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. 2023 Jun 29;13:10540. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-37434-0

Stabilizer codes for open quantum systems

Francisco Revson F Pereira 1,2,4, Stefano Mancini 1,2,, Giuliano G La Guardia 3
PMCID: PMC10310859  PMID: 37386073


The Lindblad master equation describes the evolution of a large variety of open quantum systems. An important property of some open quantum systems is the existence of decoherence-free subspaces. A quantum state from a decoherence-free subspace will evolve unitarily. However, there is no procedural and optimal method for constructing a decoherence-free subspace. In this paper, we develop tools for constructing decoherence-free stabilizer codes for open quantum systems governed by the Lindblad master equation. This is done by pursuing an extension of the stabilizer formalism beyond the celebrated group structure of Pauli error operators. We then show how to utilize decoherence-free stabilizer codes in quantum metrology in order to attain the Heisenberg limit scaling with low computational complexity.

Subject terms: Mathematics and computing, Physics


The second quantum revolution emerges from the possibility of designing and controlling quantum systems. The complexity of controlling quantum systems can be reduced by decreasing the noise due to system-environment interaction. This can be achieved by resorting to quantum error-correcting codes. Among them are the stabilizer codes1. Several works have extended the original construction method in order to incorporate Hilbert spaces and quantum systems with different structures210.

Stabilizer codes are often designed for a specific quantum channel, or anyway, their performance varies from channel to channel11. Having a dynamical evolution means dealing with time-varying Kraus operators, or equivalently, with time-varying quantum channels. Hence, in such a case, it might not be satisfactory to resort to the standard stabilizer code construction. In this paper, we consider an open quantum system described by the Lindblad master equation. This class of equations is the most general form for the generator of a quantum dynamical semigroup. We construct stabilizer codes able to eliminate the dissipator part of the Lindblad master equation, thus turning the evolution into unitary. As we show, this is possible since the stabilizer code corresponds to a decoherence-free subspace. A state from a decoherence-free subspace will evolve unitarily; i.e., the dissipator part of the Lindblad master equation will not contribute to the evolution of the state12. Although the stabilizer code constructed is a subspace of the corresponding decoherence-free subspace, an important advancement is made here. Applying the stabilizer code construction, we can derive a procedural and optimal method, in terms of computational complexity, for constructing the decoherence-free subspace that corresponds to the stabilizer code.

In doing so, we will also extend the stabilizer formalism to encompass the sum of error operators, besides their traditional composition. In other words, we will extend the formalism beyond the group structure of the error set, by considering a vector space structure for it. As a consequence, the standard dual structure of stabilizer codes610,1316 will no longer be that of linear block codes in the general case, and the corresponding classical codes will be regarded as additive groups rather than vector spaces.

This paper is organized as follows. We initially present some concepts used to elaborate the results in this paper. A connection between stabilizer codes and decoherence-free subspaces is made. Next, we demonstrate the applicability of the stabilizer codes in the area of quantum metrology. A condition for probing a quantum system using stabilizer codes in order to obtain the Heisenberg limit scaling is stated and analyzed. Lastly, we suggest future lines of investigation from a coding theory perspective.


In this paper we deal with open quantum systems evolving by means of the Lindblad master equation. In order to address noise models that are not commonly considered in the literature of quantum error correction, we need to extended some concepts. Let the dynamics of the system’s density operator ρ be given by17

ρt=-i[HS,ρ]+LD(ρ), 1

where LD(ρ)=12l=1Mλl([Jl,ρJl]+[Jlρ,Jl]) is the decoherence evolution originated from the system-reservoir coupling, with M(2N)2-1 where N is the number of qubits forming the system S (whose dimension is 2N) and {Jl}l=1M are the Lindblad operators. We call this part of the evolution throughout the paper as the dissipator part. A decoherence-free subspace (DFS)12 HDFS of HS is such that all pure states ρ(t) belonging to the set of density operators D(HDFS) with support on HDFS satisfy

dTr{ρ2(t)}dt=0,t0,withTr{ρ2(0)}=1. 2

On the other hand, a subspace HsDFS is called strong decoherence-free subspace (sDFS) if for all pure ρ(t)D(HsDFS) one has LD(ρ(t))=0, and ρ2(t)=ρ(t),t. All conclusions drawn hereafter for decoherence-free subspace can be straightforwardly extended to strong decoherence-free subspace.

A stabilizer code Q is a subspace of a N-qubit system described by C2N stabilized by the elements of an abelian subgroup S of the error group GN over N qubits. The subgroup CGN(S) of GN, given by CGN(S)={EGN:EF=FEfor allFS}, is called the centralizer of S in GN. The center of GN, denoted by Z(GN), is the subgroup Z(GN)=CGN(GN). Let SGN be the stabilizer group of a stabilizer code Q of dimension greater than one. An error EGN is detectable by the stabilizer code Q if and only if E is an element of the set {sz:sSandzZ(GN)}, or E does not belong to the centralizer CGN(S)6.

