the tyrS C224U substitution, resulted in a major reduction in tRNA binding, consistent with the negative effect of mutations at this position. Since A or U is found at the corresponding position in 13% of the leaders, it will be interesting to determine if there are compensatory changes elsewhere in these leaders, or in the cognate tRNA, that allow function. The basis for the apparent importance of the primary sequence at positions 14-14′ and 15-15′ in helix A2 remains to be determined.
Features of terminators in T box leaders
The collection of T box leaders provided a large data set of transcriptional terminators with similar functional roles in vivo. While terminator sequences have been examined in E.coli, those sets included genes of diverse function (15,18). We focused on a subset of T box leader terminators from low G+C Gram-positive organisms, to determine if there are special features important for participation in this termination control system. The basic features of these terminators were similar to those found in E.coli, although there appears to be a trend toward increased predicted stability of the terminator helix and a longer U run in the Gram-positive terminators. Increased helix length can decrease terminator function in E.coli (16), so that there is not a direct relationship between helix length and termination efficiency.
The extensive conservation of primary sequence between the helix of the T box leader terminators was of special interest, since alterations in the terminator helix sequence that do not affect stability have been shown to affect terminator function in E.coli (19). We found that the observed primary sequence conservation within the terminator helix is likely to be a consequence of the requirement for pairing with the 3′ side of the antiterminator, since alterations had little or no effect on termination.
While the presence of a U run immediately adjacent to the terminator helix is a standard feature of intrinsic terminators, there is not a simple relationship between the length of the U run and terminator efficiency, and downstream sequences have been shown to affect termination (16,18–21). Contacts between RNAP and downstream sequences have been suggested in a number of studies (22,23); these may also influence antitermination in the T box system.
In vitro transcription
The failure to reproduce tRNA-dependent antitermination in the in vitro transcription system may be due to a number of factors. There may be additional factors required for correct folding of the leader RNA, or for the leader–tRNA interaction. It is also possible that there are no additional factors, but that the nascent transcript fails to fold into the proper conformation under the conditions of the in vitro assay. Interaction of the tRNA with the leader in vivo may occur in stages, dependent on appropriate pausing of RNAP, followed by structural rearrangements of the leader RNA. If so, the kinetics of transcription may be a critical parameter that differs in vivo and in vitro. Another possibility is that neither the unmodified B.subtilis tRNATyr transcript nor the modified E.coli tRNATyr function appropriately in vitro. Further studies are required to address these possiblities.
The effect of leader mutations on termination alone could be addressed in the in vitro transcription assay; the results indicate that the strength of the terminator helix plays a major role in termination efficiency. However, an increase in the stability of the antiterminator (ATJ1 construct) failed to overcome the terminator, consistent with the in vivo results. It therefore appears that antitermination in this system is dependent on more than a simple competition between the two alternate structures, or that the threshold for this competition is higher than achieved in these mutants.
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grant R01-GM47823, and NIH postdoctoral fellowship F32-GM19029 (M.T.H.). We thank Sean Rollins for genomic analyses, Kelly McQuown for construction of mutant alleles, Jennifer Hines for design of the ATJ1 allele and Marion Hulett for providing strain MH5636.
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