Endocrinol Metab 2017;32:106-14
There was an error in numbers in the abstract and discussion section, which should be revised as follows.
Abstract (page 106)
Before correction: The reference interval of serum TSH in the Korean reference population was 0.62 to 6.68 mIU/L.
After correction: The reference interval of serum TSH in the Korean reference population was 0.62 to 6.86 mIU/L.
Discussion section (page 113)
Before correction: In conclusion, the reference interval of TSH in the Korean population was found to be between 0.62 to 6.68 mIU/L.
After correction: In conclusion, the reference interval of TSH in the Korean population was found to be between 0.62 to 6.86 mIU/L.
We would like to apologize for any inconvenience or misunderstanding.