Tumor-associated epitopes presented on MHC-I that can activate the immune system against cancer cells are typically identified from annotated protein-coding regions of the genome, but whether peptides originating from novel or unannotated open reading frames (nuORFs) can contribute to antitumor immune responses remains unclear. Here we show that peptides originating from nuORFs detected by ribosome profiling of malignant and healthy samples can be displayed on MHC-I of cancer cells, acting as additional sources of cancer antigens. We constructed a high-confidence database of translated nuORFs across tissues (nuORFdb) and used it to detect 3,555 translated nuORFs from MHC-I immunopeptidome mass spectrometry analysis, including peptides that result from somatic mutations in nuORFs of cancer samples as well as tumor-specific nuORFs translated in melanoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia and glioblastoma. NuORFs are an unexplored pool of MHC-I-presented, tumor-specific peptides with potential as immunotherapy targets.
The major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) immunopeptidome consists of thousands of short 8–12 amino acid peptide antigens displayed on the cell surface. Foreign or mutated antigens are presented by MHC-I molecules to be recognized by CD8 T cells, which mount an immune response against cells displaying those antigens1 [AU: OK?]. This defense mechanism has been exploited therapeutically to target cancer cells2–5. Presently, suitable antigens are predicted based on cancer-specific mutations in annotated protein-coding regions. However, several lines of evidence suggest that the potential sources of cancer antigens may be more varied, including antigens derived from translation of currently unannotated open reading frames (nuORFs) 6–8.
Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) allows for direct profiling of MHC-I bound antigens. MHC-I complexes are immunoprecipitated, bound antigens eluted, purified and subjected to LC-MS/MS. Acquired spectra are matched against model spectra of peptides from a reference protein sequence database, typically consisting of annotated proteins9,10. RNA-seq can further expand the reference database with expressed “non-coding” transcripts, revealing the translation and MHC-I presentation of “non-coding” regions of the genome11–14. However, RNA-seq does not directly reveal which ORFs are translated, thus inflating the protein sequence database, increasing the false discovery rate, and hindering MS/MS spectral assignment to correct peptide sequences14,15.
Ribosome profiling (Ribo-seq), which assays ribosome-protected, translated mRNA16, has revealed a plethora of translated nuORFs, derived from transcripts currently annotated as nonprotein coding, including the 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs), overlapping yet out-of-frame alternative ORFs in annotated protein-coding genes, long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) or pseudogenes 17–19. Ribo-seq of human embryonic kidney 293T, HeLa-S3, and K562 cell lines and of human fibroblasts infected with herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) has identified translated nuORFs that contribute peptides to the MHC-I immunopeptidome, suggesting an immunological function20,21.
The extent to which nuORFs contribute to the immunopeptidomes of healthy and cancer cells, as well as the diversity and tissue specificity of nuORFs is unknown, yet may expand immunotherapy targets in cancer.
A comprehensive pipeline for Ribo-seq based nuORF identification
We hypothesized that cancer-associated processes could lead to nuORFs that are either mutated or exhibit tumor-specific expression and thus could serve as sources of cancer antigens. To systematically evaluate the contribution of nuORFs to the MHC-I immunopeptidome, we identified translated nuORFs using Ribo-seq; built an ORF database appending nuORFs detected by Ribo-seq to known annotations; and used this updated database to search for presented nuORFs in MHC-I immunopeptidome MS data (Fig. 1a).
To this end, we collected Ribo-seq data from 29 primary healthy and cancer samples and cell lines9,10 (Fig. 1b, Supplementary Table 1). We developed a hierarchical ORF prediction pipeline, where ORF predictions were carried out at multiple prediction nodes, consisting of each sample (leaf), tissue (clade), and across all samples combined (root) (Fig. 1c, Extended Data Fig. 1a, Methods). This approach aggregated signal across our Ribo-seq dataset to predict lowly translated ORFs, while maintaining sensitivity for tissue-specific, overlapping ORFs (Fig. 1d).
The resulting nuORFdb (Supplementary Table 2) has ~25-fold fewer ORFs than the ~8 million ORFs in the transcriptome22,23 (TransDb), and 10-fold fewer ORFs than ORFs supported by RNA-Seq reads in B721.221 cells (RNAdb) (Extended Data Fig. 1b). Compared to the annotated proteome (UCSCdb), nuORFdb has only 1.46-fold more candidate MHC-I-compatible 9mer peptides (Fig. 1e, f).
When benchmarked against RNAdb and TransDb, nuORFdb proved to be most practical for MHC-I spectral mapping in terms of speed, FDR, predicted MHC-I binding of identified peptides and other quality metrics (Extended Data Fig. 2, Supplementary Note 1, Supplementary Methods).
Thousands of nuORFs contribute to the MHC-I immunopeptidome
We searched the MHC-I immunopeptidome MS/MS spectra from 92 HLA alleles expressed in B721.221 cells10 against nuORFdb and identified 8,567 nuORF peptides derived from different nuORF types (Extended Data Fig. 3a,b). While global FDR was set to 1%, FDR for nuORF peptides was 4.6% overall, and as high as 14% for 3’ dORFs (Extended Data Fig. 3c,d). We devised a group-based filtering approach to reduce the nuORF FDR rate to 1% across different types of nuORFs (Extended Data Fig. 3e,f, Methods). This approach removed 24% of nuORF peptides overall, and up to 76% of peptides assigned to 3’ overlap dORFs (Extended Data Fig. 3g), retaining 6,501 high confidence (FDR<1%) peptides from 3,261 nuORFs, across various nuORF types (Fig. 1g, Extended Data Fig. 4a, Supplementary Tables 3 and 4, Methods). NuORFs contributed 3.3% of peptides to the MHC-I immunopeptidome, and 16% of all detected proteins with at least one MHC-presented peptide (Fig. 1g).
