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Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Biological Hazards on a request from the Health and Consumer Protection, Directorate General, European Commission on Microbiological Risk Assessment in feedingstuffs for food‐producing animals. The EFSA Journal (2008) 720, 1–84
Panel members: Olivier Andreoletti, Herbert Budka, Sava Buncic, Pierre Colin, John D Collins, Aline De Koeijer, John Griffin, Arie Havelaar, James Hope, Günter Klein, Hilde Kruse, Simone Magnino, Antonio, Martínez López, James McLauchlin, Christophe Nguyen‐The, Karsten Noeckler, Birgit Noerrung, Miguel Prieto Maradona, Terence Roberts, Ivar Vågsholm, Emmanuel Vanopdenbosch
Acknowledgement: The European Food Safety Authority wishes to thank the members of the Working Group for the preparation of this opinion: Thomas Blaha, Pierre Colin (Chair), Rob Davies, Per Haggblom, Birgit Noerrung, German Ordoñez, Guido Rychen, Martin Wierup.
Adoption date: 5 June 2008
Published date: 15 July 2008
Question number: EFSA‐Q‐2007‐045
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