Table 1. Coefficients for the model Y = b + m∗X + n∗D + k∗(D∗X) presented as Eq. (1) in the text where X is log10-transformed 5-d trimmed N/PMMoV and Y is log10-transformed incidence rate.
Adjusted R-square values and p-values for the model are provided, as well as the F statistic (and the degrees of freedom, DF). Coefficient values with standard errors are reported as well as p-values in parentheses. With Bonferroni corrections, p must be less than 0.0013 for alpha = 0.05. If n is significantly different from 0, then the intercept for the linear relationship between X and Y before and after 1 May 2022 is different and equal to b + n. If k is significantly different from 0, then the slope for the linear relationship between X and Y is different before and after 1 May 2022 and equal to m + k.
POTW | b | m | n | k | Adjusted R2 | F-statistic |
SJ | 0.29 ± 0.07 (1.3 ×10−5) | 0.96 ± 0.02 (<10−100) | −0.96 ± 0.18 (<10−7) | −0.12 ± 0.05 (0.014) | 0.86 (<10−15) | 1545 on 3 and 773 DF |
OS | −1.22 ± 0.05 (<10−100) | 0.65 ± 0.01 (<10−100) | −1.51 ± 0.22 (<10−11) | −0.29 ± 0.06 (<10−5) | 0.81 (<10−15) | 1070 on 3 and 733 DF |
SAC | −0.26 ± 0.06 (2.9 ×10−5) | 0.88 ± 0.02 (<10−100) | −0.61 ± 0.15 (6.7 ×10−5) | −0.067 ± 0.04 (0.10) | 0.83 (<10−15) | 1270 on 3 and 765 DF |