The MS/MS-identified nuORF peptides are of comparable quality and characteristics to annotated peptides. First, nuORF and annotated MS/MS-detected peptides had similar Spectrum Mill MS/MS identification scores (11.7 nuORF vs. 11.4 annotated mean scores, 95% CI: 0.27–0.43), median peptide length (9AA), and translation levels (1.7 nuORF vs. 1.6 annotated mean log2TPM, 95% CI: 0.09–0.19) (Fig. 2a–c, Extended Data Fig. 4b–d). Second, chromatographic retention times for nuORF peptides correlated as well with predicted hydrophobicity indices as they did for annotated peptides (p=0.55, rank-sum test) (Fig. 2d, Extended Data Fig. 4e)24,25. Finally, anchor residue motifs of nuORF-derived peptides matched closely to peptides derived from annotated proteins (Fig. 2e–f, Extended Data Fig. 4f,g).
Short, overlapping nuORFs identified in the MHC-I immunopeptidome
While 97% of MS-detected annotated ORFs could be predicted at the root, 33.8% (680) of the MS-detected nuORFs were exclusively predicted at the nodes in the leaves or clades (Extended Data Fig. 5a), highlighting the heightened sensitivity of our hierarchical approach for identifying both sample-specific and shared nuORFs. For example, peptides derived from two overlapping 5’uORFs within the 5’UTR of the LUZP1 transcript were detected by MHC-I IP MS/MS in B721.221 cells across four different alleles (Extended Data Fig. 5b). Due to the overlap of these ORFs, one was not predicted at the root, but was predicted in the CLL node, whereas the other 5’uORF was either translated at much lower levels or not at all.
Additionally, peptides from as many as three separate ORFs within one transcript were detected in the MHC-I immunopeptidome. For example, for the SOCS1 gene, an important modulator of interferon and JAK-STAT signaling26, peptides were identified matching the annotated protein, an internal out-of-frame nuORF (iORF) and a 5’ overlapping uORF (ouORF; Extended Data Fig. 5c).
As we previously reported for Ribo-seq predicted nuORFs18, MHC-I MS/MS-detected nuORFs were shorter than annotated ORFs (p < 10−34 across all nuORF types, t-test) (Fig. 2g). Strikingly, the translated protein products of 26 nuORFs were exactly the same length as their corresponding MHC-I-bound antigens, such that they should not require protease processing, as they are ready-made for MHC-I presentation. One such example is a 5’ uORF from the 5’ UTR of ARAF which matches the motif of HLA-B*45:01, where it was detected (Supplementary Fig. 1a), and the LC-MS/MS spectrum of the peptide closely supports the sequence (Supplementary Fig. 1b).
NuORF peptides explain MS/MS spectra previously assigned to proteasomal spliced peptides
Proteasomal splicing of peptides has been proposed as a source of non-genomically encoded HLA class I antigens27,28, but remains controversial, as alternative interpretations for some of the underlying MS/MS spectra have been reported24,25. For 9 of our previously published MHC-I monoallelic datasets9, we found 308 nuORF-derived peptides that map to the same MS/MS spectra as proposed spliced peptides27 (Supplementary Fig. 2, Supplementary Table 5). Notably, while 84% of nuORF peptides and 94% of annotated peptides had predicted MHC-I binding scores over 0.8 (Methods), only 33% of proposed spliced peptides did (Fig. 2i), consistent with reports that many spliced peptides were incorrectly identified24,25.
NuORFs differ between the whole proteome and MHC-I immunopeptidome
NuORFs were under-represented in whole proteome MS/MS analyses compared to the MHC-I immunopeptidome20,29. In the whole proteome of B721.221 cells, we identified 205 peptides from 102 nuORFs, representing only 0.1% of all peptides identified and >20-fold fewer peptides than in the MHC-I immunopeptidome (Fig. 3a,b Supplementary Table 4, Supplementary Table 6). Additionally, while 59% of all detected annotated proteins were observed in both the MHC-I immunopeptidome and in the whole proteome, only 0.8% of nuORFs were shared (Fig. 3c). Despite comparable levels of translation between nuORFs detected on MHC-I and in the whole proteome (MHC-I: 1.23, proteome: 1.42, p=0.26, KS test), the median length of nuORFs detected on MHC-I was far shorter than those detected in the whole proteome (Fig. 3d, 47 vs. 102 amino acids, p < 10−16, KS test), suggesting a preference for presentation of shorter nuORFs on MHC-I.
NuORF identification in cancer MHC-I immunopeptidomes
To investigate nuORFs as a potential source of new cancer antigens, we used nuORFdb to analyze the MHC-I immunopeptidome of 10 cancer samples (Supplementary Table 7). On average, ~1.5–2.2% of the immunopeptidome was assigned to nuORFs (Fig. 4a, Extended Data Fig. 6, Supplementary Table 4, Supplementary Table 8). NuORFs detected across various cancer samples were predicted from multiple nodes, with no single node accounting for all detected nuORFs in a given sample, highlighting the benefits of our hierarchical ORF prediction approach (Fig. 4b). Importantly, nuORFdb helped detect MHC-I presented peptides from translated nuORFs even in samples without any Ribo-seq data, albeit at lower proportion (Fig. 4a).
Overall, we detected peptides from 576 unique nuORFs of various types across all cancer immunopeptidomes (Fig. 4c, Supplementary Table 4). More than half (50.6%) of the nuORFs were detected in more than one sample, demonstrating that they are not likely derived from random translation, but are translated recurrently across multiple samples (Fig. 4d). As with B721.221 cells, nuORFs were under-represented in the whole proteome of a glioblastoma sample compared to the MHC-I immunopeptidome (Extended Data Fig. 6e-h, Supplementary Table 9). Identical peptide sequences were frequently detected in the cancer cells and in our HLA-matched B721.221 models (Fig. 4e,f) for both annotated ORFs and nuORFs. The extent of overlap increased with the increase in the number of HLA alleles matching between B721.221 and the cancer cells (Fig. 4g). Those ORFs that were detected in cancer cells but not in B721.221 cells had a lower level of translation in B721.221 cells, for both annotated ORFs (p = 10−109, t-test) and nuORFs (p < 10−13, t-test) (Fig. 4h).
NuORFs as potential sources of cancer antigens
Next, we estimated the extent to which nuORFs have the potential to serve as cancer antigens either through cancer-specific somatic mutations in nuORFs; or through enriched translation in cancer (Fig. 5a, Extended Data Fig. 7a).
