Engineering Correction for “Merged magnetic resonance and light sheet microscopy of the whole mouse brain,” by G. Allan Johnson, Yuqi Tian, David G. Ashbrook, Gary P. Cofer, James J. Cook, James C. Gee, Adam Hall, Kathryn Hornburg, Yi Qi, Fang-Cheng Yeh, Nian Wang, Leonard E. White, and Robert W. Williams, which published April 17, 2023; 10.1073/pnas.2218617120 (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 120, e2218617120).
The authors note that Catherine C. Kaczorowski should be added to the author list between Kathryn J. Hornburg and Yi Qi. Catherine C. Kaczorowski should be credited with designing research; contributing new reagents/analytic tools; and analyzing data. The corrected author line, affiliation line, and author contributions appear below. The online version has been corrected.
G. Allan Johnsona,1, Yuqi Tiana, David G. Ashbrookb, Gary P. Cofera, James J. Cooka, James C. Geec, Adam Halld, Kathryn Hornburga, Catherine C. Kaczorowskie, Yi Qia, Fang-Cheng Yehf, Nian Wangg, Leonard E. Whiteh, and Robert W. Williamsb
Author affiliations: aCenter for In Vivo Microscopy, Duke University, Durham, NC 27710; bDepartment of Genetics, Genomics and Informatics, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN 38162; cDepartment of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104; dLifeCanvas Technology, Cambridge, MA 02141; eDepartment of Neurology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48105; fDepartment of Neurologic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260; gDepartment of Radiology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47401; and hDepartment of Neurology, Duke University, Durham, NC 27710
Author contributions: G.A.J. and C.C.K. designed research; G.A.J., G.P.C., K.H., N.W., and R.W.W. performed research; G.A.J., D.G.A., J.J.C., J.C.G., A.H., C.C.K., F.-C.Y., and N.W. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; G.A.J., Y.T., C.C.K., Y.Q., and L.E.W. analyzed data; Y.Q. maintained database; and G.A.J., L.E.W., and R.W.W. wrote the paper.