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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2023 Jun 22.
Published in final edited form as: Proc Conf Assoc Comput Linguist Meet. 2019 Jul;2019:2786–2791. doi: 10.18653/v1/p19-1267

We need to talk about standard splits

Kyle Gorman 1, Steven Bedrick 2
PMCID: PMC10287171  NIHMSID: NIHMS1908534  PMID: 37351085


It is standard practice in speech & language technology to rank systems according to performance on a test set held out for evaluation. However, few researchers apply statistical tests to determine whether differences in performance are likely to arise by chance, and few examine the stability of system ranking across multiple training-testing splits. We conduct replication and reproduction experiments with nine part-of-speech taggers published between 2000 and 2018, each of which reports state-of-the-art performance on a widely-used “standard split”. We fail to reliably reproduce some rankings using randomly generated splits. We suggest that randomly generated splits should be used in system comparison.

1. Introduction

Evaluation with a held-out test set is one of the few methodological practices shared across nearly all areas of speech and language processing. In this study we argue that one common instantiation of this procedure—evaluation with a standard split— is insufficient for system comparison, and propose an alternative based on multiple random splits.

Standard split evaluation can be formalized as follows. Let G be a set of ground truth data, partitioned into a training set Gtrain, a development set Gdev and a test (evaluation) set Gtest. Let S be a system with arbitrary parameters and hyperparameters, and let ℳ be an evaluation metric. Without loss of generality, we assume that ℳ is a function with domain G × S and that higher values of ℳ indicate better performance. Furthermore, we assume a supervised training scenario in which the free parameters of S are set so as to maximize ℳ(Gtrain; S), optionally tuning hyperparameters so as to maximize ℳ(Gdev; S). Then, if S1 and S2 are competing systems so trained, we prefer S1 to S2 if and only if ℳ(Gtest; S1) >ℳ(Gtest; S2).

1.1. Hypothesis testing for system comparison

One major concern with this procedure is that it treats ℳ (Gtest, S1) and ℳ (Gtest, S2) as exact quantities when they are better seen as estimates of random variables corresponding to true system performance. In fact many widely used evaluation metrics, including accuracy and F-score, have known statistical distributions, allowing hypothesis testing to be used for system comparison.

For instance, consider the comparison of two systems S1 and S2 trained and tuned to maximize accuracy. The difference in test accuracy, δ^=(Gtest,S1)(Gtest,S2) can be thought of as estimate of some latent variable δ representing the true difference in system performance. While the distribution of δ^ is not obvious, the probability that there is no population-level difference in system performance (i.e., δ = 0) can be computed indirectly using McNemar’s test (Gillick and Cox, 1989). Let n1>2 be the number of samples in Gtest which S1 correctly classifies but S2 misclassifies, and n2>1 be the number of samples which S1 misclassifies but S2 correctly classifies. When δ = 0, roughly half of the disagreements should favor S1 and the other half should favor S2. Thus, under the null hypothesis, n1>2 ~ Bin(n,.5) where n = n1>2 + n2>1. And, the (one-sided) probability of the null hypothesis is the probability of sampling n1>2 from this distribution. Similar methods can be used for other evaluation metrics, or a reference distribution can be estimated with bootstrap resampling (Efron, 1981).

Despite this, few recent studies make use of statistical system comparison. Dror et al. (2018) survey statistical practices in all long papers presented at the 2017 meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), and all articles published in the 2017 volume of the Transactions of the ACL. They find that the majority of these works do not use appropriate statistical tests for system comparison, and many others do not report which test(s) were used. We hypothesize that the lack of hypothesis testing for system comparison may lead to type I error, the error of rejecting a true null hypothesis. As it is rarely possible to perform the necessary hypothesis tests from published results, we evaluate this risk using a replication experiment.