For cancer-specific somatic mutations in nuORFs, WES did not provide sufficient coverage. While >99% of annotated ORFs had over the recommended 30X median coverage in WES, the coverage across nuORF types varied, and only 19.5% of 5’uORFs and 43% of nuORF-bearing lncRNAs had similar coverage in WES (Fig. 5b, Extended Data Fig. 7b, Methods). In contrast, whole genome sequencing (WGS) provided at least 30X median coverage for over 98% of both annotated ORFs and nuORFs (Fig. 5b, Extended Data Fig. 7b).
To estimate the potential contribution of nuORFs with somatic mutations to the neoantigen repertoire, we focused our WGS analysis on a primary melanoma cell line (and matched PBMCs) (Extended Data Fig. 7c), obtained from a patient who had received a personal neoantigen-targeting cancer vaccine4; these cells were further profiled by Ribo-seq. We developed a computational pipeline to retrieve the Ribo-seq translation support for the mutant and wild-type alleles containing single nucleotide variants (SNVs) (Extended Data Fig. 7d, Methods).
For this patient-derived melanoma sample, Ribo-seq supported the translation of 217 SNVs, 22% of them exclusively in nuORFs (Fig. 5c), with 19 of 75 (25%) of the mutated epitopes predicted to bind to autologous HLAs, derived from translated nuORFs (Fig. 5d). We experimentally tested and validated the binding of a synthetic mutated epitope MAKMKEHQCI derived from PAX8-AS1 nuORF predicted to bind to HLA B*08:01 (Supplementary Table 10).
Next, we expanded our analysis to 73 CLL, 33 GBM and 36 melanoma samples with matching WGS and RNA-seq data from the Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) or The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)30–32. Across these cancer types, 27.5% of all variants in ORFs and 24.3% of nonsynonymous variants with mutated allele supported by RNA-seq (NonSynRNA) affected nuORFs (Fig. 5f, Extended Data Fig. 8).
Thus, nuORFs acquire somatic mutations in cancer cells and may be a sizable additional source of potential neoantigens.
Cancer-enriched nuORF translation
Finally, we assessed the potential for neoantigen generation by cancer-specific translation. To identify nuORFs that might be translated in a melanoma-specific manner, we analyzed the 335 nuORFs detected in the MHC-I immunopeptidomes from 4 melanoma samples (Fig. 6a, Supplementary Table 4) and identified 6 nuORF candidates highly enriched in melanoma compared to the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) collection of RNA-seq of healthy tissues33 (Supplementary Table 11, Extended data Figure 7a, Methods). Two of the six nuORFs, found in the RP11–726G1.1 pseudogene and the linc-CDYL-1 lncRNA, were highly overexpressed in 28% and 59% of TCGA melanoma samples respectively, suggesting potential shared candidate antigen targets across melanoma patients (Fig. 6b,c). We experimentally confirmed that epitopes derived from these nuORFs bind their respective HLA alleles in vitro, further supporting the correct epitope sequence and ability to bind to HLA (Supplementary Table 10).
We also used our Ribo-seq data to identify additional nuORFs whose translation is enriched in cancer (Fig. 6d, Extended Data Fig. 7a) and are lowly expressed across healthy tissues in GTEx by RNA-seq (Fig. 6d,e Supplementary Table 11). In particular, 13 nuORFs were strongly upregulated in CLL compared to GTEx and other cancer samples (Fig. 6f). For example, we found a CLL-specific 5’uORF in ARHGAP44, a gene which has been shown to be upregulated in CLL patients up to 10 years prior to diagnosis34 (Fig. 6g). Another CLL-specific 5’ouORF was detected in the RRAS2 gene, which is upregulated in CLL patients with deletion in chromosome 13q35. Given the low frequency of somatic mutations in CLL36, these CLL-specific nuORFs could provide new antigenic targets for therapy.
We similarly identified several GBM and melanoma-enriched nuORFs (Extended Data Fig. 9, 10) and validated their ability to bind to MHC-I using synthetic peptides (Supplementary Table 10). For CLL- and melanoma-specific nuORFs we included matched Ribo-seq data from healthy tissues (primary B cells and melanocytes, respectively). For GBM, we used published matched RNA-seq, Ribo-seq, and MHC-I immunopeptidome data from non-cancerous human brain tissue37,38 and Ribo-seq data from human embryonic stem cells undergoing neuronal differentiation39. Several nuORFs detected in GBM were transcribed and translated in non-cancerous adult brain, whereas others were not detected (Extended Data Fig. 10a). Notably, there was no overlap between the 103 nuORFs detected in MHC-I immunopeptidomes of non-cancerous brain samples and GBM-specific nuORFs as defined by Ribo-seq (Extended Data Fig. 10b, Supplementary Table 12).
In particular, nuORFs derived from SOX2-OT “noncoding” transcript are detected in GBM but not in non-cancer brain. Interestingly, SOX2-OT nuORFs are translated in neural progenitors, but not in neural cultures at 14 or 50 days of culture (Extended Data Fig. 10a), suggesting that their expression might be restricted to very early development40. A peptide (MIFESKTLF) derived from one of the SOX2-OT nuORFs was detected in the MHC-I immunopeptidome of one GBM sample (Extended Data Fig. 10c). SOX2-OT, annotated as a lncRNA, is frequently upregulated in GBM patients, and is essential for GBM tumorigenesis41. Given that SOX2-OT harbors several nuORFs specifically translated in GBM, further exploration of its role in GBM pathogenesis and potential immunogenicity is warranted.
Combining Ribo-seq and MHC-I immunopeptidome MS analysis, we identified thousands of nuORFs translated in healthy and cancer cells and presented on MHC-I. This was enabled by our large Ribo-seq dataset collected across different tissue types, and our hierarchical ORF identification approach, which leveraged this abundant data to identify nuORFs translated across tissues as well as in tissue- and sample-specific manner. Our database, nuORFdb v1.0, is a practical resource for routine use in MS studies.
While nuORFdb is likely not fully saturated, it can already be used to identify nuORFs in tissue types not yet profiled by Ribo-seq. Expanding Ribo-seq analysis to additional tissues will uncover additional tissue-specific nuORFs. Further improvements can also include incorporating sample-matched RNA-seq to only retain nuORFs from transcripts expressed in a given sample and identifying nuORFs from unannotated transcripts and transcript isoforms discovered using de novo transcriptome assembly21.