A set E of operators on C2 is denoted a nice error basis if it attains three conditions: (a) it contains the identity operator, (b) it is closed under the composition of operators, (c) Tr{AB}=0 for distinct elements A,BE. In this paper, we consider the error basis E={I,σx,σy,σz}, where I is the identity operator and σi, for i=x,y,z, are the Pauli matrices. The inner product of two distinct elements AB in E is given by A,B=Tr{AB}. Clearly, E is a nice error basis. Let EN be the error basis constructed as N-fold tensor product of Pauli matrices described above. The error set, denoted by GN, is the vector space over C consisting of elements in EN.

Let {i}i=12 be a basis of C2, and consider the ijL(C2) (linear) operator over C2. The vectorization is a bijective linear map from L(C2) to C4 defined as18 vec(ij):=ij. Such a map can be extended to any operator space. Several properties can be derived for matrix vectorization. Two operations that we use are composition and commutation of operators. For the first, we can exploit the relation

vec(ABC)=(ACT)vec(B). 3

In particular, we have vec(AB)=(AI)vec(B). The commutator can be easily obtained from the above relation and by the linearity of the vectorization. In particular, we have

vec([A,B])=(AI-IAT)vec(B). 4


The error set in the standard stabilizer formalism is given by a set of operators whose elements obey the usual composition of operators. In this paper, operators can also be summed, thus leading to a vector space structure for the error set. Notice, however, that to formulate the stabilizer code construction in both approaches (the standard one and the one used in this paper) one only needs to utilize the composition of operators, besides the commutativity of its elements.

Suppose the evolution of a state ρ(t) is given by the Lindblad master equation with dissipator part described by operators from the set J={Jl:l=1,,M}. Assume that there exists a DFS HDFS=span{ψi}i=1,,K and that Jlψk=clψk, for all l=1,,M and k=1,,K. We can construct the following stabilizer set SDFS:=S1,,SM:Sl=cl-1Jl,forl=1,,M,whereJlJ. Suppose there exists a nontrivial maximal joint +1-eigenspace Q of the abelian group of SDFS. Then, define Hev=HS+i2l=1Mλl(clJl-clJl). If it belongs to CGN(SDFS), then Q is a stabilizer code and a decoherence-free subspace (see Subsection Stabilizer Codes and Decoherence-Free Subspaces of Methods). We call Q a decoherence-free stabilizer code.

The connection between decoherence-free subspaces and stabilizer codes is expanded in the following two subsections. Firstly, errors with a particular structure are considered. This structure simplifies the stabilizer formalism and the connection between stabilizers and classical codes. Afterwards, the restriction is relaxed and generalized errors are considered.

Decoherence-free stabilizer codes for tensor-product noise

Let N be a positive integer, and E1,E2 be two errors written as

E1=j=1N(a0jIj+a1jσxj+a2jσyj+a3jσzj), 5
E2=j=1N(b0jIj+b1jσxj+b2jσyj+b3jσzj). 6

Let G~NGN be the set containing elements of the form E1,E2 above. Then we define the map

ζ:G~NC4N,j=1N(a0jIj+a1jσxj+a2jσyj+a3jσzj)(a01,,a0N,a11,,a1N,a21,,a2N,a31,a3N) 7

by means of the operation

ζ(E1E2)=c01,,c0N,c11,,c1N,c21,,c2N,c31,,c3N, 8


c0j=a0jb0j+a1jb1j+a2jb2j+a3jb3j, 9a
c1j=(a1jb0j+a0jb1j)+i(a2jb3j-a3jb2j), 9b
c2j=(a2jb0j+a0jb2j)+i(a3jb1j-a1jb3j), 9c
c3j=(a3jb0j+a0jb3j)+i(a1jb2j-a2jb1j), 9d

for j=1,,N. On the other hand, let v1,v2C4N be two vectors given, respectively, by

v1=a01,,a0N,a11,,a1N,a21,,a2N,a31,,a3N, 10
v2=b01,,b0N,b11,,b1N,b21,,b2N,b31,,b3N. 11

Define the binary operation +ζ as

v1+ζv2:=c01,,c0N,c11,,c1N,c21,,c2N,c31,,c3N, 12

where c0j, c1j, c2j, and c3j, for j=1,,N, are given in Eqs. (9a-9d).

Let N be a positive integer and V={vC4N|v=(x0,x1,x2,x3)wherex0=(1,1,,1)CNandx1,x2,x3CN} be a group under +ζ. Then the maps

·,·ζ(1,j):C4N×C4NC(vA,vB)vA,vBζ(1,j)=(a2jb3j-a3jb2j), 13
·,·ζ(2,j):C4N×C4NC(vA,vB)vA,vBζ(2,j)=(a3jb1j-a1jb3j), 14
·,·ζ(3,j):C4N×C4NC(vA,vB)vA,vBζ(3,j)=(a1jb2j-a2jb1j), 15

are symplectic forms over V, where vA=(x0,a1,a2,a3), vB=(x0,b1,b2,b3), and j=1,,N (see Subsection Symplectic form and Additive Codes of Methods).

Now, we have the tools to define the symplectic dual of an +ζ-additive code. Let N be a positive integer and C={cC4N|c=(c0,c1,c2,c3),wherec0=(1,1,,1)CNandc1,c2,c3CN} be an +ζ-additive code. The symplectic dual of C is given by

Cζ:={cC4N:c,dζ(l,j)=0,for alldC,l=1,2,3,andj=1,,N}. 16

Similarly to previous works on stabilizer codes, we are going to derive a connection between stabilizer codes and classical error-correcting codes. This approach enables us to derive algebraic conditions for the construction and existence of decoherence-free stabilizer codes. We can use it to show nonexistence of decoherence-free stabilizer codes with some specific parameters.

