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. 2023 May 30;11:783. Originally published 2022 Jul 12. [Version 2] doi: 10.12688/f1000research.123002.2

Table 2. Results for the simulation study.

Percentages of simulated trials that were not flagged or were flagged as under- or over-dispersed using a > 0.95 probability threshold, and a test of uniformity for the p-value distribution using a < 0.05 threshold.

Simulation type Uniform test rejected (%), continuous and binary statistics Uniform test rejected, continuous statistics only (%), not testable (%) As expected/Under-dispersed/Over-dispersed (%)
Simulated data that are not under- or over-dispersed
Correlated continuous, low 5.0 5.0, 0 99.0/1.0/0
Large binary 5.6 NA, 100 99.6/0.4/0
Continuous, minimal rounding 6.0 6.0, 0 100/0/0
Correlated continuous, high 6.4 6.4, 0 89.0/5.6/5.4
50:50 binary:continuous 18.6 7.6, 16.2 99.8/0/0.2
Rounded 21.2 43.0, 16.2 97.0/0/3.0
Three groups 23.0 20.0, 1.0 98.4/0/1.6
Correlated categorical 27.4 NA, 100 97.4/2.0/0.6
Small binary 31.6 NA, 100 98.4/1.6/0
Skewed 43.8 43.8, 0 98.8/1.0/0.2
Simulated data that are under- or over-dispersed
Over-dispersed 74.6 91.2, 13.2 13.6/2.0/84.4
Under-dispersed 95.0 100, 16.2 84.0/16.0/0