Both somatic mutations in nuORFs and cancer-enriched translation of nuORFs can expand the neoantigen repertoire. Notably, while WGS successfully captured variants across all nuORF types in nuORFdb, WES frequently exhibited insufficient coverage, in particular, for nuORFs in 5’ and 3’ UTRs and lncRNAs. Expanding WES panels to include the UTRs of protein-coding transcripts harboring nuORFs could extend clinical access to an expanded pool of potential neoantigens.
Among the nuORFs transcribed and translated in cancer-enriched manner in melanoma, GBM or CLL, were a 5’ uORF in ARHGAP44, a 5’ ouORF in RRAS2, and nuORFs in SOX2-OT lincRNA, each derived from a gene involved in cancer biology34,35,41. Multiple additional cancer-enriched nuORFs were derived from novel transcripts23. Ascertaining cancer specificity of nuORF translation is a challenging task, as it is possible that some of the cancer-enriched nuORFs are still present in small cell populations or are expressed under stress or other specific conditions. Optimizing Ribo-seq for smaller samples, especially single cells, as well as expanding the analysis to additional healthy tissue types will power future studies.
While the primary biological function of some nuORFs may be to become antigens that trigger an immune response, it is likely that others might have additional biological functions. In particular, we have detected peptides from 318 nuORFs in transcripts currently annotated as lincRNAs, which should be prioritized in future perturbation studies. In other examples, the hierarchical nuORF identification approach detected instances of genes harboring multiple distinct translated proteins, overlapping, out-of-frame nuORFs, encoded by the same gene, providing evidence for the polycistronic nature of human genes, in agreement with other recent studies13. Their cellular roles beg investigation, as do the dynamics of their translation.
Ribosome profiling library preparation
Ribosome profiling was performed according to the manufacturer’s protocol (TruSeq Ribo Profile - RPHMR12126, Illumina, discontinued), with some modifications (Supplementary Methods).
The resulting libraries were analyzed for quality using Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 and sequenced for 51 cycles on the Illumina NextSeq platform, using NextSeq 500 high output kit, V2, 75 cycles.
Ribo-seq data pre-processing
Newly generated data
To process RPF sequencing reads, Illumina adapters were removed using fastx_clipper from the FASTX-Toolkit. Ribosomal RNA and tRNA were removed using Bowtie version 1.0.05. Remaining reads were aligned to the genome (hg19 / GRCh37) and transcriptome using STAR version 2.5.3a6 (--alignIntronMin 20 --alignIntronMax 100000 --outFilterMismatchNmax 1 -- outFilterType BySJout --outFilterMismatchNoverLmax 0.04 --twopassMode Basic). For the transcriptome annotation, a combination of GENCODE v26lift37 transcriptome annotation was combined with transcripts annotated as tstatus “unannotated” from MiTranscriptome annotation7. To determine the RPF library quality, trinucleotide codon periodicity was plotted using RibORF readDist script8 against annotated protein-coding ORFs (GENCODE v26lift37). Only samples and read lengths that showed clear trinucleotide periodicity were used for subsequent ORF predictions.
Published data
The same pipeline as above was used, with adapter CTGTAGGCACCAT.
Adapter AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAA was trimmed using fastx_clipper, as described above. 5nt UMI and 2nt on the 5’ end of each read were removed. Bowtie and STAR were used for contaminant removal and alignment, respectively, as described above.
Hierarchical prediction of translated open reading frames across tissues
In order to maximize the detection of translated ORF and overcome noise from overlapping ORFs expressed in different tissues, we performed hierarchical ORF predictions using RibORF8 and PRICE11, as follows.
For RibORF, only read lengths that showed clear trinucleotide periodicity were used for ORF predictions. RibORF offsetCorrect script was used to correct the RPF offsets for each read length. As input, for the transcriptome reference, GENCODE v26lift37 transcriptome annotation was combined with transcripts annotated as tstatus “unannotated” from MiTranscriptome annotation7. From this custom transcriptome reference, all possible ORFs with NTG start codons and TAA/TGA/TAG stop codons were identified using Rp-Bp prepare-rpbp-genome script12. For the GENCODE ORF search, Rp-Bp reported the following ORF types based on the annotation of the transcript and the location of the ORF within the transcript:
canonical: identical to a protein-coding ORF annotated in the GENCODE reference.
canonical_extended: Predicted start is 5’ extended relative to a protein-coding ORF annotated in the GENCODE reference.
canonical_truncated: Predicted start codon is 3’ downstream of the annotated start codon in the GENCODE reference.
five_prime: ORF entirely contained in the 5’ UTR of a protein-coding transcript.
five_prime_overlap: ORF with a start codon in the 5’ UTR of a protein-coding transcript, and a stop codon within an annotated ORF, out-of-frame relative to the annotated ORF.
three_prime: ORF entirely contained in the 3’ UTR of a protein-coding transcript.
three_prime_overlap: ORF with a start codon within an annotated ORF, and the stop codon in the 3’ UTR, out-of-frame relative to the annotated ORF.
within: entirely contained within, but out of-of-frame relative to an annotated ORF.
Those ORFs annotated as noncoding or suspect by Rp-Bp were re-annotated based on the metadata column in the GENCODE GTF. The ORFs derived from transcripts containing ‘linc’ or ‘pseudo’ in the metadata column were annotated as noncoding_lincRNA or noncoding_pseudogene respectively. Otherwise, they were re-annotated as noncoding_other. For the MiTranscriptome transcripts, Rp-Bp reported all ORFs as either noncoding or suspect. Subsequently, the ORF types were re-annotated as noncoding_mi_lincRNA or noncoding_mi_tucp based on the transcript type annotated in the MiTranscriptome GTF as either tcat “lncrna” or tcat “tucp” respectively. After running RibORF, ORFs with a score > 0.7 were retained. If multiple ORFs on the same transcript shared a common stop codon, the longest ORF was selected.