Theorem 1

Let VSDFS=ζ(SDFS) be a basis of the +ζ-additive code of the form C={cC4N|c=(c0,c1,c2,c3)wherec0=(1,1,,1)CNandc1,c2,c3CN}. Then, a decoherence-free stabilizer code Q exists if there exists an +ζ-additive code C over C generated by VSDFS such that CCζ and ζ(Hev)Cζ.

For further explanation, see “Decoherence-Free Stabilizer Codes for Tensor-Product Noise” and “Symplectic form and Additive Codes of Methods” subsections.

As can be noticed in Theorem 1, one needs that CCζ for constructing stabilizer codes from classical error-correcting codes. Such an expression is required to guarantee that QCGN(Q)6.

Decoherence-free stabilizer codes for general noise

Let S be a stabilizer group with operators satisfying the structure of the standard stabilizer formalism. Assume that C is the additive group constructed using the standard stabilizer formalism and Cvec=vec(S), where the composition of operators in S corresponds to the respective operation of the additive group. Then CCvec (see subsection Decoherence-Free Stabilizer Codes for General Noise of Methods).

As explained in the previous subsection, we need to have a symplectic form in order to construct the additive code related to the stabilizer code and its centralizer. We can use Eq. (4) to construct the symplectic form used in this subsection. Let A,BL(C2N) be linear operators. We define the map

·,·vec:C2N×C2NC(vec(A),vec(B))vec(A),vec(B)vec=i=12N[(AI-IAT)vec(B)]i. 17

The above map turns out to be a symplectic form over C (see Subsection Symplectic form and Additive Codes of Methods).

Since ·,·vec gives a symplectic form, we can define the dual code of an additive code. Furthermore, we can extend the stabilizer formulation presented in the previous subsection to a larger set of errors. Let C be an +vec-additive code. The symplectic dual of C is given by

Cvec:={cC2N:c,dvec=0,for alldC}. 18

Theorem 2

Let VSDFS=vec(SDFS) be a basis of the +vec-additive code C. Then, a decoherence-free stabilizer code Q exists if there exists an +vec-additive code C over C generated by VSDFS such that CCvec and vec(Hev)Cvec.

Notice that Theorem 2 extends the result presented in Theorem 1 for general noise. For further explanation and discussions, see “Decoherence-Free Stabilizer Codes for General Noise” subsection.


Application to Parameter Estimation

Suppose we have a unitary evolution given by U=exp(-iHS), where HS=ηH is the system Hamiltonian, η is a parameter to be estimated, and H is the generator of U. One of the goals of quantum metrology is to reduce the error obtained in estimating η when compared to classical strategies. To attain this goal, we use N identical and independent probes, measure them in the channel output, and average the results. Such scheme has the estimation precision lower bounded by19,20

ΔηΔh12, 19

where ΔA is the standard deviation of the random variable A, and h=j=1NHj, Hj acting on the j-th probe, stands for the generator of the unitary evolution UN. It is shown in Ref.21 that there exists a probing state and a measurement strategy such that

Δη1N(λMax-λMin), 20

where λMax and λMin are, respectively, the maximum and minimum eigenvalues of h. This is accomplished with the use of general probe states, which may be entangled states, and local or joint measurements after the unitary evolution UN. When the standard deviation (20) scales like 1/N, we say that it attains the Heisenberg limit (HL) scaling.

A crucial assumption used in the above methodology to attain the HL is that evolution is unitary. For Markovian noise, one alternative approach is to use a quantum error-correcting code to achieve the HL under the assumption that the system Hamiltonian is not in the spanned space generated by the Lindblad operators2226. Refs22,23 show that lower bounds can be constructed from a simple algebraic condition involving solely the operators appearing in the quantum master equation. A preliminary protocol considering the requirements that quantum error-correcting codes must satisfy to achieve HL is also described in Ref.23. This proposal has been further extended for general adaptive multi-parameter estimation schemes in the presence of Markovian noise26. Lastly, Ref.25 gives a semidefinite program for finding optimal ancilla-free sensing codes.

The proposed protocol of this paper is described as follows. The first part is the construction of the stabilizer code from the open quantum system evolution. Let ρMax-Min be the equally weighted superposition of the eigenvectors relative to the maximum and minimum eigenvalues of i=1N1Si-1HS1SN-i. Next, we see if the stabilizer code contains the state ρMax-Min. If so, then we use it to probe the quantum system. As shown in the previous section, we are going to have a unitary evolution described by HS. Therefore, using the optimal measurement described in Ref.21 over the channel outputs, one obtains the HL scaling. We give a formal description of our protocol below.

