a, Representative immunohistochemical staining of GABA,
with DAPI counter-stain in Smarce1-MD (R42A) and
Smarce1-MD cultures at day six after neural induction.
Scale bar: 50 μm. b, Statistical analysis of the data in
(a). c, d, Differential gene
expression profiles in Smarce1-MD (R42A) and
Smarce1-MD cultures at day six after neural induction.
(c) Representative browser track showing
Gabra2 and Gabrg2 expression.
(d) Representative example of GSEA enrichment plot of genes in
synaptic signaling pathway. (nominal P= 0, nonparametric
permutation test). NES, normalized enrichment score. e,
Representative browser track for SMARCE1 binding at the Bmp4
locus in control Smarce1-MD (R42A) and
Smarce1-MD mouse ES cells at 90 min after mitotic release.
f, g, Representative browser tracks for SOX2
binding and nascent transcripts at Sox2 (f) and
Bmp4 (g) loci in Smarce1-MD
(R42A) and Smarce1-MD mouse ES cells at 90 min after mitotic
release. Data are representative of two biological replicates for each clone
(Smarce1-MD (R42A) #A04 and #A10,
Smarce1-MD#09 and #30) (a, c,
e, f, g); or compiled from two
independent experiments each assessing two clones of each genotype
(b, d) and test is performed in DESeq2 Wald test
(f, g). Data are shown as mean± s.e.m.,
n=12 images pooled from two independent experiments / each sample; significance
is calculated using two- tailed unpaired Student’s
t-Test (*** p= 3.85e−8) (b).