Hierarchical ORF prediction using RibORF:
Offset-corrected SAM files across samples were combined at each clade and at the root (Supplementary Fig. 1a). For the ORFs predicted at the root, we retained predicted ORFs with at least 2 reads in-frame and a RibORF score > 0.7. For ORFs predicted at the cladees and leaves (Supplementary Fig. 1a) we retained predicted ORFs with at least 2 reads and score > 0.9, or at least 250 reads and score > 0.7.
For PRICE, we ran the PRICE pipeline11 on unprocessed fastq.gz files of the samples that had clear tri-nucleotide periodicity (as determined by RibORF above) with the same reference transcriptome as for RibORF. The pipeline handled adapter trimming, rRNA and tRNA removal, offset correction and ORF prediction. Unique .cit files were generated for each sample. For the hierarchical ORF prediction using PRICE, gedi MergeCIT was used to merge samples by tissue type at each clade and at the root. gedi Price -fdr 1 was used to predict translated ORFs. PRICE allows start codons with a hamming distance of 1 from the canonical ATG start. The PRICE ORF annotation types11 and https://github.com/erhard-lab/gedi/wiki/Price include the following:
CDS: ORF is exactly as in the annotation
Ext: ORF contains a CDS, ending at its stop codon
Trunc: ORF is contained in a CDS, ending at its stop codon
Variant: ORF ends at a CDS stop codon, but is neither Ext nor Trunc
uoORF: ORF starts in 5’-UTR, ends within a CDS
uORF: ORF starts and ends in 5’-UTR
iORF: ORF is contained within a CDS
dORF: ORF ends in 3’-UTR
ncRNA: ORF is located on non-coding transcript
intronic: ORF is located in an intron
orphan: Everything else
Generating nuORFdb v1.0
FASTA files of ORFs predicted across tissues by RibORF and PRICE were combined, and those ORFs entirely contained within other predicted ORFs at the protein level were removed. Predicted ORFs over 21 nucleotides long were retained for the downstream analysis, and translated in the single frame determined from Ribo-seq periodicity. After merging the predictions from RibORF and PRICE, the nuORFdb contains the ORF types from both prediction tools, as described above. To improve annotations, for nuORFs in categories ncRNA, noncoding_other, orphan, and Variant, we identified their transcript_type annotated in the GENCODE GTF metadata and generated the nuORF Refined type (Supplementary Table 13). In order to unify the different terms for the same concept we subsequently merged the refined ORF types according to the specifications of biotypes in Ensembl (https://useast.ensembl.org/info/genome/genebuild/biotypes.html), generating an ORF type mapping table (Supplementary Table 13), where MergedType is used in Supplementary Fig. 3a, and PlotType is used in the rest of the figures, also shown in Fig.1e. nuORFdb_v1.0.bed is available on NCBI GEO: GSE143263.
HLA-peptide immunoprecipitation and peptide sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry
Soluble lysates from up to 50 million HLA expressing B721.221 cells or 0.1 to 0.2g cancer cells were immunoprecipitated with W6/32 antibody (sc-32235, Santa Cruz) as described previously1,2. 10 mM iodoacetamide was added to the lysis buffer to alkylate cysteines during the lysis and incubation step (3h, 4C) (Supplementary Note 2) for 71 alleles and 10 tumor samples (Supplementary Table 7).
Peptides of up to three IPs were combined, acid eluted either on StageTips or SepPak cartridges14, and analyzed in technical duplicates using high-resolution LC-MS/MS on a QExactive Plus, QExactive HF, or Fusion Lumos mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific). For acquisition parameters see Supplementary Methods.
HLA peptide identification using Spectrum Mill
Mass spectra were interpreted using the Spectrum Mill software package v7.0 pre-Release (proteomics.broadinstitute.org). Using parameters described in Supplementary Methods, MS/MS spectra were searched against the 323,848 protein sequences in nuORFdb v1.0 appended to a base reference proteome containing all UCSC Genome Browser genes with hg19 annotation of the genome and its non-redundant protein coding transcripts (52,788 entries) as well as 264 common laboratory contaminants, including proteins present in cell culture media and immunoprecipitation reagents. Target-decoy FDR estimation was enabled by Spectrum Mill with on-the-fly generation of decoy sequences during searches. For each candidate sequence passing the precursor mass tolerance filter, the internal sequence was reversed, while holding fixed the second position and the peptide C-terminus, to maintain not only equal size target and decoy search spaces, but also comparable HLA class I binding motifs among the sequence candidate population. MS/MS data from patient derived cell lines was analyzed in the same way, except that the sequence database was revised with further inclusion of patient-specific somatic mutations.
With annotated ORFs and nuORFs aggregated, peptide spectrum matches (PSMs) were filtered to a <1% false discovery rate (FDR) estimate at the PSM level for each HLA allele (Supplementary Methods). PSMs were consolidated to the peptide level to generate lists of confidently observed peptides for each allele using the Spectrum Mill Protein/Peptide summary module’s Peptide-Distinct mode with filtering distinct peptides set to case sensitive. A distinct peptide was the single highest scoring PSM of a peptide detected for each allele. MS/MS spectra for a particular peptide may have been recorded multiple times (e.g., as different precursor charge states, from replicate IPs, from replicate LC-MS/MS injections). Different modification states observed for a peptide were each reported when containing amino acids configured to allow variable modification; a lowercase letter indicates the variable modification (C-cysteinylated, c-carbamidomethylated). Additional FDR filtering of the subset of nuORF-derived peptides, described below, achieved a <1% FDR estimate at the peptide-level across all HLA alleles.
In cases where a spectrum could be matched to multiple proteins due to shared peptide sequences, the Spectrum Mill output was revised so that the primary protein assignment for a spectrum was determined using the following decision tree, in order of diminishing assignment priority: Contaminants → annotated proteins → nuORFs. In cases where a spectrum could be matched to multiple annotated proteins, priority was given to the more highly translated one based on Ribo-seq TPM. In cases where a spectrum could be matched to multiple nuORFs, priority was given to the more highly translated based on Ribo-seq TPM. In case of equal Ribo-seq TPM, the primary assignment was randomly selected.
