The mammalian brain contains the most diverse array of cell types of any organ, including dozens of neuronal subtypes with distinct anatomical and functional characteristics. The brain leverages these neuron-type-specializations to perform diverse circuit operations and thus execute different behaviors properly. Through the use of Cre lines, access to specific neuron types has steadily improved over past decades. Despite their extraordinary utility, development and cross-breeding of Cre lines is time-consuming and expensive, presenting a significant barrier to entry for many investigators. Furthermore, cell-based therapeutics developed in Cre mice are not clinically translatable. Recently, several AAV vectors utilizing neuron-type-specific regulatory transcriptional sequences (enhancer-AAVs) were developed which overcome these limitations. Using a publicly available RNAseq dataset, we evaluated the potential of several candidate enhancers for neuron-type-specific targeting in the hippocampus. Here we identified a promising enhancer-AAV for targeting dentate granule cells and validated its selectivity in wild-type adult mice.
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