Figure 3.
Risk and PAR of ulcerative colitis according to baseline modifiable risk score for (a) pooled NHS/NHSII/HPFS cohort, (b) pooled SCM/CoSM cohort, and (c) EPIC cohort. aNSAID data missing from external cohorts, thus maximum MRS = 5. UC-MRS adapted such that “low-risk” criterion for smoking defined as never-smoking only. Given the low incidence of UC-MRS 0–1, reference level set to 0–2. bCox models adjusted for baseline age (years) and cohort. cPAR for 3+ risk factors compared to reference, adjusted for age (<40, 40 ≤ age <60, ≥ 60 years) and cohort. CI Confidence Interval. CoSM Cohort of Swedish Men. EPIC European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. HPFS Health Professional’s Follow-up Study. aHR Multivariable-adjusted Hazard Ratio. MRS Modifiable Risk Score. NHS Nurses’ Health Study. PAR Population Attributable Risk. SMC Swedish Mammography Cohort. UC Ulcerative colitis.