1.2. Standard vs. random splits

Furthermore, we hypothesize that standard split methodology may be insufficient for system evaluation. While evaluations based on standard splits are an entrenched practice in many areas of natural language processing, the static nature of standard splits may lead researchers to unconsciously “overfit” to the vagaries of the training and test sets, producing poor generalization. This tendency may also be amplified by publication bias in the sense of Scargle (2000). The field has chosen to define “state of the art” performance as “the best performance on a standard split”, and few experiments which do not report improvements on a standard split are ultimately published. This effect is likely to be particularly pronounced on highly-saturated tasks for which system performance is near ceiling, as this increases the prior probability of the null hypothesis (i.e., of no difference). We evaluate this risk using a series of reproductions.

1.3. Replication and reproduction

In this study we perform a replication and a series of reproductions. These techniques were until recently quite rare in this field, despite the inherently repeatable nature of most natural language processing experiments. Researchers attempting replications or reproductions have reported problems with availability of data (Mieskes, 2017; Wieling et al., 2018) and software (Pedersen, 2008), and various details of implementation (Fokkens et al., 2013; Reimers and Gurevych, 2017; Schluter and Varab, 2018). While we cannot completely avoid these pitfalls, we select a task—English part-of-speech tagging—for which both data and software are abundantly available. This task has two other important affordances for our purposes. First, it is face-valid, both in the sense that the equivalence classes defined by POS tags reflect genuine linguistic insights and that standard evaluation metrics such as token and sentence accuracy directly measure the underlying construct. Secondly, POS tagging is useful both in zero-shot settings (e.g., Elkahky et al., 2018; Trask et al., 2015) and as a source of features for many downstream tasks, and in both settings, tagging errors are likely to propagate. We release the underlying software under a permissive license.1

2. Materials & Methods

2.1. Data

The Wall St. Journal (WSJ) portion of Penn Treebank-3 (LDC99T42; Marcus et al., 1993) is commonly used to evaluate English part-of-speech taggers. In experiment 1, we also use a portion of OntoNotes 5 (LDC2013T19; Weischedel et al., 2011), a substantial subset of the Penn Treebank WSJ data re-annotated for quality assurance.

2.2. Models

We attempted to choose a set of taggers claiming state-of-the-art performance at time of publication. We first identified candidate taggers using the “State of the Art” page for part-of-speech tagging on the ACL Wiki.2 We then selected nine taggers for which all needed software and external data was available at time of writing. These taggers are described in more detail below.

2.3. Metrics

Our primarily evaluation metric is token accuracy, the percentage of tokens which are correctly tagged with respect to the gold data. We compute 95% Wilson (1927) score confidence intervals for accuracies, and use the two-sided mid-p variant (Fagerland et al., 2013) of McNemar’s test for system comparison. We also report out-of-vocabulary (OOV) accuracy—that is, token accuracy limited to tokens not present in the training data—and sentence accuracy, the percentage of sentences for which there are no tagging errors.

3. Results

Table 1 reports statistics for the standard split. The OntoNotes sample is slightly smaller as it omits sentences on financial news, most of which is highly redundant and idiosyncratic. However, the entire OntoNotes sample was tagged by a single experienced annotator, eliminating any annotator-specific biases in the Penn Treebank (e.g., Ratnaparkhi, 1997, 137f.).

Table 1:

Summary statistics for the standard split.

# Sentences # Tokens
Penn Treebank
Train. 38,219 912,344
Dev. 5,527 131,768
Test. 5,462 129,654
Train. 28,905 703,955
Dev. 4,051 99,441
Test 4,059 98,277

3.1. Models

Three models—SVMTool (Giménez and Màrquez, 2004), MElt (Denis and Sagot, 2009), and Morče/COMPOST (Spoustová et al., 2009)— produced substantial compilation or runtime errors. However, we were able to perform replication with the remaining six models:

  • TnT (Brants, 2000): a second-order (i.e., trigram) hidden Markov model with a suffix-based heuristic for unknown words, decoded with beam search