The present idea differs from the literature on the use of quantum codes to attain the HL2224,26 in terms of computational complexity. Here, we do not need to implement a decoding process, which is the case of Refs2225. However, this decoder-free approach is not novel in the literature, e.g. Ref.26 proposes a semidefinite program design to identify the optimal quantum error-correcting protocol, without the necessity for a decoding algorithm, to achieve the best estimation precision in cases where the Heisenberg scaling is attainable. The quantum state will not change by the environmental noise since it belongs to the DFS. Therefore, there is no error to be detected or corrected. Removing the decoder from the picture, we have a reduced number of operations to be implemented and a faster probing strategy.

Consider a quantum system with evolution given by the Lindblad master equation with Lindblad operators {Jl}. Let S be a stabilizer set constructed from the Lindblad operators. Let ψmax and ψmin be eigenvectors of the system Hamiltonian HS with maximum and minimum eigenvalues, respectively. Then, Heisenberg limit scaling is achievable if

ψ(N)=12(ψmaxN+ψminN) 21

belongs to the stabilizer code for any N>N, where NN. This is a clear application of the formulation constructed in the previous section and the methodology of achieving the Heisenberg scaling from Ref.21. In fact, since ψ(N) belongs to the stabilizer code, then it also belongs to the DFS, hence its evolution is unitary and the technique of Ref.21 can be applied.

We use the above formulation in the example below to show the achievability of the HL scaling. The proposed protocol relies on ρMax-Min as a codeword of the DFS stabilizer code. The existence of a DFS stabilizer code is equivalent to the commutativity between the Lindblad operators and the system Hamiltonian. This is satisfied whenever we have environments acting locally on each subsystem. Therefore, we expect that the proposed protocol can be applied to most of the relevant physical systems.


Consider a quantum system with the dynamics governed by

ρt=-i[HS,ρ]+γ2(2JρJ-JJρ-ρJJ), 22


J=s+c2(II+σzσz), 23


HS=γ(s+c)24(σxσx), 24

with s=sinh(r), c=cosh(r), and r is the (real) squeezing parameter. The stabilizer set constructed from the dissipator part is given by S=(II+σzσz)i:i=0,1. Consider an eigenvector with maximum eigenvalue and an eigenvector with minimum eigenvalue of the operator HS. Such a pair is

ψMax=12(00+11)andψMin=12(00-11). 25

Suppose we are going to probe the system N times with the state

ρMax-Min=ψ(N)ψ(N)=12(ψMaxN+ψMinN)(ψMaxN+ψMinN). 26

It is possible to see that ψ(N) is a codeword of the stabilizer code Q, since SψMax=ψMax and SψMin=ψMin, for all SS. Now, the achievability of the HL scaling can be seen in two ways. Firstly from the above discussion, where state membership in the stabilizer code is verified in the quantum or classical realms using the tools presented previously in this paper. Secondly from Eq. (22), where we have that the dissipator part does not contribute to the evolution since

2JρMax-MinJ-JJρMax-Min-ρMax-MinJJ=2ρMax-Min-ρMax-Min-ρMax-Min=0. 27

Concluding remarks

In this work we have constructed stabilizer codes for open quantum systems governed by the Lindblad master equation. To achieve this goal, we had to go beyond the tools that exist for stabilizer codes in the literature. As an important step, we have extended the formulation of stabilizer codes under the influence of errors forming a group to those forming a vector space. Using stabilizer codes as tools, we were able to determine conditions under which decoherence-free subspaces exist.

Observe that we have not been the first to identify a connection between stabilizer codes and decoherence-free subspaces. However, differently from previous works27, we give a direct algebraic relation between the Lindblad operators, DFSs, and stabilizer codes. It is shown in Ref.27 that DFSs are a specific class of quantum error correcting codes, but no constructive method to derive the stabilizer set from the Lindblad operators was shown. Furthermore, as was shown in previous sections, we extended the stabilizer description to classical error-correcting codes defined over the complex number field. More precisely, the standard theory of quantum error-correcting codes contains quantum codes derived from classical codes, i.e., linear codes defined over finite fields. In this new context, we consider classical codes defined over C, the complex field which has characteristic zero, and this fact modifies completely the techniques to be applied in the constructions of our results. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first work presenting such a formulation. In particular, there are DFS that have a stabilizer code as a subspace. This inclusion may or may not be proper. However, dealing with stabilizer codes can produce results that we could not obtain otherwise. In fact, one can find encoding methods for stabilizer codes that are procedural and optimum algorithms for creating the corresponding code space. Additionally, set membership can be optimally implemented by decoding methods. Later in the paper we constructed an algorithm for quantum metrology that uses set membership as one of the important steps. Therefore, dealing with decoherence-free stabilizer code instead of the whole decoherence-free subspace is computationally relevant for several applications.

