Fig. 1. Behavioural correlates of octopus two-stage sleep.
a, Mean skin brightness over time during an active rest bout. The top shows images of octopus body, viewed from the top with head facing up, from throughout the active bout. b, Recording mean skin brightness over longer timescales reveals rhythmic alternation between AS and QS. c–f, Relative to QS, AS bouts see an increase in eye movements (c), body movements (d), breathing rate (breaths per minute) (e) and breathing variability (coefficient of variation) (f). Two-sided Wilcoxon sign rank tests (quiet versus active), P = 0.00025, 0.00033, 0.00018, 0.00077, n = 10 bouts, three animals. g, QS between two active bouts is characterized by repeated flashes of colouration. Rows begin at active bout start, ordered by time to the following active bout (n = 6 animals, high-pass filtered 0.005 Hz for display). h, Active bout inter-event interval is temperature dependent (n = 243 bouts, ten animals). i,j, Circadian rhythm in active bout rate persists over 3 days of constant light (i) or darkness (j) (n = 6 animals, Methods).