Mutational analysis of domain 3/PKI. The influence of disruptive or compensatory substitutions in domain 3 of (A–G,N) the NediV IRES and (H–M,O) the APLV1 IRES on binding of ribosomes, assayed by toeprinting. Separation of lanes by white lines indicates that they were juxtaposed from the same gel. Positions of 80S:IRES complexes are indicated on the right. Summary of the effects of substitutions in (N) NediV and (O) APLV1 IRESs. Models of these IRESs are annotated to show mutations that (a) have no effect, (b) cause loss of function that is compensated by second-site mutations, and (c) impair function or lead to loss of function that is not compensated by second-site mutations, as indicated in the inset key.