Extended Data Fig. 2. Nevus melanocytes but not normal melanocytes are sufficient to activate hair growth.
a, Compared to skin from control mice, skin from P69 Tyr-CreERT2;BrafV600E mice induced with tamoxifen at P21-25, contained clusters of Trp2+/p15+/Ki67neg melanocytes in upper dermis next to bulge regions of HFs. b, c, Compared to skin from control mice, skin from P69 Tyr-CreERT2;BrafV600E mice induced at P21-25, contained significantly more TRP2+/Ki67neg melanocytes (b) and TRP2+/γH2AX+ melanocytes (c). Left – representative cytometry plots, right – quantification. In b, n = 3; P = 0.00239. In c, n = 3; P = 0.00675. d, Compared to skin from control mice (left), skin from Tyr-NrasQ61K mice (center) and Tyr-CreERT2;BrafV600E mice (right) contained clusters of Trp2+/p16+/Ki67neg melanocytes in upper dermis next to bulge regions of HFs. In b, c, n = independent experiments. P values are calculated using unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test. **P ≤ 0.01. Scale bars, d – 50 μm; a – 100 μm.