  • Collins (2002) tagger: a linear model, features from Ratnaparkhi (1997), perceptron training with weight averaging, decoded with the Viterbi algorithm3

  • LAPOS (Tsuruoka et al., 2011): a linear model, features from Tsuruoka et al. (2009) plus first-order lookahead, perceptron training with weight averaging, decoded locally

  • Stanford tagger (Manning, 2011): a log-linear bidirectional cyclic dependency network, features from Toutanova et al. (2003) plus distributional similarity features, optimized with OWL-QN, decoded with the Viterbi algorithm

  • NLP4J (Choi, 2016): a linear model, dynamically induced features, a hinge loss objective optimized with AdaGrad, decoded locally

  • Flair (Akbik et al., 2018): a bidirectional long short-term memory (LSTM) conditional random fields (CRF) model, contextual string embedding features, a cross-entropy objective optimized with stochastic gradient descent, decoded globally

3.2. Experiment 1: Replication

In experiment 1, we adopt the standard split established by Collins (2002): sections 00–18 are used for training, sections 19–21 for development, and sections 22–24 for testing, roughly a 80%−10%−10% split. We train and evaluate the six remaining taggers using this standard split. For each tagger, we train on the training set and evaluate on the test set. For taggers which support it, we also perform automated hyperparameter tuning on the development set. Results are shown in Table 2. We obtain exact replications for TnT and LAPOS, and for the remaining four taggers, our results are quite close to previously reported numbers. Token accuracy, OOV accuracy, and sentence accuracy give the same ranking, one consistent with published results. For Penn Treebank, McNemar’s test on token accuracy is significant for all pairwise comparisons at α = .05; for OntoNotes, one comparison is non-significant: LAPOS vs. Stanford (p = .1366).

Table 2:

Previously reported, and replicated, accuracies for the standard split of the WSJ portion of Penn Treebank; we also provide token accuracies for a reproduction with the WSJ portion of OntoNotes.

Penn Treebank OntoNotes
Token OOV Sentence Token
Reported Replicated (95% CIs) Replicated Replicated Reproduced
TnT .9646 .9646 (.9636, .9656) .8591 .4771 .9622
Collins .9711 .9714 (.9704, .9723) .8789 .5441 .9679
LAPOS .9722 .9722 (.9713, .9731) .8874 .5602 .9709
Stanford .9732 .9735 (.9726, .9744) .9060 .5710 .9714
NLP4J .9764 .9742 (.9733, .9750) .9148 .5756 .9742
Flair .9785 .9774 (.9765, .9782) .9287 .6111 .9790

3.3. Experiment 2: Reproduction

We now repeat these analyses across twenty randomly generated 80%–10%–10% splits. After Dror et al. (2017), we use the Bonferroni procedure to control familywise error rate, the probability of falsely rejecting at least one true null hypothesis. This is appropriate insofar as each individual trial (i.e, evaluation on a random split) has a non-trivial statistical dependence on other trials. Table 3 reports the number of random splits, out of twenty, where the McNemar test p-value is significant after the correction for familywise error rate. This provides a coarse estimate of how often the second system would be likely to significantly outperform the first system given a random partition of similar size. Most of these pairwise comparisons are stable across random trials. However, for example, Stanford tagger is not a significant improvement over LAPOS for nearly all random trials, and in some random trials—two for Penn Treebank, fourteen for OntoNotes—it is in fact worse. Recall also that the Stanford tagger was also not significantly better than LAPOS for OntoNotes in experiment 1.

Table 3:

The number of random trials (out of twenty) for which the second system has significantly higher token accuracy than the first after Bonferroni correction. PTB, Penn Treebank; ON, OntoNotes.

TnT vs. Collins 20 20
Collins vs. LAPOS 20 7
LAPOS vs. Stanford 1 0
Stanford vs. NLP4J 19 20
NLP4J vs. Flair 20 20

Figure 1 shows token accuracies across the two experiments. The last row of the figure gives results for an oracle ensemble which correctly predicts the tag just in case any of the six taggers predicts the correct tag.