Raw MHC-I immunopeptidome files of non-cancerous brain tissue15 were downloaded from the public domain (PXD008127) and searched against nuORFdb using the above described search strategy. The following samples were selected for analysis: AMLPD, AMRF, AMOAC, E12, E13, E14, E16, E27, E31, E35, E40, E42, E45, E47, E48, E50.
FDR filtering of nuORF-derived peptides
Applying the same aggregate FDR threshold to the combination of peptides observed for both annotated ORFs and nuORFs resulted in a much higher FDR for nuORFs (4.6%) than for annotated ORFs (1%), which was as high as 14% for certain nuORF categories, such as 3’ overlapping dORFs (Extended Data Fig. 2c,d). We therefore introduced more stringent filtering for nuORF peptides (Extended Data Fig. 2e,f), to retain only the 6,501 which achieved <1% peptide-level FDR (Extended Data Fig. 2a–d,g).Spectra were removed based on fixed thresholds for 4 Spectrum Mill MS/MS scoring metrics: score, backbone cleavage score (BCS), BCS%, and percent scored peak intensity, defined as follows:
Score: the primary score based on assignment of the full range of ion types (y, b, a, internal and neutral losses of NH3 and H2O) to peaks in a spectrum.
Backbone cleavage score (BCS): absolute peptide sequence coverage metric described above
BCS %: BCS normalized for peptide length, 100 * BCS / (sequence length - 1)
Percent scored peak intensity: Percent of product ion intensity in an MS/MS (after peak detection) that is matched to a scored ion type.
NuORFs across all 92 alleles were binned by ORF type as described in Supplementary Table 13. FDRType column and integer thresholds were calculated per bin to maximize retained spectra with an FDR less than 1% (Supplementary Fig. 2c,d). Maximal thresholds were calculated using a grid search of integer threshold values encompassing the empirically observed values. Specifically, we identified the combination of lowest values across the 4 scoring metrics that resulted in FDR < 1% for each ORF type bin. These same thresholds were also applied to MS/MS data from patient-derived cell lines.
Peptide spectrum matching with proposed splice peptides
For 9 of our previously published monoallelic datasets (A*02:03, A*02:04, A*02:07, A*03:01, A*24:02, A*31:01, A*68:02, B*44:02, B*51:01)1 that have been proposed to contain proteasomal spliced peptides 16 we reanalyzed the data to examine if nuORF derived peptides could be better explanations for the spectra matched to proposed splice peptides. Since Faridi et al 2018 did not make detailed data publicly available that indicated which spectra were matched to individual spliced peptides for our datasets, we took the proposed spliced peptides in their supplemental tables, and appended them to our nuORFdb/Reference proteome database and repeated the analysis of the spectra for these 9 alleles using the process described above. Results where a nuORF peptide and one or more proposed spliced peptides yield consistent tie-score matches to the same spectra are provided in Supplementary Table 5.
Binding assays
Synthetic peptides were ordered from Genscript (Quantity 4 mg; Purity: ≥85%) and dissolved in DMSO. Beta mercaptoethanol was added to peptides with cysteines to prevent oxidation. Binding assays were performed by Immunitrack (Copenhagen, Denmark) as previously described42.
Estimation of absolute translation levels
Our improved translation quantification based on Ribo-seq reads incorporates multi-mapping information and translated frame information. To account for multi-mapping, reads were scaled based on their number of alignments: For example, if a read maps to a 5 different ORFs, it will contribute 0.2 at each location. Using the offset-corrected SAM file generated by RibORF (described above), and given that we know the translated frame identified by Ribo-seq, we counted the total number of multimapping-adjusted reads that are in-frame for each ORF in nuORFdb’s BED12 file using a custom script, and calculated TPM using those read counts and the ORF length. The Python script is provided.
MHC-I binding affinity prediction
Fig.2g: HLAthena (http://hlathena.tools/)2 was used to predict MHC-I binding affinities for the predicted spliced peptides from Faridi et al16.
Fig.4d,e: NetMHCpan v4.020 was used to predict MHC-I binding affinities for the HLA alleles expressed in MEL11, to remain consistent with previous studies3.
Variant analysis, read coverage, and neoantigen predictions
PCAWG-TCGA WGS VCF files for CLL, GBM and SKCM were accessed via ICGC Bionimbus (https://icgc.bionimbus.org/) using the Gen3-client (https://gen3.org/resources/user/gen3-client/). Patient-matched aligned TCGA RNA-seq BAM files for CLL, GBM, and SKCM were accessed via Terra (https://app.terra.bio/).
To derive ORFs containing cancer-specific variants identified by WGS, variants that were found within the reference transcripts used in the study were selected using bedtools intersect25 v2.25.0 of the BED12 file of transcripts with the VCF file of variants. Variants were then incorporated into the transcript sequences, and ORFs were re-derived based on the predicted start codon in nuORFdb and the first in-frame stop codon. To determine RNA-seq and/or Ribo-seq read coverage and nucleotide identity at the SNV sites, pysam pileup (v0.14.1) was used.
For a variant to be considered transcribed (Fig. S10), the variant locus was required to have >= 10 RNA-seq reads. Variants supported by at least 9 Ribo-seq reads and >15% of total reads at the locus were used for neoantigen predictions (Fig.5). To obtain potential neoantigens from the mutated variants, all possible 9- and 10-amino acid long peptides were derived from wild-type and variant-containing proteins in nuORFdb. Peptides unique to the variant-containing proteins were retained as potential neoantigens. NetMHCpan v4.0 was used to predict neoantigen binding affinities to HLA alleles20.
Identification of tissue-specific or tissue-enriched nuORFs
For the TCGA analysis, we included 473 available skin cutaneous melanoma (SKCM) samples and 172 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) samples. For GTEx26, we randomly selected 10 samples from each tissue. For CLL, available data from 390 CLLs and 21 B-cell samples from healthy donors were included. These comprise two cohorts: 106 CLL and 12 healthy samples from DFCI/Broad Institute27 and 284 CLL and 9 healthy samples from Spanish ICGC studies28,29 (Supplementary Table 14). FASTQ files from all cohorts were aligned using STAR v2.6.1d6 to the reference human genome GRCh37, using the transcriptome annotation combing GENCODE and MiTranscriptome, as used for Ribo-seq based ORF detection described above. Expression at the gene-level was quantified using RNA-SeQC v2.3.3, and expression at the isoform level was quantified using RSEM v1.3.130. The parameters used for all components of this pipeline are described at https://github.com/broadinstitute/gtex-pipeline/blob/v9/TOPMed_RNAseq_pipeline.md. Expression quantification (TPM) across transcript isoforms is provided on NCBI GEO: GSE143263.