It is worth noting that the methodology taken to develop the symplectic dual and decoherence-free stabilizer codes can be tailored to general noise. Suppose we wish to extend the formulation of to operators of the form

E=l=1Lj=1N(a0jlIj+a1jlσxj+a2jlσyj+a3jlσzj), 28

where L is the number of terms in the sum describing the operator E, and N is the number of physical systems. A naive approach would be to map operators to matrices where, for a fixed l, the elements aijl, for i=0,1,2,3 and j=1,,N, correspond to the l-th row of the respective matrix. There are some problems with this strategy. First of all, one should impose an ordering over the terms in the sum going from l=1,,L as a way to make a uniquely correspondence between each term in the sum and a row in the matrix. Secondly, the composition of errors could result in a sum of matrices giving a matrix with more rows than the original matrices that are being summed; e.g., suppose we have E1 with L1 terms in the sum and E2 with L2 terms in the sum, then E1E2 can produce up to L1×L2 terms. This can be solved since there is a maximum L of terms with which any operator can be described. Third, and more importantly, the above representation is not unique. To see this, consider the operator

A=(I+σx+σz)σy+σzσx, 29

which can also be written as

A=(I+σx)σy+σz(σx+σy). 30

The issue of uniqueness in representing an operator and, consequently, its matrix representation may be solved by introducing equivalence classes over matrix spaces similar to the equivalence classes utilized in the definition of tensor product of vector spaces28. Even though this problem may be solved, the formulation seems not straightforward. Therefore, we have used matrix vectorization to avoid all these complications.

This paper suggests future lines of investigation from a coding theory perspective. Firstly, constructing code parameter bounds by connecting physical constraints over Lindblad operators to the stabilizer code parameters. A quantification of goodness for decoherence-free subspaces can be obtained from this topic. One could also show the nonexistence of decoherence-free subspaces, which could lead to a more effective approach to investigating open quantum systems. Secondly, identifying decoherence-free subspaces as stabilizer codes generates the possibility to classify some evolutions of open quantum systems. One approach is connecting some evolutions to families of classical codes. Lastly, because of the novel approach presented, we expect quantum evolutions with decoherence-free stabilizer codes leading to classical codes that have not been discovered yet.

As an application of our formulation, we presented a novel algebraic method for attaining the Heisenberg limit scaling is using of stabilizer codes. Explanations of tools and codes created in the paper are illustrated through an example. The algebraic approach developed to attain the Heisenberg limit scaling paves the way to attack this quantum metrology problem by reservoir engineering. Finally, we would like to point out that our formalism applies also to Lindbladian operators coming from microscopic (Hamiltonian) dynamics, although the realizability of decoherence-free stabilizer codes will of course then depend on such dynamics, and will, eventually, be related to the existence of dark states.


Stabilizer codes and decoherence-free subspaces

Now, we are going to describe in detail the error basis and error vector space used throughout the paper. A set E of operators on C2 is denoted a nice error basis if it attains three conditions: (a) it contains the identity operator, (b) it is closed under the composition of operators, (c) Tr{AB}=0 for distinct elements A,BE. In this paper, we consider the error basis

E={I,σx,σy,σz}, 31

where I is the identity operator and σi, for i=x,y,z, are the Pauli matrices. The inner product of two distinct elements AB in E is given by

A,B=Tr{AB}. 32

Clearly, E is a nice error basis. Additionally, we have that if E1 and E2 are nice error bases, then E2={E1E2:E1E1,E2E2} is a nice error basis as well. Let EN be the error basis constructed as N-fold tensor product of the Pauli matrices shown in Eq. (31). The error group, denoted by GN, is the vector space over C consisting of the elements in EN.

The symplectic forms introduced in the Results section are based on the commutation relation obtained for the type of errors that we are considering in this paper. In particular, let A=a0I+a1σx+a2σy+a3σz and B=b0I+b1σx+b2σy+b3σz be two elements generated by E. Then

[A,B]=2i((a2b3-b2a3)σx+(a3b1-b3a1)σy+(a1b2-b1a2)σz). 33

It follows from the commutation relations of the Pauli operators [σi,σj]=2iϵijkσk, for i,j,k=x,y,z.

Proposition 3

(12, Theorem 4, Proposition 5, Theorem 6) Let the time evolution be given by the Markovian open system dynamics. Then, the space P=span{ψi}i=1,,K is a DFS for all time t if and only if Jlψk=clψk, for all l=1,,M and k=1,,K, and the commutator [Hev,Jl] has eigenvalues equal to zero for all ψkP, and l=1,,M. Here

Hev=HS+i2l=1Mλl(clJl-clJl). 34

Suppose the evolution of a state ρ(t) is given by the Lindblad master equation with the dissipator part described by operators from the set J={Jl:l=1,,M}. Assume the existence of a DFS satisfying the assumptions of Proposition 3. Then we can construct the following stabilizer set:

SDFS:=S1,,SM:Sl=cl-1Jl,forl=1,,M,whereJlJ. 35

Suppose Q is the joint eigenspace with eigenvalue +1 for every element in SDFS; i.e., SDFS stabilizes Q. If [Si,Sj]=0, for all i,j=1,,M, then SDFS is an abelian group. Furthermore, if the system Hamiltonian Hev belongs to the centralizer CGN(SDFS), then we can conclude from Proposition 3 that Q is DFS. Similar arguments can be used for sDFS where the stabilizer group is given by SsDFS and the commutativity condition is imposed over HS.

To show this result, notice that the claim that Q is a stabilizer code of SDFS follows from the fact that Q is the nontrivial maximal +1-eigenspace of SDFS. Secondly, for any ψQ and SlSDFS we have

Jlψ=clSlψ=clψ. 36

Since HS+i2l=1Mλl(clJl-clJl) belongs to CGN(SDFS), then the commutator of HS+i2l=1Mλl(clJl-clJl) with any element in SDFS has eigenvalue equal to zero. Therefore, from Eq. (36) and Proposition 3, we have that Q is also a decoherence-free subspace.