Figure 1:

Figure 1:

A visualization of Penn Treebank token accuracies in the two experiments. The whiskers shows accuracy and 95% confidence intervals in experiment 1, and shaded region represents the range of accuracies in experiment 2.

3.4. Error analysis

From experiment 1, we estimate that the last two decades of POS tagging research has produced a 1.28% absolute reduction in token errors. At the same time, the best tagger is 1.16% below the oracle ensemble. Thus we were interested in disagreements between taggers. We investigate this by treating each of the six taggers as separate coders in a collaborative annotation task. We compute per-sentence inter-annotator agreement using Krippendorff’s α (Artstein and Poesio, 2008), then manually inspect sentences with the lowest α values, i.e., with the highest rate of disagreement. By far the most common source of disagreement are “headline”-like sentences such as Foreign Bonds. While these sentences are usually quite short, high disagreement is also found for some longer headlines, as in the example sentence in table 4; the effect seems to be due more to capitalization than sentence length. Several taggers lean heavily on capitalization cues to identify proper nouns, and thus capitalized tokens in headline sentences are frequently misclassified as proper nouns and vice versa, as are sentence-initial capitalized nouns in general. Most other sentences with low α have local syntactic ambiguities. For example, the word lining, acting as a common noun (NN) in the context …a silver ——for the…, is mislabeled as a gerund (VBG) by two of six taggers.

Table 4:

Example error analysis for a Penn Treebank sentence; α = .521.

Chicken Chains Ruffled By Loss of Customers

4. Discussion

We draw attention to two distinctions between the replication and reproduction experiments. First, we find that a system judged to be significantly better than another on the basis of performance on the standard split, does not in outperform that system on re-annotated data or randomly generated splits, suggesting that it is “overfit to the standard split” and does not represent a genuine improvement in performance. Secondly, as can be seen in figure 1, overall performance is slightly higher on the random splits. We posit this to be an effect of randomization at the sentence-level. For example, in the standard split the word asbestos occurs fifteen times in a single training set document, but just once in the test set. Such discrepancies are far less likely to arise in random splits.

Diversity of languages, data, and tasks are all highly desirable goals for natural language processing. However, nothing about this demonstration depends on any particularities of the English language, the WSJ data, or the POS tagging task. English is a somewhat challenging language for POS tagging because of its relatively impoverished inflectional morphology and pervasive noun-verb ambiguity (Elkahky et al., 2018). It would not do to use these six taggers for other languages as they are designed for English text and in some cases depend on English-only external resources for feature generation. However, random split experiments could, for instance, be performed for the subtasks of the CoNLL-2018 shared task on multilingual parsing (Zeman et al., 2018).

We finally note that repeatedly training the Flair tagger in experiment 2 required substantial grid computing resources and may not be feasible for many researchers at the present time.

5. Conclusions

We demonstrate that standard practices in system comparison, and in particular, the use of a single standard split, may result in avoidable Type I error. We suggest that practitioners who wish to firmly establish that a new system is truly state-of the-art augment their evaluations with Bonferroni-corrected random split hypothesis testing.

It is said that statistical praxis is of greatest import in those areas of science least informed by theory. While linguistic theory and statistical learning theory both have much to contribute to part-of-speech tagging, we still lack a theory of the tagging task rich enough to guide hypothesis formation. In the meantime, we must depend on system comparison, backed by statistical best practices and error analysis, to make forward progress on this task.


We thank Mitch Marcus for valuable discussion of the Wall St. Journal data.

Steven Bedrick was supported by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders of the National Institutes of Health under award number R01DC015999. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.


Contributor Information

Kyle Gorman, City University of New York.

Steven Bedrick, Oregon Health & Science University.


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