Identifying cancer-enriched nuORFs based on MHC-I IP LC-MS/MS
We generated a list of 335 nuORFs detected by LC-MS/MS in the MHC-I immunopeptidomes of the 4 melanoma samples we analyzed. We rank ordered nuORFs by mean expression of the parent transcript across all GTEx samples, excluding the testis, and selected 34 nuORFs with mean expression in the lowest 15% enriching for those not expressed or lowly expressed in healthy tissues. We further filtered them based on the nuORF parent transcript expression across 473 melanoma samples in the TCGA, retaining 6 nuORFs where at least 5% of TCGA samples had expression 2-fold or greater than the highest level detected in any GTEx sample.
Identifying cancer-specific nuORFs based on Ribo-seq
Based on the Ribo-seq translation levels (TPM) (available through NCBI GEO:GSE143263), we selected nuORFs with TPM > 0 across all in-group samples (all CLL samples / all GBM samples / all MEL samples) and TPM = 0 in the rest of the Ribo-seq samples profiled. We retained those nuORFs with parent transcript TPM < 1 across healthy tissues in GTEx, excluding the testis.
Statistical analyses
In the comparison of the MS/MS spectrum scores calculated by Spectrum Mill (Fig. 2a) as well as the translation levels of ORFs (Fig. 2c), the sample sizes were very large, thus the t-tests showed significance, yet the effect size is small, as shown by the confidence intervals calculated using linear regression by the python package statsmodels.regression.linear_model.OLS.
Fig. 2d, Supplementary Fig. 4e: Retention time vs. predicted hydrophobicity:
Lowess was fit to the annotated peptide retention time and hydrophobicity values using the python package sm.nonparametric.lowess. Residuals between annotated peptide identifications to the lowess fit and residuals between nuORF peptide identifications to the lowess fit were computed and compared with rank sum test in python using scipy.stats.ranksums.
Fig. 2g:
The lengths of detected Canonical ORFs were compared to the lengths of the detected ORFs in each of the shown categories using a t-test with unequal variance in python using scipy.stats.ttest_ind.
Fig. 3d, Supplementary Fig. 8g:
The cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) for length or translation level (TPM) of annotated ORFs or nuORFs detected in the MHC-I immunopeptidome or in the whole proteome, compared with a KS test using the python scipy.stats.kstest.
Fig. 4g:
Given the variable number of known and B721 matched HLA alleles in cancer patients, we simulated the % overlap with variable numbers of alleles matching. All overlaps were measured between 6 B721 alleles randomly sampled from the measured 92 alleles, with a fixed number of type matched alleles. These simulations were calculated for both annotated and nuORF peptides. We then calculated a linear regression between the number of matched alleles and the median % overlap for each cancer sample for both annotated and nuORF.
Fig. 5e:
Using netMHCpan v4.0, we predicted the rate of strong binders (predicted binding <500 nM) for all high confidence SNVs that also showed strong Ribo-seq support, with at least 9 Ribo-seq reads and 15% of all reads supporting the SNV. We compared the strong binder rate for annotated- and nuORF-derived mutations using a t-test and calculated confidence intervals using linear regression.
Fig. 6d:
For each nuORF identified as being cancer type specific using ribosome profiling data and low GTEx expression, we compared the expression in TCGA for the associated cancer type to other cancer types and to GTEx, with a rank sum test in python scipy.stats.ranksums. Higher expression in respective TCGA samples was indicated on the far right of 5D and the percent of predicted nuORFs significantly upregulated is shown in 6E.
Fig 3b, Supplementary Fig. 8c,f:
We tested for enrichment or depletion of nuORF types in Whole Proteome or cancer samples by generating a % detected distribution for each nuORF type by randomly sampling 1 to 6 B721 alleles from the 92 measured, and reporting the % of nuORFs of each type. We then calculated the p-value for enrichment or depletion as the ratio of the simulated distribution greater than or less than the observed, respectively. To test for overall enrichment or depletion in cancers, we used a t-test to compare the observed p-values to a normal distribution.
Data Availability Statement
Sequencing data
The raw Ribo-seq data (fastq.gz), offset-corrected BAM files used for translated ORF identification by RibORF and BigWig file generation, BigWig files for Ribo-seq data visualization in genome browsers, and Ribo-seq translation levels (TPM) are deposited to NCBI GEO (GSE143263) for established cell lines (B721.221, A375 and HCT116), and for primary melanocytes (Thermo C0025C). GTEx, TCGA, CLL and healthy B cell samples RNA-seq transcription quantification of transcript isoforms is deposited to NCBI GEO: GSE143263. Ribo-seq translation levels (TPM) of primary GBM and melanoma samples are deposited to NCBI GEO: GSE143263. Raw data pertaining to primary patient samples is deposited to dbGaP: CLL1–5 Ribo-seq and CLL4, CLL5 RNA-seq data are available through dbGaP phs001998; Ribo-seq data for MEL2, MEL11 and GBM7 and matching RNA-seq data for MEL11 are available through dbGaP phs001451.
B721.221 RNA-seq data for HLA-C (C*04:01, C*07:01) is deposited under GEO: GSE131267. Melanoma RNA-seq data are deposited in dbGaP (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/gap/cgi-bin/study.cgi?study_id=phs001451.v1.p13). Glioblastoma bulk RNA-seq data are available through dbGaP (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gap) with accession number phs001519.v1.p14.
Mass spectrometry data
The original mass spectra for immunopeptidomes of 2 melanoma patient-derived cell lines and the full proteome of a glioblastoma patient-derived cell line, tables of peptide spectrum matches for all experiments, and the protein sequence databases used for searches have been deposited in the public proteomics repository MassIVE (https://massive.ucsd.edu) and are accessible at ftp://massive.ucsd.edu/MSV000084787. Original mass spectrometry data for the previously published mono-allelic immunopeptidomes, B721.221 cell line full proteome, and patient-derived cell line immunopeptidomes are accessible at ftp://massive.ucsd.edu/MSV000080527, ftp://massive.ucsd.edu/MSV000084172, and ftp://massive.ucsd.edu/MSV000084442.