Decoherence-free stabilizer codes for tensor-product noise

Considering the +ζ operation defined in Eq. (12) as the sum operation of the additive codes, we derive some constraint over the coordinates of the elements in these codes.

Let C be an +ζ-additive code. If v1=(a0,a1,a2,a3) and v2=(b0,b1,b2,b3) are elements in C, then

a2jb3j=a3jb2j, 37a
a3jb1j=a1jb3j, 37b
a1jb2j=a2jb1j, 37c

and the following system of equations must also be satisfied

alj=0, 38a
aij=±iakj, 38b

for pairwise distinct l,i,k{1,2,3} and each j=1,,N.

To show this result, observe that the set of conditions presented in Eq. (37) follows by imposing commutativity of +ζ in Eq. (12). To derive the conditions in Eq. (38), notice that Eq. (37) can be written as

a2jb3j-a3jb2j=0, 39a
a3jb1j-a1jb3j=0, 39b
a1jb2j-a2jb1j=0, 39c

which has a nontrivial solution if and only if a1ja2ja3j=0. Substituting this condition in Eq. (39) and imposing nontriviality to the solution again, we obtain aij2=-akj2 and alj=0 for pairwise distinct l,i,k{1,2,3}. Notice that for each j, we have independent conditions.

We have presented some intuitions on how to relate operators and vectors (some constraints on the coordinates of the vectors have been presented). However, we need to develop further tools and properties to derive a stabilizer formalism connecting stabilizer and additive codes. In particular, three points are covered in the following subsection. Firstly, we demonstrate that the map ·,·ζ is a symplectic form. Using this fact, we show that the map ζ is an isomorphism between abelian sets of operators and additive codes. Lastly, we introduce symplectic dual codes and the stabilizer formalism connecting quantum stabilizer codes with +ζ-additive codes.

Symplectic form and additive codes

A symplectic form connects the centralizer of a stabilizer group to the dual code of the classical code corresponding to the stabilizer group. Symplectic forms can be defined over vector spaces or groups. In the following we consider a symplectic form over groups. Thus, the dual code obtained is an additive code.

A symplectic form over an additive group G to a field F is a function

f:G×GF(g1,g2)f(g1,g2), 40

such that

f(g1+g2,g3)=f(g1,g3)+f(g2,g3), 41a
f(g1,g2)=-f(g2,g1), 41b
f(g1,g1)=0, 41c

for all g1,g2,g3G.

For the operation in Eqs. (13-15) to be a symplectic form, the first point we need to show is that the image of ζ equipped with a proper additive operation forms an additive group.

We claim that the set V=ζ(CGN(S)), where S is a stabilizer group, equipped with +ζ operation from Eq (12) is an additive group. Indeed, let vA,vB,vCV, then the following axioms are satisfied:

  1. V is closed under +ζ;

  2. vA+ζvB=vB+ζvA;

  3. (vA+ζvB)+ζvC=vA+ζ(vB+ζvC);

  4. there exists an element vI such that vA+ζvI=vA;

  5. For each vAV, there exists an element vBV such that vA+ζvB=vI=vB+ζvA.

The first point is clearly true. For the second point, we have that V is the image of ζ over CGN(S). From Eq. (33), we have

a2jb3j-a3jb2j=0, 42a
a3jb1j-a1jb3j=0, 42b
a1jb2j-a2jb1j=0, 42c

for j=1,,N, where alj and bpj are the coordinates of the vectors vA and vB, respectively, for l,p=1,2,3. Thus, we can see from Eq. (12) that +ζ is abelian. For the third point, let vD=vA+ζvB and vE=vB+ζvC, where each coordinate is given by

d0j=a0jb0j+a1jb1j+a2jb2j+a3jb3j, 43a
d1j=a1jb0j+a0jb1j, 43b
d2j=a2jb0j+a0jb2j, 43c
d3j=a3jb0j+a0jb3j, 43d


e0j=b0jc0j+b1jc1j+b2jc2j+b3jc3j, 44a
e1j=b1jc0j+b0jc1j, 44b
e2j=b2jc0j+b0jc2j, 44c
e3j=b3jc0j+b0jc3j, 44d

for j=1,,N. Then, the result of the sum vF=vD+vC can be described by

f0j=(a0jb0j+a1jb1j+a2jb2j+a3jb3j)c0j+(a1jb0j+a0jb1j)c1j+(a2jb0j+a0jb2j)c2j+(a3jb0j+a0jb3j)c3j, 45a
f1j=(a1jb0j+a0jb1j)c0j+(a0jb0j+a1jb1j+a2jb2j+a3jb3j)c1j, 45b
f2j=(a2jb0j+a0jb2j)c0j+(a0jb0j+a1jb1j+a2jb2j+a3jb3j)c2j, 45c
f3j=(a3jb0j+a0jb3j)c0j+(a0jb0j+a1jb1j+a2jb2j+a3jb3j)c3j. 45d

Similarly, it follows that the sum vF=vA+vE is equal to

f0j=a0j(b0jc0j+b1jc1j+b2jc2j+b3jc3j)+a1j(b1jc0j+b0jc1j)+a2j(b2jc0j+b0jc2j)+a3j(b3jc0j+b0jc3j), 46a
f1j=a1j(b0jc0j+b1jc1j+b2jc2j+b3jc3j)+a0j(b1jc0j+b0jc1j), 46b
f2j=a2j(b0jc0j+b1jc1j+b2jc2j+b3jc3j)+a0j(b2jc0j+b0jc2j), 46c
f3j=a3j(b0jc0j+b1jc1j+b2jc2j+b3jc3j)+a0j(b3jc0j+b0jc3j). 46d

Rearranging the terms in Eq. (46) and utilizing the relation from Eq. (42), we see that fij=fij for i=0,1,2,3 and j=1,,N. Therefore, we have proven Property 3. From the definition of +ζ and the relation from Eq. (42), we have that the identity element exists. In particular, the identity element is given by vI=(1N,0N,0N,0N), where 1N and 0N are N-dimensional vectors with all coordinates equal to 1 and 0, respectively. The same approach can be used to show Property 5.

Now, we can use the previous algebraic structure to show that the expression given in Eqs. (13-15) is a symplectic form. Let vA=(x0,a1,a2,a3),vB=(x0,b1,b2,b3), and vC=(x0,c1,c2,c3)V. From the clear relationship between Eqs. (13-15), we only need to show that one of these functions is a symplectic form. Then,

vA+ζvB,vCζ(1,j)=(a2jx0j+x0jb2j)c3j-(a3jx0j+a0jx3j)c2j=(a2jc3j-a3jc2j)x0j+(b2jc3j-b3jc2j)x0j=vA,vCζ(1,j)+vB,vCζ(1,j), 47

where j=1,,N and we have used the fact that x0=(1,1,,1). It is also possible to see that

vA,vBζ(1,j)=a2jb3j-a3jb2j=-(a3jb2j-a2jb3j)=-vB,vAζ(1,j), 48

and vA,vAζ(1,j)=0. Thus, we have shown that ·,·ζ(1,j) is, in fact, a symplectic form.

Similar to previous works on stabilizer codes, we are going to derive a connection between stabilizer codes and classical error-correcting codes. This approach enables us to derive algebraic conditions for the construction and existence of decoherence-free stabilizer codes. We can use it to show the nonexistence of decoherence-free stabilizer codes with some specific parameters.

Theorem 4

Let VSDFS=ζ(SDFS) be a basis of the +ζ-additive code of the form C={cC4N|c=(c0,c1,c2,c3)wherec0=(1,1,,1)CNandc1,c2,c3CN}. Then, a decoherence-free stabilizer code Q exists if there exists an +ζ-additive code C over C generated by VSDFS such that CCζ and ζ(Hev)Cζ.

Indeed, since CCζ, then for all S1,S2SDFS we have [S1,S2]=0. This implies the existence of a maximum joint eigenspace of all operators in SDFS. Let us denote it by Q. In particular, Q is a stabilizer code with the stabilizer given by SDFS. On the other hand, the hypothesis ζ(Hev)Cζ leads to [Hev,Si]=0 for any SiSDFS. Therefore, the eigenvalue of the commutator of Hev with any operator in SDFS is equal to zero. Using Proposition 3, we have that Q is also a decoherence-free subspace.

Decoherence-free stabilizer codes for general noise

Let A,BL(C2N) be operators. We define the sum of the vectors vec(A) and vec(B) by

vec(A)+vecvec(B)=(AI)vec(B). 49

If A commutes with B, then it is clear that vec(A)+vecvec(B)=vec(B)+vecvec(A). Note that +vec is not the traditional sum of vectors, which always commutes.

We utilize this relationship to show that the result from the previous subsection and the standard stabilizer formalism can be derived from the formulation presented below. Furthermore, the vectorization of the commutator between two operators is used later to construct the symplectic form and the dual code of the additive code.

Let S be a stabilizer set with operators satisfying the structure of the previous subsection. Assume that Cζ=ζ(S) and Cvec=vec(S), where the composition of operators in S corresponds to the respective operation of the additive group. Then CζCvec.

In fact, consider a quantum system with N=1. An operator E can be written as E=e01I+e11σx+e21σy+e31σz or E=e00100+e01101+e10110+e11111, where ei1, i=0,1,2,3, and epq1, p,q=0,1, satisfy the relations

e001=e01+e31, 50a
e011=e11-ie21, 50b
e101=e11+ie21, 50c
e111=e01-e31, 50d


e01=(e001+e111)/2, 51a
e11=(e011+e101)/2, 51b
e21=(e101-e011)/2i, 51c
e31=(e001-e111)/2. 51d

Extending these relations to any positive integer N, taking into account that the relations are independent from one to another qubit, we obtain

e00l=e0l+e3l, 52a
e01l=e1l-ie2l, 52b
e10l=e1l+ie2l, 52c
e11l=e0l-e3l, 52d


e0l=(e00l+e11l)/2, 53a
e1l=(e01l+e10l)/2, 53b
e2l=(e10l-e01l)/2i, 53c
e3l=(e00l-e11l)/2. 53d

for l=1,,N.Thus, it is clear that one can describe a vector in the vec formulation in terms of the coordinates of the vector in the ζ formulation. In order to show that these two formulations are equivalent, we need to show that the additive operation in one formulation can be described by the vectors in the other formulation. Let