Code Availability Statement
Python scripts and Jupyter notebooks used in the analysis are available on GitHub: https://github.com/klarman-cell-observatory/Riboseq-nuORFs.
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
We thank Kirk Gosik and Rebecca Herbst for their help with the statistical analysis. We thank Doris Fu for her help with the NMDS analysis. We thank Eran Hodis and John Kwon for providing cultured primary melanocytes. We thank Keith L. Ligon for providing the GBM cell line. We thank Leslie Gaffney for help with figure preparation. Work was supported by the Klarman Cell Observatory and HHMI (A.R.), NIH grants NCI-1R01CA155010-02 (to C.J.W.), NHLBI-5R01HL103532-03 (to C.J.W.), NIH/NCI R21 CA216772-01A1 (to D.B.K.), NCI-SPORE-2P50CA101942-11A1 (to D.B.K), NHGRI T32HG002295 and NIH/NCI T32CA207021 (to S.S.), NCI R50CA211482 (to S.A.S.), NHGRI U41HG007234 and R01 HG004037 (to I.J.), NCI Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium grants NIH/NCI U24-CA210986 and NIH/NCI U01 CA214125 (to S.A.C.) and NIH/NCI U24CA210979 (to D.R. Mani and Gad Getz). This work was supported in part by The G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers Foundation and the Bridge Project, a partnership between the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT and the Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center. C.J.W. is a scholar of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and is supported in part by the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy. S.K. is a Cancer Research Institute/Hearst Foundation fellow. T.O. is a Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Fellow. B.A.K. is supported by a long-term EMBO fellowship (ALTF 14-2018). P.B. is supported by an Amy Strelzer Manasevit Grant and an American Society of Hematology Scholar Award. G.O. is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship sponsored by the American-Italian Cancer Foundation.
Competing interests
A.R. is a founder and equity holder of Celsius Therapeutics, an equity holder in Immunitas Therapeutics and until August 31, 2020 was an SAB member of Syros Pharmaceuticals, Neogene Therapeutics, Asimov and ThermoFisher Scientific. From August 1, 2020, A.R. is an employee of Genentech. C.J.W and N.H. were co-founders, equity holders, and SAB members of Neon Therapeutics, Inc until May 2020, and now are equity holders of BionTech, Inc. D.B.K. has previously advised Neon Therapeutics, and has received consulting fees from Guidepoint, Neon Therapeutics, System analytic Ltd and The Science Advisory Board. T.O. owns equity in BioNTech, Moderna, Gilead, Novartis, Roche, 10x Genomics and Illumina. From August 3, 2020, T.O. is an employee of Flagship Labs 69. D.B.K. owns equity in Aduro Biotech, Agenus Inc., Armata pharmaceuticals, Breakbio Corp., Biomarin Pharmaceutical Inc., Bristol Myers Squibb Com., Celldex Therapeutics Inc., Editas Medicine Inc., Exelixis Inc., Gilead Sciences Inc., IMV Inc., Lexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc., and Stemline Therapeutics Inc. P.B. owns equity in Amgen Inc, Breakbio Corp., and Stemline Therapeutics Inc. S.A.S. has previously advised Neon Therapeutics and has received consulting fees from Neon Therapeutics. S.A.S. owns equity in Agenus Inc., Agios Pharmaceuticals, 152 Therapeutics, Breakbio Corp., Bristol-Myers Squibb and NewLink Genetics. S.A.C. is a SAB member of Kymera, PTM BioLabs and Seer and a scientific advisor to Pfizer and Biogen. T.O., T.L., K.R.C., S.K., N.H., D.B.K., S.A.C., C.J.W., and A.R. are co-inventors on PCT/US2019/066104 directed to neoantigens and methods for identifying neoantigens as described in this manuscript.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
Sequencing data
The raw Ribo-seq data (fastq.gz), offset-corrected BAM files used for translated ORF identification by RibORF and BigWig file generation, BigWig files for Ribo-seq data visualization in genome browsers, and Ribo-seq translation levels (TPM) are deposited to NCBI GEO (GSE143263) for established cell lines (B721.221, A375 and HCT116), and for primary melanocytes (Thermo C0025C). GTEx, TCGA, CLL and healthy B cell samples RNA-seq transcription quantification of transcript isoforms is deposited to NCBI GEO: GSE143263. Ribo-seq translation levels (TPM) of primary GBM and melanoma samples are deposited to NCBI GEO: GSE143263. Raw data pertaining to primary patient samples is deposited to dbGaP: CLL1–5 Ribo-seq and CLL4, CLL5 RNA-seq data are available through dbGaP phs001998; Ribo-seq data for MEL2, MEL11 and GBM7 and matching RNA-seq data for MEL11 are available through dbGaP phs001451.
B721.221 RNA-seq data for HLA-C (C*04:01, C*07:01) is deposited under GEO: GSE131267. Melanoma RNA-seq data are deposited in dbGaP (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/gap/cgi-bin/study.cgi?study_id=phs001451.v1.p13). Glioblastoma bulk RNA-seq data are available through dbGaP (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gap) with accession number phs001519.v1.p14.
Mass spectrometry data
The original mass spectra for immunopeptidomes of 2 melanoma patient-derived cell lines and the full proteome of a glioblastoma patient-derived cell line, tables of peptide spectrum matches for all experiments, and the protein sequence databases used for searches have been deposited in the public proteomics repository MassIVE (https://massive.ucsd.edu) and are accessible at ftp://massive.ucsd.edu/MSV000084787. Original mass spectrometry data for the previously published mono-allelic immunopeptidomes, B721.221 cell line full proteome, and patient-derived cell line immunopeptidomes are accessible at ftp://massive.ucsd.edu/MSV000080527, ftp://massive.ucsd.edu/MSV000084172, and ftp://massive.ucsd.edu/MSV000084442.