A=i1,j1iN,jNai1j11aiNjNNi1j1iNjN, 54
B=p1,r1pN,rNbp1r11bpNrNNp1r1pNrN. 55


vec(AB)=p1,r1pN,rNbp1r11bpNrNN(Ap1pN)r1rN=i1,,iNr1,,rN(p1,,pNai1p11bp1r11aiNpNNbpNrNN)i1iN)r1rN=i1,,iNr1,,rN[(p1ai1p11bp1r11)(pNaiNpNNbpNrNN)]i1iN)r1rN. 56

We can describe each coordinate by

vec(AB)i1,,iN,r1,,rN=(p1ai1p11bp1r11)(pNaiNpNNbpNrNN). 57

From Eq. (52), denoting λi2,,iN,r2,,rN=(p2ai2p22bp2r22)(pNaiNpNNbpNrNN), we obtain

vec(AB)0,i2,,iN,0,r2,,rN=[(a01+a31)(b01+b31)+(a11-ia21)(b11+ib21)]λi2,,iN,r2,,rN, 58a
vec(AB)0,i2,,iN,1,r2,,rN=[(a01+a31)(b11-ib21)+(a11-ia21)(b01-b31)]λi2,,iN,r2,,rN, 58b
vec(AB)1,i2,,iN,0,r2,,rN=[(a11+ia21)(b01+b31)+(a01-a31)(b11+ib21)]λi2,,iN,r2,,rN, 58c
vec(AB)1,i2,,iN,1,r2,,rN=[(a11+ia21)(b11-ib21)+(a01-a31)(b01-b31)]λi2,,iN,r2,,rN. 58d

Expanding λi2,,iN,r2,,rN in terms of aij and bij, we see that vec(AB) can be computed from the vector representation given in Eq. (7). Similarly, Eq. (53) can be applied in order to describe ζ(AB) in terms of vec(A) and vec(B).

Let S be a stabilizer group with operators satisfying the structure of the standard stabilizer formalism. Assume that C is the additive group constructed using the standard stabilizer formalism and Cvec=vec(S), where the composition of operators in S corresponds to the respective operation of the additive group. Then CCvec.

To show this result, consider the single qubit N=1 case. Let A=X(a)Z(b), for a,bZ2. Then we can write

A=A0000+A0101+A1010+A1111, 59

where A00=1-a, A01=(-1)ba, A10=a, A11=(-1)b(1-a). These equalities are clearly invertible. Now, consider the case where N>1. The coordinates of vec(AB) are given by

vec(AB)i1,,iN,r1,,rN=(p1ai1p11bp1r11)(pNaiNpNNbpNrNN)=ABi1r11ABiNrNN. 60

Then we can see that

AB00j=(1-a1j)(1-(-1)b1j)+(-1)b1ja2ja1j, 61a
AB01j=(1-a1j)(-1)b1j+b2j+(1-(-1)b1j)(-1)b2ja2ja1j, 61b
AB10j=(1-(-1)b1j)a1j+(-1)b1ja2j(1-a1j), 61c
AB11j=a1j(-1)b1j+b2j+(1-(-1)b1j)(-1)b2j(1-a1j)a2j. 61d

Since the above equalities are invertible, we have that both formulations are equivalent.

As explained in the previous section, we need to have a symplectic form to construct the additive code related to the stabilizer code and its centralizer. We can use Eq. (4) to construct the symplectic form used in this subsection.

The map from Eq. (17) is a symplectic form over C. Indeed, let A,B,CL(C2N) be operators. First of all, we see that

vec(A)+vec(B),vec(C)vec=i=12N([(A+B)I-I(A+B)T]vec(C))i=i=12N[(AI-IAT)vec(C)]i+i=12N[(BI-IBT)vec(C)]i=vec(A),vec(C)vec+vec(B),vec(C)vec. 62

The second point follows from

vec(A),vec(B)vec=i=12N[vec([A,B])]i=i=12N[vec(AB)-vec(BA)]i=-i=12N(vec(BA)-vec(AB))i=-i=12N[vec([B,A])]i=-vec(B),vec(A)vec. 63

We used the linearity of the vectorization in the second equality. The last point follows by expanding an operator A in an eigenbasis and computing (AI-IAT)vec(A).

Since ·,·vec gives a symplectic form, Eq. (18) is indeed the dual code of an additive code. Furthermore, we can extend the stabilizer formulation presented in the previous subsection to a larger set of errors.

Theorem 5

Let VSDFS=vec(SDFS) be a basis of the +vec-additive code C. Then, a decoherence-free stabilizer code Q exists if there exists an +vec-additive code C over C generated by VSDFS such that CCvec and vec(Hev)Cvec.

This result follows the same reasoning used in the previous subsection.


The authors acknowledge the funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement QUARTET No 862644.

Author contributions

F.R.F.P. and S.M. contributed to the conceptualization. F.R.F.P. and G.G.L.G. contributed to the methodology. S.M. and G.G.L.G. supervised the work. F.R.F.P. wrote the original draft. All authors reviewed the manuscript.

Data availibility

All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.


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